Chapter 296 My Master's Apprentice!

These two people were the ones who were supposed to be Zhao Lang's two apprentices in history!
Chen Jiugong, Yao Shaosi!

But at this time, both of them are just ordinary mortals in trouble.

If it wasn't for Shi Fan's cause and effect, I'm afraid he would have nothing to do with Zhao Lang in this life.

These two are just ordinary people. Although they are eight feet tall, they are unkempt and dressed in rags.

Seeing Shi Fan enter, the two hurriedly stepped aside to make room for a corner of the bed.

"Xiaoshi, come here, come in! If you come later, there will be no place!"

Ignoring the disgusted eyes of the people on the side, they moved away from a bed.

There are a lot of chicken feathers on it, which can be used for heating. Otherwise, in the middle of winter, the people on the cold kang must have cold air invading their bodies.

Although Shi Fan was given luck, it didn't take effect immediately, at least he had to rely on his own efforts.

However, these two, Zhao Lang saw that they still had some spiritual roots?

Not too bad with the feet.

They are two good seedlings.

Silent all night.

Turning around the sky, it seems that the sky is beautiful and the sky is clear.

Shi Fan felt as if he had a purpose in his heart today, and then he went out to find some work.

After bidding farewell to the two elder brothers, he left here.

However, Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi are somewhat different.

There always seemed to be a state of daydreaming.

Even begging is not good, I always think about cultivation, cultivation...

Among the human race, it is almost ignorant.

If it is a son of a wealthy family or a nobleman with imperial power, then there is nothing to say about pursuing to become a cultivator.

But although the two of them have good spiritual roots, their identities are just ordinary people, not even as good as ordinary people.

Even making a living is a problem, let alone becoming a cultivator?
In a snowy day, the two of them came to a good man's porridge shed to beg in ragged clothes.

They can all be kicked out.

It can be seen that it can't do anything...

Even begging is bad.

Arms folded, the two squatted in a ruined temple, thinking that their younger brother Shi Fan has found a livelihood now, and he can't go on like this forever.

Otherwise, you will starve to death sooner or later.

The two made up their minds at the same time!

Find something to do too!
If you need to have a strong body, you need strength to be able to exert your strength, can you still starve to death?

The idea is good.

I searched for several shops, but no one wanted them. Even if it was a place that would accept the two as clerks, it would not be long before it closed down.

So not long after, brothers Chen and Yao were reduced to begging on the street again...

Zhao Lang observed them for half a year.

In the past six months, he has known what it means to have a little back.

These two are really miserable.

The more interesting point is that even if they are begging for food, they seem to have a lot of backbone?

In the past six months, Shi Fan has become the son-in-law of the shopkeeper of a gold and silver shop.

After getting luck, it is natural to go all the way to the sky.

At this time, it can be regarded as a change of identity, and he has suddenly become a disciple of a rich family.

this day.

Chen and Yao squatted on the street corner.

Shi Fan happened to pass by here.

Many of the people who surrounded him were those who had insulted him at the beginning.

But now because of their status and money, they all follow him like dogs.

The two squatted on the corner of the street to beg, relying on the leftovers from the restaurant to barely survive starvation.

He was discussing how to spend the winter in the coming year, but suddenly saw Shi Fan who was flourishing.

"Eh? Isn't that Xiaoshi?"

Chen Jiugong raised his brows, pushed aside the loose hair in front of his face, and looked at Shi Fan who was surrounded by the crowd at the other end of the street.

Yao Shaosi knocked his head disapprovingly.

"What are you thinking? Then how can you look at him as a young master from a rich family? How could it be Xiaoshi?"

Chen Jiugong didn't believe it, he spat out and rubbed his eyes.

Finally, he recognized it.

After all, he was someone who slept on a kang.

"It's Xiaoshi, it's Xiaoshi! Look!"

After what he said, Yao Shaosi raised his head impatiently, glanced casually but stood up suddenly.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

It was definitely Shi Fan!
Unexpectedly, Shi Fan, who lived with the Chicken Feather Shop back then, would become famous after only half a year's absence?

Thinking of this, the two pushed away the crowd.

Running over from the other end of the street.



The voices of the two echoed one after another in the crowd, even overshadowing the bustling downtown.

Shi Fan was surrounded by those guys, his head hurt like a mosquito, he was very upset, he was trying to find an excuse to escape, when this voice sounded, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

"Brother Chen? Brother Yao?"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Shi Fan looked around and glanced around.

In the end, it still fell on the two brothers Chen and Yao who hadn't changed in the slightest.


Seeing each other's reaction, the two felt even more sure that it was Shi Fan.

While calling, he ran quickly.

However, before arriving in front of Shi Fan, those "running dogs" stood up directly.

He took the lead to stop the two of them, but Chen and Yao were naturally stronger, so they were pushed away directly.

"Hey! You two beggars, what are you doing! How dare you call Mr. Shi like that?"

Those people were taken aback for a moment, then hurried around to Shi Fan and stopped them.

"It's me, Chen Jiugong, you brother Chen!"

"I...I, Yao Shaosi!"

The two looked at Shi Fan, afraid that the latter would not recognize them, they pointed at themselves and said.

How could Shi Fan not recognize it?
Although she was delighted, she still had time to wait for him to speak...

"A stinky beggar, dare to climb up on us Mr. Shi?"

The few Shi Fan gangsters who had seen this before all came forward one after another and pushed Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi away.

After looking at the two of them up and down, they were sure that they were common beggars in the city.

Because of the lessons learned by Shi Fan, now before they insult someone, they have to take a look to see if the other party has some kind of potential...

But does everyone have the potential?

Zhao Lang didn't spread his luck on them.

After confirming that there were only two beggars, the ugliest one among the ruffians stood up.

This guy looks like the worst kind of guy.

The hair on the head is very sparse, with a red rosacea nose, seven upwards and eight downwards mustaches.

He is a well-known bully in the local area. Although he is said to be a bully, it is not because he can bully anyone he catches, but because he is extremely shameless.

Because her surname is Mei, she has an interesting nickname circulating in Shijing.


Zhao Lang naturally noticed the next scene, but he was a saint after all, so he didn't care about everything among mortals.

But after knowing the name of this person, Zhao Lang also laughed out loud.

After retreating for tens of thousands of years, this is the most interesting name he has ever met.

It is even more interesting than the names he gave to the descendants of the ancestor dragon and the first unicorn.

With a smile on his face, Zhao Lang stood on the clouds with his hands behind his back, watching what was happening in the city at the moment.

Mei Li'an looked at Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi with a look of extreme contempt.

"A beggar? Who do you say is a beggar?"

Chen Jiugong's temperament is more straightforward, compared to Yao Shaosi, he can't help the other party calling them that.

Although they are poor, they always have a chivalrous heart!
How can someone be so insulting?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but push on the chest of Meilian who wanted to curry favor with Shi Fan.

Shi Fan also stood beside the two of them.

"You look like a dog, if you bully my brother again, I will never forgive you."

His brows tightened, as expected of a lucky person, but it surprised Merian.

However, Mei Li'an has no spiritual power, no matter how bad Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi are, at least they are practitioners of Qi Hua Jing.

Feeling the strength of Chen Jiugong's pushing palm just now, he could detect it.

However, now that Shi Fan was on the side of the two "beggars", Mei Li'an felt a little uneasy.

With so many people present, wouldn't this be an embarrassment?

Rolling his eyes, he took his heart into consideration.

"Hey! Come and judge! This guy Shi Fan brought a bully to beat someone!"

The so-called thief bites, three points to the bone!

No one expected that Mei Li'an would fall down, lying at Shi Fan's feet, spitting blood!
Even passers-by can see it, but he still insists on it!
Really shameless!
Zhao Lang was amused, he wanted to know how Shi Fan and others would deal with it.

However, what happened next was beyond his expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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