Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 747 Wandering, deep in the universe!

Chapter 747 Wandering, deep in the universe!
At first I thought that Zhang Jiangang was the deity, and this group of immortals and demon players tried their best to get close, hoping to get communication and guidance.

It turned out to be a virtual npc in the game
Later, it turned out that it was an NPC, and I wanted to vent my anger by beating 'Zhang Jiangang' violently to satisfy my vanity.

It turned out that this npc is simply a god.

Whoever touches it will die.

Many people have even been out of Xinshou Village for more than a year, thinking that they are awesome, and they will try to beat Zhang Jiangang again when they come back.

As a result, even if he came back to kill Zhang Jiangang after he became a Da Luo Jinxian, he was still instantly killed.

A group of onlookers snatched away all the equipment of the Great Luo Jinxian.

You must know that this Da Luo Jinxian kills other NPCs in seconds on other maps.

At this point everyone finally understood that Zhang Jiangang was untouchable.

In this world background of the sky and the blue moon, Zhang Jiangang is a god.

These immortals and demon players are both uncomfortable and aggrieved.

At the same time, a legend began to spread in the sky and blue moon, that is, whoever can kill Zhang Jiangang will get the most powerful skills and artifacts in the game.

Zhang Jiangang is the biggest monster in the heavens!
In the more than 100 years since then, Zhang Jiangang's name seems to have gradually faded, and he has begun to live in the game.

But the farce of "I'll be waiting for you at Novice Village at half o'clock tonight" only lasted for a few days.

Soon, this group of immortals and enchanted players completely sank in this game.

Because of this rapid increase in level, this sense of accomplishment in the game, especially the battle between immortals, demons, and mortals, and the battles between different planes released the energy they had accumulated all along.

At the same time, at twelve o'clock that night, the three-world war between the immortals, demons, and human races in the heavens made the headlines of the next day's news.

According to statistics, at least tens of millions of people participated in the melee at twelve o'clock last night.

Among them, in addition to mortals, more than 200 planes of the fairy world and the ghost world participated.

Many big figures from Xianting and Xueting also participated in the battle.

This scene looks like a real Three Worlds War.

These guys are all released in the game that they can't get in reality on weekdays.

The game has become a new platform for more than 200 planes to compete for hegemony.

Last night alone, 9000 million people died in the melee of the Three Realms.

When the number of casualties came out, countless people were dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Immortal and Miracle put all the energy of war into the game. If the Three Realms War broke out in reality, how many people would die?

At the same time, the parent company of the Tianlanyue page game has made a fortune, with a continuous daily limit, and the stock price has been soaring.

Time flies, in the absurdity of the virtual and the uneasiness of Zhang Jiangang's power transfer in reality, three months passed by in a flash.

Zhang Jiangang still left.

The mood of countless people on this day is extremely complicated.

They don't know what will happen to Longteng Immortal Territory in the future.

They don't know what will happen to the heavens.

They don't even know what will happen to these more than 200 planes in the future, whether there will be a three-world war like in the game, and they have fallen into complete chaos so far.

What they didn't even know was that an interstellar probe, Tianwen 9, had already taken off that night, and a few days later it had flown around Mars, which is [-] million kilometers away from the earth, and then flew towards the farther starry sky.

To explore possible suspected life planets, and look for more possibilities.

To say that the planet is suspected of life does not mean that there was life on this planet a long time ago, but that after the aura was revived, life was suspected to have been born on this planet!Or in other words, it is very likely to start to give birth to life!
And this planet is just one of countless planets that are suspected to have begun to give birth to life after the recovery of spiritual energy!
And all of this needs to be explored!
Today, mankind officially begins to explore the cosmic legacy of the resurgence of aura a few years ago!
What will happen after 100 years?Zhang Jiangang didn't know either.

After 100 years, is the rising strength of the earth qualified to step on the stage of chaos in the heavens? Zhang Jiangang doesn't know.

After 100 years, what level of strength can one reach?Zhang Jiangang still didn't know.

He only knows that he needs to practice in closed doors for 100 years to improve himself infinitely!

He also knew that simply improving his own strength was not enough, he had to stay behind.

He hoped that if the living earth on the first plane wanted to survive, it could not rely on waiting, let alone rely on luck!
If one day the mortals on Earth [-] can really win, it must be on their own!

It's just that with the resources of the earth and the development speed of Longteng Immortal Realm, 100 years is definitely not enough.

According to Zhang Jiangang's speculation, including the dreams of Zhiqiang Ming and that Xiaodong, Zhang Jiangang believes that after 100 years, the earth may not be able to bear it, and may even be invaded!
And this kind of invasion must have exceeded the resistance of today's Longteng Immortal Territory, including the assistance of allies.

In fact, don't look at the recovery of the earth's aura and the arrival of the purple imperial aura, but in fact the purple imperial aura lasted for only three days, and then disappeared like a strange tide.

If it doesn't disappear, if the earth is still full of abundant purple aura, Zhang Jiangang believes that the earth will be terrible in a hundred years!

However, there has never been an if in this world.

So where is the way out for mortals?

Zhang Jiangang thought it was the entire universe in the vast No. [-] plane!

Because the recovery of spiritual energy is not only on the earth, but throughout the entire universe!
After the recovery of aura, new life forms began to be born in all corners of the universe, even similar to the earth's original bacteria, and even stronger than the earth's original bacteria.

After the resurgence of aura, new precious, powerful and mysterious resources began to appear in all corners of the universe.

The infinite possibilities of the entire universe after the revival of Reiki!
Zhang Jiangang has a guess, that is, the mortals on Earth rely on the No. [-] plane itself in the end!
Of course, this is all Zhang Jiangang's guess.

And his purpose in doing all this is to find another possibility for the earth and mortals!
Tianwen No. 9 is still flying at the fastest speed combining technology and comprehension.

The probe is not large, in fact it is not even a manned probe.

But there are a lot of resources in it.

Zhang Jiangang, who was stored in the center of the detector through the Kongming hourglass, brought various cultivation resources, various exercises, even various primitive bacteria, and a considerable part of earth species.

During the flight, Zhang Jiangang turned on the Kongming hourglass for the entire process, five times the current limit time flow rate.

"Ah." In the fast-moving probe, although he had made various psychological preparations, Zhang Jiangang still felt a different kind of complexity after getting farther and farther away from the earth.

This is a different kind of loneliness, especially wandering among the stars.

At the same time, at the moment of leaving, Zhang Jiangang finally decided to leave Erbao in Longteng Immortal Territory.

He knew that the second treasure was a variable, but Zhang Jiangang couldn't help it.

Again, he hopes to give the earth one more possibility.

Da Meili wanted to come with her, but was declined by Zhang Jiangang.

It's better to let myself wander alone, what can I do when the beauty comes, after all, it has been hundreds of years.It is estimated that the two of them will get bored after a long time.

Closing his eyes, Zhang Jiangang no longer thought about anything else, but while devoting himself to closed-door training, he wandered in the starry sky with the Tianwen No. 9, the fastest human being can achieve.

However, during the entire process of interstellar travel, although Zhang Jiangang was practicing, he always released his spiritual sense of rule power to the outside world, feeling any clues in the universe.

Time seems to have no meaning, like a moment, but also like ten thousand years.

Zhang Jiangang didn't know how long he had been in seclusion.

During this period, it was rare for Zhang Jiangang to calm down and spend a lot of time in retreat. His strength has grown by leaps and bounds. The time increase of Kongming Hourglass has become stronger and the space has also become larger.

Because the positive and negative sides of Kongming Hourglass have formed a stable small world, Zhang Jiangang does not need to worry about life.

Just like this, wandering in the universe, wandering, until one day, Zhang Jiangang, who was in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes, and looked towards the infinite distance to the left front of Tianwen No. 9!
It's so far away, even so far that Zhang Jiangang doesn't know if he can reach that hell in this life.

But Zhang Jiangang's heart was pounding!

This kind of heartbeat, this kind of excitement and tension is no less than the moment when the reiki recovery came a few years ago!
(End of this chapter)

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