Chapter 317 Must Kill!

Ye Lilan was lying on it, the curtain hadn't been taken off, but she was barely covered...

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell what happened at a glance.

Zhao Lang lightly used his spiritual power to remove the magic power restriction from Ye Lilan's body.

Although he felt the dominance of his body again, the latter hated this physical body very much at this time...

He didn't move, just turned sideways and curled up into a ball.

As emotions superimposed, prompts from the system in front of him also emerged.

"Ding! It is detected that the Chaos Demon God is about to bring gold and return to the Dao Palace, the host can choose."

"One, take Ye Lilan away, don't get involved, you can get a law of the road."

"Second, kill Jin Bin and avenge Ye Lilan, and you can get a Dao Law."

Zhao Lang didn't want to look at this option at all. After making the inevitable choice, his eyes still fell on Ye Lilan's direction.

Frozen on the spot, he slowly raised his hand to put down the curtain.

He glanced at the few people above the hall not far away, and his eyes were filled with anger!

Must kill!

Quickly exiting the sleeping hall, Zhao Lang waved his hand fiercely, and a spiritual barrier protected the hall.

Step on your foot again.


The whole city shook violently!

In the mountains behind the city, rocks are constantly rolling down from top to bottom!
Zhao Lang rose up with an invisible breath, and slowly moved towards those people.

Baoshan is fine, seeing Zhao Lang, naturally it is because he knows what the other party saw.

Jin Bing finally stopped cursing at this time, and looked at the other party in disbelief.

The most shocking one was the Demon God of Golden Law.

Because he knew Zhao Lang!

The jade plaque on his waist is not recognized by others, but he can recognize it!
I just met you in the desert a few days ago!
One of the ten elders of the Dao Palace!The owner of the law of yin and yang!
"Why is he here?"

Mo Xing was taken aback, then hurriedly landed on the ground, knelt down, kowtowed and saluted.

"See elder!"

Jin Bing and that Baoshan were also startled at this time, looking at Zhao Lang who was suspended in mid-air with a face full of anger, they suddenly felt hairy.

"This person is actually the elder of Dao Palace? Someone stronger than Chaos Demon God?"

No wonder there is such a handwriting, I should have thought of it a long time ago!
Baoshan was a little annoyed, if he had been currying favor with Zhao Lang earlier, it would be better than currying favor with this demon god!
Zhao Lang didn't pay attention to the demon god of the law of gold, but his eyes fell on Jin Bin.

"I want this person."

Opening his mouth lightly, Zhao Lang's voice resounded through the world, causing countless creatures to cast their gazes here.

The Demon God of the Law of Gold was stunned, and glanced at Jin Bing behind him who was imprisoned by his mana with some surprise.

He asked respectfully, "He? Elder, what do you want him to do?"

Zhao Lang didn't answer, but stretched out his hand directly.

An infinite spiritual power of law protruded from the palm under his wide sleeve robe!
Immediately afterwards, Jin Bing felt as if he was being sucked into a huge vortex!
The spiritual power of the Golden Law Demon God and Zhao Lang's spiritual power are like two ropes, each holding half of his body and pulling them in two directions!

Under this powerful spiritual power of the law of chaos, he only felt that his physical body was about to be torn apart!


There were bursts of screams, which was like killing a pig.

Jin Zhimohai was stunned, and withdrew his spiritual power reluctantly, because he noticed that Zhao Lang's eyes were looking at him, which contained the infinite pressure of a saint!
When his spiritual power was withdrawn, Zhao Lang flicked his finger, and that Jin Bin came towards Zhao Lang instantly like a ball.

When he stopped again, the former's head was grabbed by Zhao Langdan.

Zhao Lang stared wide-eyed, the sight alone was enough to make Jin Bing's primordial spirit suffer a strong torment!

Coupled with Zhao Lang's single-handed force, Jin Bing only felt that his head was about to explode!
"Almighty spare my life! Almighty spare my life!"


"You ask me to do anything! Almighty, spare my life!"

"What do you want? Treasures? Magical treasures? I'll give you back the previous magic treasures, no... I'll give you the Treasure Pavilion, please spare my life!"

At least being captured by the Chaos Demon God, life or death is still uncertain.

But if the person in front of him continues to use his strength, he will definitely die!
Relatively speaking, bad choices are not bad at this time.

Hearing the other party's constant begging for mercy, Zhao Lang remained unmoved.

Looking down, the surrounding heaven and earth are now full of hype and golden lotuses springing up from the ground!
But that bedroom was not affected.

Zhao Lang looked at Jin Bing without saying a word.

There is only infinite killing intent in his eyes.

The Demon God of the Law of Gold was stunned.

He didn't understand how that guy provoked Zhao Lang.

"Elder, it's as if you handed him over to me. I'll take him to the Grand Dao Palace, draw his spiritual power, and torture him..."

"Don't bother you to do it..."

he said respectfully.

Zhao Lang ignored him, he held Jin Bing's fat face in front of him, and fixed his eyes on the latter.

A little scarlet light flashed in his eyes...

After a moment.

what! ! !
Two voices sounded almost at the same time, one was from Zhao Lang's God-killing Demon Eye, and the other was from Jin Bing.

Two huge chaotic spiritual powers, through Zhao Lang's eyes, turned into rainbow lights and shone down!

Straight shot into Jin Bing's eyes, the latter's physical body and primordial spirit seemed to be pierced in an instant!
The painful feeling spread all over his body, causing him to twitch continuously!

Extremely cruel!

The demon god who watched was a little apprehensive!
Good guy, I don't know how he provoked this one?
The Golden Law Demon God's face changed drastically, taking advantage of this moment, he hastily mobilized his spiritual power and escaped into the chaos.

Seeing the demon god fleeing, Baoshan was also shocked.

Then start trying to get out.

However, the spiritual power of the Saint Might off the field was too great, even with his cultivation level not inferior to Jin Bing's, it was extremely difficult to move at this moment.

Turning to look at Jin Bing again, the latter has gradually lost consciousness at this time.

Because the primordial spirit and the physical body have endured endless pain, they are on the verge of fainting at this moment.

But after all, he is a Daoist saint, and it is not easy to kill him.

Zhao Lang waved lightly and put it in his sleeve.

It's not that he's going to let him go, but that this person just died like this, absolutely not!

However, at the moment when his spiritual power withdrew, Na Baoshan quickly fled the scene.

Although Zhao Lang caught the latter's movement, he didn't pursue it.

Because right now, Ye Lilan doesn't know what to do.

He descended slowly, and there was still endless thunder rolling in this world.

Because of the violent shock caused before, the infinite mountain rocks rolled down from the top of the mountain and fell into the palace, causing many people to die.

But this is also their fate, they are relieved, and they are worthy of their fate.

Arriving outside the sleeping hall, Zhao Lang caught a glimpse of several people crying under several boulders.

"Help! Help us!"

"help me!"

Zhao Lang glanced at them, raised his eyebrows, and checked the cause and effect.

The eyes once again revealed the murderous intent, and under the pressure of the holy power, the souls of those people were instantly crushed and shattered by Zhao Lang's holy power!
Dead body.

Zhao Lang slowly entered it and removed the spiritual power restriction. The two maids were safe and sound under the protection of the barrier. Seeing Zhao Lang approaching step by step, they all fell to their knees.

However, Zhao Lang ignored them, waved his hand lightly to signal them to leave, and then entered the bedroom.

However, when he saw the scene in front of him, he was taken aback again!
(End of this chapter)

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