Chapter 311
"How did you get here?"

She frowned and asked Zhao Lang a little late.

"What's wrong here?"

Zhao Lang was stunned. If he wanted to go to the chaotic ocean from the desert, he could only go from here.

It doesn't work anywhere else.

Either detours or unknown places.

However, when he also scanned his divine sense, he seemed to suddenly understand the reason for Ye Lilan's surprise.

On the gate of this city, the word "gold" is engraved impressively.

Is this the Jin family that Ye Liang said?

It's quite close, it's here after leaving the desert, no wonder there is talk of marriage.

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"What? Can I sell you?"

Hearing this, Ye Lilan's pretty face flushed.

"Not really..."

"I suddenly remembered that the magic weapon of my clan is still in the hands of the Jin clan. It was the magic weapon that my father donated to prevent war between the two clans. Now that my father is gone, I think..."

As she spoke, she suddenly looked at Zhao Lang.

Between the eyes, there is a faint feeling of begging...

What has become of this?

Patriarch, have I become your thug?
With a wry smile, Zhao Lang waved his hands impatiently.

"Don't look for trouble. If they don't come to you, you should burn incense. Still thinking about going into the tiger's mouth?"

"Isn't there you?"

Ye Lilan pursed her lips, seeming quite reasonable.

Sighing helplessly, Zhao Lang looked down.

Now that the Jin clan has not been ransacked by the Dao Palace Demon God, in the city below, the people live and work in peace and harmony.

"Ding! It is detected that Ye Lilan is asking for something from the host, so you can make a choice."

"One, if you refuse to help her and take her to the aquarium to save her life, you can get a law of the road."

"Second, help Ye Lilan get back the ancestral magic weapon, and you can get two Dao laws."

This means that even the system is facing you?

Looking at the system options in front of him, Zhao Lang shook his head and laughed.

Originally, if there is no system, Zhao Lang definitely adheres to the principle that more things are worse than less things.

It's not that he is afraid, but that he doesn't want to waste time on these things.

However, he kept his eyes on the two principles of the avenue.

double reward...

In contrast, what to choose is immediately clear.

Reluctant to make a choice, Zhao Lang looked at Ye Lilan.

The latter raised his pretty face at this time, his begging expression was very different from before.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Reluctantly speaking, Zhao Lang pressed the cloud head.

"But before I say it, I'm not your thug, I just take what I need."

While talking, the two came outside the city.

Ye Lilan was taken aback.

"What is a thug?"...

Waving his sleeves lightly, Zhao Lang ignored her and headed straight for the gate of the Jin clan.

They are all cultivators. If he falls into the city with a cloud, he will probably attract the attention of many people.

This is a routine matter, so Zhao Lang naturally wants to keep a low profile.

Besides, he is not such a high-profile person...

While walking, the two arrived at the gate of the city one after the other.

There are quite a few people outside the city. These people are bustling, including practitioners, members of the Jin clan, and ordinary people without cultivation.

There are checkpoints outside the city, so there are naturally people guarding them.

Following the crowd, the two arrived under the city gate in a short while.

Fortunately, Zhao Lang realized that Ye Lilan might be the target of public criticism among the Jin clan, so he changed her clothes to make her look less conspicuous.

After all, she was originally the daughter of the patriarch of a clan, so she couldn't be said to be wearing rich clothes and jade silk, and she was also wearing rings when she walked. The various magic weapons and ornaments on her body were too eye-catching.

Mixing into the city, what greets the eyes is a street full of traffic.

It has to be said that although it is a patchwork of the world created by the Chaos Demon God.

The tribes in the chaotic world and the development of civilization have nothing to do with it.

Now it seems that it is even faster than Hong Huang's development.

It has the feeling of a prosperous age, mixed with some exotic customs...

Zhao Lang changed his clothes and put his hands on his chest, walking leisurely among the crowd, but he didn't attract much attention.

Quite a few people passed by, but they could still recognize that these two were not from their own clan just by their appearance.

"This man? Are you from a foreign race? Are you staying in a hotel?"

"A good shop, do you want to stay in the shop?"...

The sound of yelling and selling is endless, but it is bustling but also full of prosperity.

On both sides of the street, there are teahouses, wine shops, archways and kiosks.

After getting it for a long time, it was the first time that Zhao Lang lived so leisurely.

On weekdays, even in the secret place of the avenue, there are singing birds and fragrant flowers, beautiful mountains and clear waters.

But something is always missing.

That is pyrotechnics.

Without popularity, I always feel a lot less.

Looking in front of him, Zhao Lang didn't sigh.

"As expected of the Jin family, is it true that the patriarch is in such a state of incomparable wealth?"

He imagined gold as the gold of money, otherwise why among so many tribes, only here seems to be quite prosperous?

Walking around, the two had no destination, and finally settled in a post house.

It can also be regarded as a restaurant and teahouse.

Finding an inconspicuous place, the two sat facing each other.

As soon as he sat down, a clerk came jolting over.

"You two, what do you order?"

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.


"have to!"

The buddy left without much effort, brewing a pot of high broken.

Zhao Lang tasted it lightly.

"No, let's fall."

The guy was taken aback.

"What's the matter? Are you preparing Ye'er?"

Nodding his head, Zhao Lang took out a small bag from his sleeve.

This is the tea he grows himself in the secret place of the avenue when he is bored on weekdays.

Back then, Fuxi and the others drank this tea and their spiritual power soared.

The clerk took the tea leaves respectfully, and after a while, the tea was brewed, and two bowls were broken, and the remaining tea leaves and tea bags were placed in the sea of ​​tea.

"Grandpa, your leaves are not bad!"

The man flattered.

Zhao Lang smiled lightly, but nodded without answering.

The people in the city live and work in peace and contentment, and some people live a relaxed life, just soaking in this kind of place every day, chatting and talking about Zhang San Li Si.

Ye Lilan smiled in surprise and looked at Zhao Lang.

"I didn't expect that the people in Da Dao Palace also have this taste?"

In her impression, those people in Dao Palace probably eat human flesh and drink human blood all day long...

After waving his hand, Zhao Lang picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

So did Ye Lilan.

However, he took a sip of tea.


Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Zhao Lang in disbelief.

"Three sacred waters?"

What three holy water?
Zhao Lang was also a little puzzled, and put down the teacup.

"It is said that there is a kind of water in the Chaos Realm. After drinking it, people without spiritual roots can suddenly grow spiritual roots. Those who are shallow in cultivation will have a skyrocketing cultivation base. Even powerful people can benefit a lot!"

She explained excitedly.

Indeed, he just took a sip of Zhao Lang's tea.

She felt that the spiritual power in her body seemed to have biochemically transformed into several realms at once!

Has reached the critical point of the quasi-sage primary stage!

You know, after she became a quasi-sage tens of thousands of years ago, she didn't make much progress.

Even though the Chaos Realm is very friendly to practitioners, and the effect of cultivation is twice the result with half the effort, it is extremely rare to improve one's cultivation in such a mysterious way as this magical tea!
Only the legendary three sacred waters can have this effect.

So he naturally doubted whether Zhao Lang's bag of tea contained the introduction of the Three Sacred Waters.

Zhao Lang frowned and smiled awkwardly, noticing that Ye Lilan's words had attracted many people to turn their eyes and look at them in astonishment.

"How can there be so many dramas over a cup of tea?"

With a light reprimand, he continued drinking tea.

Ye Lilan also noticed someone's fiery gaze, as if they were coming in this direction, she regained her composure and calmed down.

But looking at the teacup in front of her, she still couldn't help picking it up immediately and savoring it carefully.

After a while, the tea was removed, and the two sat by the railing.

The teahouse is divided into two floors, and the two of them are on the second floor beside the railing, and they can see the street below.

"Where are you going to get that thing?"

Zhao Lang asked lightly.

Ye Lilan tilted her head, blinked her eyes slightly, as if she hadn't recovered from the magical tea.

"It should be in the hands of... Patriarch Jin."

Said it very quietly, she was afraid that no one would hear it again this time.

Although Zhao Lang has great powers, he is not the kind of bully who bullies others and overwhelms everyone with his own strength.

If you want to get back what Ye Lilan said, you have to find the patriarch of the Jin clan first.

It would be a big deal to lose another magic weapon, anyway, Zhao Lang has countless magic weapons.

As long as he can help him take back that ancestral magic weapon, he can get two laws of the great way.

Even hard grabs are okay, but not necessary.

Zhao Lang is now focused on the Grandmist Dharma Orb, and is still thinking about when this piece of information about the Grandmist Dharma Orb will appear.

"It's just that there is one difficulty..."

Ye Lilan suddenly hesitated, as if thinking of something.

Zhao Lang raised his eyes lightly.


"I'm afraid we won't be able to get into his palace..."

Can't get in?
This made him somewhat look down on Zhoushan Saint Patriarch.

And places where Zhao Lang can't go?
Just as he was about to ask again, there was a noise from the street below, which drew the two people's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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