Chapter 294: The Early Stage of the Tribulation!

This voice echoed in the wilderness, and for a while there was only this voice in the world.

The mighty spiritual power is mixed in it.

All cultivators know this well.

This is the sage master, Daozu Hongjun!
When all the saints heard this sentence, they thought a little bit in their hearts.

Take a step, lift your foot in the next second, and you will be on the 33rd layer of heaven!
Outside Zixiao Palace!

Strips of spiritual power ooze out from Zixiao Palace, that is the spiritual power of the Taoist ancestor!
The momentum is majestic, and it can be seen that the discussion of Zixiao Palace on this day is extremely important!

The door of the main hall opened, and the six saints walked towards it together.

In the hall, Taoist ancestor Hongjun sat on a futon, surrounded by spiritual power.

"The disciple has met Dao Patriarch!"

All the saints salute, lined up.

However, Hongjun's complexion was a bit ugly.

Because just now, Taoist Yang Mei was still aggressive in front of him.

This time, the former's tone was not the same as before, it directly became a threat.

Threatening that Hongjun will be out of line within 2 years, he will find someone to replace him.

Hongjun, who has put in countless tens of thousands of years of hard work for the Dao, naturally would not be willing.

So the six saints were assembled to announce the catastrophe on this day!

"Now the catastrophe is about to start. This catastrophe is the catastrophe of a saint. You should prepare early."

Hongjun said indifferently, and then, a golden light flashed out of his sleeve!
The list of gods descended on the temple, but it was just a scroll.

In fact, there should have been two pieces, but one of them is now in the hands of Zhao Lang, and no one except Hongjun and Zhao Lang himself knows about it.

"Today, you all have to fill in the names of Yingjie disciples in your respective sects."

After Hongjun finished speaking, he nodded again.

The list of gods was slowly spread out, and it suddenly showed the order of the heavens, and it turned into a breeze and dispersed!

Then a white cloth fell before the saints.

It's so fast!

It can even be described as being caught off guard!

I thought Daozu would explain a few more words, but I didn't expect to fill in this list of gods right away?
"Ancestor Dao, what about the person who fills in?"

Master Tongtian stood up and asked.

Hongjun was expressionless.

"The body melts into the way of heaven, and the soul returns to the gods."

Conferred God?

What do you mean?
All the saints were taken aback.

Among all their saint sects today, there is no self-proclaimed god.

And the word immortal only exists in heaven.

Does this mean that the people who fill in the list will fill up the heavens after death?
The soul is governed by the heavenly court?
"This calamity measurement, I expect it will be deduced ten thousand years later. At that time, bloody storms will be inevitable. Everyone today fill in the names of disciples for the balance of heaven... If you don't want to, I will hand them over to you." Give it to one of you, and make it the master of robbery."

Hongjun looked at Liu Sheng and said calmly.

The six saints frowned.

This is coercion!
If you don't fill in today, the fate of the disciples in your own sect will most likely be handed over to others!
None of the six of them would be willing to hand over the survival of their sect to others.

In the prehistoric times now, the sage orthodoxy is the protagonist of the calamity.

When the calamity is approaching, although the sage of the Dao of Heaven is one with the Dao of Heaven and is immortal, all his disciples must participate in it, which is destined to be unavoidable.

Only by filling up the list of gods and setting up the divine way, can there be hope to resolve the calamity.

Of course, this is Hongjun's explanation.

The real way to resolve the calamity is still in his hands.

Taking this opportunity to push the prehistoric karma to its peak, and then let his Dao ancestor personally act to obtain immeasurable merits of the heavenly dao, is the real element of harmony!

This he never told anyone.

However, Zhao Lang is very clear.

You can guess it.

At this time, the saints began to shirk each other.

"Ancestor Dao, my Western religion is already poor, and if I fill in the heavens, wouldn't it be more difficult than suffering?"

Zhunti stood up and said.

"Ancestor Dao, I teach that the golden immortals are all Taoist elites. It would be a pity if they filled the way of heaven!"

Yuanshi Tianzun also said.

The rest of the people did not speak, and even the leader of Tongtian Church was unexpectedly quiet today.

Hongjun saw the clue.

But he looked at Lao Dan first.

Lao Dan knew that Daozu still suspected that he had stolen the Sunshine Pill.

"There is only one person under my disciple's sect, and I can't enter the way of heaven. Could it be possible that I cut three corpses to fill the way of heaven?"

Old Dan said lightly.

Nuwa didn't mention it at all, because there was no one under her family...

In the end, everyone's eyes still fell on Master Tongtian.

"Junior Brother Tongtian, this calamity is finally here, it's time to show your role in stopping teaching! Just fill in the list of gods?"

Zhunti sneered, and looked at Master Tongtian, his tone obviously mocking.

Tong Tian snorted, but didn't answer the words that were mentioned.

"What's your attitude? Could it be that you also want to disobey the Taoist ancestor?"

Seeing that Zhun Ti didn't respond to him, he pushed his nose and face even more.

"Hmph! Bald donkey, you'll have someone to look at in the future, don't worry..."

Tong Tian still said very contemptuously.

"What did you say!"

At this time.

Hongjun coughed lightly, and the saints quieted down.

"Since none of you are willing to fill it in, then I will hand over this item to Yuanshi Tianzun. I hope you will make good use of the way of heaven."

As he spoke, he slowly raised his hand, and the list of gods was put away and fell into the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun.

The latter came as no surprise.

Because as early as yesterday, he had contacted all the saints except Tongtian to deal with Jiejiao together.

Don't mention the rest, let's put aside the calculations among the saint sects for now.

In front of the calamity, all the saints will still push Tongtian out.

However, at this time Tongtian seemed to have an inexplicable confidence.

"You don't want to say anything?"

Yuanshi Tianzun took over the list of gods, and deliberately glanced at Tongtian.

"How dare the disciple disobey the Taoist's decision?" The Master Tongtian saluted lightly, then sneered.

At this time, he didn't care about the main disaster at all.

Hongjun, on the other hand, didn't care how the saint sects fought.

He only hoped that the harder the fight, the better, and the faster the fight, the more destructive it would be, then he would be able to make an early move, gain the merits of the Heavenly Dao, and fit the Heavenly Dao!

When the time comes, the first thing to do is to prevent Taoist Yang Mei from stepping into the prehistoric world again!

Thinking of this, the corner of Hongjun's mouth twitched.

"Let's disperse, everyone, remember, the destiny of heaven cannot be violated..."

However, just before Hongjun finished his sentence.

His brows suddenly trembled!
Because at this time, in the main hall of Zixiao Palace, Zhao Lang did not know when to arrive!

All the saints watched Zhao Lang slowly walk out from the side in dumbfounded.

"Go on, I'm just looking, it's fine when I don't exist."

Zhao Lang smiled lightly and waved his hand as a signal.

Hongjun frowned.

This feeling of being overtaken by others!

It was so painful!
One Yang Mei, one Zhao Gongming!

Zhao Lang's eyes fell on Sanqing. It is worth mentioning that everyone in Sanqing gave him a wink.

So much so that he didn't know who to return to.

So he coughed dryly.

"What Dao Patriarch said is very true, the catastrophe is coming, everyone should hurry up and recharge their energy, and train disciples is the best!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Lang turned sideways.

Hongjun snorted and said lightly.

"Go back."

The saints took orders and slowly left Zixiao Palace.

However, Zhao Lang glanced at Tongtian one last time.

This guy's spiritual power...

Sure enough, it has improved a lot.

If he was allowed to use the Six Soul Banner with his current strength, I'm afraid the rest of the heavenly saints would be in trouble too.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang looked at Hongjun.

"I don't see you when I should come, and I arrive suddenly when I shouldn't."

Hongjun snorted coldly and continued to meditate with his eyes closed.

"When I retreated in Buzhou Mountain, didn't you do the same?"

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

Stepping forward slowly, he took a careful look at Hongjun.

"It seems that the Taoist ancestor has already dissipated all his karma, and he will wait after the catastrophe?"

Hearing this, Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes.

"You promised not to interfere with Heavenly Tribulation."

"Yes, I will not interfere with Heavenly Tribulation."

Zhao Lang smiled and replied calmly.

Hearing this, Hongjun was relieved.

"Then what do you mean?"

Zhao Lang waved his hand.

"I don't mean anything. I want to ask Taoist Yang Mei, what does it mean to hide in a dark place?"

He said, looking at one place.

Hongjun was startled, and also looked aside.

Among them, Yang Mei slowly appeared.

"Aren't you leaving?" Hongjun asked suspiciously.

Taoist Yang Mei did not reply.

"You should worry about yourself recently, Zhao Gongming, Xiyun has already followed you."

Looking at Zhao Lang, he said lightly.

However, Zhao Lang disagreed.

He still dares to come to Honghuang?

However, looking into Taoist Yang Mei's eyes, Zhao Lang was somewhat puzzled.

Could it be...

How dare he?
(End of this chapter)

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