My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 269 Three Emperors Gather in Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 269


Yuanfeng couldn't believe his ears.

Looking at her expression, Zhao Lang couldn't help but want to laugh.

"You will be surprised too?"

Asked jokingly, Zhao Lang then looked into the distance again.

Because he heard the sound transmission from Shaohao and others.

Taking a step forward, he didn't continue to chat and laugh with Yuanfeng, and the two came to the gazebo in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the two people under the mountain.

Zhao Lang waved lightly.

A majestic spiritual force immediately dispersed, bringing the two people who were outside the secret realm of the avenue back to Mount Buzhou in an instant.


Shaohao was overjoyed, and after seeing his master, he saluted again.

"Before I heard that my ancestor fought against the Demon God alone, people in the world were spreading rumors that you, the old man, had passed away. This disciple absolutely couldn't believe it."

"I can see you today, and it turns out that the master has infinite supernatural powers and is unscathed!"

As he spoke, he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed three times and bowed nine times.

Zhao Lang smiled lightly and motioned him to stand up, looking at Fuxi.


Fuxi saluted lightly.

"I'm here to play chess with you again."

As he spoke, Fuxi took out a qin from his sleeve.

"Shun Bian, give Zhoushan Saint a listen to my new song."

Looking at his appearance, Zhao Lang really had the feeling of seeing a rich dude.

If he hadn't known that it was Fuxi in front of him, he would definitely have regarded him as the suave son of a big family in a certain human race.

Haven't had time to speak yet.

Just as Zhao Lang opened his mouth, another sage came from the foot of the mountain.

"Master, the disciple is back!"

listen to the sound...

"Changing soup?"

Zhao Lang was taken aback.

After sweeping out the divine sense, I found that it was as expected.

Moving the latter into the gazebo, seeing Cheng Tang of Shaohao and Fuxi startled, he hastily saluted.

In terms of seniority, these two are his ancestors.

But these two are also the descendants of their ancestors, so the three are considered equals at this time.

Looking at Cheng Tang who gave a big salute, Zhao Lang nodded in satisfaction.

But the former is not at all like the boy he was back then.

It was replaced by the image of a middle-aged man, and he also had a natural temperament of a king.

This kind of temperament cannot be learned just by learning.

The three of them stayed in Zhoushan for a while, which can be regarded as a relief for Zhao Lang.

It's been a few months.

Bursts of laughter came from above the gazebo in Buzhou Mountain.

In the gazebo, Zhao Lang watched the chess game between Fu Xi and Cheng Tang in front of him, shaking his head and laughing.

"Zi Lu, are you not good at chess?"

Fu Xi said in a slightly joking tone.

Cheng Tang smiled awkwardly.

"Come again."

"I'm not coming with you, senior, would you like to play a game with me?"

Fuxi waved his hand, obviously out of interest in playing with Cheng Tang.

Zhao Lang shook his head lightly.

"Practice again."

Speaking of this, Shaohao hurriedly made fun of it.

"The last time I lost to the master, I was so embarrassed!"

There were bursts of laughter, and the scene was quite enjoyable.

at this time.



Two voices came out, and Zhao Lang looked indifferently.

It is Tianba and Diba.

The two are outside the secret realm of the avenue.

"Ding! It is detected that Tianba Diba has returned to Buzhou Mountain, and the host can choose."

"One, don't let the two of you enter Buzhou Mountain until you find Bixiao, you can get a good fortune Tianyuan grass."

"Second, check the two, if there is no chaotic breath, put them back in the mountain, and don't let the two go out of the mountain, you can get a recovery pill."

The options in Consciousness pop up.

Zhao Lang glanced lightly.

Divine thoughts swept over, and there was nothing unusual about the two of them.

If Bi Xiao insisted on hiding it, how could the two of them find it?

With a wry smile, Zhao Lang immediately waved his hand.

Still put them in.

Seeing Zhao Lang, the two of them fell to their knees.

After prostrating three times and bowing nine times, he said cautiously.

"Master, we have been searching for a long time, and we have almost traveled all over Honghuang, but we have not found the whereabouts of my aunt..."

Their expressions were a little nervous, for fear that Zhao Lang would blame them.

However, Zhao Lang did not.

"Understood, you stay in Buzhou Mountain and don't go out."

As he spoke, he waved lightly, and the two of them disappeared from the pavilion.

this action.

It caused Fuxi to look at Zhao Lang, and asked with some doubts.

"Senior, why are you so indifferent to your disciples?"

Zhao Lang raised his eyes and smiled.

"Is there? Maybe it's because of the demon god before."

Zhao Lang had already reacted.

The tyrant who came to Buzhou Mountain before was a fake.

As for who is transformed, this person is definitely not simple.

He deliberately got the two of them to Buzhou Mountain, and when he was going to teach and lose his temper, he summoned Chaos Sea Eye.

This person is definitely not ordinary.

Since then, Zhao Lang will use his divine sense to scan the heels of anyone who enters Buzhou Mountain.

If you find something strange, don't let it in.

But it is a coincidence that since then, not only did the previous person pretending to be Tian Ba ​​Di Ba disappear, but also no suspicious person appeared.

Because of this incident, he has always been a little uneasy recently, so he is not angry with the real tyrant.

But the three of Fuxi heard the term Demon God.


They all showed interest.

For cultivators who have never left the prehistoric world, and have never been in touch with the way of heaven and the great way, they naturally know nothing about the chaotic world.

It's normal to be curious.

"Master, it was rumored that you disappeared suddenly during the battle with the previous demon god. After that, where did you go?"

Cheng Tang nodded, and asked Zhao Lang full of doubts.

With a faint smile, Zhao Lang picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"Chaos Realm, a place you don't know."

"Chaos Realm?"

Several people looked at each other.

Zhao Lang turned around and pointed at Yuanfeng.

"That's where she came from."

The three of them looked at Yuanfeng and wondered if all the people in the Chaos Realm were people who didn't like to talk and laugh, so they had some natural resistance.

The original curiosity disappeared, they just wanted to know how Zhao Lang defeated the demon god.

"Senior, that demon god's magic power is boundless. Even the sage of heaven and Dao ancestor Hongjun didn't make a move. Why can you defeat him?"

Fuxi asked again.

Of course Zhao Lang couldn't say that it was because of the existence of the system.

Even if it is said.

They won't understand either.

So after explaining in a few words, several people felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

"It turns out that I have suddenly realized the true meaning of the Dao!"

"When will I be like Senior Zhao?"

The three kings were all dumbfounded at this moment.

Zhao Lang smiled helplessly.

"If there is a chance in the future, I can also take you to the Chaos Realm."

Hearing this, the three of them began to daydream at that time.

For the place beyond the prehistoric, they think it is the sky.

But otherwise, the sky is only a part of a world, it is not the whole of a world, there is a sky in the prehistoric world, 33 days outside the sky, there is the Zixiao Palace, outside the Zixiao Palace, there is the Tianhe, outside the Tianhe is chaos, in the chaos There is the Chaos Realm, and of course Zhao Lang doesn't know what lies beyond the Chaos Realm.

Anyway, everything here is very different from everything in his previous life memory.

Having stayed in the prehistoric world for countless thousands of years, Zhao Lang almost forgot that he was not actually from this world...

But if it comes, it will be safe, and now everything is under his control, the conferred god will definitely not confer the saint.

But his disciples are all in danger and there is a great possibility that they will be sent to heaven.

After chatting, Fuxi, Shaohao, Cheng Tang and others withdrew.

Zhao Lang summoned the Dao of Chaos Mirror, just about to insert his divine sense into it.

However, at this time, another voice came from outside the secret of the avenue.

"Sage of Zhoushan? Saint of Zhoushan?"

Zhao Lang was stunned for a moment, and after scanning his spiritual sense, he found that this person had no spiritual power.

Can you come to Buzhou Mountain without spiritual power?
Not very human?
With a faint smile, Zhao Lang began to observe, but he didn't directly move it into Buzhou Mountain.

"Strange, isn't it here?"

The man was startled, and then he was about to leave.

At this moment, Zhao Lang's voice came from the secret realm of the Great Dao, as if Bu Zhoushan had spoken.


Hearing this soul-shocking voice, the person under the mountain gate was stunned, and then looked at Buzhou Mountain with surprise.

"There really is a sage of Zhoushan! There really is a sage of Zhoushan!"

This person seems to be an ordinary human race, but it is a miracle that a boy in his early fifteen or sixteen years can come to Buzhou Mountain.

Hearing the echo in the mountains, ordinary people would have been scared to death.

However, he had only surprises and no fear.

Zhao Lang smiled.

"Very interesting kid."

But who is this person?

How could you come to my Buzhou Mountain?
Zhao Lang smiled lightly, and transmitted the voice.

"Where is the baby, dare to act wild in front of the ancestor's mountain gate?"

There is a holy power in the voice, and after hearing it, it gives people a natural sense of fear.

However, the kid had a playful smile on his face, and when he heard Zhao Lang's voice, he even laughed.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Lang looked at the boy in disbelief.

Frowning, Zhao Lang thought to himself.

"Good boy, how dare you be so bold?"

(End of this chapter)

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