My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 234 The Most Important Disciple Among the Conferred Gods!

Chapter 234 The Most Important Disciple Among the Conferred Gods!
Fortunately, Duobao finally chose to come towards Buzhou Mountain.

Zhao Lang breathed a sigh of relief, and then waited quietly.

Not long after, Daoist Duobao came to the gate of the desolate Zhoushan Zongshan.

Looking at it through the secret place of the avenue, Duobao soon discovered something strange.

Among the mountains, there are many more gazebos and peach forests than when he came here for no reason.

If this wasn't what Senior Zhao did, who could it be?
It's a pity that the rest of the saints only look at the surface. Although he is not a saint, the clues can be seen quickly.

Standing outside the mountain gate, he didn't speak or act, just stood there.

He knew that if Senior Zhao found him, he would definitely move him into the secret territory of the Dao.

This guy!
Really pinched my ancestor to death!
Zhao Lang gave a wry smile, then flicked two fingers.

The moment a familiar spiritual power envelops Duobao, and in a blink of an eye, he has already arrived outside a certain pavilion in Buzhou Mountain.

Zhao Lang sat in the pavilion, laughed and shook his head.

Duobao was so excited that he stepped forward in twos and threes.

"Senior, Senior Zhao, you are still alive!"

Zhao Lang smiled wryly.

"I'm just wondering, how did you figure it out?"

he asked.

Indeed, Taoist Duobao's mind was deeper than anyone he had ever met, and Zhao Lang was a little afraid. If Duobao hadn't come to Buzhou Mountain, he might have died at this time.

Taoist Duobao shook his head and smiled.

"I didn't actually guess it, but you woke me up!"

Hearing this, Zhao Lang was a little confused.

I woke you up?
"how do I say this?"

"Before at Lingtai Pass, facing southeast was Buzhou Mountain, and facing east was East China Sea. I stopped at that pass for a while, and suddenly felt an extremely pure murderous aura. Whose killing intent?"

he paused, then asked.

"I think, it's you, Senior Zhao. Except for the saints, no one in the prehistoric world will make me feel that terrifying murderous aura, and the breath is not the other saints. Except for you, you are the only senior I can't see through. "

"If I had just headed towards the East China Sea, I wouldn't be alive to tell you these things now!"

Taoist Duobao asked again.

Zhao Lang looked a little embarrassed.

It's all the system's fault!

But I have to say that Daoist Duobao is really good, to be able to analyze that he is still alive.

Hearing such a reason, Zhao Lang was satisfied.

"Although I'm alive, I can't disclose this news now. Now I have two options for you. Either you stay in Buzhou Mountain, or you don't show your face and you are not allowed to go out."

"Or I will take away the memory of this incident in your mind."

Zhao Lang said lightly.

He looked at Duobao.

The latter should choose to stay in Buzhou Mountain.

This made Zhao Lang a little surprised.

Immediately afterwards, Duobao explained the reason.

Recently, the leader of Tongtian Cult has changed more and more. After the defeat of the Solo Demon God, he actually handed over all the affairs in the sect to the attendants of the Six Immortals. The position in the church is even lower.

Mostly just running errands to pass on a word.

He didn't want to stay in the interception.

Zhao Lang said before that there is a chance to let him join Zhou Shanzong in the future.

So he just wanted to take this opportunity to stay here directly and not go back.

However, Zhao Lang hesitated.

Although he also wanted to keep Duobao as a member of the Zhoushan sect, the catastrophe of conferring the gods has not yet begun!

The contradiction between the two religions has just been resolved, and there is definitely no opportunity to fight again now.

Let Cheng Tang and Xia Jie do the rest.

Cheng Tang was assisted by disciples of Zhou Shanzong, and Xia Jie also had some scattered cultivators.

From now on, the Sage Sect can no longer interfere.

But there are still merits.

As long as there is no Saint Sect to start the war, then the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods will never come out.

But since Daoist Duobao said so, it may not be impossible to stay in Zhoushanzong for the time being.

After all, it is not known how long it will be before the God Conferred Tribulation.

The Xia Dynasty has passed so much longer than imagined.

If Cheng Tang ruled the mainland of China, presumably he would be able to maintain long-term peace and stability with a benevolent emperor and a wise master like him.

This is the wilderness, not the earth!

Although Zhao Lang knew the evolution process, he couldn't control the time.

The Xia Dynasty lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.

It is very likely that the Shang Dynasty will last that long or even longer!

With a wry smile, Zhao Lang looked at Duobao who was full of expectations.

"After Cheng Tang ascends the throne, it won't be too late for him to return to the religion."

Thinking so in his heart, so this time, Zhao Lang did not refuse.

Let him stay in Buzhou Mountain temporarily.

Even for a while, Daoist Duobao was very excited.

It can be regarded as a dream come true!
To be able to meet senior Zhao often, drink tea and discuss the Tao, this is what he yearns for!

After arranging for Duobao to randomly find a cave in Buzhou Mountain, Zhao Lang looked at a piece of jade that appeared in his hand.

Presumably it is also the medium for recording the law of the Dao.

However, this time he was not in a hurry to merge.

It was too strenuous to merge one by one, so he was going to save up some and then go all out to merge successfully.

Scanning the prehistoric world with his divine sense, Zhao Lang discovered that the three saints of Jiejiao were returning towards Jiejiao.

Sure enough, Jiejiao didn't care where Duobao went.

In this way, Zhao Lang can be considered temporarily relieved.

Look at the mainland of China again.

At this time, Yang Jian rushed to Cheng Tang's camp.

All the disciples of Chanjiao have left, except him.

Because he took Zhao Lang's order and came to help Chengtang Faxia.

The saint sects among the human races on both sides left one after another.

The battlefield has become ordinary humans and ordinary prehistoric practitioners again.

In this way, there will be results soon.

Cheng Tang rectified the morale of the army, stepped up training, and required soldiers to eat, sleep, and refresh themselves every day.

But Xia Jie was in a panic.

He asked all the generals to make moves, and in just a few months, the soldiers of the Xia Dynasty increased tenfold!
This is simply insane.

With such a faint master, everyone knows in their hearts that Xia Chao's luck is exhausted!

Therefore, many people, with their family members, defected to Cheng Tang's camp.

The latter treats these people very politely.

It's admirable.

Cheng Tangguo really understands the Lord!
However, without the teaching of Zhao Lang, the great good master, how could Cheng Tang win the hearts of the people in the world?
Smile with satisfaction, the result will come out soon.

Now Tongtian is still brooding over the matter of the God of War, and it is very likely that he was punished by the Taoist ancestor to retreat in his dojo to reflect on his mistakes.

Cheng Tang's victory is a foregone conclusion.

The control of the human race in mainland China is about to change hands.

Yuanshi Tianzun was quite happy and looking forward to it.

Looking forward to when Cheng Tang becomes the throne, he will take the lead in praying to the heavens and explaining the teachings. When the immeasurable merits and virtues will come, his own cultivation will definitely increase, and it will definitely be of great help to the cultivation of the disciples in the Kunlun Mountains!

Excited in his heart, he completely let go of his inspection of Cheng Tang.

It was not found that Yang Jian was in Cheng Tang's camp at all.

And everything is in Zhao Lang's plan.

For the next period of time, Zhao Lang would sit in the gazebo with Duobao every day, playing chess and watching the battle.

Cheng Tang's momentum was unstoppable, and Xia Jie retreated steadily, and he seemed to be under Luoyang.

Duobao smiled lightly.

"Senior Zhao, is this person your grandson?"

Zhao Lang nodded, unable to conceal the pride in his expression.

"After thinking about it, if you talk about scheming in this prehistoric world, there must be no one who can surpass you!"

Duobao Luoqi said respectfully.

Zhao Lang waved his hand.

"What is this called? My scheme was forced by your master and several uncles."

What he was referring to was naturally the Six Sages.

Hearing this, Duobao was a little embarrassed.

"They are playing games with each other. I didn't expect that in the end, everything is paving the way for you, senior. If you hear this news, I am afraid that the news that you are still alive will also spread!"

After Zhao Lang heard this, the pieces in his hand froze.

Rubbing the black chess lightly with two fingers, he suddenly laughed out loud.

"Let's spread it out, but when Zhou Shanzong gets the world's great merit, those few people should not take it lightly."

Indeed, the merits and virtues of heaven and earth descended to those who assisted Cheng Tang to ascend the throne.

It mainly depends on who the latter worships during the enthronement ceremony.

Apart from worshiping Zhao Lang and Zhou Shanzong, is it possible for Chengtang to worship others?

At that time, a large number of merits from the Dao of Heaven will come, and the blessings of Buzhou Mountain will skyrocket. Even the sages of the Dao of Heaven will not dare to fight against the Dao of Heaven.

If you target someone with great merit, your own merit will also be reduced. This is the rule of heaven.

Zhao Lang can break the rules, but the rest of the saints cannot.

This is his bottom line.

The two continued to play, Zhao Lang's black chess fell, Duobao observed the chess game, and clasped his fists.

"After all, I am a senior, but I am not as good as a subordinate!"


Zhao Lang smiled and waved his hands.

This is because he figured out the chess game when he was bored. Who knows how he has spent countless thousands of years in Buzhou Mountain...

Looking at the crack in the void, Zhao Lang stopped laughing.


"What's over?"

Zhao Lang closed his eyes lightly.

"The Xia Dynasty is over."

To win it so quickly?
Daoist Duobao was startled, and hurriedly looked at the reflection in the void beside Zhao Lang.

Sure enough, the commercial flag has landed on Luoyang!

Just like this game of chess, Cheng Tang won, Shang won, and there was no suspense in winning.

The next step is to reorganize the human race in mainland China and prepare for the enthronement ceremony.

But such a non-hereditary ascension to the throne, but a re-establishment of the dynasty establishment system, will take some time to proceed.

This process will not be too long, but you have to wait.

The leader of the Tongtian religion has not yet left the customs, so the power of heaven and the like, naturally he has no chance.

But Yuanshi Tianzun was able to obtain great merit.

At least he thought so.

Inside Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun is very happy.

He looked at the Twelve Golden Immortals and Yang Jian, who had just returned to the mountain gate, with joy that could not be concealed in his expression.

He hadn't felt this way in a long time.

Jiejiao has always been powerful, which makes Chanjiao always under the limelight of its infinite glory, this time assisting Chengtang Chengwang.

Chanjiao has obtained a lot of merits from the Dao of Heaven, presumably the human race in the mainland of China will respect Chanjiao even more.

He nodded, and then Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Yang Jian in the palace.

The latter's cultivation has skyrocketed, but he doesn't know why.

But hearing that he had defeated countless prehistoric cultivators who supported Xia Jie in front of the two armies, Yuanshi Tianzun knew that this kid must have got some kind of opportunity.

But he didn't know it was Zhao Lang.

In everyone's mind, the former has already begun to fade away.

Zhao Lang is in the past tense, and now it is a contest between the six sages.

"Yang Jian, you have made great contributions this time. Tell me, what reward do you want? A magic weapon or a skill?"

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't care where his magical powers came from, but asked with a smile.

He still likes this apprentice.

With excellent qualifications and a background in heaven.

Yang Jian hesitated for a moment.

"The disciple just wants to practice in the wild."

Into the prehistoric?

Yuanshi Tianzun was startled.

He didn't expect Yang Jian to just make such an insignificant request.

The disciple thought about Hong Huang, as a saint, he never stopped him.

His master, Daoist Yuding, lived in the wilderness all day long, and he didn't care too much about it.

"It's a good thing to be self-motivated and want to practice hard, sure."

Yuanshi Tianzun laughed.

Yang Jian thanked his teacher, and immediately went down the mountain.

Seeing that the disciple who just came back was about to leave again, Master Yuding felt a little uncomfortable.

But the Twelve Golden Immortal Yuanshi Tianzun has not yet arranged, so he had to stand on the temple and watch Yang Jian go down the mountain.

After Yang Jian left Kunlun, he entered the prehistoric practice.

Of course Zhao Lang knew about this, because he was the one who sent him to Honghuang.

Although the current Yang Jian has a very high level of cultivation, he is single and weak.

Seeing that his progress was slow, Zhao Lang wanted to push him.

Guanjiangkou, this is where Yang Jian is going.

It is reasonable to say that Yang Jian went here after conferring the gods, but there is no serious problem. The long-eared Dingguang fairy and the Taoist burning lamp can rebel in advance. Why can't Yang Jian be physically holy before conferring the gods?

Knowing about Zhao Lang during Journey to the West, he likes Yang Jian more in his heart.

As for Sun Wukong, a character who can't be smaller, it can only be said that he was born in the right era.

If it is placed now, I am afraid that even an ordinary prehistoric casual cultivator will be no match for it.

Thinking in his heart, Zhao Lang began to guide Yang Jian.

I have to say that Yang Jian is indeed very obedient.

Under Zhao Lang's guidance, he soon knew the location of Guanjiangkou.

Now there is no need for Zhao Lang to worry about the human race, Cheng Tang naturally has his own arrangements.

I believe he will be a generation of Mingjun.

Just wait until the enthronement ceremony to watch a good show.

Assisting Yang Jian in cultivation with all his heart, Zhao Lang was prepared to let Yang Jian become the second great saint of the Great Desolation after himself!

(End of this chapter)

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