My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 16 The Calculations of the Western Religion, Yuding Visits

Chapter 16 The Calculations of the Western Religion, Yuding Visits

A hundred years later.

Someone came to visit Zhao Lang.

It is Taoist Duobao.

This time Zhao Lang moved it into the fairy cave.

Duobao walked towards Zhao Lang quickly, looking very anxious.

"Fellow Daoist Duobao, what are you worrying about?"

Zhao Lang saw it and asked with a smile.

"I do have some confusion and would like to ask you for advice."

Duobao respects Zhao Lang very much. In his heart, Zhao Lang is an unfathomable power.

But Zhao Lang smiled embarrassingly, thinking in his heart.

"This guy really regards me as a life mentor?"

Then he asked, "Could it be that the two saints in the West are looking for you again?"

Duobao's eyes widened, he had never told anyone about it, how could Zhao Lang guess it?
Taking a deep breath, he also decided not to hide anymore.

"Yes, the sage Zhunti said, if I am willing to convert to Buddhism, let me be a Buddha, with the name Tathagata. From now on, Western religions will be represented by me, and they will retreat to the prehistoric world, and let me take the place of the leader."

Zhao Lang was taken aback.

How lacking are Western religions?

Before the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods arrived, they were in a hurry to get La Duobao into their group.

Then he also figured it out, Taoist Duobao is the head disciple of Jiejiao, and his aptitude is definitely considered to be excellent, even top-notch in the prehistoric.

"What are you worrying about?"

Zhao Lang asked.

"I don't want to go, but if I refuse directly, I'm afraid they..." Taoist Duobao hesitated.

"Go back and practice in seclusion." Zhao Lang shook his head and said.

Zhao Lang couldn't say it directly anyway, the result would be the same whether he refused or not.

In this way, the cause and effect will fall on him.

"Shut up?"

Nodding his head, Zhao Lang said: "You go back to retreat and practice, you don't need to take these things to heart, just let nature take its course, just don't agree or refuse."

Daoist Duobao asked late, "Then... should I tell Master about this? I always feel that they have ulterior motives. During this time, they have been trying to lure some of my outer disciples into the Western Sect."

"When the next catastrophe comes, you will understand."

Zhao Lang shook his head and smiled.

As a saint, Tongtian Sect Master is immortal, if he is still alive, Zhunti and Jieyin will definitely not dare to go to Biyou Palace to snatch Daoist Duobao.

Although there are many outer disciples who cut off the teaching.

But Zhun mentioning this act is testing the limit of the patience of the leader of Tongtian!

"The next catastrophe?"

Taoist Duobao was stunned.

How did he know that there would be another catastrophe?

When the Master Tongtian returned, he mentioned it inadvertently once.

But these things are known only to the sages, unless they are passed on by word of mouth.

Can this person count?

Thinking of this, he admired Zhao Lang even more.

After chatting for an hour, Taoist Duobao left satisfied.

He never came out of Zhoushan, and happened to meet Master Yuding and Yang Jian who were practicing under Kunlun.

Taoist Duobao went to say hello.

Anyway, Sanqing is a family.

There are still some courtesies that should be given.

Daoist Duobao is also one of the few who follow the etiquette.

"Junior Brother Yuding."

Seeing Duobao, Yuding was also very surprised.

The grievances between the saints did not involve the disciples. He and Duobao had a good friendship in private. After arranging for Yang Jian to continue practicing, he stepped forward.

"Brother Duobao, why did you come to Kunlun?"

Taoist Duobao smiled, "It happens that I have a lot of worries recently, so I came to ask the sage Zhoushan to clarify my doubts."

Master Yuding asked in surprise, "Sage Zhoushan?"

Then it seemed as if he suddenly remembered something, "Is that the hermit from Buzhou Mountain?"

Duobao nodded and said: "Well, that's right, Junior Brother Yuding, the catastrophe is approaching, I want to practice in seclusion, so as not to die in the catastrophe, so I will take my leave first."

After finishing speaking, he gave a shallow salute to Yuding, and then disappeared in front of the latter.

The catastrophe is approaching?

Because Hongjun didn't let Yuanshi Tianzun trouble Zhao Lang, Chanjiao hadn't entered Buzhou Mountain for a long time.

Master Yuding frowned.

He hesitated for a while, and looked around, only Yang Jian was practicing exercises hard.

Afterwards, he headed towards Buzhou Mountain.

Outside the Pangu Immortal Cave, Zhao Lang was carefully offering the Dinghai Pearl in front of him, inputting spiritual power.

He found that the power of the ancestral witch in it seems to complement Dinghaizhu naturally, and the latter can also integrate it very well.

"It's so mysterious?"

Zhao Lang looked at Ding Haizhu and couldn't help clicking his tongue.

"Is the sage Zhoushan here?"

A voice suddenly reached his ears, and Zhao Lang put Ding Haizhu away.

Turning around, he frowned.

Why is it interpreting and teaching again?

Real person Yuding?

Did he discover the relationship between Yang Jian and himself?

Impossible, he extracted the memory, and now Yang Jian doesn't remember him at all.

"You came alone this time?"

Zhao Lang raised his eyebrows and looked at the latter.

Daoist Yuding stood in front of him.

The last time I came, I was together with Daoist Taiyi to take Zhao Lang to Kunlun forcibly.

This time he came to search alone, and he couldn't help being a little embarrassed when he heard Zhao Lang ask this question.

Arching his hands, Yuding smiled all over his face and said, "Before, it was because the order of the head teacher should not be disobeyed. Please forgive me if I offend you."

When Zhao Lang heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched and he didn't speak.

"Now your reputation is spreading overseas, and the world calls you a sage of Zhoushan. It must be a matter of time before you become a sage. You shouldn't be fussy with me, right?"

Yuding laughed.

Zhao Lang looked at him, and said lightly: "You don't need to be polite, why are you looking for me?"

As soon as the words fell, with a wave of the hand, the two came to the fairy cave.

Looking at the environment in the cave, Yuding was taken aback for a moment.

No wonder Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't break through the defense here.

It is like a paradise inside, and there is an indescribable sense of comfort when entering it.

Sure enough, mysterious!

"Senior brother Duobao came here just now, and I asked you to explain his doubts. Hearing what he said, the catastrophe is coming?"

Yuding cut to the chase.

He didn't know about it, because Yuanshi Tianzun didn't stay in Kunlun after he came back from Zixiao Palace, but went to the west to teach every now and then.

This made him very puzzled.

Sanqing has always been at odds with the two sages of Western religion, but today the deity keeps visiting.

It seems that something is going to happen, but Yuanshi Tianzun never mentioned it to the Twelve Golden Immortals.


"It is detected that the Jade Cauldron real person is asking for a host, and you can choose."

"One, ignore him and drive him out, and you can get the hatred of Master Yuding."

"Second, answer it, get the admiration of Daoist Yuding, you can get the power of ancestral witches, the source of wind."

Zhao Lang was calm on the surface, but in fact he was very excited.

It's the power of the ancestral witch again, this is the sixth one!
He got half of the power of the Twelve Patriarchal Witches!
If it wasn't for the sake of system rewards, he wouldn't be bothered to talk to this Jade Cauldron real person.

"We are the sect of saints, I teach..."

Master Yuding was halfway through speaking, and noticed that Zhao Lang's expression was a little impatient, and then quickly changed his words.

"We...should be fine, right?"

Master Yuding asked cautiously.

"Why do you think I'll tell you?"

Zhao Lang glanced at him with a leisurely tone.

As if thinking of something, Master Yuding hurriedly tossed and turned on his body.

After a while, he took out a magic weapon from his bosom.

"Not a respect."

This is a very common magic weapon, not even the Houtian Lingbao...

Zhao Lang didn't even look at it.

At this time, the Jade Cauldron hadn't broken the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and hadn't picked one of the four swords to kill the immortals, so it had almost no magic weapon.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun is not as good to his disciples as Tongtian is to Duobao, and he is willing to give him any magic weapon.

It can also be seen from this that Tongtian loves Daoist Duobao so much.

He waved his hand, but Zhao Lang didn't accept it.

He still wanted the power of the ancestral witch more, and he had to tell Master Yuding for the reward of the system.

"Didn't your master mention this? This catastrophe is different from the past. The human race has no strong enemies now, so the battle in the wilderness has changed to the human race. After the human race's civil war, all the forces behind it will also participate in it, and they are forced to enter Jie, and who these forces are, I don’t need to say.”

Zhao Lang said calmly.

Yuding thought in his heart, the forces behind the human race...

Sect of Saints!

If saints fight for the front, they are immortal, but not for their disciples!

As strong as Daluo Jinxian, quasi-sage, if he cannot escape the catastrophe, he will still die!

Donghuang Taiyi, Dijun, and Twelve Ancestral Witches are examples!
Yu Ding felt that what Zhao Lang said was reasonable.

These analyzes are not like what a hermit in a cave can do.

So Zhao Lang instantly became unpredictable in his heart.

A quasi-sage can know things that only a saint can know. No wonder Duobao respects him so much!
Suddenly, he seemed to understand why Yuanshi Tianzun coveted this person.

This man is indeed very capable.

Looking at Yuding in a daze, Zhao Lang smiled and said: "If there is a dispute between saints, they may not be able to keep their disciples. As the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, you will definitely participate in it. Saints only care about face, like Disciples like you, hehe, are nothing more than pawns..."

"Senior! How can we avoid being robbed?" Yu Ding asked hastily.

Zhao Lang gave a half-smile, "It's a lot of learning."

His tone was teasing, but Master Yuding broke out in a cold sweat.

"No wonder Duobao is going to retreat..."

He woke up suddenly.

The person in front of him told himself about this so that he could make a choice.

If Zhao Lang didn't say anything, he would muddle along and participate in the next catastrophe.

In the catastrophe, if the explanation and teaching were defeated, wouldn't he be dead?

Saints are beyond life and death, above the prehistoric, they naturally don't care.

Recently, there have been frequent battles between elucidating and cutting off teachings, resulting in casualties.

But Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian leader were just bickering.

Even if the Sanqing family was like this, wouldn't it be even more tragic if they encountered Nuwa, Zhunti, and Jieyin's disciples?

Master Yuding fell into deep thought.

"Although I don't understand why the head teacher asked me to trouble you at the beginning, but from today on, you are my benefactor. I would like to take you as my teacher, and ask the sage Zhoushan to accept my next obeisance!"

In his heart, the sage Zhoushan is really a great kindness!
Zhao Lang hurriedly stopped him, "Don't, you are a person who explains the teachings, and Tianzun already hates me so much. If I take you as a disciple, I'm afraid I will get angry at me again. I just want to meditate and retreat. What I said to you today, you Don’t take it too seriously.”

Don't ask for anything in return?

Yu Ding nodded quickly.

Zhao Lang moved it out of the fairy cave.

He gave a deep salute to the entrance of the fairy cave, and left in a hurry.

Hundreds of years after that, Daoist Yuding would come here often, even more frequently than those from Duobao.

He knew it.

What is the reputation of the sect?
His own life is the most important thing, if he should be robbed, no one in the same sect will save him.

Over time, Master Yuding's attitude towards Zhao Lang completely changed.

Moreover, he is also immersed in retreat...

He found that retreat is not as boring as he imagined!

Thinking of saving his life, he stayed down-to-earth at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, teaching Yang Jian supernatural powers while retreating with all his heart.

Yuanshi Tianzun hasn't returned to Kunlun for a long time.

When he came back today, he had a beautiful face and looked very proud.

He negotiated with the two western sects that if the killing disaster comes, they will work together to target the interception sect.

However, when he heard Xiantong say, "Reverend Yuding has not returned to the mountain recently, and has been retreating at the foot of the mountain."

He was stunned.

What followed was a wave of anger.

"Why did he retreat?!"

Staring at Buzhou Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun sneered after a while.

"Hmph, when the catastrophe comes, you also have to join sacrifice to heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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