Chapter 621
But when the pharmacist made two big wishes one after another, infinite strange power emerged from the void, like an invisible rope binding the immortals, and actually trapped Sanxiao in place, unable to break free at all.

He could only watch helplessly as the white net fire enveloped him!

Three thousand avenues, the same destination by different paths!
At the beginning, Dao Patriarch Hongjun founded Xuanmen and passed down the Supreme Dao. Only the six sages of the prehistoric and desolate got his true instruction.
And the prehistoric oriental aura is abundant, so in the practice system of the Eastern Sanqing, there is the meal xiashiqi, also known as the art of refining qi, absorbing the abundant aura between the heaven and the earth, comprehending the way of the gods, and finally, proving the detachment!

The West is different.

In the Taoist period after the Longhan catastrophe, the demon ancestor Luohu blew himself up, detonating the spiritual ancestral veins of the entire western realm, coupled with the perfect self-destruct power of a quasi-sage, directly making the original rich, not inferior to the eastern realm. , turned into a barren land, barren to the extreme, full of miasma!
In the prehistoric western realm, not to mention an innate spiritual root, even the aura in the west is less than one percent of that in the eastern realm, and there are simply not enough resources for monks to practice!

Therefore, Zhunti Jieyin created his own practice method, opened up his own potential, tapped the potential power of the living beings themselves, and even practiced like a dream, turning emptiness into reality, turning nothing into existence, those with great ambitions and great perseverance, Only then can the practice be successful!

As for the pharmacist, he has obtained the true instruction of Zhunti receiving and guiding. Right now, under the technique of great ambition, even Daluo Jinxian's Sanxiao can't move at all.

Seeing that Sanxiao was about to be robbed, and was directly burned into nothingness by the pure white karmic fire.

A figure, surrounded by infinite rays of light, exuded the strong aura of a quasi-sage, holding a Qingping sword, just slashed at the void in front of him, and immediately eliminated the endless white karmic fire!
This figure, wearing a somewhat fat daoist uniform, exudes the same awe-inspiring killing intent and sword intent as the master of Tongtian, so he is naturally the first disciple of the Jiejiao, Daoist Duobao!
And the Qingping sword in his hand is not a real thing, but a supreme sword intent left behind by the leader of Tongtian before he went to the prehistoric starry sky. It can be used three times, and it will cut everything. Its power is even stronger than that of the innate spirit treasure!
"I've met Fellow Daoist Daobao!"

The pharmacist looked at Taoist Duobao who appeared, with a slightly dignified expression, and bowed to the front.

As the head disciple of the Western Sect, he naturally knew the head disciple of the Jie Sect, Daoist Duobao. He even had a fight with Daoist Duobao during the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, but there was no winner!
However, that time, neither Pharmacist nor Duobao really put forth their full strength.

However, the pharmacist understands that Duobao can become the first disciple of the Jiejiao, and he is already in the middle stage of quasi-sage, and his strength must not be much weaker, so he naturally dare not be careless.

"During the calamity, each depends on his ability. Since you and I are enemies, there is nothing to say. Let's do it once, and then talk about other things!"

Taoist Duobao looked at the pharmacist in front of him, and said calmly.

Since I did one! "

Pharmacist also has absolute confidence in his own strength, even if Duobao is the first disciple of Jiejiao, he has to do a battle, and then the winner will be decided!

Of the two, one is the great disciple of the Western Sect, who possesses the greatest potential, can praise the Supreme Twelve Great Aspirations, and the glazed rays of light all over his body are invincible, and they are extremely powerful!
A great disciple of Jiejiao, who followed his feet as a chaotic treasure hunter, got the true biography of the master of Tongtian, with thousands of spiritual treasures on his body, and the cultivation base of the quasi-sage in the later stage, in the prehistoric world, there are few saints who can match him!
At this time, the two are facing each other, and they are evenly matched. Among the disciples of the four religions, they are fighting at the top level!

While speaking, the pharmacist's body was surrounded by infinite glazed light. At the same time, behind him, the infinite glazed light condensed to reveal a supremely terrifying colored glaze dharma body with 12 arms and three thousand heads. , all of which have gemstones, pagodas, fish intestines and other spiritual treasures condensed by various kinds of glazed light. Immediately, this terrifying dharma body exuded infinite fighting intent, and directly slashed at Taoist Duobao!

Obviously, this Supreme Glazed Dharma Body is the embodiment of Medicine Master's true strength! !

And seeing the pharmacist's supreme glazed dharma body, Daoist Duobao didn't dare to underestimate him. With a thought, thousands of spiritual treasures suddenly appeared behind him!
Most of these spirit treasures are acquired spirit treasures, but the lowest quality is acquired middle-grade spirit treasures, and there are even some innate world-grade spirit treasures. They are mighty and magnificent.

Looking at the prehistoric world, Duobao is probably the only one who can possess so many spirit treasures, and it is no wonder that his dao name is Duobao.

"go with!"

Driven by Daoist Duobao's mind, nearly a hundred spirit treasures flew out, turned into infinite aura, and slammed into the supreme glazed Dharma Body!
"Multiple tasks with one mind, driving so many spirit treasures, can have some power! My supreme glazed dharma body is the best innate."

Looking at the hundreds of spirit treasures flying over, the pharmacist looked calm, no matter how many spirit treasures there are, the quantity cannot make up for the quality.

But before he could finish his words, an extremely terrifying aura erupted suddenly, and immediately, under his dull gaze, all the hundreds of Houtian Lingbao exploded at the same time! !

Almost instantly, an explosion of infinite energy made the faces of the pharmacist and Jinxian Xianjiao, who was watching the battle, change completely!
In the prehistoric world, when a spirit treasure explodes by itself, the power it can explode far exceeds its grade!
Moreover, in the prehistoric world, the acquired spirit treasures are also spirit treasures, but they are only refined from the day after tomorrow, and some acquired spirit treasures are not even weaker than the congenital spirit treasures!
Right now, hundreds of spirit treasures with the lowest grades all exploded at the same time. The superposition of power is not as simple as one plus one. I can only see infinite energy burst out, and even the space is exploded and collapsed!
And the Supreme Glazed Dharma Body at the center of the explosion bears unimaginable explosive power. It was only blown back again and again, and the body of the unbreakable Liuli Dharma was covered with fine cracks. At the same time, Medicine Master's body appeared. After opening the same fine cracks, he himself seemed to be severely injured, retreating one after another, and his breath was a lot weaker! !
"This means of attack"

The radiance of the colored glaze all over Pharmacist's body rose sharply, and the original injury was quickly healed, but his expression was extraordinarily complicated.

Compared with the trauma on his body, he felt a little complicated.

In their barren west, an acquired middle-grade spiritual treasure is already considered a great treasure.

Taoist Duobao, on the other hand, was simple and rude, detonated hundreds of Houtian Lingbao in one breath, many of them were Xiantian Lingbao, which caused a lot of shock to the pharmacist.

This principle is like someone who is used to living a hard life, and suddenly millions of dollars are thrown directly in the face, and the soul is greatly shocked!

"Your glazed body protector, Mingguang, is pretty good!"

Daoist Duobao nodded slightly, and immediately behind him, thousands of acquired spiritual treasures, mixed with innate spiritual treasures, shot at the pharmacist again as if they didn't need money!


Looking at the thousands of Houtian Lingbao mixed with Xiantian Lingbao, the pharmacist's face turned a little blue, and the first thought in his heart was not fear, but a sense of anger for the waste of Taoist Duobao And a touch of envy?

(End of this chapter)

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