Chapter 265 One Chance!God Pangu?

No one knew what was the reason for Zhao Lang's moment of silence just now, but at this moment, the spiritual power of the pair of magic weapons sacrificed by the demon god had already shot fiercely at the former!
As if to annihilate it in one fell swoop!
However, Zhao Lang is a little confused now.

Just now the system popped up a choice at the last moment, but when he made the choice, everything seemed to stand still for an instant!
Look carefully, it is the power of time in the blood of Pan Gu in his body that is mobilizing.

Everything in front of him was frozen, even the magic power of the yin and yang eyes, which was invisible to the naked eye, was like a mass of still air at this moment.

Zhao Lang was startled, looked around, and smiled wryly.

"Isn't it the Ten Laws of Primordial Meng? Why did time stop suddenly?"

One of the system options that popped up in Zhao Lang's mind in public just now is the ten methods of Hongmeng.

"Ding! It is detected that the host is in danger, and you can choose."

"One, run away immediately, go to the Chaos Realm with the help of the law of fate, conceal the breath of the host, and get a ray of life and two great laws."

"Second, fight against the Yin-Yang Demon God, defend Buzhou Mountain, and protect the prehistoric desolation, and you can get one of the Ten Laws of Immediate Hongmeng for one-time use."

Zhao Lang chose the second option.

But when he made a choice with a smile, ready to see which of the ten primordial methods the system would give him, everything around him became like this.

I checked myself, and there are no other Dao laws appearing?
Instead, it was a colleague who was making a choice, and the power of Zu Wu's time helped him freeze everything.

But he can't go on like this forever, can he?

If he moves a few meters slightly at this time, time will automatically restore order.

But these few meters are not enough for him to avoid the mana attack from the yin and yang eyes!

Zhao Lang looked around suspiciously.

At this time, in the wilderness, it can be said that the sky is dark.

The flames started a prairie fire in the Buzhou mountains below, and the wind swept through.


If he hadn't used his spiritual power to protect all the disciples in Buzhou Mountain, they must have been eroded by the countless magic powers.

In the dark world, apart from his Myriad Treasures Formation and the infinite light of Dinghai Pearl, all that remained were the blood-red eyes of the Yin-Yang Demon God.

The rest is nothing bright.

"Don't let the system deny it to me!"

If the system fails this time, Zhao Lang has not lent any of the Ten Laws of Hongmeng.

I'm afraid I don't even know everyone in Zhoushan.

I will die with this today!

It is definitely impossible to count on Hongjun.

He wished he could die in the hands of the Demon God.

This is the only chance!

Just when Zhao Lang sighed regretfully.


An incomparably thick voice came out.

"Who wakes me up?"

This voice was extremely thick, and it sounded like Hong Huang was speaking!
Zhao Lang was taken aback for a moment, looked around and then looked up!
He was shocked immediately!
At this time, above the sky, it seemed that there was a gigantic face looking at him.

Or it can be said that the sky is a face!

Incomparably huge, even countless times bigger than the Demon God!
The moment this face looked at Zhao Lang, he only felt that the spiritual power around him seemed to be kneading, reshaping, kneading, and reshaping!

Infinite coercion came from that face.

Gives people a sense of majesty without anger.

"This... this... you are?"

Zhao Lang stared wide-eyed, looking at the incomparably huge face in front of him.

"I am Pangu."


Zhao Lang was shocked all over, and was in a state of bewilderment as a whole.

This giant face turned out to be...

Pangu? !
It can be said that many opportunities are related to Pan Gu.

If there was no Pangu Immortal Cave, I would have died in Buzhou Mountain.

If it was the twelve-degree gods and demons formed by the power of Pan Gu's blood essence and ancestral witch, he would have died in the hands of that great wind sage back then.

Everything, it can be said that there are many key life-saving things for Zhao Lang, all come from this fallen giant god.

Thinking of this, I feel ashamed, how can I be disrespectful?
Zhao Lang has never been so respectful to anyone.

Even Hongjun, Zhao Lang was not too shocked at the beginning.

But Pan Gu is different.

Looking at the majestic face in front of him, Zhao Lang hastily saluted.

"It turned out to be the Great God Pangu! I'm Zhao Lang, Zhao Gongming."

After some embarrassing self-reporting, the atmosphere fell into embarrassment.

Because he hadn't felt terrified and shocked when he saw someone for a long time.


Think back then when Pangu fought against three thousand demon gods alone!

It's a solo battle!
Also killed three thousand demon gods!

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang shuddered!

Could it be that the Great God Pan Gu is not dead?

Could it be that he has merged with Honghuang?

"Why wake me up?"

After seeing Zhao Lang with that face, he didn't have much mood swings.

But Zhao Lang has a feeling of being seen through instantly.

In Pan Gu's eyes, there is nothing to hide.

"Great God Pan Gu, the Chaos Demon God has broken into the prehistoric world, and I am no match for him..."

At this time, telling lies is not of much use.

So what Zhao Lang said.

Indeed, with Zhao Lang's own strength, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Yin-Yang Demon God.

The other party is one of the Ten Laws of Hongmeng!

The strength is so terrifying!
Even if he tried his best, he couldn't hurt the opponent's demon god at all!
Hearing this, Pan Gu's deep eyes swept away.

Seeing the almost motionless Yin-Yang Demon God, he frowned slightly.

"Little Demon God, I didn't kill them all back then?"

Pangu's voice shocked the prehistoric world, resounding through the world!

Just one sound made Zhao Lang's spiritual sense tremble a little.

As expected of God Pan Gu...

Even the sound is so terrifying!
Zhao Lang trembled all over, and saluted respectfully again.

Pan Gu frowned, turned his gaze to Zhao Lang, and asked lightly.

"Do you have the Law of the Great Dao?"

He asked a question lightly, but it made Zhao Lang tremble.

Replied irrefutably.

"That's right, but I'm not the Chaos Demon God, but I use the Law of the Great Way to prove the Dao. The three thousand Ways can prove the saint. Isn't this the Law of Chaos?"

He didn't continue talking, after all, the other party was the Great God Pan Gu, even if Zhao Lang knew that the other party was not really alive, it was enough to make him extremely cautious.

After listening to what Zhao Lang said, Pangu asked.

"You still have Pan Gu's true body?"

Of course, Zhao Lang has gathered the power of the twelve ancestor witches, so he also has the real body of Pangu.

Zhao Lang nodded.

After a moment of silence, Pangu finally spoke slowly.

"You are destined to be with me, so I will help you."

Hearing this, Zhao Langmao suddenly realized.


But where did God Pangu get the Ten Laws of the Grandmist?
I was wondering in my heart, but when I looked up again, I saw a golden light shooting down from the sky in an instant!

This powerful golden light rushed towards Zhao Lang like the Milky Way, drowning him.

Time restores order at this point.

The Yin-Yang Demon God vaguely sensed an aura that frightened him.

But only for a moment.

When he regained his composure and looked at Zhao Lang.

My mana did not directly penetrate it, but was blocked under the huge golden curtain!
Brush brush!
At this moment, Zhao Lang only felt as if he was bathed in the infinite spiritual power of the Great Dao!
With a sweep of his divine sense, he immediately discovered...

This is the Ten Laws of Hongmeng...

Not false.

Not only that, all causes and effects are transmitted to the brain at this time.

When knowing which one of the Ten Laws of Primordial Origin is.

Zhao Lang's eyes widened, full of shock and disbelief!

(End of this chapter)

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