Chapter 263 Ten Laws of the Primordial Mist!Yin-Yang Demon God!
The sound of breaking wind came out, mixed with boundless chaotic spiritual power!
Even Zhao Lang, who is now a sage of the Dao with thirty Dao Laws, is still not easy to get involved!
But at this time, the pitch-black arrow had already arrived in front of Zhao Lang, and he couldn't dodge it!
He reacted very quickly and dodged, but the black arrow still pierced through Zhao Lang's arm!

"Ah! Master!"

Seeing this, all the disciples of Zhoushan Sect were terrified.

I was worried about Zhao Lang in my heart.

But Zhao Lang remained calm.

Not even a look of pain on his face.

This arrow just tore apart the flesh, and did not cause much damage.

He frowned, and immediately patted his body with the other hand.

Under a burst of vigorous spiritual power, twelve spiritual powers of different colors, like silk threads, quickly transformed into a brand new arm!

It really is the sage of Zhoushan!
Is it so magical?
With the existence of Pan Gu's real body, Zhao Lang would not be stabbed by the black arrow with just one arrow.

The body of a saint has the existence of Pangu's real body.

How could it be so easy to get hurt?

But Zhao Lang was not complacent about it.

Because through this blow, he felt the powerful and profound chaotic spiritual power of the Chaos Demon God!

One thing is for sure!
This demon god is definitely stronger than the ones that appeared in the prehistoric world before!
As for why.

Zhao Lang is not clear.

Look down.

At this time, the giant hand holding the edge of the abyss has disappeared.

Everything was quiet, and it looked like nothing had happened.

However, Zhao Lang's eyes were still fixed on the dark abyss.

The spiritual power swept across, not only did the spiritual power in it not dissipate, but it became even more turbulent!

After a while.

A figure suddenly jumped out of the abyss.

Zhao Lang frowned, that black robe was very familiar, it was definitely those guys from Da Dao Palace!
However, this one didn't look too fierce like the previous demon gods.

Instead, with a flat expression, he glanced around.

But even with a plain expression, he still couldn't hide his terrifying face.

It was also the first time that Zhao Lang saw the face of Chaos Demon God so carefully.

"You are Zhao Gongming."

The Chaos Demon God took a breath, and then looked at Zhao Lang.

Zhao Lang frowned.

"You recognize me?"

he asked quietly.

The Chaos Demon God snorted expressionlessly.

"Zhao Gongming, who in the Chaos Realm doesn't know this name?"

After speaking, he looked at Zhao Lang.

"However, today you are going to die."

"Hehe, you can try."

Zhao Lang waved his sleeve robe, and stood in the mid-air, the fairy is vast, extraordinary and free from vulgarity.

With the left palm and the right hand caressing, a burst of strong chaotic spiritual power and infinite method breath wrapped around the whole body.

I saw the demon god sneered for a while.

"That's how many?"

What does this guy mean?
Hearing his words, Zhao Lang was taken aback.

Then, he was shocked to find out.

The demon god waved his palm, and the spiritual power of the law of chaos on his body was completely absorbed by the latter!

As the spiritual power continued to inhale, the black-robed man's spiritual power became stronger and stronger!

This is!

With a sweep of his divine sense, Zhao Langdang even reacted!

The other party...

It turned out to be Hongmeng Ten Laws!
"Original Meng... Ten Laws..."

He frowned tightly, and muttered in his mouth.

This kind of aura, which is far above all laws, is impossible to achieve except for the ten methods of primordial enlightenment!
Zhao Lang was a little shocked. If it was an ordinary demon god, with his current strength, he should be able to completely crush his opponent.

But facing the ten laws of Hongmeng is equivalent to facing Taoist Yang Mei, who is the law of space in the ten laws of Hongmeng.

Presumably the demon god in front of him is not much different from Taoist Yang Mei!
If you are facing a demon god of this strength, his confidence is not very great.

Zhao Lang gritted his teeth tightly. Although he himself was not fully sure of defeating him, there was only one way in front of him.

Because this time, the location where the Yin-Yang Demon God appeared was within his secret realm of the Great Dao.

If you allow the opponent to destroy your dojo like this...

Isn't this countless years of cultivation in vain?
Thinking of this, Zhao Lang made a decision in his heart, and he was determined not to let this demon god act recklessly in the secret realm of the Great Dao, and beat him back into the eyes of the sea of ​​chaos no matter what he said!
Thinking of this, Zhao Lang no longer has any reservations.

With a slight movement of the mind, the spirit of Wanbaoxian has already attached to the sky.

In the secret territory of the avenue on Buzhou Mountain, terrifying spiritual power is raging in the surrounding world.

While more than 30 laws are lingering around the body, the Myriad Treasure Immortal Formation and Dinghai Pearl have been sacrificed.

The launch of the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals and the Immortal Formation of Myriad Treasures caused the void in the surrounding world to distort and the chaos to reverse.

As the two launched their respective spiritual powers of the law of chaos.

all of a sudden.

Infinite visions are derived from the heaven and earth here, and there are thousands of good fortunes, and many turbulent currents are constantly surging!
Looking around, Zhao Lang's figure is extremely stalwart, and the spiritual power of laws derived from his body is above the sky!
However, the Yin-Yang Demon God is not in vain.

It is indeed one of the Ten Laws of Hongmeng.

I saw the black-robed man pressing his hands down, and two strong lights burst out from the abyss under the Chaos Palace!
One yin and one yang!
Under his feet, it seems that he is stepping on an extremely surging source of spiritual power, and the surrounding air is yin and yang reversed, chaotic and chaotic!

It keeps breaking and repeating itself, stirring the earth's feng shui fire, the order of the heaven and the earth, and the horror is beyond compare!
"What happened in Zhoushan Saint's dojo?"

"I don't know, it seems that someone is going to fight the sage Zhoushan!"

"This is just the end of the battle from Kunlun Mountain, and you have to fight again when you return to Buzhou Mountain?"

"I don't know who is so ignorant, but the breath doesn't seem to be weak!"...

Thousands of miles away, seeing this scene in the secret realm of the great avenue, they were discussing a lot while rushing to find a hiding place.

For fear of being affected by the fluctuation of spiritual power in it.

But there is the existence of the Great Dao Secret Realm.

The influence of Buzhou Mountain cannot be conveyed to the outside world.

Zhao Lang knew this very well, even if the demon god killed himself, it would not be possible for him to go to the prehistoric place through the secret realm of the avenue.

Unless you open it for him yourself.

At this time, all the cultivators in the prehistoric period also realized the terrifying chaotic spiritual power on their faces. Countless great supernatural power practitioners and prehistoric cultivators all cast shocked gazes at Buzhou Mountain.

Cloud Nine.

Lingxiao Palace.

"Senior Zhao is really unfathomable!"

The Jade Emperor nodded, looked at the scene in the lower realm and sighed.

The surrounding immortals also agreed.

All the saints also cast their gazes in their respective dojos.

"Fortunately, the place where the demon god appeared was only in Zhao Gongming's dojo. If it was here, it must be a bit tricky."

Master Tongtian walked out of the dojo where he was practicing.

His divine sense swept towards Buzhou Mountain, and he kept observing.

The rest of the saints are about the same as him.

The more complicated one in my heart is Yuanshi Tianzun.

He looked at the mountain gate that had just been destroyed by Zhao Lang, sighed and waved his sleeves lightly, everything returned to its original appearance.

Fortunately, no disciple was hurt.

However, he was also very shocked when his gaze swept across the mountain.

"This Chaos Demon God is really terrifying!"

He was very fortunate, fortunately, the location where the demon god appeared had nothing to do with Honghuang.

It is within Zhao Lang's Dao Secret Realm.

Otherwise, it would be another troublesome thing for the sage of heaven to take action.

But how did he know.

That Chaos Demon God is not just an ordinary Demon God.

It's the Yin-Yang Demon God who possesses one of the Ten Laws of Primordial Origin!
There is another one who knows this identity as well as him.

That is the Taoist ancestor in Zixiao Palace.

Hong Jun.

Thinking of Hongjun, Zhao Lang couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart.

"This guy hasn't shown up until now. Could it be that he doesn't care about Honghuang's safety?"

at this time.

The terror of the Yin-Yang Demon God has been unleashed.

He looked at Zhao Lang, snorted coldly, and said disdainfully.

"If it wasn't for you, I would have entered the prehistoric world long ago. I will eradicate you first today, otherwise everything you cherish will be destroyed!"

Zhao Lang didn't answer.

He looked up at the sky and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Suddenly, Zhao Lang laughed out loud.

The Yin-Yang Demon God was taken aback.

What is this guy laughing at?Could it be that you don't pay attention to my strength?
However, in the 33 layers above the sky, Hongjun was shocked.

He was very proud of it.

Seeing the appearance of a demon god in the secret territory of the Dao, he was not surprised at all.

But at this moment, Zhao Lang's eyes told him that something was wrong!
This guy……

What do you want to do?
Sweeping his eyes, Hongjun was shocked when he saw Zhao Lang's actions!
(End of this chapter)

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