Chapter 306 About the Grandmist Dharma Orb
However, Zhao Lang had no intention of making a move at all, he just found it interesting.

People who have reached his realm and cultivation level are still interested in some subtle things. Maybe this is the so-called "returning to the basics"?
"Don't get excited, I just want to know how much do you know about this thing?"

Zhao Lang smiled faintly, and while sitting cross-legged, he looked at Ye Lilan who was immobilized in front of him and asked.

The latter frowned slightly.

"The thing is in your hand, and you ask me instead?"

Zhao Lang smiled wryly and said, "I just got it not too long ago, so I haven't studied it much, how about it, in exchange, you tell me what you know, and I will keep your family safe, how about it?"

Ye Lilan said disdainfully: "Can you believe what the people from the Daoist Palace say?"

She seems to have a deep hatred for the Dao Palace.

That's why every sentence is full of gunpowder.

But this kind of personality can only be Zhao Lang, if it were someone else, she would have been dead and gone by now...

Zhao Lang looked at her and nodded.

"Believe it or not, I won't go into too much detail. If I leave now and those demon gods come back, you will still die..."

He waved his hand indifferently, and continued, "If you don't want to, just pretend I didn't say anything."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Lang got up slowly, as if preparing to leave.

However, upon hearing this, the two maids became a little nervous.

The Chaos Demon God and the one in front of them, they still prefer to believe him, after all, the latter can decide their life or death with a single word.

If Zhao Lang had left at this time, those Chaos Demon Gods might still be lurking around, and when they came out, the only remaining clansmen in the clan would probably be murdered!
Thinking of this, they came to Ye Lilan's side.

"Miss...Young patriarch, or you can tell this powerful person..."

"That's right! Young patriarch, now that the patriarch is not here, the remaining clansmen in the clan still rely on your protection... But look at those demon gods just now, they are really terrifying..."

"Young patriarch, you have to think about your clansmen..."

The two of them spoke to each other, dissuading Ye Lilan.

Zhao Lang's movements were also extremely slow. If it was the past, if he moved his toes, he would have escaped into the void and disappeared...

As if waiting for something.

Hearing what the two maids said, Ye Lilan's eyebrows twitched.

"Presumptuous! I am the patriarch's daughter!"

Looking at the two of them, Ye Lilan scolded.

However, what the two maids said was not unreasonable. She just finished reprimanding them, and she also thought of cause and effect in her mind.

Indeed, from the current point of view, the person in front of him does not seem to have any malicious intentions.

Could it be that this is really a good man?

No...not possible!

She hesitated to herself, thinking to herself.

"There isn't a single good person in the Grand Dao Palace!"

But... it is indeed the end of the road right now, even if the person in front of him leaves, it is very likely that he still cannot escape the fate of being chased and killed by the Chaos Demon God.

Thinking of this, even though there were thousands of hesitations in my heart, I let it go for the time being.

"and many more……"

Ye Lilan finally spoke out.

Zhao Lang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and turned around slowly.


The former seemed to have made some important decision. After biting his red lips with white teeth, his eyelids rolled slightly, and he let out a long breath.

" will do what you say?"

She asked Zhao Lang hesitantly.

Nodding his head indifferently, Zhao Lang said with a smile: "Once a word is spoken, four horses are hard to follow. This is a man."

Hearing this, Ye Lilan snorted disdainfully.

Although from the outside, the man in front of him looks immeasurable and extraordinary, giving people a pretty good impression.

However, in her heart, she would automatically discredit people who had anything to do with the Grand Dao Palace.

"Okay then, I'll trust you once more."

She finally made a decision and looked at Zhao Langdao.

trust me once...

Zhao Lang shook his head and laughed.

Ye Lilan only regarded Zhao Lang as a villain like the Chaos Demon God, but she never thought that this was the only chance for her and her people.

Hearing her promise, Zhao Lang didn't say any more.

Under the wide-sleeved robe, with a big hand turned, the Primordial Dharma Orb was moved to the front of the body.

Seeing this, Ye Lilan, who was just a little relaxed just now, became serious again.

"I don't know much about this thing, I just heard it from my father when I was a child."

Ye Lilan said lightly.

Zhao Lang continued to return to the throne on the Dao Hall, sat cross-legged, and listened with great interest.

She continued: "It is said that the Grandmist Dharma Bead existed hundreds of millions of years ago in the Primal Chaos Realm. It seems to be a cloud of clean air, but it also seems to be a cloud of turbid air, but it is mixed with infinite starry universes, derived from the primordial universe. The laws that we exist now, after forming countless laws, these countless laws form a spiritual power gap, among which is the Chaos Realm..."

After a pause, she continued.

"The Hongmeng Fazhu records many unknown laws of the Great Dao, which seem to be laws that do not exist in this world, or other three thousand laws that are completely opposite to the existing laws."

Zhao Lang listened with great interest.

But he couldn't help thinking.

This doesn't seem to be the same as what I know?

Everything is upside down, everything is reverse growth?

Not allowing him to think about it, Ye Lilan continued: "These are all legends. I really remember this thing. I heard it in a battle with my father before. It is said that there is a man in black robe from the Dao Palace. He has a powerful With incomparable law and spiritual power, he holds this thing in his hand, wherever he goes, not a single blade of grass grows, and corpses are everywhere..."

As she spoke, her beautiful eyes stared at the Grandmist Dharma Orb in Zhao Lang's hand.

"It should be this thing."

After speaking, she stopped.

However, Zhao Lang couldn't stop thinking.

The man in black?
Indeed, in Zulong's palace, there was also a black-robed man who took out this object. That person could easily kill Zulong in the chaotic world, and even let Zhao Lang walk in front of the gate of hell.

His strength should not be underestimated. Even now, Zhao Lang would think of the powerful aura back then, and the fear and horror he felt when the spiritual power oozed out of the Grandmist Dharma Orb...

I can't forget it for a long time.

"That's all I know."

Ye Lilan suddenly interrupted Zhao Lang's thoughts, raised her beautiful eyes, and returned to the domineering state just now.

"okay, I get it."

Zhao Lang smiled lightly, and then put the Grandmist Dharma Bead into his sleeve.

However, Ye Lilan seemed to suddenly think of something again.

"Actually, you don't need to stay here. In a few days, my father and elder brother may come back."

It is not difficult to hear from her tone that she is still wary of Zhao Lang.

With a wry smile, Zhao Lang looked at her.

"Do you think that when they come back, you can escape your fate?"

Ye Lilan frowned again, her body trembled, and she stepped back slightly.

"What do you mean!"

He thought that Zhao Lang turned his face so quickly, that he would go back on what he said.

However, Zhao Lang waved his hand.

"Never mind."

"My father is a true Daoist sage, and all of my family have used the law of the earth to prove the Daoguo! Even if the cultivation level is placed in the entire Chaos Realm, it is one of the best!"

In the proud tone, there are also some threats to Zhao Lang.

It seemed that he was using these people to suppress him.

After waving his hand, Zhao Lang didn't continue talking.

The maids on both sides also pulled her, not allowing her to continue talking.

Seeing Ye Lilan leave the hall unwillingly, Zhao Lang shook his head.

It's hard to be a good person in this world!
However, there is only one thought between good and evil, Zhao Lang resolutely still chooses to be a person with a heart, not a bloodthirsty demon god.

Even if the identity reaches this level, it is the same.

Thinking of this, he began to meditate with his eyes closed.

Time passed quickly. After all, countless clansmen in the city had died, and the smoky city seemed much more desolate and lonely.

Almost three days later, Zhao Lang was about to leave that night.

After observing for a long time, there is no Chaos Demon God's breath around.

It is impossible for him to stay here forever, after all, he is not popular.

Even if he is a saint, Zhao Lang will feel embarrassed.

As soon as he walked out of the treasure hall, Zhao Lang looked up at the night in the Chaos Realm.

There is no moon above the sky, and there is still that touch of scarlet, as if telling all the creatures in the chaotic world that this place is like a purgatory on earth.

It doesn't matter just looking up, Zhao Lang saw a beautiful figure on the balcony beside him.

Observe carefully, it is Ye Lilan.

The latter looked into the city, and there seemed to be some fluctuations in his eyes.

The fluttering green shirt and the rippling skirt really do have an exotic feel to it...

"It's still a nice woman, but she's a bit indiscriminate."

Zhao Lang smiled wryly.

With a slight movement in his mind, an invisible chaotic air suddenly lifted him up under his feet, and Zhao Lang was going to take a look elsewhere.

After all, I haven't had the chance to observe the huge chaotic world yet.

Taking the next step, he was already far away from the city.

Outside the city of the Tu nationality, there is a wild desert, where there is no grass, and the sky is full of sand and dust.

Under the blowing of sand and stones, there were not even living things.

Very lonely.

However, at this moment, a system prompt flashed in Zhao Lang's mind.

"Ding! It is detected that Ye Lilan is in danger, the host can choose."

"One, turn a blind eye and have nothing to do with yourself, you can get a law of the road."

"Second, help and protect it from danger, and you can get two laws of the road."


I just left.

Walking on the front foot, is it difficult to walk on the back foot?
Zhao Lang frowned slightly, and glanced at the Tu nationality city behind him, where there was thick smoke billowing and sand flying!

Vaguely, there is infinite killing intent!
(End of this chapter)

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