Chapter 315 Ye Lilan is gone!

After the voice fell, Master Baoshan slowly turned around from behind the screen in the side hall, and squinted at Zhao Lang.

He smiled lightly.

"Just ask me if you have any questions."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Zhao Lang at a very fast speed, thinking secretly in his heart.

"This person has an extraordinary appearance and looks absolutely extraordinary."

Thinking about it, he showed an extremely flattering expression, and slowly walked to the throne, standing beside Patriarch Jin.

Zhao Lang snorted coldly.

"Since that's the case, then I won't keep it up."

With that said, he asked lightly.

"You have a deal with Ye Liang from the Tu nationality, let him bring Ye Lilan to you, right?"

Patriarch Jin was stunned, he found that he couldn't move at all under the restraint of spiritual power, so he nodded.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"Let's just let go of the agreement between you, she won't see you, have to hand over his father's magic weapon, as compensation, I can give you any magic weapon, rest assured that the rank will never be low. "

Hearing this, Baoshan frowned.

Staring at the treasure ring of the Tu nationality in his hand, his expression seemed a little reluctant.

But this person in front of him doesn't look like a good stubble.

"Who are you? Ye Lilan invited you here?"

Baoshan smiled lightly, but did not directly agree to Zhao Lang.

However, Zhao Lang raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at him.

"You don't need to worry about it. I made the move for a reason. If you want to make it easier and benefit each other, then take advantage of my good mood and do as I say. If not..."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Lang stood with his hands behind his back, his toes slightly lighter.

In the instant treasure hall, a gust of infinite chaotic gale, mixed with the true meaning of countless Dao laws, swept across it!
Again, calm down, as if nothing had happened.

This shocked the two people in front of them.

"What... is this cultivation? Why is there such a powerful chaotic spiritual power?"

Especially Baoshan, from this force, he vaguely felt some familiar but indescribable feeling.

Thinking of this, he immediately took off the precious ring on his hand.

"If you can say something, how dare I not obey?"

Baoshan changed his disdain before, looked at Zhao Lang with a smile on his face, and handed over the ancestral magic weapon of the Tu nationality with both hands.

Zhao Lang nodded.

It's kind of flattering.

Thinking in his heart, he took back the magic weapon.

Immediately afterwards, he lightly waved his hand, and threw out a few innate spiritual treasures from his sleeves.

Looking at the magic weapon in front of them, Baoshan and Patriarch Jin were taken aback, and looked at Zhao Lang in disbelief.

It is not an ordinary person who can possess these magic weapons and make such generous moves!
Baoshan especially changed his attitude 360 ​​degrees.

"Why don't you stay in the city for a few days, and I'll wait for a good student to entertain you?"

Baoshan asked respectfully.

Zhao Lang waved his hand, and said impatiently: "No need, you've been here long enough, your Jin clan is still prosperous, but it's a pity that the patriarch can't."

As he spoke, he glanced lightly at Patriarch Jin who was beside him. The latter was speechless and did not speak, but it was not difficult to see that he wanted to refute.

Zhao Lang snorted coldly, then turned his gaze to Baoshan.

"There is one more thing I want to ask you."

The latter was taken aback.

"Can you please tell me?"

A gleam of light flashed in Zhao Lang's eyes.

"How do you make multiple laws?"

It doesn't matter if you ask this sentence, even Patriarch Jin was taken aback when he heard it, and then looked at Baoshan in disbelief.

A trace of tension flashed in the latter's eyes, and his brows were tightly frowned, but they soon relaxed, and he looked at Zhao Lang with a flattering expression.

"Ah? Hehehe... It's just a magic weapon. The power is really great. There is nothing in the world that you don't know, and there is nothing you don't know!"

After speaking, he gave another deep salute.

Zhao Lang looked at him, although the former said an answer, he felt that it was more than that.

It is estimated that Baoshan is not a member of the Jin clan. He has the law of the Tao of poison on his body, so it is very likely that he is a member of the poison clan.

However, until now, Zhao Lang has not seen a tribe with the power of this law.

Thinking about it, no one would choose to follow such a poisonous person.

Looking at him, Zhao Lang smiled faintly.

"Forget it, I will come back to check on you after I send Ye Lilan to the Shui tribe to ensure her safety."

Thinking of this, he turned around, lightly waved his sleeve robe, tore apart the void with one hand, stepped forward, and disappeared.

Patriarch Jin breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the disappearing spiritual power restriction, but when he thought of Ye Lilan, he suddenly felt a little bit more cautious.

Baoshan seems to have seen through his mind.

"Patriarch, the overall situation is the most important thing, and it is impossible to lose the big because of the small."

After finishing speaking, he just left...

After Zhao Lang left the Jin clan, he headed towards the post house, but when he came outside the house of the post house, he wanted to open the door to enter, but he felt ominous...

Thinking of a certain possibility in his heart, Zhao Lang immediately entered the house.


Ye Lilan is gone!

Scanning left and right, he frowned.

Constantly trying to analyze the cause and effect through the residual spiritual power.

But there is no clue.

For an unknown reason, Zhao Lang's face sank like water...

Behind the Jin Family Palace.

Here is a group of palaces, the outermost one is the largest, which is the one that Zhao Lang entered just now, and it is probably the meeting hall of the clan.

However, after that, there are still many palaces and pavilions, including the Treasure Pavilion.

However, the location completely opposite to it is the residence of the patriarch.

It doesn't look small here, but most of them are lived by the patriarch's wife or children.

However, for this generation of patriarchs, there are no relatives here, almost all of them are beauties in the clan, or women from various tribes, countless!

Most of these people were brought in by the current patriarch of the Jin clan, or they were robbed or robbed, but they were not willing.

The current patriarch of the Jin clan is named Jin Bing. In terms of blood, it is actually not authentic.

There is some reason, because the previous head of the Jin family ten thousand years ago, that is, Jin Yang's father, was taken away by the Dao Palace when he was helping the rest of the friends.

His whereabouts are unknown so far, he is probably dead or imprisoned in the Dao Palace.

Then, his son Jin Yang was supposed to be the head of the clan, but at this moment an elder from the Poison Clan came, and this person was Baoshan.

With the help of a strange spiritual restraint, he evaporated the world of Jin Yang, found one of the most humble slaves among the Jin clan, and then elected the person who should not be on the throne the most, as the patriarch.

Since then, Jin Bing's power and hegemony and Baoshan's scheming have wiped out the cultivators in the clan one after another.

In the city, they are also very domineering towards the common people, not only gold but also often go to the market to search for women.

His standard is that every woman who has a good birth must be "tasted" by him.

So there is a group of subordinates who do this.

This day should be the time when they go out to find a girl.

However, in the city, all the good-born girls have already been brought into the clan by him.

If you want to look for it again, unless you leave the city gate at the border of Waiguan.

A group of people sighed again and again, and when they were lamenting that the job was not easy, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Because they saw Ye Lilan.

Although Ye Lilan's appearance has changed, her body shape has not changed. For this group of "professionals", it is possible to see how this person is born from the back at a glance!

Ye Lilan was really bored in the post house.

So she wanted to go out for a walk, she thought that if she changed her appearance and no one would recognize her, she would be safe and sound, but she didn't expect this situation among the Jin clan.

Several people were more skilled than her, and soon forced her to a place, and cast a spell to fix her, wrapped her in a cloth bag, and walked back.

Some passers-by did not dare to stop when they saw it, but sighed silently in their hearts.

"Whose girl is this? How pitiful!"

"Yes, alas, poor man..."

"Your daughter will be sixteen next year, right?"

"Go, go, don't say it, I'm already going to send him out of the city..."...

The people around were discussing a lot, but no one dared to step forward to stop them, so they could only watch helplessly as they left the street and headed towards the Jin Clan Hall.

When they returned to the clan, Zhao Lang had just entered the palace.

So pass it by.

At this moment, Jin Bing walked towards the apse angrily.

However, on the way, they saw those subordinates who had just been dispatched today.

"Huh? Why are you back? If you don't bring me a girl today, you can wait to make alchemy for Master Baoshan!"

As he said that, he was ready to leave with a grunt.

However, those people stopped him with smiles on their faces.

"Patriarch, how could it be? Someone has already placed it in the bedroom for you..."

Saying that, they laughed very proudly.

As soon as Jin Bing heard this, he immediately withdrew his mind from the fear of being dominated by Zhao Lang just now.


Several people flattered and flattered: "How dare I lie to you? This beauty is much better than those before. I only hope that the patriarch will still put your body first in the near future!"

With credit, several people are naturally very proud.

"Hahahaha! Good! Go, go and get the reward!"

Jin Bing laughed wildly, looked at the dormitory excitedly, and sent them away immediately.

With a deep salute, his subordinates turned around and retreated respectfully.

Jin Bing was excited, and even if he directly mobilized his spiritual power to walk, he had already arrived outside the sleeping hall with one step.

A maid pushed open the left and right doors, and he stepped into it.

Looking left and right, his eyes fell on a woman in green shirt who was being held by Shi Fa on the couch.

I suddenly felt in my heart that he was in the realm of a great saint after all.

With a smug smile, he loosened the jade belt on his fat belly, but his smile became even more distorted.

His eyes fell on the woman's face, and there was some doubt in his eyes.

After a while, Jin Bin waved his hand fiercely.

A golden light appeared, removing the woman's mana.

One more look at the face with bright eyes and bright eyes, white teeth and clean lips, it can be said to be as beautiful as flowers and jade, peachy and apricot!
However, when he took a closer look, his expression suddenly froze!
(End of this chapter)

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