Chapter 14 Rescue Yang Jian, Layout Conferred God
"Shut up?"

"He's so good, how can he close the door!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was emotional, and after a while, he waved his hand to signal Xiantong to back down.

When it comes to retreat, the first thing he thinks of is the one in Buzhou Mountain.

Damn it, you actually led my disciple to the ground!
"When Ran Deng comes back, I will make you look good!"

While Zhao Lang was practicing, he would occasionally observe the Great Desolation. At this time, Xuanyuan had abdicated, but he entrusted the task of collecting heaven, material and earth treasures to Baidi Shaohao.

Shaohao continued to lead the human race, and continued to collect spiritual plants for the Zhoushan sage.

Xing Tian and Chi You entered reincarnation, heralding the end of the period of the Three Emperors.

Next will be the period of the Five Emperors.

During the period of the Five Emperors, it was still in the wild.

Too many monsters are rampant in the land of the human race, and the danger faced by the human race far exceeds that of the Three Emperors.

Time flies.

Suddenly a big event happened in the heavenly court.

Yao Ji, the younger sister of the Jade Emperor, quietly descended to the mortal world and gave birth to two sons and a daughter with the mortals.

The Jade Emperor was furious when he found out, and sent the heavenly soldiers and generals to chase after him.

One of the sons died tragically, leaving a pair of children wandering around the world.

Yaoji was imprisoned by the Jade Emperor at the foot of Taoshan Mountain, enduring endless suffering of loneliness.

This incident was widely circulated in the wild, and the Jade Emperor became a joke between heaven and earth.

Pangu fairy cave.

Zhao Lang moved Baidi Shaohao into the fairy cave.

Seeing the former refining the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that he sent him instantly, Shaohao exclaimed.

"Master Zu is really powerful!"

Zhao Lang waved his hand, "Humans don't want to cause trouble these days. The Jade Emperor is still angry at this moment. You should do your part. If you anger the Jade Emperor again, don't expect me to come out to help you."

Shaohao nodded, he knew that someone in his clan angered Tianting, and he was very lucky not to implicate his anger on other clansmen.

At this moment, three lines of words appeared in Zhao Lang's consciousness:

"It is detected that Yang Jian, a man of great luck, has fled to the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and he can choose."

"One, go out of the mountain immediately, kill it, and dedicate it to the Jade Emperor, and you can get an acquired treasure."

"Second, continue to retreat and rescue him, you can get an acquired spirit treasure."

It doesn't matter what the reward is, but Zhao Lang is not stupid. The Jade Emperor said on the surface that he chased and killed Yang Jian, but he didn't actually kill him. It's just that he was angry at this time and ordered the chase to convince the crowd.

But this Yang Jian is a person who has a lot to do with the Conferred God Tribulation, if he meets him, will he be contaminated with too much karma?
After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Lang made up his mind, he must not kill him, the Jade Emperor would hate himself if he killed him, that is not a good thing.

"Shaohao, there is a man at the foot of the mountain named Yang Jian, you bring him up."

"Yang Jian? Isn't he the one who angered Heavenly Court?"

"That's right, he shouldn't die, so bring him up the mountain."

Shaohao took orders immediately, Zhao Lang waved him out of the fairy cave.

Then he closed his eyes and practiced, waiting for Yang Jian's arrival.

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, under the scorching sun, a ragged boy was walking unsteadily in the mountains.

He is handsome, with a line between his brows, like a third eye.

Along the way, he was full of dust, his face was pale, and he looked exhausted.

He is Yang Jian.

At this moment, his eyes were blank, as if he was walking dead.

The reason he was separated from his younger sister Yang Chan was that he was intercepted by a big monster and almost died.

Thinking of Yang Chan facing danger outside alone, Yang Jian felt like a knife was twisting his heart.

He hates himself.

Hate myself for being too weak!
Endless pain overwhelmed his heart.

He slipped and fell to the ground.

He turned over, tried his best to open his eyes, and stared at the sky.

He understood that he was finished, he was going to die here!
In this barren Buzhou Mountain, no one will find him.

"You are Yang Jian?"

A voice came, and Baidi Shaohao stood in front of him with his hands behind his back, looking at this person.

"If you want to want to cut, give me a good time!"

He mistook Baidi for a person from the Heavenly Court, and closed his eyes slowly as soon as he finished speaking.


Shaohao smiled, he is also a cultivator, although his cultivation level is not high, but he also mastered some spells, and he said go, a cloud floated up under the latter's body and lifted him up.

"Why is the master interested in you?"

After finishing speaking, he set up a cloud and headed towards Pangu Fairy Cave.

Time has no concept for Zhao Lang here, he just felt that the moment he closed his eyes, Baidi had already returned to the outside of the cave, bringing the dying Yang Jian with him.

After discovering them, Zhao Lang gently waved his hand and moved the two of them into the fairy cave.

The mist emitted by the spiritual plant in the cave was inhaled by Yang Jian, his face gradually recovered, and he stood up from the ground with support after a while.

"who are you?"

Yang Jian asked.

"Poor Guankou Erlang, Xiansheng Zhenjun, even before he became a god, he also had such a miserable past."

Zhao Lang thought about it, and then let Shaohao back down, and stepped forward.

"I am... Zhoushan Saint."

He also couldn't directly say that his name was Zhao Lang and Zhao Gongming. After all, San Xiao was probably the only one who knew his real name among the prehistoric people. Besides, if he told his real name, he might be contaminated by cause and effect.

"Sage Zhoushan!"

How could Yang Jian not know this name? It was spread by the human race a hundred years ago, and since he was born, he received blessings in Zhoushan Saints Temple.

His face was filled with surprise for an instant, but then his expression darkened again.

The sage of Zhoushan is a god, and the gods listen to the Jade Emperor...

"Did he let you catch me?"

Zhao Lang was startled, then smiled, "No, I want to save you."

"You dare to save me? He sent heavenly soldiers and generals to chase me down, so you are not afraid of being retaliated by him?" Yang Jian didn't seem to believe it.

"The Jade Emperor? The Jade Emperor also respects me as a senior."

Zhao Lang smiled proudly. Indeed, when the Jade Emperor met Zhao Lang for the first time, he called him a senior. Most likely he heard Hongjun say that he was stronger, so he respected him very much.

"You have the Jade Emperor?"

Nodding his head, Zhao Lang smiled.

Yang Jian widened his eyes.

He always thought that the Heavenly Court was high above and controlled everything, but he didn't expect that there would be someone stronger than the Jade Emperor!
"Sage Zhoushan please accept me as a disciple!"

The corner of Shaohao's mouth twitched.

Just now, he was his own subject, but in the blink of an eye, he wants to worship his master as his teacher. Isn't that seniority older than himself?
Zhao Lang looked at him and shook his head.

"I won't accept you as an apprentice, your master has someone else."

Watching Yang Jian gradually weaken, Zhao Lang said again: "But I can pass on your supernatural powers, but you must remember that you are not allowed to mention it to anyone. I taught you."

Hearing this, Yang Jian quickly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed three times and kowtowed nine times.

After arranging for Shaohao to leave, Zhao Lang began to teach Yang Jian supernatural powers.

Yang Jian is also really talented and a quick learner.

In just a few decades, he successfully broke through to the realm of heavenly immortals.

With the help of Tianyan, Yang Jian's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

Although it can be seen that this kid is too murderous and only focused on revenge, Zhao Lang doesn't care, he is far from Haotian's opponent.

On this day, Zhao Lang summoned him to his side.

"Yang Jian, have you mastered all the supernatural powers I taught you?"

"Master, the disciple has mastered it!"

Zhao Lang frowned, "How many times have I told you, I'm not your master."

Yang Jian bowed his head and remained silent.

"I will draw out the memories of our time, so that you will not remember me, but the supernatural powers are still there. You are going to Kunlun Mountain to find someone to learn from you."

Yang Jian was taken aback, "Who is it?"

"Reverend Yuding."

Zhao Lang laughed.

In fact, when he taught Yang Jian supernatural powers, he had a plan in mind. The catastrophe of conferring the gods is a catastrophe for all practitioners. Zhao Lang is not sure whether he can prove the sanctification of the Dao before that, but he still needs to prevent it. Not yet.

Therefore, he saved Yang Jian's life, in fact, he was laying out for Fengshen.

After extracting his memory, Yang Jian bid farewell to Zhao Lang and headed to Kunlun all the way.

The two mountains are very close, and a few hundred miles away from the Buzhou Mountains, you can see Kunlun Mountain, and the Yuxu Palace on it is also looming in the clouds.

Yang Jian is hesitating, the relationship with Zhao Lang has been taken away, and revenge has taken over his heart.

His eyes stayed between the sky and Kunlun Mountain, he was hesitating.

(End of this chapter)

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