
Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Time flies.

It has been a month since the news of the death of Xiongba and the "Twelve Demons of Tianchi" reached Jianghu, and when the leaders of the three main halls of the Tianxiahui fought for the position of leader.

But in this month, the situation in Jianghu seems to have changed unconsciously!
First of all, the four innate masters who are not weak in the rivers and lakes, Beiye Xiongshi, Nanluan Zhuge, Dongyue Buqun, and Xiling Laughing Buddha, led their sect forces and formally merged into Tianxiahui, and Tianxiahui also added new ones to it. There are four halls of "East, South, West and North".

Secondly, the original hall masters of Tianshuang Hall, Shenfeng Hall, and Feiyun Hall at the entrances of Tianxiahui's three halls have stopped fighting and coexisted peacefully without knowing when!

Finally, and most importantly, Tianxiahui, after the death of Xiongba, finally ushered in a new leader!
The above-mentioned new addition of halls and the cessation of fighting at the three halls of Fengyunshuang seem to be related to this new gang leader.

Rumor has it that this new sect leader not only has an extremely mysterious origin, but also has superb martial arts.

It is reported that when the new leader came to Tianxiahui that day, Zi Qi came from the east, and with a flying sword on his feet, he slashed through the [-]-meter mountain with a single sword.

There is even a legend that this new gang leader looks young, but he is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years and is rejuvenated. His cultivation is already the best in the world!

Even the four people who have always been ambitious in the world, Beiye Xiongshi, Nanluan Zhuge, Dongyue Buqun, and Xiling Laughing Buddha, were all overwhelmed by his magnanimity.

For a moment, everyone was shocked!
The legends about the new leader of the Tianxiahui were widely circulated in the Jianghu. Not only were there many versions, but each one was exaggerated.

What's more, it is claimed that the new gang leader is the reincarnation of Xuanyuan Huangdi, and he is here to judge the evil Xiongba, integrate the Jianghu martial arts, and restore the Central Plains to a bright future!
In short, all kinds of exaggerated news spread like hype, which is jaw-dropping.

However, the new gang leader lived up to such extraordinary rumors!

Since he took office and stopped the civil war among gangs, he quickly integrated the backbone forces of the Tianxiahui, and began to expand outward. As long as they have names and surnames, all forces, large and small, have been included in the Tianxiahui. It seems that they are really rushing. Go away to dominate the rivers and lakes.

Among them, there are naturally many forces that are unwilling to submit, but compared to Xiongba, this new gang leader seems to be more vigorous and resolute. Facing these forces that are unwilling to submit, he did not take the second measure at all, and directly used Thunder Suppression by means, those who do not submit, will be killed without mercy!

All of a sudden, the rivers and lakes were filled with blood!
Many sects and forces in the Jianghu who wanted to enjoy their old age in peace and were unwilling to submit to others announced their disbandment one after another, or they would hide from the world from now on, and everyone was terrified.

But compared to the fear of the people in the rivers and lakes, ordinary civilians don't feel much, at least not as fearful as when Xiongba was in power before.

Because when Xiongba was in charge of the Tianxiahui, he was ambitious and domineering. He only wanted to lead the world. To achieve his goal, he would use any means.

Under the urgent pressure of Xiongba, his subordinates, in order to complete the task as soon as possible, naturally couldn't avoid the sword being stained with the blood of civilians. Slowly, they became like Xiongba, brutal and bloodthirsty, treating human life as worthless. facing each other.

In the past few years, innocent people have often died tragically. As time goes by, the people naturally hate and fear the Tianxiahui.

However, although the newly appointed mysterious leader of the Tianxiahui also acted decisively and used blood to control violence, it was only aimed at martial artists in the Jianghu.

For ordinary people, the new gang leader seems to have never been interested in it. Instead, he ordered his subordinates not to harass the common people.
Therefore, compared to the past, although there are complaints in the Jianghu now, but only for the Jianghu warriors, the ordinary people are safe and sound, and all of a sudden, they are much cleaner.

For a while, the common people talked about it after work. In the Central Plains, except for some remote areas, no matter where they went, they could hear voices talking about the new leader and the Tianxiahui.

And just in the past few days, news suddenly spread that the No. [-] force in the Northwest, the Xiawang Mansion, known for its chivalry, had its entire family destroyed overnight. The entire mansion, with more than [-] mouths, had no survivors!
Immediately afterwards, the No. [-] power in the Southwest, the Huo Family Village, which is famous for its Huo Family swordsmanship, was also wiped out. There were more than [-] people in the village, and only one adopted son of the owner Huo Butian was sent out of Huo Family Village by him. , but disappeared afterwards.

And the murderer who killed the family turned out to be the Tianxiahui, which is now in full swing!
Suddenly, the world was shocked!

Huo Butian, the owner of Huojiazhuang in the southwest, has always been upright and would rather die than surrender. It is not surprising that he will be exterminated in the face of the fierce momentum of the whole world who will single-mindedly dominate the rivers and lakes.

As for the Xiongba Mansion in the Northwest, although Lu Yi, the owner of the mansion, has always been known for his chivalry, he was the first to surrender to Xiongba when he first showed his talents and decided to lead the world.

Afterwards, Xiongba began to fight for hegemony, and when expanding his power, Xiawangfu also followed closely, responding to all rumors, completely assuming that the Tianxiahui was the leader.

But after the new guild leader took office, the world would expand, but Xia Wangfu immediately expressed his attitude, willing to submit, and become a subsidiary force of the world society. Such shameless and weak behavior caused Lu Yi to scold Lu Yi behind his back. few.

But no matter what, Xiawangfu has always been a force affiliated to the Tianxiahui, but now it has been wiped out suddenly, and it is said that the new leader of the Tianxiahui personally gave the order!
Such actions are really incomprehensible, and have caused an uproar in the Jianghu.

After hearing the news, everyone was in danger. In the Jianghu, including the big and small forces that had surrendered to the Tianxiahui, everyone was frightened, worried that at some point, the new gang leader with an unpredictable personality would fall on him.

Another month passed in this tense atmosphere.

And during this month, the power of the Tianxiahui has almost expanded to its limit.

Most of the sects, large and small, in the Jianghu have been merged into the Tianxiahui, or have become its affiliated forces. Only a few remaining transcendental forces that have been passed down for a long time and have a deep foundation are still watching from the other side and ignoring them.

Among them, Shaolin Temple in the south, Wudang and Baijian Villa in the north, and Wushuang City in the east.

These forces have a history of at least hundreds of years, with profound foundations, and countless masters in the sect. Even when Xiongba was in power, he was extremely afraid of them.

But now the new leader of Tianxiahui is said to be countless times stronger than Xiongba, his martial arts are superb, and he is number one in the world. Will he choose to be the same as Xiongba for these forces?
For a while, people in Jianghu were looking forward to it, wondering what choice the new gang leader would make.

But this new leader of the Tianxiahui has never shown his face. In the past two months, even the main hall of the Tianxiahui has not heard any news about this new leader. It is really extremely mysterious.

As for the attitudes of these transcendental forces, naturally there is no news yet. It seems that they have really made the same choice as Xiongba, and they will not invade each other!
Everyone in the rivers and lakes was immediately disappointed.

However, they didn't know that this mysterious new gang leader had left Tianxiahui long ago, and was already in the most prosperous place in Suzhou and Hangzhou, where "there is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below" - West Lake!


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(End of this chapter)

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