Chapter 20: The World War Is Shocking!

There is no doubt that this is the Zhoushan sage!
All beings in an uproar!

Under the blessing of mana, Zhao Lang's voice resounded through the prehistoric world.

No one expected that the hermit usually only liked to retreat and never saw him get angry with anyone, but now that Kunpeng came to him, all living beings could feel the infinite anger in Zhao Lang's words.

San Xiao was pleasantly surprised, and Bi Xiao was even more aggrieved in an instant with a pretty face: "Brother Yi!"

After moving Sanxiao and the unconscious Xuanyuan and others into the fairy cave, Zhao Lang hurriedly looked at Sanxiao, stroked Bixiao's head with his hand, and blamed himself very much.

Kunpeng outside the cave was even more furious.

He is a great demon who has survived in ancient times, a demon master of the demon race, stronger than Donghuang Taiyi and the demon emperor Di Jun, even if they see him, they will be courteous to him.

Today, someone dared to threaten himself in front of all sentient beings. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became!
With a roar, Kunpeng suddenly rushed down from the clouds.

In an instant, the sentient beings only felt that their vision was dim, and when they looked intently, they found that above the sky, a huge and boundless roc was chasing down from the clouds and heading straight to Buzhou Mountain!

Even if you are thousands of miles away, it is inevitable that you will be a little unstable due to the residual wind.

Zhao Langlai was on top of the fairy cave, and when he saw Kunpeng rushing down, he laughed.

This made the latter furious!

Immediately, he turned into a kun as huge as the Buzhou Mountains, with its mouth open like an abyss, trying to swallow the entire ridge.

Seeing Kunpeng coming, Zhao Lang snorted coldly.

Immediately, spiritual power surged, and his right hand swiped in front of him.

A rainbow light that is even bigger than before, like a ten thousand zhang knife light, mixed with infinite spiritual power, tearing the void, it is unstoppable!
Chaos Blazing Demon Slash!
Zhao Lang has come to the pinnacle of quasi-sage!
Terrifying mana gathered, and this rainbow light quickly shot towards Kunpeng's huge mouth!
In the darkness shrouded in front of him, a dazzling light suddenly burst out, and Kunpeng was shocked!
How huge is his physical body?

But in the face of Chaos Blazing Demon Slash, there is an omen that it will be split in half by it!
"what is this?"

Kunpeng was frightened.

Zhao Lang has never made such a move before. In the eyes of Hong Huang, he is a cautious person, he does not like to cause trouble, and he does not want to be contaminated by the hermit's power of cause and effect.

Maybe he has a high level of cultivation, but he has never had a particularly earth-shattering battle.

Kunpeng felt something was wrong, so he quickly turned around to resist Chaos Blazing Demon Slash.

But it was too late, even though he had changed his figure, Chi Mo Zhan still cut one of his wings into two!

All living beings are amazed!

"Is this how the demon master Kunpeng was seriously injured?"

"How strong is Zhoushan Saint?"

"As expected of an ancient power!"

Zhao Lang's blow shocked the hearts of countless creatures. It turned out that this hermit is so strong!
Even Tongtian, who is above the nine heavens, was a little surprised.

"As expected of someone I recognize!"

He tried his best to let this person join Jiejiao, but the latter refused all the time.

I have never had the opportunity to see his true strength, and now I see him is really domineering!
Suddenly thought, what would happen if I were myself?

Tong Tian fell into deep thought.

Of course, not only the Master Tongtian is observing.

The other saints were also surprised by Zhao Lang.

Is this the one Daozu said?

After all, Kunpeng was the victim of the Lich Tribulation, and his strength was comparable to that of the ancestor witches. How could he be so vulnerable to him?
San Xiao saw this scene through his spiritual sense, and was shocked by it all!

"It turns out that Brother Yi is so strong!"

Yuanshi Tianzun, Taoist Randeng and all the golden immortals also witnessed it with their own eyes in Kunlun.

Taoist Huanglong swallowed.

"This guy, if he really did it back then, I'm afraid he..."

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly, but he hoped that Kunpeng would swallow it directly to relieve his hatred. Seeing the big monster being beaten so embarrassingly, he was still a little disappointed.

After thinking about it again, this Kunpeng has no grievances or enmities with that person, why is it suddenly so?
After pinching fingers to calculate, there was no result.

He couldn't help being interested in the matter.

Duobao, who was practicing in seclusion, was also surprised. He came to the top of Biyou Palace, watching the scene in the sky.

"It's really powerful! This is practice!"

His eyes were filled with admiration for Zhao Lang.

Master Yuding took Yang Jian to retreat and practice at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, and also walked out of the cave.

"Master, who is the person who drove back that big monster?" Yang Jian frowned, as in his memory, he had never seen such a powerful spiritual power.

Yuding shook his head and smiled, "Sage Zhoushan."

After Zhao Lang solved his confusion before, Yuding changed his senses.

This person has been in seclusion and has never been contaminated by worldly affairs. If the master hadn't had lingering fears about him, he would not have offended him before.

Thinking of this, not only sigh...

Outside the Nantian Gate, the Jade Emperor stood in the sky and looked down, surrounded by immortals and gods, including Zhao Lang's apprentice Nine-Headed Insect. At this time, his eyes were full of excitement, and he kept saying to the people around: "This It's my master! My master..."

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor was also secretly startled.

It is worthy of being the senior mentioned by the master!
"But... why did Kunpeng go to Mount Buzhou?"

The Jade Emperor suddenly realized something was wrong. The well-behaved Zhao Lang retreated by himself. Why did Kunpeng provoke him?

And the Jade Emperor couldn't figure it out, which shows that there must be a sage's calculations in it!
The more Jade Emperor thought about it, the more he felt chilled.

"These saints...have a good face!"

If it wasn't for Hongjun's presence, the Heavenly Court would have already been divided up by those saints...

On Buzhou Mountain, the dark clouds in the sky were almost cleared away. Kunpeng struggled to maintain his figure with spiritual power. Looking at the bloody wings, he felt not only anger, but also fear!

He never thought how could this person be so strong?

Why don't you go to the prehistoric world when you are so strong?

But after a while, his face became fierce again, and then he turned into a human body, summoned the sword in his hand, and rushed towards Zhao Lang again.

"With this strength? Can you kill Hongyun Patriarch?"

Zhao Lang smiled disdainfully, his voice was still loud and spread throughout the world.

Kunpeng was shocked!

Back then Zixiao Palace preached that he joined hands with all the great powers to kill Hongyun Patriarch, but it has not been spread so far, and even today very few people know about it.

Even Hongyun Patriarch's good friend Zhen Yuanzi didn't doubt him.

How does this person know?

When all beings heard this sentence, their hairs stood on end!

Ancestor Hongyun was killed back then, but he has never been able to find out who did it. It turned out to be Kunpeng!
For a moment, Kunpeng could feel that he was being stared at fiercely by hundreds of millions of hot eyes...

When he was distracted, Zhao Lang snorted coldly, and without moving his body, he summoned the God-killing Spear from his sleeve, causing the world to tremble!

Murder gun?
The saint marvels!

How many unknown tricks does this guy have?

The strength is hard to fathom, the ashram cannot be peeped by the divine sense, the spiritual power is so deep, there is even the god-killing spear of the demon ancestor Luohu?

As soon as the god-killing gun was released, the power of chaos in the world was aroused by it!

Immediately, Zhao Lang made an understatement.

The God-killing Spear pierced the sky like an arrow, mixed with countless forces of chaos, and sealed the world with terrifying murderous aura. It instantly shot through Kunpeng's right arm and tore it off, followed by a tragic howl!

Looking at the broken arm, Kunpeng was not stupid. After instinctively feeling the breath of death, he instantly realized that he was no match for this person at all.

This was the first time he felt this way since the Lich Tribulation!

Zhao Lang looked at Kunpeng, he didn't intend to continue to attack, so he recalled the killing gun and put it in his sleeve.

From the moment Kunpeng rushed towards him just now, he had a feeling that he had also felt when the master of Tongtian and saints like Hongjun and Laozi came out.

But this time it wasn't the three of them, but it was certain.

Absolutely a saint!
Yuanshi Tianzun would not be so stupid as to attack him here, not to mention he would not even bother looking for Yaozu.

Nu Wa has no grievances or enmity with Zhao Lang, it is unnecessary.

Zhao Lang knew it well.

"Western religion!"

He secretly scolded Zhunti to pick him up, he had no grievances with them, how could he persuade Kunpeng to come here?

Fortunately, Sanxiao didn't make any mistakes this time, if something happened, it would be difficult for Zhao Lang to guarantee whether he would hit Lingshan...


Seeing that he didn't continue to attack, Kunpeng in Tianji fled quickly and disappeared into the clouds after saying a harsh word.

Zhao Lang also hurried back to the fairy cave, this move was really hasty.

Although he didn't come out of the mountain and just stayed at the entrance of the fairy cave, he was afraid that he would let Lao Tzu talk about it. After all, he said that he would let Lao Tzu kill him when he said he would go out of the mountain...

"I'm so sorry, why did you say that!"

Zhao Lang shook his head, but then he came to Sanxiao and transferred the spiritual plant sent by Shaohao into Bixiao's body, and she became lively again after a while.

Healing everyone's wounds one by one, but Zhao Lang kept scolding the Western religion in his heart...

"What a waste!"

Zhunti Yuanshen returned to his place, and cursed angrily, while the guide beside him was expressionless.

He urged Kunpeng to force Zhao Lang out of the mountain, and then he himself rescued him at a critical moment, so that he would be grateful to the Western religion, and took the opportunity to recruit him to convert to Buddhism, so that he could reach the heavenly leader.

did not expect……

Unexpectedly, Kunpeng almost died after three or two strikes, and the other party became famous because of it...

"No wonder Jiejiao has been wooing him, this person is really capable."

Receive a faint way.

"No! I still have to do something, I have to let him convert to my Buddha!"

But this person has been retreating all the time, and he doesn't have any enemies...


Zhunti narrowed his eyes and laughed out loud.

Jieyin looked at him, didn't speak, and understood instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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