Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 742 You Represent Youth!

Chapter 742 You Represent Youth!

Prepare for battle.

Zhang Wenjun was startled by the two words that Zhang Jiangang said.

"Preparation?" Zhang Wenjun murmured even more.

Zhang Jiangang nodded, raised his chest and looked towards the unknown void.

The so-called bottleneck period of the past 100 years is too weird, and Zhang Jiangang has to guard against it.

Zhang Jiangang looked through the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, and read the materials of various planes, and it was often a catastrophe after a prosperous age.

In the turbulent years after the recovery of spiritual energy, there will be no reason for a hundred years.

In addition, Zhang Jiangang did not accept the prophecy of his nephew Zhiqiang and his friends for a hundred years of stability.

He won't bet on the safety and development of countless people on the first plane.

The reason why Zhang Jiangang dared to formulate the latest series of actions was not just because of his nephews, especially the so-called dream prophecy of Xiaodong.

It was because Zhang Jiangang had done a lot of work before finally making the decision.

And this job, of course, is Little Red Book!
Now there are nearly [-] billion people in the entire No. [-] plane, and the data of billions of local monsters are all recorded in Xiaohongshu by Zhang Jiangang.

It can be said that the Little Red Book is the No. [-] Longteng Immortal Domain's own local book of life and death!
"Through the changes in the life expectancy of more than 100 billion people in Xiaohongshu in the next [-] years, I did come to the conclusion that the No. [-] plane will be stable in the next [-] years." Zhang Jiangang said to his son who was looking at him.

"Then?" Zhang Wenjun asked doubtfully, but he was also relieved.

Although the dreams of my cousin and the others have never been missed, but this time Zhang Wenjun is actually doubtful and unreliable.

After all, it is a hundred years old, and the Longteng Immortal Realm and the No. [-] plane cannot bear the risk of a hundred years.

A hundred-year-level planar development strategy cannot tolerate any mistakes.

So Zhang Wenjun breathed a sigh of relief when his father said that Xiaohongshu data showed that there would be no major problems in the next hundred years.

Little Red Book is a magical thing.

Not only can he record and deprive others of their longevity, but he also has the function of 'prophecy'.

This kind of prediction function is based on the case that there are enough samples on Xiaohongshu.

For example, when Xiaohongshu included tens of billions of people's longevity data on the entire No. [-] plane.

Then he can conduct an analysis of the future through the data of all the lives of the entire No. [-] plane!
So this is not so much a prediction, but a kind of data speculation and reasoning.

"But I found a bigger problem." Zhang Jiangang said again.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Wenjun hurriedly asked, his heart was in his throat.

"Just this morning, the data on people's lifespan in plane No. 150 on Xiaohongshu changed. It shows that the lifespan of a large number of local people and monks has been reduced to below 20.00 years old! The proportion has reached 20.00% three! Among them, Chinese people The corresponding proportion also accounted for [-]%." ​​Zhang Jiangang said.

"Not only that, a large number of local masters at the moment have also plummeted in longevity, and Kaner will be in the next hundred years or so."

"What? At present, the average life expectancy in the world is over 180 years old, and the average life expectancy of Chinese people has reached [-] years." Zhang Wenjun exclaimed.

More than one in five people did not live past the average life expectancy!
And don't forget that with the development of Ziyu World, the average life expectancy of the people should increase continuously.

For example, in just a few short years, since the recovery of spiritual energy, the average life expectancy of Chinese people has risen from less than 80 years old at the beginning to 150 years old now.

According to this law, if there are no major accidents, the average life expectancy of Chinese people will be at least hundreds of years after a hundred years, right?
So how is it possible that suddenly one in five people will not live to be 150 years old?
In an instant, Zhang Wenjun came to his senses, and his expression changed, "You mean?"

"En! This means that they are dead!" Zhang Jiangang nodded heavily.

What circumstances will cause more than 20.00% of people's life expectancy to come to an abrupt end at the age of 150?

Turmoil, plane wars, monster wars, or other more terrifying things.

"So I guess there will be a catastrophe in a hundred years." Zhang Jiangang said seriously.

Moreover, Zhang Jiangang also checked the lifespan of some people who were not on the No. [-] plane.

For example, those Immortals and Demons who reside on the No. [-] plane, such as Anshou Haicha.

Among them, a considerable proportion of life yuan has been greatly discounted.

"That is to say, this is a catastrophe affecting all heavens?" After hearing what Zhang Jiangang said later, Zhang Wenjun's tone was a bit wrong, and his eyes were unprecedentedly serious and serious.

"Very likely." Zhang Jiangang nodded, and his eyes fell on the little red book in his body.

Now Zhang Jiangang's way of using Xiaohongshu has some significance for big data statistics and analysis.

Through the analysis of massive data, Zhang Jiangang is often able to predict the enemy first.

I don't know if the Lords of the Great Immortal World and the Underworld have discovered this way of using the Book of Life and Death.

In short, the conclusion drawn from the macro analysis of Xiaohongshu really gave Zhang Jiangang a sense of urgency.

This is why Zhang Jiangang seized the opportunity of a century to improve himself.

"In 100 years, plus the time bonus of the Kongming Hourglass, my cultivation will definitely be further improved." Zhang Jiangang continued, "I'm afraid that the mentioned strength will not be able to cope with the great changes in the future."

Zhang Wenjun also frowned slightly.

"That's why you and Longteng's high-level executives must be loose on the outside and tight on the inside!" Zhang Jiangang looked at his son.

"En!" Zhang Wenjun nodded heavily.

"The cultivation of local monks, especially the cultivation of Longteng cultivators, not only cannot be put down, but should be stepped up and doubled! There is also the cultivation of local monsters, especially the cultivation of local purple imperial bacteria. After I leave, it will all be up to you."

"I know."

"In terms of public opinion, you can follow your own ideas. In the past few decades, don't rush to announce, first loosen the outside and tighten the inside."

"Yes, you should consolidate the transition period first and try your best to expand your influence for decades. You don't have to follow my previous strategy and style of action, just follow your own routine. Under the great changes, any approach is worth trying. "

Zhang Wenjun nodded.

Indeed, I do have my own set of ideas and techniques.

And these fathers know it too.

Although his father hasn't left yet, Zhang Wenjun is already looking forward to the implementation of his own strategies and policies.

"If it is really as you expected, then after you leave, the trade quota of the heavens will not only not be reduced, but may actually be greatly strengthened." Zhang Wenjun said.

If it really affects the heavens, then strengthening the strength of the heavens will increase the sense of security in Zi Yu's world.

"That's right, but you also have to observe during this process to see if the fairy world and the enchanted world are involved. Don't fatten up the enemy." Zhang Jiangang continued, "There is also the Ziyu world exploration in the No. [-] plane universe. Hurry up."

"Let go! You represent youth, and there are countless young people on this earth waiting for you to take over."


(End of this chapter)

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