Chapter 230 Slashing Old Dan's Heart Demon!

The body of Lao Dan's heart demon is slowly cracking open!
The primordial spirit in it was torn apart and gradually turned into ashes!
A faint black air floated out from its cracked skin.

The body has been destroyed, and the primordial spirit is about to disperse!
And seeing it, he is ready to escape into the six realms of reincarnation!
Hong Guang felt a numbness in his heart, and suddenly felt as if his heart was going to his head!

Zhao Lang sneered.

Seeing the scattered soul floating up, he said lightly.

"Old Ancestor, can I reincarnate you?"

Although he put away the sword, at this moment Zhao Lang crushed his primordial spirit with ease.

Although he treats everything and everything with compassion in his heart on weekdays, but this guy slaughtered the disciples and grandchildren of Zhou Shan, this is absolutely unbearable to Zhao Lang!
He grabbed the palm of his hand indifferently in front of him, and then followed.

A muffled sound came out.

In this world, there are no old demons anymore!

33. Inside the Palace of Bajing in Tushita.

Lao Dan, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, opened his eyes suddenly, and his body bounced up almost instantly.

Dang even stomped his feet and came to the prehistoric.

Looking back and forth, left, right, southeast and northwest, however, he no longer sensed the movement of his inner demon.

However, he has a feeling in his heart, that is, the inner demon has been eliminated!
This point of cause and effect was infinitely magnified in his mind.

He is the most indifferent saint, but he is not without emotion.

Now that the inner demons have been eliminated, Lao Dan's cultivation base has risen several levels immediately!
It even surpassed the Tongtian leader who was in its heyday!

But there is also a problem.

who is it?

Who on earth could help him get rid of his inner demons so cleanly?

You must know that guy is also a primordial spirit body with the same cultivation level as himself!
Although it doesn't have its own physical body, it is still very strong!
Whether it is those quasi-sages or the saints of heaven in the wild, it is not easy to deal with him.

And if the primordial spirit of the heart demon can gather all [-] primordial spirits, it can be directly transformed into a flesh body.

At that time, I am afraid that if Daozu Hongjun does not make a move, no one will be able to kill him!
This person must be very grateful to him!
But, who is he?
It's not that he didn't think about Zhao Lang in his heart, but the news of the latter's demise has already passed tens of thousands of years.

Could it be that there is another great power rising! ?

Lao Dan nodded, and then returned to the Tushita Palace.

When Master Xuandu saw Master, he respectfully saluted.

"Master, where are you from?"

Looking at Lao Dan who was full of joy, Xuandu was a little puzzled.

Ever since Zhao Lang died, it was as if his master had lost a close friend.

From then on, I couldn't help being unable to retreat, and even let the demon out by mistake.

He really couldn't guess the reason for his joy at this time.

"The heart demon has been eliminated!"

Old Dan smiled rarely.

"Congratulations to Master, congratulations to Master! After getting rid of the demons, Master must have improved a lot in cultivation!"

Xuan Du's eyes lit up.

This is a good thing!
That means that my master is now called a saint who is under one person and above ten thousand people!
The leader of Tongtian had once overwhelmed him before!
But after Lao Dan laughed, he said with some hesitation.

"But, I didn't remove it."

Didn't Master get rid of it?

"That is?"

Xuandu didn't understand.

If Master didn't remove it with his own hands, who could it be?
Old Dan shook his head.

"Forget it, since the inner demons have been eliminated, Xuandu, you go to the human race and find Chengtang."

Hearing the master's order, Master Xuandu naturally took the order immediately, and then resigned and left the prehistoric world.

And the other side.

Inside the Chaos Palace.

Zhao Lang looked at Hong Guang expressionlessly.

He was thinking, how to let this guy die in order to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Just kill like this, he just died once.

With a cold snort, Zhao Lang thought of a good way.

Then he came directly to the former.

Hong Guang didn't even know what legs were at this time.

Involuntarily fell to the ground, and even started to twitch.

He was so frightened that he lost his mind, but suddenly felt a huge spiritual force pinching him up, unable to break free.

When he came back to his senses, he had already arrived in a dark palace.

"I'll leave it to you, Qingjia, this person will make him live forever without a good reincarnation."

Zhao Lang's voice came out.

Immediately afterwards, one person walked out of the darkness slowly.

The Great Emperor of Beiyin, Qing Jia.

He is also one of the very few people who knows that Zhao Lang is still alive.

Seeing that Hong Guang's cultivation level in front of him is not considered high, he will naturally not go against Zhao Lang's intention.

"Emperor Beiyin?"

Hong Guang only reacted at this time, but it was too late, Qing Jia had already arrived in front of him.

"You can call me whatever you want? Come on, be a beast, and you will never be able to stand up again!"

Qing Jia frowned. After Zhao Lang left, he was the strongest person in the underworld.

The Great Emperor of Beiyin naturally had to put on airs.

I also feel sorry for this guy.

"I don't know what you did to make great benevolent people like Zhoushan Sage so furious. It's your fate to be reincarnated. Be a pig and dog for eternity!"

At this time, Hong Guang was escorted out by Yin soldiers, howling continuously, making a sound like killing a pig...

the other side.

Zhao Lang stayed in the secret realm of the Dao, thinking of his murdered disciple, he felt a little sad.

But after Lao Dan's heart demon was eliminated by Zhao Lang, the disciple's collected primordial spirit also entered the six realms of reincarnation.

Presumably with his status in Qingjia's heart, the latter dare not treat them badly.

It would be a blessing to be reincarnated, at least you can get rid of danger!
Sighing, Zhao Lang took a step forward, shrinking the ground into an inch, and then came to the gazebo.

With a look, San Xiao is here.


When Bi Xiao saw Zhao Lang, he came over excitedly.

Slowly descending, her pretty face has not changed at all for countless thousands of years.

Zhao Lang smiled happily.

He rarely showed such a knowing smile. It can be said that only Bi Xiao can make him so happy.

Yun Xiao is more gentle and stable, but he doesn't know how to tease Zhao Lang.

Qiong Xiao doesn't even know it, her temper is similar to Qian Jia's, she has that kind of cold feeling.

Therefore, Bi Xiao would be the first to tell Zhao Lang if San Xiao had anything to say.

"Brother, the cultivation of the three of us has reached Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

Zhao Lang knew that San Xiao's cultivation base had broken through, but he didn't expect to break through so quickly?
This speed is a bit scary...

In the blink of an eye, he was already qualified to become a great saint.

Zhao Lang can also find a few powers of Dao Law at will to make him a saint, but Zhao Lang doesn't want to do that.

Because although there are three thousand laws of the Great Dao, apart from the Ten Laws of the Primordial Meng, there are also strengths and weaknesses underneath.

Of course, the ten methods of Hongmeng are somewhat difficult, but Zhao Lang will try his best to let them prove a better way.

His existing Dao is not enough to make Sanxiao's strength soar.

Although Zhao Lang's first Dao Law was the Dao of Wind, he rarely uses it now.

After all, what is strong is what is used, and the law of fate is now Zhao Lang's favorite.

But the law of fate is rather special.

Can only provide one person to testify...

Although beheading Lao Dan's heart demon, he obtained the gossip map and a law of the road.

But this rule is not too bright.

The improvement of cultivation base is not particularly obvious.

After thinking about it, Zhao Lang thought of the Chaos Avenue Mirror.

That mirror, which was already covered with a thick layer of dust, was Zhao Lang's great opportunity afterwards.

But since leaving the Chaos Realm, the news there has nothing to do with me...

If there is still a way to return to the Chaos Realm now, he must go to Zhou Zhan and Yuan Feng first.

"I don't know what happened to the two of them now."

Zhao Lang thought in his heart.

After all, in the Chaos Realm, there is a stick of incense in the prehistoric world, and now the prehistoric era has passed ten thousand years.

He was suddenly a little curious, what has the Chaos Realm developed into now?
Afterwards, Zhao Lang took out some spirit pills from his sleeve and asked San Xiao and others to stabilize the foundation.

When the three women left the gazebo, he waved his hand lightly.

Afterwards, the Chaos Avenue Mirror appeared in front of him.

The dust on it was sparkled by Zhao Lang's spiritual power, and it immediately shone brightly.

Nodding his head, Zhao Lang immediately transferred his spiritual power and threw himself into it.

Immediately, the Chaos Avenue Mirror began to visualize.

However, when everything in it was fully presented to Zhao Lang's eyes.

He couldn't help but gasped!
what's going on!
How could this be?
(End of this chapter)

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