Chapter 131: Flaws in the Formation

The evil spirit formation is based on the evil spirit formation diagram, and the four great evil spirits are the powerful killing tools of the formation.

If the four major demons alone are just ordinary top-grade innate spirit treasures.

But when the four great demons are united and combined with the above demon formation diagram to form a large demon formation, the power is stronger than the innate treasure.

Each of the four major evil spirits exudes infinite devilish energy.

Each wave of devilish energy has the ability to kill experts of the same level, and the four evil spirits emit devilish energy at the same time, and there is no room for dodge when the devilish energy crisscrosses.

The surrounding space was cut into pieces, which made people chill.

"Fellow daoists, hurry up and sacrifice the spirit treasure, don't let this devilish energy hurt you.

"Looking at the criss-crossing evil energy and the power of cutting space like tofu, Hongjun immediately reminded loudly.

"Five Elements Patriarch!

"Patriarch Qiankun!
"Yin Yang Patriarch!

How could the ancestors of the five elements, the ancestors of Qiankun and the ancestors of Yin and Yang not know the power of the evil spirit in the demon formation?
Therefore, there is no need to remind, everyone is trying their best to block the sword energy.

ding ding ding......

Endless and terrifying devilish energy continuously slashed at the spirit treasures of several people, making endless jingling sounds, and the terrifying devilish energy continuously impacted the defenses of several people.

The demonic power of the demon formation is astonishing, even if everyone present is powerful, they can still feel strong pressure.

Although they can temporarily block it, they absolutely cannot continue like this.

Otherwise, consumption is consumed

"Ha ha……

Old man Hongjun, what is the power of this demon formation?
"Luo Hou, who was outside the formation, looked at Hongjun and the others who were in a state of embarrassment resisting the demonic energy, and Luo Hou laughed triumphantly.

"Hmph, Luo Hu, don't be complacent.

Although your demon formation is powerful, it can't help the poor.

"Hongjun's contemptuous voice came from the formation.

But although he spoke contemptuously, the seriousness and solemnity in his tone could not deceive anyone.

Obviously, he was not as relaxed as he said, on the contrary, he was quite dangerous.

Luo Hu naturally knew that Hongjun was trying to be brave, so he didn't care.

"Since you feel that the power of the demon formation of this deity is not enough, then this deity will give you some more power, and you can taste it slowly.

"Rahu smiled, and the powerful magic power immediately entered the demon formation.

At this time, Ying Aotian also came out from the ground, looking at Luo Hu with his head held high, he couldn't help admiring that this man really had a heroic temperament, suitable for fighting for hegemony.

"If it wasn't for bad luck and no helpers, maybe he could really prove the truth.

"Ying Aotian secretly said in his heart.

But he didn't intend to help Luo Hu, because Luo Hu was not a good person in his heart.Ruthless, unscrupulous.Helping him might be worse than helping Hongjun.

Hongjun usually plots secretly, but Luo Hu may directly kill you after he succeeds.

Ying Aotian watched from the side, and the demon formation followed Luohou's mana injection, and the magic energy in it doubled immediately.At the same time, the power was also stronger than before, which immediately increased the pressure on the few people in the formation who were already under a lot of pressure, and almost couldn't hold on. "Damn it!" Hongjun roared angrily!
But anger is useless, it cannot reduce the devilish energy in the demon formation, nor can it reduce the power of the demon formation.

"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, going on like this is not an option. The power of this demonic formation is getting stronger and stronger, and sooner or later we will be unable to hold on." The Patriarch of the Five Elements struggled to maintain the defense of the Five Elements Ring, with an anxious tone .

"We have to find a way to break this formation, otherwise we might really all die," said the ancestor Yin Yang.

At this moment, they all regretted a little. If they had known that Luo Hu was so powerful, they should not have come.

"I'm afraid it will only be you who will die. Hongjun, an old bastard, will be fine." Listening to the roar in the formation, Ying Aotian shook his head ridiculously. I'm afraid these people didn't even know that they were betrayed. The old cunt was calculated to death, and Hongjun, the old cunt, was suitable to go to the earth in his previous life to be the king of an MLM organization, and he must have been well developed by him.

Among them, the ancestor of the Five Elements was the most wronged. The others all had enmity with Luo Hu, and he had no enmity with Luo Hu. He only helped him when he was fooled by Hongjun.But this Rahu is too scary, and the demon formation is too scary.

In fact, Hongjun was more anxious than them. Although he had expected the power of the demon formation, he hadn't expected it to be so powerful.

But at this time, he can't panic, let alone be afraid.Not only can't you, but also give confidence to your teammates.

"Fellow daoists don't panic, the poor have their own way." Hongjun's face was shocked, full of self-confidence.

But he has a fart way, but it's just to comfort a few people.If there is a way, he won't be passively defending against the evil energy of the demon formation.

But Hongjun is Hongjun, although he doesn't know how to break this formation, but he knows how to comfort his teammates and let them regain their confidence.

"Fellow daoists, I have found the weakness of the demon formation. This demon formation has four major demons as the eyes of the formation, and the killing is endless. The four demons are the strongest places. But at the same time, it is also the weakness of this formation. As long as we can kill these four evil spirits, the formation of evil spirits will be destroyed by itself." Hongjun said loudly.

In fact, he was blind, or he was just trying to deceive his teammates and give them a little confidence.

He himself knew that the magic energy emitted by the four great demons was so strong, how could it be possible to pick it off?

Ying Aotian thought in his heart, this Hongjun has some skills, he can get it right even if he is blind.

Kill the four evil spirits? He is giving his teammates a little hope. Although it is impossible to kill the four evil spirits, at least they will not despair.

Sure enough, the other people immediately lifted their spirits after hearing Hongjun's words.

"Fuck, this Hongjun..., Ying Aotian said, it's amazing, he didn't expect Hongjun to make such random guesses, and he can guess correctly how to break the evil spirit formation.

In fact, it was not only Ying Aotian who was confused, even Luo Hu's expression changed drastically after hearing Hongjun's words.Because, this is indeed the only weakness and breaking method of the demon formation.

Others don't know, but it is impossible for Luo Hu, who is the master of the demon formation, not to know.Originally, he thought that no one would discover this secret, but he didn't expect that Hongjun guessed it right by mistake.

But soon, a confident expression appeared on Luo Hu again!
"Hongjun, so what if you know how to break the demon formation? If four people can't kill the four major demons at the same time, it will never be possible to break the demon formation." Luo Hu said with a cold smile on his face.

It is not so easy to break the evil spirit formation.Even if they know how to break it, not everyone can do it.

Hongjun, who was originally just comforting his teammates in the formation, was stunned when he heard Luo Hui's words.

Somewhat confused.

"Nimma, my nonsense comforting words are actually right?" Hongjun has them all, but then Hongjun was overjoyed, because he finally knew how to break the evil spirit formation.As for the need for four people to kill the four evil spirits at the same time, is this a problem?
It's a bit difficult, but doable.

(End of this chapter)

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