Chapter 605
"How dare you!!"

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, and Tongtian Cult Master condensed a sword energy that spanned hundreds of millions of miles, exuding an extremely terrifying sense of killing, and slashed down on Yuxu Palace!
At this moment, a cold snort suddenly came out of Yuxu Palace, and immediately, a jade ruyi, emitting an infinite haze of white light, flew out of Yuxu Palace suddenly, rose against the wind, and went straight to That billions of feet of sword energy collided together!
Amidst the sound of metal and iron fighting, the infinite space was torn apart, and even above the Yuxu Palace, endless earth, water, fire and wind evolved, as if this area was about to be beaten back to chaos.

Fortunately, Yuanshi Tianzun burst out with infinite saint mana, directly repairing all the broken space. Immediately, his face was dark, and his figure appeared directly above the blood sea, looking at Tongtian with a cold and angry expression.

Not only Yuanshi, but when Shouyang Mountain was attacked by Houtu sages in Lao Tzu’s dojo, a Taiji diagram flew straight out and rose in the wind, blocking the Great Mill of Reincarnation. Absorbing all the dissipated power without damaging Shouyang Mountain at all, it can be seen from this that Lao Tzu's strength is really the most unfathomable among the six sages!
Moreover, in addition to his profound strength, Lao Tzu also has the Taiji Diagram and the two treasures of the Exquisite Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda in his hands. They are really invincible. Even among the six sages, his spirit treasures are of the best quality! !
Right now, Lao Tzu's dojo was suddenly attacked, and his expression moved slightly. Immediately, his figure flashed, just like Yuan Shi, appearing above the boundless sea of ​​blood.

"Sage of Houtu, third brother, what do you mean by this?"

Lao Tzu looked at the Houtu sage in the Six Realms of Reincarnation with some trepidation, and immediately turned his gaze to the Master Tongtian, and asked.

Yuan Shi on the side also snorted coldly, his face was full of displeasure, and he was already on the verge of erupting.

The saint is the most skinny. Although he blocked the sword that Tongtian just had, the aftermath that escaped almost destroyed the entire Yuxu Palace. That was his ashram, and it was destroyed just like that. The proud Yuanshi naturally couldn't tolerate it, and wished he could do it directly! !
Facing Laozi Yuanshi's question, Master Tongtian didn't speak, and in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared in the prehistoric starry sky together with Mo Lin and Houtu sage.

Seeing this, Lao Tzu couldn't help showing joy in his eyes, conferring a great calamity to the gods, and discussing with the four religions, he knew in his heart that he was destined to have a fight with the leader of the Tongtian sect.

It's just that the Houtu sage is obviously on the same level as the Tongtian leader. In this reincarnation, although the Houtu sage has the strength of the Hunyuan fifth heaven, he can explode a terrifying power that is not inferior to Hongjun Daozu. If I fight here, I know in my heart that I will definitely not be the opponent of the Houtu sage.

However, after leaving this reincarnation hell, it will be different.

Once he leaves the underworld of reincarnation, the Houtu sage is equivalent to the Hunyuan fifth heaven, Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, who is comparable in strength to him, so he is naturally fearless!
Thinking of this, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi took a look, and with a movement of their figures, they also appeared in the depths of the boundless starry sky.

Here, far away from the prehistoric, even if they fight, it will not have much impact on the entire prehistoric, it is a good place as a battlefield.

Otherwise, with the terrifying power of the sage, if you are not careful, if you attack with all your strength, you may be able to shatter the entire prehistoric world directly. Even a sage cannot afford such horrible karma.

"The prehistoric starry sky, it's so lively!!"

At the same time as the five saints appeared in the prehistoric starry sky, the two saints of Western religion, Zhunti and Jieying, also appeared.

They had already formed an alliance with Yuanshi Laozi to deal with Tongtian together. Now that the leader of Tongtian took the lead in attacking, they simply stopped hiding and appeared directly in this prehistoric starry sky.

"It's you!!"

but.Just when Zhunti showed up and saw Mo Lin next to the leader of Tongtian, his face suddenly became extremely ugly. He suffered a big loss at the hands of Mo Lin before! !
Not only his own innate Gengjin source was extracted, but even the spiritual treasure in his hand, the Seven Treasure Tree, was snatched by Mo Lin. Until now, his vitality has not been fully recovered, and he has suffered a huge loss .

Enemies are naturally jealous when they meet each other.

However, after thinking of Mo Lin's terrifying strength, Zhunti changed his mind and did not rush to make a move. Instead, he turned his attention to Yuan Shi Laozi. He was just a helper in this battle, and the real main force was still Yuan Shi from Sanqing. Lao Tzu.


Tong Tian, ​​who was originally calm, changed his expression slightly when he saw the sudden appearance of Jie Yin and Zhun Ti. He is a supreme saint with a clear mind, so he naturally knew it. Ready to deal with him who is also Sanqing!

"From today onwards, in the prehistoric world, there will be no Sanqing! Zhuxian Sword Formation, come out!!"

My two elder brothers joined forces with outsiders to deal with him in order to confer the great calamity on the gods, but the leader of Tongtian had no scruples in his heart. When he spoke, he could only see the meaning of endless killing emerging from his body. At the same time, in the southeast of his body In the four directions to the northwest, four supremely fierce swords crossed the endless space, bursting out hundreds of millions of miles of sword light, which seemed to cut the entire prehistoric starry sky, and suddenly appeared!

And this is just the beginning. With a wave of the Master Tongtian's hand, another simple formation fell under his feet, spreading out for nearly hundreds of millions of miles. The formation was connected with the four swords, forming the strongest formation in the prehistoric world in an instant. The supreme lore formation - Zhu Xian sword formation!

As soon as the Zhuxian Sword Formation was formed, it separated the world and formed a small world of sword energy!

It can be seen that the formation is full of gray and chaotic sword energy, stretching across hundreds of millions of miles, showing murderous intent, if it is presided over by a saint, it will be the first killing formation in the prehistoric era, and it cannot be broken without the joint efforts of the four saints!

"Is this the Immortal Execution Sword Formation??"

Seeing the Zhuxian sword formation, the faces of the western sect's quasi-promoters and receptionists all changed slightly.

The fierce reputation of Honghuang's first killing formation spread throughout Honghuang as early as the battle between Dao and Demons. sense of danger! !

Yuanshi sneered, took out a banner, shook it, and saw endless chaotic sword energy scattered, blocking billions of murderous intentions, and firmly protecting Yuanshi Tianzun. This banner is naturally the legendary innate The most treasured Pangu Banner.

Only Lao Tzu seemed to have expected it long ago, with a calm expression on his face, a mysterious yellow and exquisite pagoda above his head, and endless mysterious and yellow aura falling down, no matter how terrifying the sword aura, none of them could get close to Lao Tzu's body, he was born invincible! !

(End of this chapter)

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