Chapter 253 Fuxi's Shock

"Uh... this... this is?"

Fuxi looked at the tea niche in front of him which had changed into a chessboard.

The surrounding environment also changed.

At this time, they seemed to have escaped from the wilderness in an instant, and from the original bamboo house, they came to a starry sky.

Looking at the chessboard, Fuxi felt a little interesting.

When the sage speaks, even a junior like him naturally dare not disobey him.

"Then it's better to be obedient than to be respectful. It's a shame."

After finishing speaking, Fu Xi lifted his robe and sat down.

He claims to be proficient in the five elements and eight trigrams, and also knows how to manipulate formations. His attainments in chess are naturally impressive.

But face the saint.

Even if Fuxi had that kind of chess skill, he would not be so stupid as to beat the saint.

If you release water from it and make the saint happy, this is what a smooth person does!
Thinking of this in his heart, he began to think about how to give way to the Zhoushan sage.

However, Zhao Lang has figured out everything, and he can see everything clearly.

"Saint, the black moves first!"

Fuxi looked at the black chess in Zhao Lang's hand, and smiled dignifiedly.

Nodding his head, Zhao Lang picked up a black chess piece.

at this time!

The moment the chess piece just rises, it is about to fall on the chessboard.

The surroundings have changed color!

Originally, the chessboard was in a vast starry sky, at the moment when Zhao Lang's chess piece fell.

Heaven and earth phase shift!The universe is transferred!
Fuxi suddenly found himself in a vast and infinite ancient galaxy, surrounded by stars all over the sky!
Countless chaotic spiritual powers and mysterious Dao profound meanings are circulating in the whole body at this time!

The bursts of visions brought about changed the face of Shaohao who was standing and watching the battle!

"It's so mysterious?"

Looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief, Shaohao couldn't help but exclaim.

However, in Fuxi's eyes, all of this was extremely familiar.

"Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Array?"

He looked at the chessboard in astonishment.

On top of it, the sky and the stars are combined in the dark, it seems to be beyond the chaos and the prehistoric, the stars are everywhere, and it fits the ancient galaxy avenue!

Mysterious and mysterious, extremely extraordinary!
Where is playing chess?

This is clearly the enlightenment of the Zhoushan sage!
In terms of ordinary chess skills, Fuxi can be said to be No. 1 in the wild.

But if you talk about the great way.

In the entire prehistoric world, no one is above Zhao Gongming!

This is something everyone knows!

Fuxi looked at Zhao Lang subconsciously.

However the latter doesn't seem to care.


Black chess has fallen.

It is full of spiritual power, which is constantly affecting the surrounding operations.

Frowning, Fuxi regretted his frivolity and ignorance just now.

But it also officially aroused his interest in playing chess.

Nodding his head, Fuxi sat upright, holding the white chess in his hand and landed on the board.

When the chess piece falls, there will be a radiant divine light shining in the sky!

Light up the dark and gloomy void!

The vision of this sword is repeated, it is indescribable!
The two of you come and go, this chess game is accompanied by Shaohao's shocked expression and the constant rotation of the surrounding stars.

In the end, after Zhao Lang's overwhelming victory in the seventh move, Fuxi lost!
With an unbelievable look on his face, Fuxi was amazed.

"Wonderful... wonderful!"

"I've never seen this kind of chess, could it be this?"

Zhao Lang smiled faintly, and with a wave of his big hand, everything around him slowly faded away.

What appeared was the bamboo house just now.

"Deduced from gossip."

It turned out to be deduced again on the basis of the gossip he deduced!

That's why it's possible to reach such a state!
did not expect.

Didn't expect the Zhoushan sage to have reached this level?

If it was only because of Zhao Lang's high cultivation level, then Fuxi would definitely not be as shocked as he is now.

But these things, if not for the calculation of tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years or even countless thousands of years.

It is impossible to understand the meaning of it!
Fuxi's gossip was only calculated by him after going through the entire Lich catastrophe.

During that period, his sister Nuwa took the opportunity to testify.

But he only studied the chess game.

Deduce Fuxi gossip.

Although it was calculated in the end, it was only calculated.

There is not much improvement in cultivation.

This is why Fuxi has always disdain to worship people whose cultivation level is higher than his own or even much higher than his own.

Because he also had the opportunity to become a saint, but his mind was detached and he didn't want to.

But Zhao Lang is different.

Since the other party is a saint, he can deduce this gossip to a higher level!

At this moment, incomparable admiration!

He immediately lifted his robe and fell to his knees.

"Unexpectedly, I don't even admire Daozu Hongjun so much, but now I can see the sage of Zhoushan, but I admire him!"

Speaking of this, he thought that his mentality was not very correct just now.

"I have contempt for the saint before, and I hope the saint will punish me. This makes me feel at ease!"

Hearing this, Shaohao was also taken aback.

Is this still the Fuxi I know?
When a saint was mentioned before, the other party would say that his sister is a saint of heaven, and he is just a person who likes to travel.

But the sharp contrast in how he treats his master now is very different from the previous Fuxi!

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"Don't be too polite, don't be too polite, if you don't take it lightly, I might not be able to win against you, Patriarch."

Having said that, he gestured for Fuxi and Shaohao to take their seats.

The two obeyed, and sat down dignifiedly.

But Fuxi always felt uneasy in his heart.

"Senior, I apologize again for the previous disrespect!"

As he spoke, he bowed his hands.

"Needless to say, let's drink tea."

With a faint smile, Zhao Lang waved his hand casually.

Afterwards, Fuxi sat back anxiously.

However, a visitor is a visitor.

For Shaohao's friends, Zhao Lang also has no resistance.

"How is Saint Nuwa doing recently?"

He is very skillful in making tea with one hand and arranging the plate with the other.

Fuxi bowed slightly and replied.

"I haven't seen her recently, because I have been wandering around for a while, so I don't know much about what happened in the mainland of China and Honghuang, but your reputation, senior saint, has spread to all corners of Honghuang!"

At this time, Fuxi's attitude has changed 360 degrees.

Zhao Lang smiled disapprovingly.

These are all respectful words.

If it weren't for the merits and virtues that he gave to all beings, who would remember himself in Buzhou Mountain?
After a while, a white mist rose from the teapot beside it.

It comes out with a touch of fresh air, in which the fragrance of tea is overflowing.

Didn't expect the sage to have such a wide range of fun?
Seeing Zhao Lang making tea skillfully in every move, the two couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

It didn't take much effort, and soon, three cups of green tea were brewed.


After saying please, Zhao Lang picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Shaohao tasted his master's tea gratefully.

But Fuxi was in a daze holding the teacup.

Where is the tea here?
This is clearly the holy water of the spiritual spring!

It is said that the last drop of this water has condensed into ice under the Kunlun Mountains, and there is no such thing in the wild.

But Fuxi recognized it.

Taking a sip cautiously, his expression suddenly changed!
Although the tea fragrance is strong, it is the most important.

With this sip, my spiritual power became stronger and stronger!
"Okay, it's getting late, we won't disturb Master, your meditation now!"

Satisfied, he swallowed the last few drops from the cup, and Shaohao wiped his mouth with some unsatisfactory expression.

Hearing this, Zhao Lang nodded lightly and did not force himself to stay.

The two stood up, Fuxi regretted why he didn't drink it like Shaohao just now.

After giving a deep salute, Zhao Lang just wanted to move him out of the secret realm of the avenue with a snap of his fingers.

At this moment, Fuxi suddenly asked a question, which made Zhao Lang stunned!
(End of this chapter)

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