Chapter 241 Shocking Avenue Palace!Rescue plan!

Rubbing his eyes, Zhao Lang repeatedly confirmed that he was not mistaken.

This is indeed a side hall, everything around it seems to be prepared for giants, and the people in it are only the size of an ant!
With a raised eyebrow, there was more than one corpse in front of him...

But densely packed!

Blood flowing like a river is not an exaggeration to describe this place!
Among these people, some are still alive, and some even have only normal body parts, as if they were torn in half!
Looking again, the surrounding walls are not walls, but rows of iron cages!
After that, countless people were imprisoned in it, their faces were ashes, like walking corpses!
At the place where the man fell just above, the two men in black robes were casting some special magic power on the other man.

I saw the two black-robed men clapping their palms, one in front of the other, forcing out the spiritual power in their bodies.

Zhao Lang saw that the person who was cast the spell also had the cultivation base of a Dao Sage!

However, at the moment when the black-robed man forced out his spiritual power, they seemed to directly stretch out their pitch-black scaly hands, grabbed his spiritual power, and then slammed it!
The man lost consciousness on the spot and became an ordinary person!

He was thrown down by the man in black.Snapped!

On the spot, blood and flesh splattered everywhere!
Zhao Lang was shocked!

What is this, is this the Demon God?

The Great Dao Saint turned into a mortal at the flick of a finger. What happened?
When he was puzzled, he cautiously dodged into the dark.

"You can't stay here for a long time. Since the system has prompted to rescue Yuanfeng and Zhou Zhan, it means that they have not had any accidents yet, and you must find them quickly!"

Thinking in his heart, Zhao Langdang even searched back and forth below here.

Behind those spiritual power cages that looked like huge prisons, the faces had lost their flesh color, as if they were dead.

The two men in black robes had already left here.

Zhao Lang hurriedly took advantage of this time and scanned his surroundings with his divine sense.

After a while, he found Zhou Zhan and Yuan Feng.

Looking around, he came to an iron cage restrained by mana.

With a frown, Zhou Zhan and Yuan Feng were among them.

Together with them is the young master of the Thunder Clan.

However, all three of them were pale and their eyes were empty.

And lost all spiritual power.

Although Yuanfeng was not happy or angry at all and had a face like an iceberg, it was still very miserable when he looked at it in this state.

Zhao Lang's silver teeth creaked.

These Chaos Demon Gods are truly inhumane!
He softly transmitted the voice to Zhou Zhan, who did not respond, and transmitted the voice to Yuan Feng, who was still squatting in the corner.

"It seems that we still have to make some noise!"

Thinking in his heart, Zhao Lang only hesitated for a moment.

But facing his former friends, he will not just leave.

Even if this is the Avenue Palace!

Nodding his head, Zhao Lang summoned his spiritual power, and the Qinglian Sword, the treasure of chaos, appeared in his hand.

It is said that this chaotic treasure can cut through three thousand roads.

So even if these are iron pillars with mana restrictions, he can cut them off.

Confident in his heart, Zhao Lang immediately overlapped his fingers, Yuanshen floated in the air, but the chaotic spiritual power suddenly condensed in the side hall!


With a silent recitation in his heart, Zhao Lang's eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at the iron pillar attached to the Taoist talisman in front of him, he made a sword gesture with his two fingers, and swung suddenly!
Cang Langlang!
The Chaos Supreme Treasure Qinglian Sword was in front of him, bringing out a sharp and swift chaotic spiritual power, and countless voids around it were torn apart!
Around Zhao Lang Yuanshen, the spiritual power of the existing laws and the true meaning of Taoism linger!
The integration into the Chaos Supreme Treasure is particularly obvious. It surges crazily, and in a blink of an eye gathers a terrifying force that seems to be able to cut through everything!
This spiritual power directly rolled up a turbulent flow in the void, disrupting billions of spiritual power, ignoring all obstacles.

Straightforwardly cut off the cage as thick as Optimus Prime!
At this time, Zhao Lang's spiritual power has already spread.

Outside the huge stone gate of the side hall, there was a sudden noise!
This spiritual power actually awakened the surrounding people who were trapped in the cage!
Yuan Feng and Zhou Zhan saw Zhao Lang's primordial spirit emerge, they trembled all over, but immediately flinched again.

"You go quickly."

Yuan Feng said lightly, there was still no color in her beautiful eyes.

Zhou Zhan also sighed.

"Brother Zhao, you are no match for those guys, leave quickly!"

In an instant, countless strands of chaotic spiritual power gathered outside the hall, turning into a surge, as if it was about to rush into here at any time!
Zhao Lang frowned, he didn't care what Yuan Feng and Zhou Zhan said, just waved his hand, and then they were taken into Zhao Lang's sleeve.

Seeing Zhao Lang, the young master of the Thunder Clan was suddenly overjoyed.

"Help me! Help me! Take me!"

He came running like a dog.

Seeing this, the people in the other cages also called for help.

"Help! Save me, I'll give you everything!"

"Do you want status, I will make the tribe obey you!"

"Help me! Save me!"...

Countless wailing sounds sounded together.

Zhao Lang frowned, it was already a bit difficult for Yuanshen to lead the two of them.

The rest will definitely not be able to help.

But he had to take Zhou Zhan and Yuan Feng away today.

He glanced at the young master of the human race who had become a mortal.

"Follow me."

He said lightly, and then he used his spiritual power, his body turned into a gust of wind, and went directly towards the huge stone gate.

But where does the young master of the Thunder Clan still have strength?

After being imprisoned for a long time, without any spiritual power, his physical body was almost shrinking.

After only three or two steps, there is a trip under the foot.

Never get up again!
What did these demon gods do to them?
Could it be that these beings were conceived and created just to become their puppets and tools?
Zhao Lang didn't care about him, so he had no choice but to move towards the stone gate at this time, and cast the Lingling lock to cover the primordial spirit again.

However, at this time, the huge stone door was suddenly pushed open.

After that, there were countless people in black robes!

Zhao Lang was shocked, at this moment, he didn't even dare to call out his spiritual power.

Afraid of being seen by him.

"Ding! It is detected that the host is about to encounter danger, and you can choose."

"1. Appear immediately and fight with the Three Thousand Dao Demon Gods. After victory, you can become Chaos No. [-]."

"Second, withdraw your divine thoughts immediately, and bring Yuanfeng and Zhou Zhan back to the prehistoric, you can gain the power of the two great laws."

Melee with three thousand demon gods?
I'm out of my mind?
Zhao Lang couldn't help cursing.

He was still thinking about the safest place to take Yuanfeng and Zhou Zhan.

But think about it now.

There is only Honghuang.

Frowning, Zhao Lang immediately made a choice.

A moment later, in the huge hall, a golden glow flashed away.

Countless men in black robes rushed in at this time, under the black hat, their eyes swept towards the steel pillar that was cut off by Qinglian Sword like a pillar of Optimus!
Their faces are gloomy, unable to see the expression, but they can detect the infinite anger.

the other side.

The prehistoric, not in the mountains.

Zhao Lang on the gazebo suddenly burst out, and after the primordial spirit returned to his place, he immediately waved.


Seeing two people coming out of it, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"This is...there?"

Yuanfeng was startled, her beautiful eyes swept around.

Zhou Zhan was so strong originally, but his figure now became thinner.

It is conceivable what terrible things those guys in the Dao Palace did with them.

The two had just escaped from danger, Zhao Lang arranged for them to rest in the side hall of the Chaos Palace, and take some pills to restore their spiritual power.

Because of their weakness, the two of them did not shirk.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Lang borrowed another divine sense to look at Yang Jian.

The latter is still in the Chaos Realm at this time, but there is no serious problem.

Relatively speaking, he is still far away from the Grand Dao Palace, so no Chaos Demon God should be able to find him.

Finally, Zhao Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting cross-legged, he took a breath of the spiritual power in the secret realm of the Great Dao.


I don't know what plan those demon gods have, why do they want to seize Zhou Zhan's cultivation base and Dao law?

His brows tightened, although Zhao Lang couldn't think much at the moment.

Because it would be easy for him to withdraw the primordial spirit from the chaotic world if he was the only one.

But this time he brought two living people.

Although he didn't feel much just now, but now, the lack of spiritual power in his body made him, a great Dao saint with a very deep Dao practice, a little weak.

After calming down, Zhao Lang began to recover.

Floods don't count years.

When I opened my eyes again, I didn't know how long it had been.

He felt like it had been a long time this time, and if Cheng Tang hadn't transmitted the voice to him, he would have been able to close his eyes and meditate for a while longer.

After brushing off the peach blossoms on his body, Zhao Lang slowly got up from the gazebo.

The divine sense came out and came to the mainland of China.

Cheng Tang ascended the throne tomorrow, and in the past two days, many disciples from the Saint Sect came to Shang Kingdom to give gifts.

Or a magic weapon, or some kind of exercise, or a elixir.

I hope that when Cheng Tang ascends the throne, he can remember the saints in his heart, so that they can also gain some heavenly merits.

Zhang Ling collected all these magic weapons.

However, where does such a great heavenly merit end up?

I still have to ask my master, Zhao Gongming.

So today, Cheng Tang was in the treasure hall, thinking of his master in his heart, so he transmitted the sound.

But he didn't recover for a long time, which made him a little at a loss.

Finally, just as Cheng Tang sighed and was about to get up.

In the palace, Zhao Lang's primordial spirit suddenly appeared.

When some soldiers saw the man appearing suddenly, the warriors in front of the palace stepped forward directly, holding knives and guns, as if they wanted to capture him, thinking that he was planning to assassinate the king on purpose.

However, Cheng Tang immediately dismissed them.

These warriors in front of the temple were stupefied when they saw Cheng Tang, their new king, kneeling on the ground with a thud, their faces stunned!

Who is this person?

Why does our king kneel before him?

But Cheng Tang asked them to retreat, so they had no choice but to close the door of the main hall and walk out slowly.

Inside the hall, Zhao Lang smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, Cheng Tang, how could he still be the ordinary mortal he brought from the human village back then?
Sure enough, people rely on clothes, and Chengtang at this time can be said to be before a change.

The black-gold robe was embroidered with the pattern of dragons rising from the sea, the sleeves were blown high by the wind, and the pupils as black as black jade shone with a warm brilliance, carrying the majesty of a god and inherent nobility.

The whole person exudes a majestic kingly air.

This is the king of the human race, this is Cheng Tang!
Zhao Lang nodded in satisfaction.

There is such a wise king in the mainland of China, which is enough to make the people gradually prosperous.

Because the human race is the protagonist in the prehistoric, the race that laughs last.

"That's right, my descendants and grandchildren of Ancestor Zhou Shan are indeed doing well."

Zhao Lang nodded.

Very pleased with the smile.

Hearing Master Zu's praise, although Cheng Tang was a little embarrassed, he nodded more with a long way to go.

"Don't worry, master, I will definitely restore peace to the mainland of China."

With a gleam in his eyes, Cheng Tang seemed to have thought of something suddenly.

"By the way, master, when he ascends the throne tomorrow, the disciples will worship heaven and earth, when will that be?"

Cheng Tang asked cautiously.

Zhao Lang frowned.

"Why, my ancestor, I support you to become the rookie king, so you are going to join other saint sects now?"

Hearing this sentence, Cheng Tang quickly kowtowed again.

"How could it be? I became Tang, and my Shang Dynasty will always regard Zhou Shanzong and Master You as my respect!"

Speaking of this, there is no need to ask any more.

Tomorrow's enthronement ceremony will be in front of Hong Huang, and this great merit will first come to Zhou Shanzong!

Zhao Lang believes that Cheng Tang also has his own way of governing the country. If he is a man of cultivation, Zhao Lang can teach him, but he doesn't understand these.

After a few simple instructions, the appearance of Zhao Lang's divine sense disappeared in the capital of the Shang Dynasty.

The next day.

Today is a day in the prehistoric world where no one knows and no one knows.

The new dynasty of the human race came out, and Cheng Tang became the new king of the human race.

Everyone is looking forward to it, especially outside the capital Luoyang, among the human race, even many casual disciples of the Saint Sect gather outside the city.

Outside the city, the human race is bustling, and the sky is also very lively.

Behind the clouds in the sky, the Six Sages and members of their sects, the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother of the West, and all the immortals in the Heavenly Court, except Taoist Hongjun, were almost all watching Luoyang.

A moment later, a voice came from outside the magnificent palace.

Everyone stopped shouting and looked over excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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