Chapter 250 Endless
Yang Jian noticed the change in Master's expression, and was also taken aback.

"What's wrong, Master?"

After finding out the cause and effect, Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"Someone is coming to trouble you."

Who will come to trouble themselves?

Yang Jian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought of the harsh words of those who fled in embarrassment before.

So his face darkened.

"It's really endless."

After a while, Zhao Lang's spiritual vision disappeared, leaving only Yang Jian around Lei Prison.

at this time.

Suddenly, a strong spiritual power gathered in the surrounding world.

Yang Jian frowned tightly.

look at one place.

Sure enough, it was the few people before, and some people who hadn't seen before, but the faces were very ugly at this time, and they were approaching with clouds of anger.

A moment later, they landed not far in front of Yang Jian.

"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?"

Yang Jian was taken aback, he couldn't see how many of the opponents had cultivation levels.

"That's right, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and a saint."


The corner of Yang Jian's mouth twitched instinctively.

He didn't want to hit the stone with an egg again, since he had seen the power of the saint since he fought with the saint of fire last time.

No matter how strong his physical body is, no matter how powerful his cultivation is, he will still be no match for the opponent!

Strength is flawed.

Yang Jian is in a difficult situation, if these guys are still unreasonable.

I still have to rely on the ancestor Zhao Lang to come forward!
However, before he could transmit the sound, the other party had already come in front of him.

"Eldest son, elder, it's him! It's him!"

There are a few more familiar ones, and they are also the lackeys before.

They kept talking in front of one person.

The latter's face became more and more gloomy.

Under Zhao Lang's observation, Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian was at the beginning level.

Not bad practice.

It's just that if he dared to do stupid things right now, I'm afraid his cultivation would be useless.

Thinking in his heart, he continued to observe.

The man stepped forward slowly.

"You killed my second brother?"

Hear this.

Yang Jian was stunned.

When did you kill yourself?

At that time, it could only be said that it was a serious injury, but it was not enough to let the other party die like this?

Could it be that those villains planted it?

He squinted his eyes and looked at the people behind the young master of the Mu clan.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Yang Jian smiled wryly.

"Presumably if I say no, you won't believe it."

"it is good."

"Very well, then stop talking nonsense and pay with your life!"

The eldest son of the Mu clan sneered, with a stern flick at the corner of his mouth, and immediately displayed his spiritual power without saying a word.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Yang Jian was startled, it's tricky!
"Master, are you sure I can do it?"

Yang Jian hurriedly asked Zhao Lang in his heart.

The latter smiled lightly.

"Believe in yourself."

In fact, even if Yang Jian lost miserably, Zhao Lang would not feel any surprise.

The disparity in strength is too great.

To reach Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, one has already escaped the shackles of quasi-sages. Having Dao fruit and not having Dao fruit are completely different things.

But if Yang Jian is not tempered, how can the latter improve his strength quickly?

"You just do your best, the rest is up to my ancestors."

Zhao Lang gave Yang Jian a reassurance.

After the latter heard it, he nodded.

Looking at the person in front of him, he obviously felt some pressure.

The Dao of Fire sage didn't use his full strength before, so Yang Jian was able to do a few tricks.

Although the person in front of him has not proved to be a Daoist saint, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the unwarranted crime of killing his younger brother are enough to make him try his best.

So don't take it lightly!
Thinking in my heart, Yang Jian summoned the Spear of the Great Dao at that time!
Although there is no law of the great way injected into it now, this gun still has the power beyond the reach of ordinary magic weapons!

Shining gold and silver, Yang Jian opened his eyes.

Immediately, the world around Thunder Prison was illuminated by this ray of light.

With spiritual power floating all over his body, Yang Jian is ready to go!
The other party was also unambiguous.

Although he didn't rush forward, the spiritual power of the eldest son of the Mu clan can be described as abnormal!

This level of cultivation, placed on the prehistoric world, is enough to frighten one side!
I saw the skirt of the clothes floating, the body hanging in the air, and the infinite blue spiritual power lingering around!

Beside the Thunder Prison, where not a single blade of grass grew, suddenly grew some thick and towering vines and branches.

They have no roots and no leaves, but they are controlled by the eldest son of the Mu clan!

With just one thought, thorns spread all over the vines, and the wooden branches instantly turned into wooden swords!
Among them, the spiritual power is running violently!

Zhao Lang became interested, this kid has a good cultivation base, and his age is probably about the same as Yang Jian.

If it weren't for the fact that he was practicing in the Chaos Realm, he probably wouldn't have surpassed Yang Jian in terms of cultivation.

The two of them didn't talk nonsense. After the spiritual power was displayed, they immediately started to fight!
The people around didn't bother, they knew that the death of the brother was not enough for a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to kill a quasi-sage cultivator tens of thousands of times!

The boys who lied about the news also laughed out loud at this moment.

Zhao Lang's thoughts are naturally clear.

"Boy, no one can save you today!"

"If it weren't for us to make up for it, I think the eldest son would not have such a strong intention to kill!"

"Hahaha, from now on among the Mu clan, we only need to support the eldest son!"...

How shameless!

Zhao Lang frowned, it seemed that things were more complicated than he imagined.

With a sweep of his gaze, although Yang Jian's cultivation is not as good as that eldest son's, he is not inferior in melee combat strength.

It can even be said that after a few rounds, the fights will come and go.

at this time.

A spiritual induction came.

Zhao Lang was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes swept under it, and when he realized it, he found someone among the crowd below him.

"Is it actually a saint?"

Squinting his eyes, Zhao Lang realized that the man was not simple.

It seems to be some kind of elder among the Mu clan.

The law of the great way of wood is even more pure than oneself.

It is worthy of being a cultivator in the chaotic world.

Although Zhao Lang has many Dao laws, he basically doesn't use some of them, just to increase his own cultivation.

Except for the Dao of Eyes and the Dao of Destiny, he basically does not use the power of other laws.

But you have to know that among all the powers of laws of Zhao Lang, if one can just prove to be sanctified, it is enough to have a certain status in the prehistoric and even the chaotic world.

What's more, he has more than 30 rules?

With a slight hum, Zhao Lang didn't pay attention to the saint.

His eyes fell on Yang Jian, who was getting more and more brave at this time, and he was in a somewhat overwhelming state.

However, this is only in close combat strength.

Soon, the eldest son of the Mu clan discovered Ni Duan.

After swaying his figure, he retreated hundreds of meters.

Above midair, the corner of his mouth twitched.

"I underestimated you. I didn't expect the body to be so tyrannical, but it's useless. In the face of real spiritual power, all resistance is futile!"

After finishing speaking, he clasped his hands together, and immediately after that, Zhou Tian's spiritual power circulated violently!
The residual leaves in the air turned into sharp blades, cutting through the void, leaving afterimages!

"Leaf Killing Formation!"

A moment later, the eldest son of the Mu clan held a large group of green leaves in one hand, and pointed at Yang Jian with the other.

After the burst of shouting, the blue spiritual power subsided instantly!

In just a moment, Yang Jian was wrapped in it.

The infinite spiritual power was circulating during the period, and there was even a hint of the meaning of the Sword Formation of Zhuxian, the master of Tongtian.

But compared with that, there is still a big gap.

But even so, Yang Jian has begun to feel a little overwhelmed.

Feeling the several scars that quickly appeared on his body, Yang Jian frowned and clenched his teeth.

"Master, save me!"

However, Zhao Lang did not reply.

He believed that this was not Yang Jian's peak state at this time.

What he wants to see is a desperate person.

Yang Jian's face sank after calling for help to no avail.

Could it be that Master wants me to do my best?

Nodding his head, Yang Jian struggled to use his spiritual power to resist the attack of the remaining leaves in the formation.

With a single palm waved, he looked at the eldest son of the Mu clan in the air very attentively.

Immediately afterwards, he used a tricky angle that no one could detect.

Two huge golden ripples were displayed!
Like a crescent moon blade!
The two strands of spiritual power slashed at the eldest son of the Mu clan in the air, so fast and so effective that the latter didn't react immediately!
"What kind of weird technique is this?"

With a cry of surprise, the Eldest Young Master turned his body and retracted his spiritual power.

But it was too late at this time, where the two golden lights intersected, it could be said that there was no gap!
The eldest son fell heavily to the ground!

Everyone stared at this scene in astonishment.


The quasi-sage can actually deflate Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

Although the eldest son was not seriously injured, the spiritual power of the golden ripples also made him a little confused.

Standing up again, he was a little embarrassed with a disheveled face, but his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Okay! I shouldn't take it lightly, but... you will die this time!"

After speaking, he waved his fingers, and his spiritual power was turned to the limit.

"Okay! The eldest son has great supernatural powers!"

"The eldest son will win!"

"Kill him to avenge the Second Young Master!"...

Seeing him responding with all his strength, everyone began to cheer and applaud.

If I don't kill you this time, how can I stand among the Mu clan in the future?
Thinking in his heart, he immediately mobilized an even weirder magic circle!

Yang Jian looked at it, secretly exclaiming that something is wrong.

The Chaos Blazing Demon Slash just now had almost used up all his spiritual power.

This blow was more ferocious than the previous ones, I'm afraid I couldn't resist it!
"Master, save me!"

Thinking of this, Yang Jian hurriedly shouted in his heart.

Well, the trial is over.

Zhao Lang smiled lightly, and then, without anyone noticing, the Yuanshen in mid-air pointed towards Yang Jian.

Immediately afterwards, a spiritual power that shocked and terrified everyone appeared on Yang Jian's body!

Everyone was dumbfounded, even the elder sage of the Mu clan was also stunned.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, what is it?
Why is it so scary!
(End of this chapter)

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