My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 205 Facing death?If you want to chop, chop!

Chapter 205 Facing death?If you want to chop, chop!
I heard right!
Cheng Tang was shocked, and he asked again.

"Old Ancestor, what are you talking about?"

"King of people."

"Do you want to be king?"

Zhao Lang's appearance was calm and he said with a smile.

Become a king?

Does master want to support me to become the king of the clan?

Although his heart was full of anticipation, Cheng Tang fell into hesitation the next moment.

He knelt on the ground, his head downcast.

Zhao Lang frowned slightly and asked.

"Why, you still don't want to?"

He explained immediately.

"No, master! I just think that if I become king at this time, the mainland of China must still be in flames of war. Under the war, people will be devastated, and my disciples can't bear it..."

What a kind man.

Even Zhao Lang had to admire it.

Originally, Cheng Tang in history had a great past.

It is said that one day, Queen Cheng Tangcheng was in the city and saw a man kneeling in one place.

The man tied a straw cage with a rope, and at the same time kept bowing to heaven and earth.

Cheng Tang was interested, and stepped forward to ask, what is this for.

When the man came back, he wanted to catch birds for his livelihood. He set up a grass cage and tied such a rope with grains in it. If a bird got into it, he could catch the bird by pulling the end of the rope.

Cheng Tang was taken aback after hearing this.

After that, he came to the capital cage and made a hole in the cage with his own hands. At the same time, he knelt down and worshiped the heaven and the earth, hoping that the bird would come out through the hole after entering the cage.

Later, this matter was called openness on the Internet.

When he was done, he also sent some money to the fowler.

At present, the people in the city are very moved when they see the king like this.

With such a person who understands the Lord and is kind, why worry that the people will not live and work in peace, and the dynasty will prosper?

Seeing this way, Zhao Lang can be sure.

This small soup is a real soup.

But if this kid is chopped off, what will happen later?
This is not acceptable, my ancestor and my grandson, I will protect myself.

He came to Chengtang, stretched out Wuyou's hand, and tapped lightly on his forehead.

Immediately, Cheng Tang felt as if an electric current was transmitted into his body along with the center of his brows, and a burst of comfort made him tremble.

Looking up again, Master Zhao Lang disappeared, and the surroundings recovered.

At this time, the executioner's knife also fell down like a broken bamboo.

next moment.

The applauding voices around stopped abruptly.

Thousands of people were silent for a while.

what's the situation?
Knife rolled?

Are you okay?
Yu Ming was also stunned. He had felt something was wrong since just now, but he couldn't find out why.

But looking at it now, the precious sword blessed by his own spiritual power couldn't kill this kid?
Zhao Lang observed secretly and sneered.

Patriarch, my Yuqing Lotus Flower Kung Fu, how could it be possible for a little mysterious fairy like you to break through it?
Just a moment ago, with Zhao Lang's spiritual power, he entered Cheng Tang's body.

Not only did he have a bit of Dao spiritual power to completely open up the unopened meridians all over Cheng Tang's body.

There was also an inexplicably powerful exercise, which appeared in his mind instantly, and then under the blessing of spiritual power, the exercise consciously operated.

Yuqing Lotus Art.

Even Xuanxian's magic power is helpless for this kind of cultivation technique.

Where did Yu Ming see these?

He couldn't help but cursed.

"Bastard, what kind of sorcery is this?"

Judging from his cultivation base, there was some improvement in the instant just now?
Can being stabbed improve one's cultivation?

He was full of doubts in his heart, and he didn't expect that the person who helped him at this time was still observing here.

"Hmph, good! No matter what you say today, you must die here!"

At this time, Yu Ming was already possessed by jealousy.

Killing intent suddenly rose in his eyes, and then he didn't care about how many people and local officials Yu Liang were around.

Under the mobilization of spiritual power, Xuanxian's strength was fully exposed.

This level of cultivation is already enough to become the teacher of a sect in the mainland of China.

But in Zhao Lang's eyes, it's just some pretentiousness.

He only needs to flick his fingers lightly, and the latter can die on the spot.

But he can only protect Cheng Tang, and cannot kill Yu Ming, otherwise the causal relationship will be spread, and it will be easy to be discovered by some careful saints.

So with the blessing of spiritual power, he protected Cheng Tang again.

Everyone in the audience was shocked at this time.

Xuan Xian Da Neng actually made a move himself!

This thief is definitely going to die today!

There is no chance at all, why bother...

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but no one stood by Cheng Tang's side.

Some real immortal practitioners in the audience looked at Yu Liang, but the magistrate didn't say a word. It was indeed a bit out of place for him to attack Yu Ming directly as an attendant.

But Yu Liang didn't give an order, so they just stayed where they were.

at this time.

The palm of Yu Ming's hand wrinkled, and the surrounding air was distorted by spiritual power, and it instantly turned into a strange golden light of Xuanmen.

Most of the cultivators of the human race still practice Xuanmen Kung Fu, so almost all of them use the same golden light body protection.

This person is not weak, and there must be some forces behind him.

Zhao Lang was thinking about how to help Cheng Tang escape.

However, it was too late to say it, and after Yu Ming yelled, he slapped it with a single palm.

Cheng Tang knelt in front of him, and this palm went straight towards Qi Linggai!

The former felt the power of this palm, and thought to himself.

It's over, do you really want to die here today?
Master, save me!

Although he thought so in his heart, he was still tenacious, and if he died, he would be upright.

Then he shouted in his mouth.

"It's an honor to die today!"

It was said that Zhao Lang was about to make a move.

at this time!

The same golden light flashed, instantly resisting this palm force!
Zhao Lang was taken aback.

Who made the move?

Under the sweeping observation of his divine sense, he was slightly happy.

Is it her?

The unanimous gazes of all the people were mixed with shock and disbelief.

Can resist this mighty palm of Yu Ming Xuanxian, who has such strength?

Under the stage, in full view.

A woman slowly touched the ground with lotus steps, and with a light leap, she came to the stage.

This person is Yang Chan.

Didn't expect Yang Chan to come to this city after entering the wilderness?
In fact, she had been on the sidelines for a long time. When she heard the disciple's words, she found out through cause and effect that Cheng Tang was Zhao Lang's disciple.

So she acted right away.

Although it has gone down the mountain, the kindness of master and apprentice is still there.

"You... who are you?"

Feeling that Yang Chan's cultivation was far superior to his own, Yu Ming hesitated.

The figure exploded back and forth, and at the same time said in shock.

"You are so courageous, you dare to attack Zhou Shanzong's disciples?"

Yang Chan almost transformed at this time, probably because the Jade Emperor sealed her bloodline, making her no longer trust anyone.

Except for Zhao Lang, her master has always been the person she respects the most.

With cold eyes, Yang Chan glanced at Yu Ming.

The latter is also a stagger.

Almost all the audience burst back a few steps.

Zhou Shanzong.

This name is no stranger to them.

Even ordinary people have heard of this term from some practitioners in the city.

But for a long time, Zhou Shanzong has been like that court to them, far away from the prehistoric and dangerous land, far away from the mainland of China.

Among them, there are countless strong and powerful disciples, and there are even several personal disciples of the Zhoushan sage who are also among the best. If you pick out any one, they are all powerful enough to destroy this city with a flick of a finger!
Although they also knew the news of the Zhoushan Sect and the Zhoushan Saint's demise, it didn't mean that the deterrent power of the Zhoushan Sect in their hearts for countless thousands of years had diminished.

It still breaks my heart when I hear this.

Everyone present took a few steps back.

On the execution platform, Yu Liang got up in a hurry, and stood at the end under the protection of a group of practitioners.

Even the executioner who had just held the knife dropped the sharp knife in his hand and jumped off the stage, trembling.

Yu Ming squinted, he couldn't believe it.

"Don't scare people with Zhoushan Sect. No one knows that the sage of Zhoushan Sect has fallen, and all the disciples of Zhoushan Sect are like mourning dogs. What's more, how do you prove that you are a disciple of Zhoushan Sect?"

He first made a mockery to make everyone less vigilant towards this woman, and then asked back.

With a slight snap of his fingers, the rope on Cheng Tang's body was untied.

The latter got up slowly, and under Zhao Lang's voice transmission, he quickly saluted.

"It turned out to be the uncle!"

Yang Chan ignored him.

Looking at Yu Ming, Yang Chan, who had been practicing in the prehistoric for some time, had become very decisive, and immediately there was a murderous intent in her clear eyes.

On the contrary, this killing intent made Yu Ming's whole body tense up.

It was as if something was secretly suppressing him.

It wasn't Yang Chan's killing intent, but Zhao Lang's law of time.

At the same time, although he couldn't make a move, he would never go around this guy.

The system also beeps on time.

"Ding! It is detected that someone insulted Zhou Shanzong, you can choose to insult the host."

"One, ignore it and let the disciples leave, it will cause everyone to laugh at Zhou Shanzong's disciples for their lack of guts."

"Second, if you let Yang Chan kill him, you will gain the awe of the disciples of Zhoushan Sect from the people in the city."

Originally, Yu Ming's crime was not fatal, but he uttered wild words, and now Zhao Lang was also murderous.

How can a disciple of Zhou Shanzong be insulted by a guy like you?

Zhao Lang smiled evilly, and then, under the exertion of his spiritual power, he sent a message to Yang Chan through Cheng Tang's mouth.

Cheng Tang whispered a few words in his ear.

Yang Chan's face darkened and she looked at Yu Ming.

Her red lips parted slightly, and the words she spit out were extremely cold.

"Those who humiliate Zhou Shanzong will die."

next moment.

Everyone present felt chills down their spines!
(End of this chapter)

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