Chapter 224

What he saw was the Taoist Ran Deng who had already left the teaching, but he was wearing a gray-patterned cassock at this time, so it was obvious that he should be called the Lantern Ancient Buddha.

Zhao Lang wondered, could this guy really see himself?
His brows were tightly frowned, if Ran Deng wanted to expose him at this time, Zhao Lang would not be merciful, and would kill him immediately.

However, Ran Deng also seemed to be confused.

He looked at the coffin lamp in his hand, in which the fire of the nether world was about to move, as if he felt something.

That's right, the Netherfire can detect all primordial spirits, and Zhao Lang was discovered at this time, presumably because of the lamp.

But Huo found Zhao Lang, and Daoist Ran Deng was still confused.

Why did the accompanying magic weapon in his hand suddenly become restless?
Looking around, he didn't notice anything unusual.

After shaking his head, he put the coffin lamp back into his sleeve.

Immediately afterwards, Daoist Ran Deng headed towards Daleiyin Temple. He didn't know that his companion magic weapon almost made him die!
Withdrawing his divine sense, Zhao Lang frowned slightly.

This Lingshan is really weird. There are so many followers of the Western religion, why wouldn't it become the target of the Dao of Heaven?
Is it just because of the great wishes made by the two of them, Zhunti and Jieying?
Shaking his head, no one knows this, even as a Daoist saint, Zhao Lang can't see through it.

Sitting cross-legged, Zhao Lang closed his eyes and rested on the gazebo.

Close your eyes, and in the blink of an eye, another thousand years have passed.

At this time, the Xia Dynasty was on the verge of collapse.

For nearly a thousand years, Chengtang has been on the mainland of China, and wherever he goes, he is like a broken bamboo, and he can be said to be indomitable.

Almost all the tribes and common people are willing to let this army of benevolence and righteousness overthrow the rule of the Xia Dynasty.

However, under the resistance of some people with a little power in the Xia Dynasty.

It actually made the battle situation even more anxious.

Zhao Lang has been secretly paying attention to these uneasy apprentices and grandchildren, who seem to be moving forward indomitable, but among them, it is this master who secretly paved the way for them!
Sighing, Zhao Lang opened his eyes again.

Looking at the peach blossoms flying around the gazebo, he smiled wryly.

Immediately afterwards, with a big wave of his hand, the infinite chaotic spiritual power appeared, and his spiritual consciousness reached out to the mainland of China.

His eyes fell on one place, and at this time Cheng Tang was frowning in a hall, and it seemed that there was something disturbing in his heart.

With a sweep of Zhao Lang's divine sense, he saw through the troubled point in his heart.

It turned out that the Xia Dynasty had hit the bottom and rebounded recently and fought hard. In the second and second battles, the city in front of them could not be attacked for a long time, and they suffered heavy losses, their soldiers were weak, and their supplies bottomed out.

Although there were Eighteen Arhats and Patriarch Hongyun by his side, none of them could break through the opponent's barrier.

Hong Yun couldn't break through because he was too lazy to break through...

Cheng Tang was thinking.

If we retreat at this time and let Xia Chao fight back all the way, I am afraid that the efforts of thousands of years will be in vain.

He turned around and looked at the tablet behind him, on which was engraved the holy tablet of Master Zhou Shan.

Three bows and nine kowtows, he longed for his master to come and give him some advice.

However, just as he finished the last kowtow, Zhao Lang's voice came over.

"Good things don't occur to my ancestor at all, and they will cause trouble!"

Zhao Lang's voice was joking, but he was actually laughing.

Cheng Tang was terrified, he quickly knelt down, and looked at the tablet with more respectful eyes.

"Master, how dare a disciple?"

Hearing Zhao Lang's faint laughter, Cheng Tang felt relieved and asked.

"Master, what advice do you have?"

he asked full of longing.

At this time, it is already in full swing. If the city ahead is not taken as soon as possible, the suffering of the people will be postponed indefinitely, and the morale of the army will be weakened. It will be difficult to regain its glory.

So he extremely hoped that Master Zhao Lang could help him.

But how can Zhao Lang help?
He couldn't get out.

"How can I help you? You rely on me for everything, how can you still be king."

Zhao Lang's voice came to Cheng Tang's ears leisurely.

Although there is no way, it is not difficult to hear from the tone that there is another meaning.

Cheng Tang was smart and said with a smile all over his face.

"Master, you are amazing from ancient to modern times. Where in the world is there something you don't know?"

This kid, is this trying to play a rascal?
Zhao Lang smiled wryly.

However, the disciples and grandchildren chosen by themselves still have to be spoiled by themselves.

Immediately, Zhao Lang sent a person down the mountain directly.

This person was Zhang Ling who was already staying in Buzhou Mountain and was about to get moldy.

The latter loves to fight, is extremely brave, and has a high cultivation base. Even if the opponent has a monk with a good cultivation base in the human race, there is no room for fighting back against her.

So, Zhao Lang sent her down the mountain.

Under the exertion of spiritual power, all karma about himself was erased from his body.

From then on, Zhang Ling happily went down the mountain to assist Cheng Tang.

To put it simply, in just half a day, Zhang Ling arrived in a rainbow.

Cheng Tang stood outside the hall to welcome him early, and he was very happy to see Master.

At that time, he entered Buzhou Mountain and became Zhao Lang's disciple and grandson, while Zhang Ling was his master.

However, Zhang Ling was originally a spirit bead, and even though she had lived for countless thousands of years, she still looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

Zhang Linghua Hongguang came to the city, looked down with beautiful eyes, and found his apprentice in a moment.

Arriving slowly, she pinched the blue crystal spear with her slender fingers, tied the pale silver ribbon behind her head, and wore a shining silver Dao suit.

However, due to her petite stature, the Dao uniform looked very wide and did not fit well.

Although her appearance can't be called all-powerful, Xiaojiabiyu is very charming.

When the immeasurable celestial figure descended, the robes floated in the breeze, and the spring scenery under it was faintly visible, attracting countless common people and soldiers to bump into each other...

Everyone can't help talking.

"who is this?"

"This girl is so beautiful, could it be that she is a fairy descended from the earth?"

"Wait, why did our king kneel down?"

A moment later, they were shocked to find that Cheng Tang had already knelt down on the ground, bowing to the woman who was slowly descending in front of him.

"Master! You are here!"


Everyone was stunned.

This little girl who seems to be only fifteen or sixteen is actually Cheng Tang's master?

Cheng Tang is their king, their leader.

Could it be that this woman is Qianshan Child Elder?

Thinking of this in my heart, all the scenery just now disappeared like clouds in an instant.

Zhao Lang secretly laughed.

Although Zhang Ling looks provocative, but whoever dares, I am afraid that his end will be terrible!
This is the most irritable one among all his disciples.

Even a little more irritable than Xuanheihu who is a monster.

The latter at least wiped out most of his hostility while Bu Zhoushan followed Zhao Lang in self-cultivation.

But this guy really gets itchy hands if he doesn't smash something for a day!

With a wry smile, he continued to check.

Looking at Cheng Tang, Zhang Ling's pretty face darkened.

"Who told you to go down the mountain privately?"

Unexpectedly, the master will be questioned as soon as he arrives?
Cheng Tang panicked.

He knows how strong his master is!

At the beginning, one person swept tens of thousands of prehistoric minions around Buzhou Mountain, like a killing god!

Of course he didn't dare to disobey.


Even though he was the King of People at this time, he still didn't get up for a long time.

It can be seen that the soldiers below are a little puzzled.

Zhao Lang coughed lightly, and the voice came into Zhang Ling's ears to reprimand him.

After a while, the latter smiled mischievously.

"Get up, I'm teasing you!"

tease you!

Can the king of people make fun of him casually?

Everyone was stunned, they had completely lost their ability to think.

Cheng Tang's master probably has a fairly high level of cultivation!

At this time, his cultivation base is in the golden fairy realm.

If it's his master, I'm afraid...

Great Luo Jinxian!

It is very likely that it is a big Luo Jinxian!

Thinking of this, no one dared to have any irrational thoughts about this seemingly petite girl...

Zhang Ling joined Cheng Tang's camp.

Choose a day to fight.

With the attitude of almost sweeping thousands of troops, she led Cheng Tang's army, and instantly stepped across the long-forsaken city on the opposite side.

Even if the other party has several Taiyi Jinxian strongmen invited from the prehistoric, after seeing Zhang Ling's true cultivation level, they all turned pale in shock and fled in despair.

After successfully occupying the city, soon, Cheng Tang was here, setting the name of the country in the future.

He asked Zhao Lang for his opinion.

Zhao Lang asked him to follow his heart.

Thus, the first banner of Shang was created.

Shang Tang cut Xia, entering the most critical moment.

Zhao Lang nodded.

I am very pleased.

Watching the disciples and grandchildren gradually establish a brand new dynasty, I was very excited.

He was thinking, such a good disciple, why would there be a descendant like Zishou?

With a wry smile, just as he was about to withdraw his spiritual consciousness, his spiritual consciousness swept out of Chengtang Hall. How many people he was familiar with appeared at this time?
Zhao Lang frowned, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, feeling that their arrival was not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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