Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 81 This uncle is super loving~~~

Chapter 81 This uncle is super loving~~~
For this "Pig Man", Zhang Jiangang really bleeds this time.

Zhang Jiangang himself is a 'young man', so he knows that young people, that is, parents of children, like to play with mobile phones and tablets. Zhang Jiangang directly bought the cover advertisements of several mainstream mobile web browsers.

Of course, there is also a reason why Brain Dajin made a lot of money for him.


Zhai Li's eyes widened when she saw the browser cover advertisement.

My God, could it be that the advertising text message my husband received was real?This is incredible, isn't it?Is that old man surnamed Zhang so influential?
What Zhai Li didn't know was that these celebrities basically came for Li Ke and Xiangxue.

And this cover advertisement is not only an advertisement for "Pig Man", but also other words.

""Thirty Classic Children's Songs" and "Children's Growth and Healthy Dance", Longteng Health Culture Company will work with you to care for children's health and support the future of our motherland~~"

It says so in the ad.

This old man's mouth is really powerful, he is obviously trying to make money, so he insists on talking so high.

But having said that, the phrase caring for children's health and supporting the future of the motherland still warms the hearts of many netizens, and they have a better impression of this old man who advertises on TV every day.

"Mom, mom, I want to see this, I want to see this~" On the other side, looking at the advertisement cover of "Pig Man", the little girl named Niuniu's eyes lit up, and she pointed to the screen and shouted excitedly.

"Okay, okay, mom will show you, show you." Zhai Li said hastily.

Not to mention that her daughter wanted to watch it, even Zhai Li wanted to see what a children's show with dozens of big stars would look like.

When the 5-second countdown on the ad reached 1, Zhai Li clicked on it.

After watching it for only 10 minutes, the little girl named Niu stared straight at her eyes, giggling and dancing happily from time to time.

Especially when she saw Pigman performing the Pig Five Elements Fist, the little girl Niuniu even imitated it.

And my daughter's favorite is the little pink pig named "Feifei" in Pigman. She is the happiest when Feifei performs the "Shui Lingquan" of Pig Five Elements Fist, and her daughter even stood up from the sofa to imitate it.

"Maintain peace, save the world, in times of crisis, it's time for the brave Feifei to stand up... Pig Five Elements Fist: Water Spirit Fist~ Hey~"

"..." Zhai Li had black lines all over her hair.

On the other side, Zhai Li was unable to complain anymore.

4 gross!This special effect is worth four cents at most!
And the plot is too childish.

But there are indeed many celebrities, which still shocked Zhai Li.It's only the first episode, it's only been 10 minutes, and there are already six stars who have made guest appearances, including the great director Li Ke and others.

"What's the background of Uncle Zhang? He was able to invite so many celebrities. Come on, Niuniu, mom will give you a new one. Don't you like to watch Ba La La Xiaomoxian? Mom will give you~"

"I don't want it, I don't want it, Pigman Feifei."


Seeing this, the grandmother of the little girl next to her spoke. "Let Niuniu read it, I think it's pretty good, it has a sense of justice, and there are a lot of common sense in life." Grandma said.

"But Mom, it's too childish." Zhai Li couldn't help complaining.

Of course, there are special effects for the forty cents.So many stars, such a big production, and the special effects are so poor, it's too much, sir.

"Ah, look at you, Mr. Zhang took this picture for children as old as Niuniu, not for adults like you." Grandma said.At the same time, seeing her baby granddaughter imitating Wuxingquan happily, the old lady smiled.

"Hey~" Zhai Li sighed, "Come on, Niuniu, mom, see if it's on TV. When you watch it on TV, mom will choose nursery rhymes and dances for you on the tablet."

What Zhai Li didn't expect was that the smart TV at home actually had this children's show.

What Zhai Li didn't expect was that when the TV was turned on, the cover of the Internet TV countdown after the boot animation turned out to be Pig Man!

"Oh my god, this uncle is so cruel that he won't let the children go!" Zhai Li couldn't help sighing at this moment.

And Uncle Zhang, you said that you can't make a good film of "Pig Man" if you have this money, and throw it all on advertising.

It really is the era of marketing.In order to make money, these filmmakers have invested their funds in publicity and distribution, and they have made some bad movies.That's all for movies, even children's dramas for children are so ruthless.

The small screen was replaced by a big one, and the little girl named Niuniu enjoyed watching it even more.

"Enenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenen is good, niuniu is awesome~" Grandma also sat on the sofa and applauded her granddaughter.

"Enenenen~great~" Seeing her daughter looking at her excitedly, with an expression eager for her own praise, Zhai Li gave her an embarrassed yet polite smile.

Then, Zhai Li hurriedly watched nursery rhymes and dances for her daughter.

I saw 30 so-called classic nursery rhymes written by this Uncle Zhang on the webpage just opened.

The young mother named Zhai Li is a person with personality.So seeing that it was written by Uncle Zhang, Zhai Li shook her head and closed the page, and then searched for classic nursery rhymes in the search bar of the tablet browser again.

And the next moment, Zhai Li was dumbfounded.

Because Qiandu and Sogou searched for 'classic nursery rhymes', and the first page was all nursery rhymes of this uncle.

Zhai Li searched for the keyword 'nursery rhymes' again, and the first thing she found was [-] Zhang's classic nursery rhymes.

Search for 'Children's Dance' again, and the first page is full of Zhang's children's dances.

Confused!Zhai Li was really fooled this time!
It's costly!This uncle really spent his money!

Obviously, this old man Zhang Jiangang bought a hot search, oh no, he bought a search ranking!
Now there are people on the Internet who can optimize search engine searches for companies for a fee, which means that when netizens search for a certain keyword, these specialized companies can help you make your product or company appear on the first page of the search page, or even the last Front.

"Just for such a bad movie, dozens of so-called classic nursery rhymes, this old man actually worked so hard!" Zhai Li was shocked.

"Okay, then I want to see what kind of 'classic' nursery rhymes you, an old man, can write." While thinking, Zhai Li finally made up her mind and clicked on the so-called Zhang's "Classic Children's Songs 30" "First" link.

Then, the web page playback interface of a well-known domestic music website came out, and a music playlist appeared at the same time, the name was Zhang's "30 Classic Children's Songs".

Some of them are free, but most of them are paid.

However, this kind of charge is not a separate charge, and the music website requires you to ask for membership.

Too lazy to rush, Zhai Li went to listen to the few free songs first.

But when seeing these free songs, Zhai Li was taken aback for a moment.

Because she had listened to the first and second songs, Zhai Li couldn't help crying when she listened to one of them on Mother's Day some time ago.

"Here, these two nursery rhymes were also written by Uncle Zhang?"

Looking at the previous two songs "Only Mom Is Good in the World" and "If You Love Me, Hug Me", Zhai Li was a little surprised.

I don't know if the 28 children's songs in the back are classics, but these two are really classics.It's definitely not unreasonable that Mother's Day was so popular some time ago.I don’t know how many mothers’ tears were earned by the first song, and the second song made countless parents give their children a hug every day when they came home.

Her vision was a little different. After listening to these two songs, Zhai Li clicked on the third free song.

Then, a naive and innocent child's voice came out.

"What's daddy's daddy's name?
Dad's dad is called Grandpa.


What's mom's mom's name?
Mom's mother is called grandma.


What is the name of mother's sister?
Mom's sisters are called aunts. "

Listening to this "Family Song", Zhai Li's eyes lit up.

Okay, this nursery rhyme is not a classic, but it is entertaining and educational.When my daughter was young, she often couldn't tell the difference between aunts, uncles, aunts and uncles. She learned this song unconsciously as soon as she sang it.

This song really has an enlightening effect.

It's just, Mr. Zhang, it's too easy for you to make money, right?
Subconsciously, after listening to this song, Zhai Li clicked on another free song.

"Two little dolls are on the phone
hello where are you
Hey hey I'm in kindergarten
Two little dolls are on the phone
hey hey what are you doing

Hey hey I'm learning to sing"

"Huh? Not bad~" Zhai Li really wanted to be surprised.This uncle must be a very caring old man. The lyrics and melody are simple and catchy, and I feel really super loving.

Subconsciously, Zhai Li clicked on the remaining free nursery rhymes.This is Zhai Li's first time listening to nursery rhymes, and she can't wait to watch the next one.

 Thanks to JGL9 and Langfang Awei Children's Shoes for their support, happy Dragon Boat Festival, good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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