My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 237 Yang Jianli Dao, Returns to the Chaos Realm!

Chapter 237 Yang Jianli Dao, Returns to the Chaos Realm!
Zhao Lang reminded.

Yang Jiandang even displayed his spiritual power.

Immortal clouds swirl around her body, and her spiritual power is fully activated.

He raised his spirits, because Zhao Lang told him just now that this place is not the wilderness but the world of chaos, and there are dangers everywhere, so be careful.

Even a Daoist sage like Zhao Lang can't say that there is no danger in this world where the strong are like clouds and the Chaos Demon God.

Replaced by Yang Jian, he is now only a quasi-sage.

It's like the golden fairy in the prehistoric world, who ran to the saint's territory.

How can you not worry?

However, he paid attention to it for a long time, but did not notice any movement.

"Get out of here quickly!"

Zhao Lang sent a voice transmission to him.

Yang Jian's cultivation base is not high, so naturally he can't see that there is a huge spiritual shock coming from the surrounding area at this time!

what happened?
Yang Jian was shocked, but he didn't dare to stop.

Almost at the same time as Zhao Lang's voice fell, he stomped his feet and left the ground suddenly.

The rainbow light wrapped around the body, and quickly left here under Zhao Lang's guidance.

"Master, what exactly is it?"

I don't know how long it took to fly before Yang Jian remembered, and then asked.

"There are Dao sages fighting in the dense forest. If you just take a slow step, you may be drawn into it by the spiritual power of Dao."

Zhao Lang's voice sounded faintly, but it made Yang Jian tremble with fear.

"Master, you will be here from now on, right?"

he asked tentatively.

In this extremely dangerous and perilous place, without his master, he really couldn't live for a moment!
Zhao Lang was startled, and replied with a faint smile.

"Don't worry kid, I will protect you, Patriarch."

Although there are countless great saints in the chaotic world, and their cultivation bases are all higher than Yang Jian's, Zhao Lang himself is a saint who has more than 20 grand masters in one body!

You must know what the concept of twenty avenues is.

Now even if he encounters a Chaos Demon God, Zhao Lang is sure to kill him!

Two statues may be a bit difficult.

But any more...

He can get away too!
This is the bottom line.

Unless he met that guy Yang Mei, but with the spirit lock, Yang Mei would not have noticed that they had come to the Chaos Realm.

Yang Jian continued to walk through the rainbow, but along the way, he tried to walk around as much as possible.

Never dared to pass through any dense forest or over a mountain.

I was afraid that something powerful would suddenly appear below and slap it down to the ground.

While Zhao Lang was guiding him, he was also constantly thinking about it.

I saw this place with the Chaos Avenue Mirror before.

Everything in front of me gradually became familiar.

Fortunately, he had explored it once before, if not, he would not know where to let Yang Jian go in the current huge chaotic world.

After walking around for a long time, Yang Jian stopped on a mountain range.

Looking at the end of the mountain range, Yang Jian was startled.

"Master, why is it a volcano?"

Zhao Lang was silent.

That is not a volcano, but the Phoenix Breaking Abyss!
The place where he proved the Dao for the first time!

The Chaos Realm has evolved for countless thousands of years, and it is unknown what changes have taken place here.

Thinking in his heart, Zhao Lang asked Yang Jian to go and have a look.

Yet at this moment.

"How dare you approach Pohuangyuan with this kind of cultivation?"

A voice came out.

Yang Jian stopped and watched intently.

A person appeared in the distance in front of him, blocking his way to Pohuangyuan.

The man looked thinner, but his spiritual power was extremely deep.

"A sage of the Law of the Great Dao of Fire?"

Zhao Lang's spiritual sense swept away, and it was immediately clear.

Of course I am familiar with it, the person on the opposite side is the Dao Law of Fire, which is the same as Zhao Lang's Dao Law.


Yang Jian's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

I actually met a saint...

What can we do now?
"Ancestor save me!"

The voice was transmitted to the master in his heart, but Yang Jian trembled involuntarily.

After all, in front of the saint, no matter how strong his cultivation is, it is just a show.

If it wasn't because he knew in his heart that the master was still there, he would have run away by now!
What are you thinking?

Quasi-sage vs. saint?
Isn't that the same as courting death?

After finishing speaking, Yang Jian waited for the master to recover.

However, after a while, Zhao Lang said lightly.

"Do you want to fight the saint?"

Master, stop playing with your disciples!
Playing against a saint?
I'm out of my mind!

Yang Jian immediately smiled wryly, and the thin man was walking towards him step by step.

Every step can arouse the fluctuation of spiritual power beside him, as if ready to strike at any time.

"What are you afraid of? You have to do this kind of thing often in the future, otherwise how can you improve your strength?"

Zhao Lang's words cannot be doubted.

However, he would never let Yang Jian suffer. He just made a few tricks. If the other party really tried to kill him, he would still protect his disciple.

After all, Yang Jian is one of his most important disciples in the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods!
Hearing the master's words was like an order.

Yang Jian gritted his teeth.


I don't care about this much anymore, whatever the master asked me to do, then I will do it!
Watching the man gradually approaching, Yang Jian did not back down.

Instead, at this time, the quasi-Holy Spirit power is fully displayed!
The man was startled at first.

"Good boy, you are not afraid of death! I will use you today to sacrifice my new magic weapon!"

On the thin face, there was a touch of surprise at first.

Immediately afterwards, he swung out with one hand.

Grabbing towards the void in front of him, a gun of the avenue appeared at the moment.

The silver is shining brightly!

Three points and two blades!

Zhao Lang thought who it was.

It turned out to be a door-to-door delivery...

With a wry smile, Zhao Lang then spoke to Yang Jian.

"Avenue of Fire focuses on long distances, you need to get close."


Yang Jian's eyes were stern, and even when he had to fight, he showed great energy!

Even if he knows that he is definitely not the opponent of the saint, but can make the saint suffer a little bit, it will be a resounding deed in the future!

Looking at the guy in front of him, Yang Jian suddenly waved his sleeves!

A black shadow flashed from his sleeve, it was Xiaotiangou!
Then with the help of the Bajiu Xuangong, Yang Jian changed instantly!

The Great Dao of Fire sneered.

"Bold, you dare to do tricks even if you have a small skill!"

As he spoke, he grasped the gun of the Great Dao with both palms.

A surge of spiritual power suddenly poured into the tip of the gun, and the body of the gun was immediately wrapped in pale yellow flames!

This raging flame was extremely brutal, and soon captured Yang Jian and Xiao Tiangou who had already transformed into close quarters.

Zhao Lang watched with satisfaction.

Although this kid's cultivation base is not high, but it really gives him leverage, he can overturn the whole prehistoric world!

Dare to do something to the great saint!

You are worthy of being my ancestor's disciple!

Joyful in his heart, Zhao Lang in the gazebo nodded in satisfaction.

Shen Nian continued to observe Yang Jian, and Zhao Lang was ready to make a move at any time.

However, what Zhao Lang didn't expect was that.

It's been several rounds, and Yang Jian hasn't suffered yet?

Is this kid hiding his strength?
Frowning, Zhao Lang was a little puzzled.

However, at the beginning of the quasi-sage, facing the great saint, how many rounds can he survive?

Maybe it's because the opponent hasn't displayed their true strength yet.

Just like that, the man was also surprised when he saw Yang Jian's desperate appearance.

What kind of stimulation has this guy received? He is a mere quasi-sage. Could it be that he intends to seek death?
The musket flickered, and he immediately disappeared into Yang Jian's next attack.

In terms of melee combat, Yang Jian, who has practiced Shuozhi's Dao Law, can completely match people around Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But when it comes to spells, then Yang Jian didn't even know how he died...

This is his weakness.

When the man's figure reappeared, he was already tens of meters behind Yang Jian. However, at this time, he had given up attacking with the gun in his hand, and chose to directly use the spiritual power of the Dao Law!

A mass of brilliant yellow fire wrapped in infinite spiritual power strikes!

It's serious!

Yang Jian was shocked.

Judging from the state of this spell, it was difficult for him to avoid it, let alone be tough.

Totally impossible!
The pupils dilated, and Yang Jian watched the chaotic spiritual power approaching, feeling very nervous.

Just when it was about to hit Yang Jian, the system in Zhao Lang's consciousness was activated.

"Ding! It is detected that the Daoist Saint is about to kill Yang Jian, and you can choose."

"[-]. Protect Yang Jian and kill the saint of the Dao of Fire to obtain the law of the Dao of Fire."

"Second, protect Yang Jian, defeat him, but don't kill him, you can get news about Yuanfeng."

"Three, if you don't protect Yang Jian and let him be burned, you can get the eye of the sky."


Zhao Lang didn't intend to take action to kill them at all, and after seeing this, he directly determined the option he wanted to choose.

The other two are too mentally handicapped.

Zhao Lang has mastered the Dao of Fire, it is useless, and Yang Jian is dead...

Although Fengshen will be rewritten, who knows if it will be rewritten in a bad direction?

After making a choice, Zhao Lang looked at Yang Jian again.

At this time, the raging fire had almost come to the latter!

The powerful flame of spiritual power burned Yang Jian's primordial spirit!
The latter suddenly felt extremely painful, like ten thousand ants eating one's heart!

Master, help!

However, this feeling seems to come in an instant and disappear in the next second.

He was panting heavily, and collapsed to the ground covered in cold sweat!
This is the power of the Great Dao Saint!

Seriously, I can't even block a move.

Is this the strong one?

However, when he saw the image of Zhao Lang's divine sense appearing in front of him, resisting the mana with a red and blue flame in his palm, he couldn't help admiring the master even more!

After all, it is the ancestor, even the primordial power, is so powerful!

I also want to become a person like Master!

Zhao Lang heard what Yang Jian was thinking.

The appearance of the divine mind smiled casually.

"Boy, if you want to become an ancestor with my strength, it's not just about using your mouth and kung fu. You should be optimistic."

After finishing speaking, he just twirled and pushed with one palm amidst the shocked expressions of the Great Dao of Fire and Yang Jian!
A sky-shattering flame instantly surged like the sea!
Zhou Tian was surrounded by flames, like a huge cage!
All of a sudden, fire lotuses appeared in this piece of heaven and earth, and the sky was full of hype!

The power of countless avenues of fire is surging!

Seeing this scene, the other party immediately withdrew his spiritual power.

Seeing this, Zhao Lang smiled faintly, and finally with a wave of the other hand, everything recovered.


What kind of avenue is this?
"Are you also the Dao of Fire?"

The man was shocked, looking at a primordial image that appeared in front of Yang Jian who did not know when, and asked.

The latter nodded.


"Could it be that he is a senior among the Fire Clan? He can use the Dao of Fire to such an extent? I admire you! I admire you!"

The thin guy fell to the ground in an instant, turning into an old man and kowtowing continuously.

Zhao Lang looked at it and frowned slightly.

Throwing a spirit recovery pill to Yang Jian casually, Zhao Lang's Yuanshen slowly floated up.

"You guard this Pohuangyuan?"

he asked lightly.

However, when he heard Po Huangyuan, the old man was shocked, then nodded and sighed.

"Senior Wuliang, this Pohuangyuan is the name of this place hundreds of millions of years ago. There used to be a senior of the Phoenix clan here who taught the Dao of Fire. When I came here to practice, I was still a junior in the realm of Xuanxian .”

After a pause, he shook his head and said again.

"Unfortunately, tens of thousands of years ago, that senior of the Phoenix Clan left the Pohuangyuan. Since then, our Fire Clan has gradually declined, and countless powerful people have come to provoke and seek battle. So far, only one old man remains."

Speaking of this, the dignified Daoist saint actually feels a little tearful...


Zhao Lang frowned.

Yuanfeng left here thousands of years ago?

That means she's still alive.

"Then do you know where Yuanfeng is now?"

The old man was startled, "Yuanfeng? Yuanfeng is..."

"Ah, it's that senior of your Phoenix clan, I'm her old friend."

Hearing this, the old man knelt down on the spot!

He stared at Yang Jian who was on the side in a daze.

"So you know that senior! He is so powerful, he didn't mean to offend just now! I'm blind, forgive me! Forgive me!"

Zhao Lang waved his hand, signaling him to get up.

what's the situation……

The person who was about to kill himself just now kowtows and bows to his master three times and nine times?

Yang Jian was taken aback.

Could it be that the ancestor is also a figure who covers the sky with one hand in this chaotic world?

"You are so magnanimous, I am flattered, but I really don't know where the senior has gone, but I have heard a sentence, I don't know if it will help you."

The old man was very respectful.

A friend of the ancestors, that is also the ancestors!

He dare not disrespect his ancestors!
Hearing this was somewhat hopeful, and Zhao Lang became interested.

"What is it?"

However, the next three words that the old man said slowly, each word made Zhao Lang's heart feel like a heavy stone was blocked!
(End of this chapter)

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