Chapter 543 Kill Nezha

The Huntian Ribbon stirred in the mouth of the sea, only shaking the Crystal Dragon Palace, not only let Mo Lin notice it.

Ao Guang, the dragon king in the Crystal Palace, noticed the same thing, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly sent a message to Xunhai Yacha: "There are distinguished guests in the Dragon Palace, don't disturb them! Go to Haikou to see what is causing the trouble?"

Hai Xun Yacha got the news and didn't dare to delay. He hurriedly went to the Jiuwan River to have a look, only to see that the whole river was red and brilliant, and when he looked closely, it was a child who was stirring the river water with red silk. The radiance of the Shangbao was obviously not ordinary, and it caused the river to create huge waves. It is no wonder that even the bottom of the East China Sea can feel the strangeness!

"What the hell is that kid doing?"

Seeing that Nezha was only a child, Xunhai Yacha didn't rush to do it, but shouted coldly, wanting Nezha to stop.

After all, since the Dragon Clan came under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court.

His Sea Patrol Yaksha can also be regarded as a priesthood, protecting the world and sweeping away the sea beasts, but he will not easily attack mortals.

Nezha heard the voice, looked back, and saw something floating out of the bottom of the water, with a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, and huge fangs.
He was having fun at first, but now he was taken aback by this ugly thing, and at the same time disappointed, he was furious and scolded directly: "You bastard, what are you talking about?"

After finishing speaking, Nezha was full of murderous intentions, looked at the sky with the Qiankun circle in his right hand, and immediately shot at Yasha with great glory!

This Qiankun circle is the spiritual treasure of the Golden Light Cave in the Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu Palace, Taiyi Immortal Township. It is infinitely powerful, and it is not weaker than the innate spiritual treasure. If you fight at this time, how can the little Xunhai Yasha resist it? That's right, just one blow, the brains of the beating will flow out, and the body will die immediately!
"This bastard has polluted my circle of heaven and earth!"

Nezha turned his face to kill people. Although he was a child, he showed no fear on his face, instead he showed a cruel smile. Immediately, he took the Qiankun circle in his hand and continued to wash the circle in the Jiuwan River!

The two spirit treasures were dangling in the Jiuwan River, with infinite power, how could the Crystal Dragon Palace withstand such a shock, and it almost didn't collapse!
At this time, Ao Guang's expression in the Dragon Palace changed slightly. He knew that the Yasha patrolling the sea might be in danger. However, their dragon clan has been burdened with the karma of heaven since the Dragon Han catastrophe. Although he is the Dragon King, he did not dare to He shot easily to prevent any accidents, so he could only hold back his anger and sent the dragon soldiers to check the situation again.

After a while, a dragon soldier came to report that Yasha had been beaten to death by a child.

Ao Guang was startled, that patrolling Yaksha belonged to the imperial pen of the Lingxiao Palace. Although his priesthood was small, he was still under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court. Who would dare to beat him to death?

"Father, please greet me, the child will go out and bring it!"

Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon King, is also gentle in character, but he couldn't bear it at this time, so he transferred the dragon soldiers and the water beasts, and went straight out of the Crystal Palace!
"I'd like to see if behind Nezha, besides Daoist Taiyi, there is another force that is participating in the God Conferred Tribulation!"

At this time, Mo Lin, who had been cultivating secretly in the Dragon Palace, appeared, and looked at Ao Bing who had left. He looked calm, and his whole body was concealed, and he had already appeared above the Jiuwan River.

Neither the Dragon King of the East China Sea nor Nezha, who was making waves, did not notice his whereabouts at all.

It is said that Ao Bing sat on the water divider, parted the water surface, and after appearing in front of Nezha, he didn't intend to do anything at first, but after Nezha killed Xunhai Yacha, his heart became even more murderous. When he came to the door, not only did he not admit his mistake, but he became even more fierce!
The two sides were not speculative, and in a few words, they fought into a mess.

Although Nezha is the reincarnation of the Lingzhu, he has excellent talent, but the time to learn Taoism is too short, and the third prince of the East China Sea, Ao Bing, is of the blood of the real dragon, who has practiced for nearly ten thousand years, and easily gained the upper hand in the battle. Nezha suppressed.

Mo Lin noticed that even so, Ao Bing still didn't kill him, he just wanted to capture Nezha and ask him clearly.

But, what kind of temperament is Nezha?

Ever since he learned Taoism with Daoist Taiyi, he has been deliberately trained to stop killing with killing. He has never suffered such a heinous grievance. Ling Wangkong stretched out, and the spirit treasure burst into light, like a thousand balls of fire, just wrapping it down, it wrapped Ao Bing tightly, just like the strengthened version of the fairy rope, after Ao Bing was wrapped, there was no Unable to move, she struggled upright on the ground, but the more she struggled, the tighter the bondage of Huntianling became, there was no way she could break free!
Seeing this, Nezha was furious, rushed to catch up, put his foot on Ao Bing's neck, lifted the Qiankun circle, and hit the third prince on the head, screaming miserably, and revealed his real body. It was a real dragon, standing straight on the ground, and Huntian Ling swelled in the wind, restraining Ao Bing's real body, unable to move at all.

"Huh, you evil dragon, you bullied me when I was young, and you are arrogant. Today, I have pissed you off, and then I will take out your old loach and skin him too!"

Looking at the third prince, Ao Bing, who was restrained and unable to move, Nezha showed a cruel smile that was not like a child, which made people shudder. The hostility in his heart rose, and he wanted to peel Ao Bing and cramps, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart!
However, at this moment, Nezha stopped suddenly, because a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, looking at him calmly.

"Who are you?"

Looking at Mo Lin who suddenly appeared, Nezha shouted coldly.

Mo Lin looked calm and did not answer.

In his eyes, Nezha from the fairyland, who was originally irresistible to Boy Biyun, can now be slapped to death with a single slap!

What he cared about was the power hidden behind Nezha, but he waited on the cloud for a long time, but he didn't see that power appearing. Seeing that Ao Bing was about to be skinned and cramped, his heart skipped a beat, but he showed up.

"Huh, if you don't come sooner or later, but you show up at this time, you must not be a good person, and you have something to do with this evil dragon! Today, I will kill you even this dragon, and you will be clean!"

Nezha became murderous, seeing Mo Lin standing in front of him, he simply ignored him, raised the Qiankun circle, poured mana, and threw him at Mo Lin!

If it was an ordinary monk, if he was hit by this circle of heaven and earth, his brains would burst, and he would die on the spot like that yaksha.

Looking at the motionless Mo Lin, Nezha also had a cruel sneer on his face.

However, at the next moment, a scene that made him unbelievable appeared.

I saw a flash of white light, and a copper coin with wings flew out and hit his invincible Qiankun circle. Immediately, the Qiankun circle fell down directly and was accepted by the person in front of him!
This is naturally the powerful effect of falling treasure money.

The Qiankun circle belongs to Lingbao, so it can fall naturally.

"you wanna die!!"

Seeing that Mo Lin had fallen into his circle of heaven and earth, Nezha was furious, and armed with Huntian silk and a pointed gun, he charged at Mo Lin!


Seeing that Nezha wanted to kill him time and time again, and the power hidden behind him had not appeared for a long time, the patience in Mo Lin's heart was gradually exhausted.

He is the Great Principle Golden Immortal, how could such a little angel be able to provoke him? As he spoke, the horrific mana in his body surged out, turned into a big hand, and directly pointed at Nezha with an irresistible force. Shoot will pass!

In the crisis of life and death, Nezha has a light emerging from his body. Obviously, it is the protective spirit treasure left by the real Taiyi on him!
But Daoist Taiyi is nothing but Da Luo Jinxian, how could the protective spirit treasure he left behind be able to resist Mo Lin's attack? Amidst the crackling sound, Mo Lin's powerful hand, under Nezha's desperate eyes, It has been unstoppably photographed!
Just a moment later, Nezha was shot to death immediately, without even a little suspense. It just so happened that the Six Sages in Zixiao Palace had just signed the list of gods!
After Nezha passed away, a little Yuanshen went up to the list of gods, but instead of Shi Ji, he became the first person on the list to be robbed in the calamity of the gods!
(End of this chapter)

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