My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 23 Zhang Tian's Difficulty, Coincidence with Lu Ya?

Chapter 23 Zhang Tian's Difficulty, Coincidence with Lu Ya?
Through the sight of the avatar, Zhao Lang found out.

At this time, he should be in a cave, and the surrounding environment is very dark, and he can't see his fingers.

But Zhang Tian was tied up and couldn't move.

Zhao Lang couldn't help feeling curious.

After the avatar dies, it will enter the six realms of reincarnation and be reincarnated, which has no effect on the main body. What he is curious about is that Zhang Tian is the heir of the White Emperor in name after all, who will arrest him?
At this moment, a burst of charming laughter came from the darkness.

"It's a pity to eat it."

A banshee?

Zhao Lang frowned subconsciously, are the Yaozu so blatant?

In the darkness, Zhao Lang temporarily occupied Zhang Tian's soul, and now he seemed to be tied up personally, but his body was still Zhang Tian, ​​and his cultivation was so shallow that he couldn't break through.

The banshee gradually appeared, looking at her appearance, Zhao Lang felt an indescribable sense of familiarity.

"who are you?"

Zhao Lang asked slowly, changed his previous timidity, and looked like a different person.

The banshee was stunned for a moment, then she put her face close to her and sniffed her body, Zhao Lang also took a good look at her appearance.

If it weren't for knowing that she was a demon, I am afraid that such beauty would be enough to drive thousands of human races crazy.

"You don't even know me, the nine-tailed fox demon?"

Zhao Lang was shocked when he heard this.

Isn't the nine-tailed fox demon in Xuanyuan Tomb?
On second thought.

Zhao Lang accepted Xuanyuan as his apprentice, and Xuanyuan followed him to practice in closed doors. Practitioners have no lifespan to speak of. Xuanyuan is no longer a mortal body, and he will not die, let alone his tomb.

So the fox demon is not in Xuanyuan Tomb at this time.

History has been changed by his own decision. He thought of this life, as Zhao Gongming, the possibility of changing his fate against the sky is indeed very high!
Can't help laughing out.

Seeing this, the fox demon was not happy.

She has already turned into a human form, but the men who are usually captured are extremely afraid of her. This man seemed to be in a trance just now, but when he turned his head, he was not afraid of her?
"What are you laughing at?"

Zhao Lang shook his head, he was not a laughing fox demon.

However, the latter grabbed his throat, Zhao Lang felt short of breath.

Zhang Tian's physical body is still too fragile. If Zhao Lang's body is here, with just one look, the fox demon may be wiped out.

But this is impossible.

Zhao Lang won't come out of the mountain, but he doesn't want his clone to die just like that.

"Forgive your life, spare your life!"

He hurriedly begged for mercy, but the fox demon smiled satisfied and threw him on the ground.

"It seems that you have quite a bit of courage. Unlike those before, I am not in a hurry to eat you. I will keep you here and let me absorb the essence."

Zhao Lang was shocked!

What is this going to do?
Absorb essence?

Before he could speak, the banshee slowly approached Zhao Lang...

"Presumptuous! Do you know who I am?"

Zhao Lang panicked. He had seen saints and quasi-sages before, but he had never seen a banshee who absorbs the soul.

Besides, how to absorb it?

The bound body couldn't help but start to move backwards, but...

didn't work.

After a scream, Zhao Lang's consciousness returned to his body.

He felt that this was the first time in trillions of years that he had been so insulted...

"I was actually disturbed by this evil fox demon!"

Zhao Lang hurriedly circulated his spiritual energy, closed his eyes and meditated...

Not long after, Xuanyuan was ordered by Zhao Lang to find this cave. Although the fox demon has gained the Tao, where is Xuanyuan's opponent?

However, Zhang Tian's life was not hurt, and Zhao Lang also ordered Xuanyuan not to kill the fox demon, but to scare him away.

Xuanyuan entered the dark cave, beat the fox demon away with a few blows, and then carried Zhang Tian, ​​who was as thin as a stick, towards Baidi Shaohao...

San Xiao also felt Zhao Lang's mental state recently, and it seemed that he was not in a good mood. When Bi Xiao asked him, he only said: "I was distracted during cultivation..."

Kunlun Mountains.

The Antarctic Immortal had been in seclusion for a long time. During this period, Yuanshi Tianzun asked him to leave the seclusion more than once. He kept refusing on the grounds that he was unwell, which made Yuanshi Tianzun quite a headache.

No one knows why he started to retreat. Could it be that he was instructed by the sage Zhou Shan?
Some people talk about it and some people speculate.

But Nanji Xianweng and Benjian have never met Zhao Lang, and Yuding came a few times before and mentioned him.

Zhao Lang was puzzled, he had never seen this person before, or did he just want to retreat?
But at the same time, he also found it funny that Yuanshi Tianzun, a dignified sage, was so small-minded.

Today, Zhao Lang is retreating.

"The sage of Zhoushan, I am explaining and teaching the Antarctic fairy..."

Zhao Lang opened his eyes, he had wanted to meet this person for a long time, why would he follow his own practice?Is it the same as him?Are they all time-traveled?
The idea was dismissed before it came out, Zhao Lang knew that it was impossible.

Slowly walking out of the cave, Zhao Lang looked at the Antarctic Fairy.

"Why did the Antarctic Lord come here?"

The latter bowed his hands and saluted, and then smiled: "Senior has been practicing in closed doors, and his patience is so deep that I admire him. I should have come to see you long ago."

He then said: "Senior, you have reached a level that I can't see through. I'm afraid you are already at the pinnacle of quasi-sage."

Zhao Lang nodded, but did not speak.

"I have something to ask my predecessors, I don't know if I should say it."

Just know!
If there is nothing to show courtesy, there must be ghosts.

However, Zhao Lang also breathed a sigh of relief. Since this shows that the Antarctic Immortal has been in seclusion and refused to be recruited by Yuanshi Tianzun to deal with him, it was just because he had something to ask, which made him feel more relieved. If he really just came to see him, nothing would happen. Said, he felt weird.

"please say."

"I have a disciple named Bai He Tongzi. I want him to worship you as his teacher. I don't know what you want?"

"Ding! It is detected that the Antarctic fairy is asking for a host, and you can choose."

"[-]. If you refuse the request and offend the Antarctic fairy, you can get a Houtian Lingbao."

"Second, if you accept the boy Baihe and accept him as an apprentice, you can get two acquired spirit treasures."

Why are the system's selection rewards so low-level this time, is it irrelevant?
Thinking of this, Zhao Lang felt that he would rather be a friend than an enemy, so he agreed to the request of Nanji Xianweng.

As far as he is concerned, letting Boy Baihe stay in Buzhou Mountain has no effect on him.

After handing over the white crane boy to Zhao Lang, the Antarctic Immortal bid farewell in a hurry, as if there was something unfinished...

Zhao Lang simply taught some supernatural powers to Baihe boy, but fortunately he is quite sensible, and Zhao Lang is also good at his senses, so he asked him to open a cave in Buzhou Mountain and retreat with him.

As Zhao Lang retreated again, all the disciples also immersed themselves in cultivation, and Bu Zhoushan also calmed down.

The vast expanse is far more than ten billion times larger than the earth.

A man in a green shirt walked forward on the blue clouds. He had a handsome face and an imposing manner.

This is Zhang Tian, ​​Zhao Lang's clone.

After experiencing what happened hundreds of years ago, he has been practicing in seclusion. At this time, he has come to the high level of the immortal, and he can barely protect himself.

But it's just self-protection. After all, there are countless strong people in the prehistoric world, and there may be hidden dangers everywhere.

Zhao Lang controlled Zhang Tian's consciousness and came to a mountain top, which was isolated from the world, like a fairyland.

"Finally found a place where I can concentrate and practice!"

Zhao Lang looked at the surrounding environment and smiled with satisfaction. Since he suffered from the fox demon last time, he has been very cautious. After all, he himself cannot save him at a critical moment, otherwise he will be targeted by the saint.

Just when he found a place to stay and was about to meditate and practice, he suddenly felt a majestic murderous aura attacking from behind.

Frowning tightly, he hurriedly dodged and looked away.

After a while, a person appeared slowly. This person was wearing a long gown, a coir raincoat on his head, and a black gauze to cover his face.

But his cultivation level is definitely not low, and every step is stirring the spiritual power in the void.

"who are you?"

Zhao Lang asked with a frown.


The man smiled, and Zhao Lang seemed to feel that the voice was quite familiar.

"After so many years, I don't know who I am anymore."

The man walked out slowly, holding a gourd in his hand.

There is a ray of light in the gourd, more than three feet high, and there is a thing on it, seven inches long, with eyebrows and eyes, and two white lights shooting out of the eyes.

However, what he said next made Zhao Lang's heart tighten.

"But from today onwards, my name will be Lu Ya."

Land pressure!

(End of this chapter)

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