My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 287 Obtaining the Object of the Lord's Tribulation

Chapter 287 Obtaining the Object of the Lord's Tribulation
"Zhao Gongming, how on earth did you know that I have the Lord's Tribulation?"

Hongjun's face was sullen, and the spiritual power in the surrounding void was attracted by it layer by layer.

This is the first time that Zhao Lang has observed Daozu's spiritual power so closely.

The three flowers on the top are looming, and the five air masses around the body are extremely thick!

Stronger than anyone I've seen before.

However, it is only strong.

Now Zhao Lang is not afraid of Hongjun at all.

If it wasn't for the deal with the Dao Palace, Hongjun would have already been defeated by Zhao Lang by now.

Feeling the other party's contempt, Hongjun was even more annoyed.

Under the exertion of spiritual power, the main hall of Zixiao Palace was instantly radiant with dazzling splendor!
Hongjun frowned and looked at Zhao Lang.

However, the latter was careless, and he didn't seem to be intimidated by the powerful spiritual power at all.

On the other hand, the two Taoist boys on the side were a little out of breath because of the coercion of Hongjun's saint.

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"Every catastrophe has the main catastrophe. During the first catastrophe of the Dragon Han Dynasty, it was the god-killing gun of the demon ancestor Luohu. During the catastrophe of the Lich, it was Taiyi's Donghuang Bell. Now the next time is about to come. Isn’t it normal that there are objects of the main calamity in the great calamity?”

Hearing this, Hongjun thought about it carefully, and it was true.

How did he know that Zhao Lang wasn't from this world originally, and that he could walk in front of everyone was all due to his previous life's cognition.

After thinking about it, Hongjun finally put away his spiritual power.

The fairy children on both sides felt suddenly much more relaxed, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Hongjun looked at Zhao Lang, his words were still gloomy.

"What do you want it for?"

"You don't have to worry about it, you just need to give it to me, don't worry, since I said that I won't interfere with your Daoism, then naturally I won't interfere with Heavenly Tribulation, but at least I have to give my disciples a guarantee. "

Zhao Lang smiled faintly.

Hongjun thought about it.

After pondering for a moment, he looked at the black jade tablet on Zhao Lang's waist.

That is the status symbol of the ten elders of the Dao Palace.

Taoist Yangmei also has a piece on his body, but the characters on it are different.

Raise your eyebrows which one is "space".

Zhao Lang's part is "yin and yang".

It seems that Zhao Gongming has really become a member of Daogong Palace.

Presumably, it should not stop me from joining the Tao.

Hongjun thought in his heart, and after a while, he finally spoke.

"Well, since that's the case, I'll hand over the Lord's Tribulation to you, but you have to make sure that you don't violate the order of heaven."

As he said that, Hongjun calmed down a little. In the void in front of him, a stream of air surged, and after a while, something seemed to emerge from it.

Zhao Lang looked up.

God whip!

Why only hit the magic whip?
What about the list of gods?

After receiving the magic whip, Zhao Lang was slightly taken aback.

Although this magic weapon is not as powerful as the magic weapons I own, it has a specialization in art.

Hitting the whip of the gods is the key to conferring the gods.

It's a pity that the list of gods...

This meeting will definitely not be able to speak again.

If you ask where is the list of gods.

It was completely exposed.

However, this one is already very good.

Zhao Lang looked at Hongjun, who seemed to hesitate and regret the moment the magic whip was handed over to him.

But at this time, Zhao Lang has already put Qiankun in his sleeve. If he doesn't want to take it out, even Hongjun can't take it out.

Smiling faintly at Hongjun, Zhao Lang took a step forward, the void in front of him was torn apart by the spiritual power of chaos, and he stepped into it.

Coming to Chaos Palace, Zhao Lang was a little happy.

However, Yuan Feng was also there. Seeing that Zhao Lang was in a good mood, she asked.

"What happened? So happy?"

Zhao Lang summoned the whip from his sleeve.

"This is it."

"This is?"

Yuanfeng was startled, took the magic whip and observed it carefully, but found nothing special.

"The main thing of the next catastrophe!"

Zhao Lang smiled with satisfaction. It is not difficult to see that getting this thing is happier than he is now getting the Law of the Great Dao.

Yuan Feng handed it back to Zhao Lang.

"I thought you rescued Bi Xiao."

After finishing speaking, she left on her own.

It really is a pot that cannot be opened without mentioning.

Zhao Lang watched her leaving back.

"Oh! Why don't I want to?"

But what's the use now, Bi Xiao, whose primordial spirit is separated from his physical body, can only have a chance to come back after Hongjun joins the Tao.

Taking a look, Zhao Lang put the magic whip in his sleeve.

Although he didn't get the list of gods, but because of this, the safety of the disciples can be guaranteed.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang nodded in satisfaction.

Yet at this moment.

A cause and effect passed into his mind.

Zhao Lang was startled.

There is such a thing?

With a shock in his heart, he took a step forward and stepped into the void in front of him.


On the mainland of China.

In a city among the human race.

In the home of an ordinary rich man, two children were born. The rich man's surname is Zhang.

All of them are female babies, named Rixia and Yuehua respectively.

Because the two daughters are naturally beautiful, the more they look the better, so the family has always regarded the two as the apple of their eye.

Decades passed.

The second daughter has grown up at the beginning, and she can be described as slim and graceful, with a small family of jade.

However, on this day, the two accompanied their parents to the Zhoushan Saint Temple to offer incense, but they were targeted by an old Taoist here.

The old Taoist name is Rishan Taoist, but he does a lot of evil, and he can do all kinds of evil.

I saw the rich man Zhang's two daughters born in a beautiful state.

Feel bad.

Taking advantage of the heavy rain that day, the son and daughter came with their mother to set incense and could not return home, so they cast spells to trap the two daughters.

In terms of cultivation, he also has some cultivation, it seems that he is in the realm of immortality.

However, this body does not do good deeds, but does all kinds of cruel and inhuman things.

Taking advantage of the rainy night to kill the mother of the second daughter, let alone occupying the sun and the moon.

How can the two girls, who are less than twenty years old, be the opponents of cultivators in the Immortal Realm?

You can't escape your fate, but fortunately there is a statue of Zhoushan saint in this temple.

The second daughter had nowhere to go, so she came in front of the fairy Zhao Lang.

It was only because the earth immortal cast a spell that the statue was damaged by mistake.

This led to Zhao Lang sensing this cause and effect.

Among the mountain temples.

It was raining heavily, and under the curtain of night, bursts of howls could be heard from inside the temple...

"Run again!"


Taoist Shan slapped Rixia on the face that day.

A blood-red palm print suddenly appeared on the pitiful flowery face.

Overturned to the ground, Rixia passed out.

"elder sister!"

Yuehua knelt down in front of the temple gate, trying to open the door with all her strength, but she had no choice but to break through the spiritual restriction with a mortal body.

After everything was in vain, she could only look at the good man that day, smiling at her with a terrifying smile full of evil.

The moment you stretch out your claws!

A blast of thunder struck outside the temple!

There was a lot of thunder, and it seemed that they were all heading towards the mountain temple.

Like the wrath of heaven.

Taoist Shan was taken aback that day, but he snorted coldly after a while.

"I'm not a great Luo Jinxian, and I don't survive the catastrophe. How can this thunder strike me?"

As he spoke, he still walked towards Yuehua in front of him.

However, when he turned around and looked in front of him, he was taken aback.

"What about people?"

Turning around again, Rixia disappeared.

"What about people?"

He growled and seemed extremely angry.

The cooked duck flew!Can you not be angry?
However, at this moment, a voice sounded.

"It turned out to be an interception."

This sentence is like the sound of heaven, and after it sounds, it echoes back and forth in this temple.

Rishan Taoist was surprised.

He suddenly turned around and looked around, but found no one.

"Who? Who is pretending to be a ghost! Show up quickly!"

However, when he finished saying this, Dang even regretted it.

Because he noticed that in front of the statue of the sage in Zhoushan, there was a person exactly like the statue!
Saint Zhoushan!

Zhao Gongming!
At this time, another sky thunder fell.

He finally knew what was going on.

The Great Dao Saint came to the mainland of China, and only then did he attract thunder and fire.

Startled suddenly, Rishan wanted to turn around and release his mana restraint to escape, but found that he couldn't move at all!

"You dare not touch me! Do you know who my master is!"

In desperation, Taoist Rishan had no choice but to mention Master Jie.

Zhao Lang smiled.

"Why don't you tell me?"

Rishan Taoist snorted coldly.

"My master, I am the chief disciple of the Master of Jiejiao Tongtian!"

Brow wrinkled.

Zhao Lang immediately thought of Duobao.

Although Daoist Duobao was dark and vicious, he would never have such a disciple with low moral character.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to do such a disgraceful thing in my ancestor's temple, you are already a dead person."

Zhao Lang looked at the domineering Taoist Rishan, and snorted coldly, and then the power of the saint spread out, and a powerful pressure immediately squeezed his body to death!

Die dead!

Turn into fly ash!

Now, he couldn't even enter the six realms of reincarnation, and disappeared forever in the prehistoric world!

With a slight curl of his lips, Zhao Lang would be disgusted with this kind of person.

Taking a step forward, after he used his spiritual power, the dark clouds and thunderstorms on the mountain dissipated instantly.

Clear skies!

With another point, the two daughters, Rixia and Yuehua, appeared.

They looked at everything around them in shock, undecided in shock.

" are?"

When Rixia saw Zhao Lang in the temple, she suddenly felt a little familiar and asked.

But just after asking, Zhao Lang turned around.

The two girls exclaimed.

Fainted to the ground.

Zhao Lang was taken aback for a moment, shook his head and laughed a little, then a little bit of spiritual power passed into the eyebrows of the two girls.

When they woke up again, they were speechless.

It turned out to be the Zhoushan sage who appeared?
They have heard of the gods and believe in the existence of the gods, but they have not actually seen the gods.

However, this sight is a saint who is stronger than a god!

"Ding! It is detected that the disciples of the Interceptors are coming here, and the host can choose."

"One, leave immediately, regardless of whether the second daughter lives or dies, you can get an innate spirit treasure."

"Second, protect the two daughters, fulfill the responsibilities of a saint, scare away the disciples of the sect, and obtain a law of the great way."

We must not sit idly by!
Zhao Lang hates evil like a vengeful enemy, and when encountering such things, he must take care of them.

The second daughter didn't know what to say at this time.

Looking at Zhao Lang in front of them, they almost fainted again.

"Thank you saint for saving your life, the two of us will continue to burn each other year after year..."

The two girls fell to their knees and said one after another.

However, Zhao Lang waved his hand lightly, interrupted him and said.

"This can be regarded as a karmic catastrophe for the two of you. Are you... willing to cultivate immortality?"

Faced with this sudden change to the topic, the two girls were taken aback.

He looked at Zhao Lang with some doubts.

"Cultivation... Cultivation Immortal?"

They couldn't believe that they were just ordinary mortals who couldn't be more ordinary, so they had the opportunity to cultivate immortality?

But faced with this kind of question, everyone has only one answer.

However, before the second daughter could speak, there was another voice outside the temple.

"Who dares to hurt my junior brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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