Chapter 309 Traitor
Especially Ye Lilan, besides disbelief, there are many complex emotions in her eyes at this time...

But the most, is still the cold hatred that cannot be concealed.

"This is real?"

She asked, the words seemed to be squeezed out between her teeth.

"Listen to me, Xiaolan..."

"Is this true!"

Ye Lilan's spiritual power has been mobilized, and at this time she has changed from the kindness she had when they first met.

The person in front of him seemed to be very strange, not even as familiar as Zhao Lang from the Dao Palace whom he had just met for a few days...

"Don't listen to his nonsense, Xiao Lan, how is it possible!"

Ye Liang smiled awkwardly with a distorted expression.

However, at this moment, the person who was hesitant to speak just now finally couldn't hold back anymore.

Conscience erupted, he cried out.

"It's him! It's he who killed the patriarch at the hands of strange beasts, refused to save him, and took away the orthodox laws of the Tu people afterwards!"

After he finished speaking, Ye Liang's expression instantly became extremely gloomy.

Turning around suddenly, his eyes were bloodshot.

"What a vicious dog, you can't raise it well!"

As he said that, he immediately waved it with one hand.

Immediately, the spiritual power of the whole body erupted, and it was indeed slightly higher than the spiritual power of some saints of the Dao of Law that Zhao Lang had seen before.

The spiritual power burst out between the palms, and it immediately turned into infinite law spiritual power, and a thick law of the earth appeared at this time!

But seeing the surrounding ground, countless broken stones suddenly burst out, and the diameter of these broken stones penetrated the man's body, and the next moment, the body died and the road disappeared!

That person is also in the quasi-sage realm.


Under the saints are all ants.

Watching him make a move, Zhao Lang didn't seem to have any surprises.

"It really is you, I knew father has been unwilling to pass on the authentic Tu clan to you, but now you are using the pure cultivation method..."

Ye Lilan looked at Ye Liang, her silver teeth creaking.

It's not hard to see how much hate it is!

My own father did not die at the hands of the Demon God...

Instead, he was killed by his own people!

In turn, he "sold" himself to the Jin family!

Such a villain!

But seeing that the matter has come to this, Ye Liang snorted coldly.

"At this point, I won't say anything else, Ye Lilan, even if you are disabled, you have to go to the Jin clan to marry him! Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will save you! "

As he spoke, he sneered, and immediately after, the spiritual power in his hand surged.

"Go! Kill him!"

After giving an order, the others beside him dared not disobey it.

They rushed forward one after another, and their respective magic weapons were also sacrificed in front of them.

Ye Lilan's eyebrows trembled coldly, and subconsciously summoned her spiritual power, but caught a glimpse of Zhao Lang's casual smile.

next moment.

An earth-shattering loud noise resounded through the desert!
Ye Liang regained his composure and looked behind him.

Those men had disappeared without a trace.

Pangu opened the palm of the sky!

Although it is not possible to kill those cultivators at this time, it is more than enough to seriously injure or even knock them thousands of miles away.

As for life and death, there are countless strange beasts in the desert of the chaotic world, let's all live in peace!

Ye Liang looked at Zhao Lang.

"Is there really some means?"

As he spoke, he sneered.

"But it's useless! I've become a Great Dao Sage now! Possess the power of the orthodox laws of the Tu people! Who else is my opponent?"

As he spoke, he burst into stature.

In an instant, he was above the clouds, looking down at Zhao Lang and Ye Lilan.

"I have implicated you. His cultivation is not to be underestimated. At this time, he has integrated the power of powerful laws. You have already consumed a lot of energy to deal with the demon god last night. Let's go! Leave me alone!"

Ye Lilan looked at Zhao Lang at the side, and said hastily.

However, Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

Consumed a lot?
The former may not have seen the scene where Zhao Lang slaughtered hundreds of demon gods before...

That's burnout.

Dealing with one, and now Zhao Lang, even his primordial spirit appearance, is a piece of cake.

"Don't worry, you won't die."

Saying it lightly, the next moment, Zhao Lang's figure disappeared instantly.

After regaining consciousness, the former had already appeared in front of Ye Liang!

Ye Lilan kept echoing these words in her heart...

"Is he really from the Grand Dao Palace..."

Thinking in her heart, her eyes drooped slightly.

From this man, she felt a feeling she had never had before!

Can't tell what it feels like...

However, it was Ye Liang who had completely different ideas from hers at this time.

He was shocked to find that Zhao Lang suddenly appeared in front of him, just like him, opposing volley!

His pupils shrank suddenly, because he felt an extremely powerful pressure of spiritual force!

This kind of spiritual coercion is even several times stronger than anyone he has ever seen, any practitioner!
What is this...

What kind of terrifying cultivation base?

But at the moment, he was not allowed to think.

Facing this kind of powerful holy prestige, he would not be so stupid as to let it go.

Thinking of this, he suddenly pulled away and unleashed his spiritual power!

Looking at the vast figure of the fairy in front of him, Ye Liang did not hesitate, and his move was the ultimate move!
Under the urging of spiritual power, the whole earth seemed to be trembling for thousands of miles around!
Mobilizing the spiritual power to the limit, I saw several huge boulders towering up in the vast desert!

These boulders were lifted from the dry land and went straight to the sky!
With both hands out, the boulders under the mobilization of spiritual power were cut into sharp thorns one after another!

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"Is this also called the orthodox law of the Dao of Earth?"

He also has the law of the earth, although he doesn't know if it is orthodox, but in terms of power, he is definitely stronger than Ye Liang by countless realms.

After all, cultivation is here!


Exiting lightly, Zhao Lang stood in the air with his hands behind his back.

Under his feet, suddenly a pillar reaching the sky suddenly rises from the desert!
Holding Zhao Lang's figure, he stood on the stone pillar like a mountain peak, like an ancient god!
Ye Liang was shocked.

"How do you have the Law of the Dao of Earth?"

Sweeping his gaze away, he looked at Ye Lilan, thinking that it was Zhao Lang who passed on her clan's laws.

"You bastard, you passed the law orthodoxy to outsiders! Go to hell!"

As he said that, he waved his hands violently!

Amidst the infinite spiritual power, his eyes have become extremely murderous!

Annihilated humanity!
But he saw the countless stone swords frantically plundering towards the city below!

Zhao Lang snapped his fingers lightly.

A huge stone wall emerged from the mountain-like stone pillar below him, like a disc, hitting the sharp stone blade cut from crushed stones in diameter!
A violent shock came from the world, shocking the world!

The dust dissipated, and Ye Lilan looked at the sky in astonishment.

Zhao Lang has been standing indifferently on the Optimus Pillar for a long time, his eyes are full of indifference.

Ye Liang was out of breath, it seemed that the spiritual power in his body had been exhausted due to this blow.

"Hehe, okay! I underestimated you! Since I'm not good, no one can leave here alive!" He gasped heavily and growled.

Zhao Lang sighed.

"court death."

After uttering two words, Zhao Lang suddenly spread his palms!

An incomparably fierce green light was as fast as lightning!

In the blink of an eye!

Ye Liang was shocked.

Because in front of him, hovering in mid-air, is a magical sword with infinite chaotic spiritual power!
Qinglian sword!
The treasure of chaos can kill a saint!
Zhao Lang tapped his feet lightly, and the Optimus Pillar instantly looked like a giant dragon protruding from the ground, supporting Zhao Lang's figure and facing forward.

Looking at the sword in front of him, Ye Liang had almost given up thinking.


"what is this!"

"Why is there a feeling of death?"

"Impossible! I have become a Daoist saint now, and I have obtained the orthodoxy of the Tu nationality! How could someone be my opponent?"

He thought of it in his heart over and over again, to the point where he uttered it like a madman.


However, while speaking, Zhao Lang had already come in front of him.

Standing with his hands behind his back, the dharma sword was still hovering between Ye Liang's eyebrows.

"who are you?"

Looking at the otherworldly person in front of him, the latter finally couldn't help asking.

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"that's not important."

"You just need to know..."

"There is a sky beyond the sky, the cycle of cause and effect..."

After finishing the last sentence, Zhao Lang swung out with one hand in a sword gesture!

Immediately, the hand under the wide sleeve robe seemed to hold the Qinglian sword out of thin air.

However, when he raised his sleeves, Ye Liang saw the jade pendant on his waist, and almost lost his wits!

(End of this chapter)

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