Chapter 3 Retreat
"Zhao Gongming! I know you're here! Get out!"

Not long after entering the fairy cave, Zhao Lang, who sat cross-legged to practice, suddenly heard a voice from outside the cave.

"Is it over?"

Zhao Lang was a little annoyed, he looked out through his spiritual sense, only to find that it was not the tenth prince who was outside, but the three Jiejiao disciples who chased him to the edge of the cliff tens of thousands of years ago.

It turned out to be you?
The past is vivid in my mind, how could it not have come here by themselves?

But he had to thank them, otherwise he would never have discovered such a good place as Pangu Immortal Cave in his life.

"How do you know I'm here?"

The voice came out first, and then Zhao Lang appeared outside the cave again.

Although he stayed inside, these few people couldn't come in.

But he was worried that these people would tell Tongtian where they were when they went back.

And with the strength of a sage who reaches the sky, it is a breeze to enter here and catch him to Biyou Palace!
"Tens of thousands of years ago, I heard that someone used the Zhuxian sword formation to beat the ghost chariot to half."

"Watching the Lich War, I happened to be passing by. I didn't expect to meet you at the foot of Buzhou Mountain... It really was you!"

With a cold snort, Zhao Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, these people are just passing by, which means that Tongtian does not know that he is hiding here at the moment, but if they wait for them to go back...

There is a way to heaven if you don't go, there is no way to hell to cast!
"It is detected that the host encounters the disciple of the Interceptor, and the following options are available!"

"One, submit to him, follow him back to the Jiejiao, worship under the Tongtian sect, and get the status of Jiejiao disciple!"

"Second, refuse the invitation, continue to practice, and if you don't die on the mountain, you can get the Thousand Mountains Shocking Thunder Palm Kung Fu!"

Go is definitely not going!
Sorry, I can only keep your mouth shut!
A few people were still chatting and joking, but they didn't realize that Zhao Lang outside the cave had quietly circulated his spiritual power.

Although these people are in the real fairyland like him, the law that Zhao Lang practiced is different from them. What he practiced was Hunyuan Daluo Taoism.

Different from these ordinary Heavenly Dao practices, the strength cultivated by the Hunyuan Daluo Dao method is more solid and powerful!
What's more, at this time, he has obtained a skill comparable to the Houtian Lingbao!


When they heard his voice, Zhao Lang himself suddenly appeared in front of them.

The three of them were stunned, looking at the aura that quickly gathered around the former, they didn't pay attention at first.

Although Zhao Lang has cultivated for tens of thousands of years, his strength is the same as theirs, and he has come to the realm of true immortals, but there are three of them, three true immortals.

Can you be afraid of him alone?
But what happened next made them too regretful!

While Zhao Lang was mobilizing the whole body of Taoism, the information of Qianshan Thunderclap Palm was quickly entered into his mind, and then he secretly cast the formula in his heart.

Immediately, a fierce force poured into the palms of his hands, containing an extremely terrifying force. This force flowed back and forth in his arms, and strands of golden light leaked out through the palms.


Following Zhao Lang's palm strike, ferocious energy surged out of his hand, mixed with dazzling golden light, directly piercing through the three of them in a row!
In an instant, the corpses fell from mid-air!Death and death!
After killing the three Jiejiao, Zhao Lang has been meditating in the fairy cave for tens of thousands of years.

You must keep getting stronger to avoid catastrophe!
"Brother Dao!"

"Brother Dao, save me!"


"It has been detected that the tenth prince of the Eastern Emperor is asking for your help. You have the following options!"

"One, break through and save the ten princes, you can gain the trust of the prince, but there is a chance that you will be beaten to death by the ancestor witch!"

"Second, continue to retreat, don't worry about it, stay away from world affairs, and you can get an acquired spiritual treasure!"

Acquired Lingbao?

Spiritual consciousness probed outside the cave. At this time, the tenth prince changed his calm and steady appearance before, but instead he was in a panic.

After being beaten by several great witches of the Wu tribe, he came to where he was.

Although the ten princes had no grievances with him, Zhao Lang was not interested in risking his own life just to save him.

sorry!Dead friends don't die poor!
Following Zhao Lang's choice, a spike-like object suddenly appeared in his hand.

Acquired Spirit Treasure, Jade Cauldron Dragon Bone Cone!

Looking at the keel cone, Zhao Lang felt the chill coming out of it, this was his first magic weapon.

Hearing that there was no response to his shout, the tenth prince was already covered in wounds and bleeding profusely.

However, those big witches are still chasing and killing, and their energy and physical strength seem to be endless!

His call for help received no response.

"If Zhao Gongming doesn't save my life, if I survive in the future, I will find him..."

Since then, the tenth prince of the Eastern Emperor's resentment towards him has been deeply rooted in his heart.

Turning around and fleeing to the distance, the witches followed closely behind...

It's not that I don't help, but with my current strength, going out is tantamount to dying!
Friends of the Daoist, let's all live in peace!

Zhao Lang sighed.

Next, he will devote himself to cultivation again. The cultivation of Chaos Daluo Taoism is very difficult. There is no way to rely on merit, and there are no shortcuts to take. The only condition for becoming stronger is continuous cultivation, accumulating over time...


time flies……

It has been an unknown number of years since the last time a living person appeared outside the Pangu Immortal Cave.

During this period, Kuafu went day by day, and Dayi made arrows, and shot and killed nine of the ten sons of the Eastern Emperor, and only one of them disappeared.

After Dayi shot and killed the nine sons, he was killed by many demon gods.The conflict between the two sides has intensified day by day.

The ancestral witch and empress suddenly realized the way of heaven, opened up the six realms of reincarnation, and became one with the reincarnation, but Hongjun ordered her not to participate in the battle of liches, and to stay in the underworld forever.

So after this battle, all the other ancestral witches died.

Among them, Xuanming's cultivation was the strongest, and he died together with Donghuangtai.

Countless ancient monster races died.

Those who survived either hid in seclusion, or were included in Taoism.

The demon clan is thus weak.

After the war, the Lich and Demon Clans completely lost their ability to compete for the prehistoric hegemony.

Under the impetus of the saints, the human race gradually began to dominate the prehistoric era...

Over the years, there have been endless wars and chaos outside, and the lives of people have been devastated.

After the baptism of war and time, Buzhou Mountain has become increasingly dim and not as majestic as before.


Suddenly, visions appeared one after another in the sky of Buzhou Mountain, and the sky was full of hype.

The dark clouds kept churning and boiling, and lightning bolts fell from the sky!

The momentum is mighty, like the sky is collapsing!
All the creatures in a radius of thousands of miles were startled by it, and looked at the vision of the world in horror, trembling.

what happened?

This is like a thunder calamity to promote Da Luo Jinxian!

With such coercion, a Da Luo Jinxian came to the world?
Da Luo Jinxian?It hasn't appeared in nearly a thousand years!

Countless beings were amazed by it, after all, they had never experienced the period when the Lich Tribulation was full of golden immortals.

Today's Da Luo Jinxian can already be called a strong man in the prehistoric world!
Today, Zhao Lang successfully broke through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian!

The tens of thousands of years of closed-door practice, also at this time, has been rewarded satisfactorily.


Opening his eyes, Zhao Lang's pupils radiated strands of golden light.

Feeling the transformation of his physical body and soul, he was not too excited, but sighed.

Daluo Jinxian escapes from the five elements, not in the five elements, penetrates cause and effect, and avoids three disasters and five disasters.

So strong, but only strong.

If the catastrophe comes, it is still impossible to escape, and it will still die...

He was also secretly observing Honghuang.

Although because of the concept of teaching without discrimination, Tongtian's sect has grown day by day, and has the reputation of Ten Thousand Immortals coming to court.

But if you can't reach the saint, the disciple who is as strong as the quasi-sage will still not be able to escape the calamity of conferring the gods in the future.

Zhao Lang didn't know it was, the leader of Tongtian was still looking for him everywhere at this time.

Still need to keep getting stronger, until you become a sage and get rid of the way of heaven!

Only then can fate be changed!
Zhao Lang strengthened his belief.

He has made rapid progress over the years, and the Hunyuan Dao he has cultivated is much more difficult than ordinary Heavenly Dao cultivation.

Otherwise, presumably with this kind of cultivation environment and his concentration, he should have broken through to the quasi-sage in the cultivation of ordinary heaven by now.

Although this cultivation speed is already terrifying!
However, it's still not enough!
Even Da Luo Jinxian is still a long, long way from proving the Tao and becoming a saint!

Before that, Zhao Lang was determined not to go out, no matter what happened, no matter who came to him...


A voice came from outside the cave.

Zhao Lang turned around sharply, and his heart beat suddenly at this time, which could make him feel a strong coercion even now, the one who passed through the cave and went straight into the cave to bring pressure to him is probably...

More than quasi-sage!

"I am the leader of Jiejiao..."

(End of this chapter)

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