Chapter 326 The Sage Sect Takes Action!
"Since no one is on the stage, I will come to fight with my junior sister and cheer for the senior saints."

A voice sounded, and immediately after that, a yellow-robed Taoist came out from the seat explaining the teachings.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't speak, and Guangchengzi nodded lightly instead.

Zhao Lang took a look, but it was the real Huanglong.

This guy really likes to slap his swollen face to pretend to be fat.

In terms of seniority, he is much taller than the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, and in terms of years of cultivation, he is also much longer.

Although he is also at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, Zhao Lang knows exactly how much he is.

Using seniority to oppress each other, does this count as bullying fellow apprentices?
Thinking in his heart, Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

This guy is shameless to the extreme, no one can do anything about him, and the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit may not be able to defeat him.

While speaking, Taoist Huanglong stepped on the wind with two steps and landed on the huge stone platform.

He also gave a very polite salute, looked at the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Junior Sister, pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, Senior Brother will not hit too hard."

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit snorted disdainfully and ignored this guy at all.

But suddenly cast a spell, the flames splashed!
A mass of flames struck, and Master Huang Long reacted very quickly.

After all, the cultivation base is here, and the Twelve Golden Immortals are not all in vain.

Summoning the two swords in his hands, his figure flashed, and the magic sword flew out with the display of spiritual power, like two white clouds, soaring upwards.

The magic power of the two collided, and the meeting kicked off by explaining the serious moves of the two religions.

After fighting for three to five rounds, Master Huang Long was a little surprised.

because he found out.

"Why is this junior sister so fierce!"

His fire spells are not only fierce, but also fierce and terrifying. Are you serious?
Thinking of this in his heart, he felt that he couldn't do it, and explained and taught the Twelve Golden Immortals and Yuanshi Tianzun, and he couldn't lose their face!
Let a female generation defeat him, will he still be a real Huanglong in the future?

Thinking of this, he opened his hands in vain, and quickly turned the blades of the two magic swords, stabbing towards the heart and back of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit at an extremely strange angle!
His two fingers were in a sword posture, and he was controlling the Dharma sword, with a bit of complacency in his eyes.

"Junior sister, offended."

I said an offense, and the two magic swords were front and back, and the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit was attacked!

Yuanshi Tianzun showed a smile and nodded with satisfaction.

Master Tongtian stared at the two swords with a sullen face, and Taoist Duobao did the same. If his disciples were injured, he would never do it.

Xuan Du next to Lao Dan nodded lightly. He still knew Huang Long really well, so he said, "I didn't expect this junior brother Huang Long to have reached such a state in the art of controlling swords? Yes, if the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit refuses to admit defeat, I'm afraid Can't escape the pinching of these two swords!"

Hearing what he said, Lao Dan didn't argue, but glanced at Zhao Lang.

If something really happened, this is the Zhoushan sect, what would the saint do if he fought for his disciples in his dojo?
Wouldn't Zhoushan be destroyed?
Such a beautiful place, Lao Dan can't bear it, the main thing is the innumerable magic weapons of the Chaos Palace...

However, Zhao Lang's expression was even more indifferent. Looking at this scene, it seemed that he was not the Holy Mother of Fire at all.

It stands to reason that explaining the battle between the two religions, he didn't care about it and just watched the fun.

But after all, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit had also been guided by him, and the former's understanding was pretty good, so Zhao Lang was naturally optimistic about her.

Master Huang Long was very proud, "Junior Sister, admit defeat?"

As he said that, the magic sword approached the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit without any delay.

The two swords were controlled by him, and the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit flicked to the left, and the two swords moved to the left, and when she flicked to the right, she moved to the right. Anyway, it seemed that she was bound to be hit.

Seeing the two swords approaching quickly, she saw that the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit did not admit defeat but formed a magic seal, muttering something in her mouth.

Daoist Huang Long has already raised his head at this time, his brows tightened.

The two dharma swords pierced straight through the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit!
There was an uproar!
The faces of the Master Tongtian and the immortals of Jiejiao changed drastically at this moment!

But before he could react, he saw that the stabbed Holy Mother of Fire Spirit gradually turned into a ball of fire, melting and devouring the two swords.

Immediately afterwards, the main body of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit appeared behind the real Huanglong, she smiled faintly, and shot out with a palm mixed with fire!
The latter snorted, his figure was like a kite with a broken string, and it shot straight down the stone platform!

"Hahaha! Good!"

Master Tongtian is overjoyed!

This is so relieved!
The Golden Immortal of Chanjiao is no match for his three generations of disciples, the disciples of his disciples and grandchildren!
He can exhale so comfortably!
It turned out to be just a clone?
Master Huanglong clutched his chest, and after a burst of spiritual power poured in, he took a deep breath.

Panting heavily and looking back, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit was still on the stage.

Originally, victory was right in front of his eyes, but the situation was reversed in the blink of an eye, and he refused to accept it.

But he turned his eyes to the dignified expressions of the saints at the table, especially his master Yuanshi Tianzun, and he still replied resentfully.

"Junior Sister is a good method!"

A little helpless, but he still said this sentence, and then he waved his sleeves and walked towards the side of explaining education.

When he came to the banquet, Yuanshi Tianzun ignored him, first he killed him, and then he was defeated by the other party.

What a shame!
Guang Chengzi reprimanded Huang Long for a few words, and then turned his attention to the stage.

"Master, my Fan Tianyin can probably subdue her fire spells, do you think?"

Quite respectfully asked Yuanshi Tianzun, he wanted to take the stage for a try.

The latter waved his hand.

"Isn't that embarrassing enough? Just wait!"

After finishing speaking, he continued to look gloomy, looking at Jiejiao who was almost laughing.

"A good disciple taught by Tianzun?"

Master Tongtian looked at Yuanshi Tianzun opposite with a smile, and said mockingly.

But if you lose, you lose, and Yuanshi Tianzun is powerless to refute at this moment.

Just when everyone thought that Jiejiao was about to make a comeback, a fat man stood up with a smile.

"Amitabha, the poor monk wants to know the magic of this holy mother."

Maitreya Buddha narrowed his eyes and stood up.

Quanti nodded.

Maitreya Buddha is a quasi-holy and strong man, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with a Holy Mother of Fire Spirit.

He has been holding his breath against Tong Tian, ​​and now he is trying to frustrate the latter's spirit.

"Good! Maitreya, remember not to hurt others, just click."

After he finished speaking, he saw Maitreya stepping barefoot one by one onto a golden lotus.

The golden lotus burst into light, and during the flow of magic power, Maitreya Buddha had descended on the stone platform.

Thousands of prehistoric practitioners sighed.

"Western religions have no desires or demands, but they also want to fight for the Lord's robbery?"

"It's really shameless..."

"That's right, quasi-sage powerhouses have come out, how can I have a chance to wait?"...

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but they didn't know that it was necessary to mention it in a blink of an eye.

The so-called saint is shameless and invincible in the world.

He is the epitome of that statement.

Everyone didn't know what he was thinking, but Zhao Lang could see through it at a glance.

He smiled lightly, but a system option appeared in front of him.

"Ding! It is detected that Maitreya Buddha is about to kill the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, and the host can choose."

"One, turn a blind eye, have nothing to do with yourself, let the incident ferment, and you can get a law of the road."

"Second, remind the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit to prevent the incident from happening, and you can get two avenue laws."

Looking at the options in front of him, Zhao Lang was startled.

This Maitreya Buddha smiled like a tiger, just like Zhun Ti.

Although he said that he should not hurt others, but there was already a murderous intention hidden in his heart?
Thinking of this, Zhao Lang sneered at the Western religion even more.

Although the purpose is to make the Sage Sect fight among themselves, his goal is not the Western Sect and the Intercepting Sect.

So even if Zhao Langdang made a choice, he sent the sound transmission to the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit.

"It's very murderous, so be careful."

I do not know where these eight words came from to the ears of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit. The latter's face changed, and he looked at Master Duobao and Tongtian Jiaozhu. After realizing that they were not the two of them, his eyes fell on Zhao Lang, and his heart Everything is clear.

It turned out that Zhoushan Saint Master and Senior came to the rescue!

His gaze turned to Maitreya Buddha again. Although the latter squinted and smiled, the Boruo seal in his hand had already been formed, and he was waiting for the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit to take the initiative to step forward. This palm is the spiritual power of the quasi-sage. No matter how strong and high mana you have, if you take it abruptly, you will definitely hurt your soul.

"The Holy Mother please first."

At this time, Maitreya said with a smile.

One hand is on the chest, and the other is in the back of the wide sleeve robe.

Hidden killing intent!
However, at this moment, the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit did something that no one present could have imagined!

(End of this chapter)

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