Chapter 33 Life is hanging by a thread!
"Why is he here?"

Zhao Lang frowned, and moved the unconscious Kong Xuan to the entrance of the fairy cave.

Looking closely at Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhao Lang felt unprecedented holy power.

Hongjun, Laozi, Master Tongtian and others did not release their coercion before, and the pressure on Zhao Lang was already enormous when it came.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun had exhausted his spiritual power, as if he would make a move if he made a slight move.

Moreover, Zhao Lang seemed to feel that his legs were filled with lead, unable to move.

"Tianzun, what is the meaning of this?"

Zhao Lang asked with a half-smile.

Yuanshi Tianzun approached slowly, his eyes fixed on him.

"It's you! It's you!"

What is this guy talking about?
Zhao Lang didn't know that he had no intention of provoking Yuanshi Tianzun, and when the latter met, it seemed like there was some deep hatred, and Zhao Lang was furious.

Inside the cave, the consciousness of Sanxiao and others also felt the powerful holy power, and they had no choice but to take it back.

"Oops, it's Yuanshi Tianzun, should we go out and help Brother Yi?"

Bi Xiao seemed nervous.

"No, we will only be distracted if we go out. Facing the saint, having a few more of us is just a matter of moving our fingers!"

Yun Xiao frowned, she was relatively calm, but at this moment she was also very nervous, and kept thinking of ways, but there was nothing she could do.

Zhang Ling tilted her head, she also saw Yuanshi Tianzun, but for some reason, she had an indescribable feeling...

"Are you going back to your cave?"

Yuanshi Tianzun had come to Zhao Lang, looking at the latter who was pinned by him, he couldn't stop laughing, mockingly.

Zhao Lang broke out in a cold sweat.

"Daozu knew you were here?"

Yuanshi Tianzun heard the words, his expression was gloomy, "Don't scare me with Daozu, no one can save you now, Daozu said, it is absolutely impossible to let you develop like this, you want to become a saint? I won't give you a chance!"

In fact, Hongjun's words were not finished yet, what he meant was that Zhao Lang agreed to himself, and he expected that with Zhao Lang's courage, he would not dare to break the promise with himself, but before he finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun hurried away, To take his life.

When everyone in Zixiao Palace heard what Yuanshi Tianzun said, they looked at Hongjun.

Hongjun shook his head, "Nuwa, you go too and stop Yuanshi Tianzun, otherwise the world will think that I am going back on my word."

Nuwa responded and disappeared instantly.

"Injure me to teach the Golden Immortal."

"Misleading me to explain and teach the Antarctic fairy and the real Yuding."

"Don't take me seriously at all. Today, your death is your destiny!"

Yuanshi Tianzun began to count the "crimes" committed by Zhao Lang one by one.

"Tianzun, you are too deceitful in teaching and deceiving others, and you blame me instead. Can a saint be unreasonable?" Zhao Lang did not flinch. Although he was controlled by Yuanshi Tianzun, he firmly believed that good and evil must be distinguished from black to white, and he did nothing wrong No matter what he says, he will not give in.

"court death!"

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned, his originally excited face was instantly filled with fury.

"Hun Yuanzhu!"

He shouted softly, then raised the Hunyuan Pearl in his hand, wisps of white energy seeped out from it.

This guy is really scary!

Zhao Lang was suddenly a little nervous. He was suppressed by the latter's mana and could not move.

At this time, the system voice appeared: "Ding!"

"It is detected that the host is in fatal danger and can be selected."

"One, beg for mercy immediately, beg him to let him go, and follow Yuanshi Tianzun to go out and join in educating and teaching, and you can get Yuanshi Tianzun's mercy and live a life."

"Second, I'd rather die than surrender, instead of fighting to the end, I can get the fragments of the Myriad Treasures Immortal Formation."

Zhao Lang mainly looked at the second option for a while, feeling a little lost.

He is firmly fixed now, unless Yuanshi Tianzun loosens the restraint, he will have a chance to get out, have a chance to resist or return to the fairy cave, otherwise he can't do anything now.

Can only wait to die!

Would rather die standing up!You can't live on your knees!
Zhao Lang is willing to hide, but he will never kneel down!

Looking at Zhao Lang's face without any timidity, Yuanshi Tianzun became even more excited. His figure slowly floated in the air, and the Hunyuan Pearl held in his hand was condensing the aura of heaven and earth.

"It's a pity that if you had joined me to explain and teach, you would not have suffered such a catastrophe. Come on, I want you to be wiped out!"

Looking at Zhao Lang, Yuanshi Tianzun shouted coldly, the expression on his face was a little distorted at this moment, it looked particularly terrifying!
As Yuanshi Tianzun drank it, the spiritual power in the Hunyuan Pearl suddenly surged, forming a white spiritual power sphere about tens of feet long.

Slowly raising his right palm, he controlled the white sphere of spiritual power from a distance, which contained an extremely terrifying murderous aura!
A moment later, he flipped his palm down, and that majestic spiritual power burst out at Elder Zhao's position at a terrifying speed!

Wherever it passes, there is almost a vacuum zone that cuts through the void. Here, the air is oppressed into nothingness by this powerful energy!
"Brother Yi, be careful!"

At this time, San Xiao and all the disciples suddenly appeared beside Zhao Lang.

"go back!"

Zhao Lang's heart was complicated in an instant, he didn't want to implicate these people, especially San Xiao.

"No! It's impossible for us to just watch our brother-in-law get killed by this evil sage!"

With tears in the corners of Bi Xiao's eyes, she looked back at Zhao Lang, feeling agitated.

A moment later, Sanxiao, Xuanheihu, Xuanyuan, Yang Jian, Zhang Ling, Chi You, Xing and even Baihe Boy all appeared in front of Zhao Lang, surrounded him, and exerted all their spiritual power, trying to resist this powerful mana impact .

Boom boom boom!
The earth split open!

Thick smoke was billowing, and the entire Buzhou Mountain seemed to have returned to the period of the Lich Tribulation, with the appearance of devastated people.

They resisted, and had to say, it was completely beyond Zhao Lang's expectation.

Even more unexpected by Yuanshi Tianzun, his eyes swept over these people.

"Baihe is presumptuous! How dare you betray me?"

But when his eyes rested on Zhang Ling, he was instantly crazy!

"It turned out to be you! Good! Steal my spirit orb! Today you all perish together!"

He seemed to have completely forgotten his identity as a saint at this time, and he was so angry that the Hunyuan Orb in his hand condensed a spiritual power hundreds of thousands of times larger than that of the spell just now!

All of a sudden, on the prehistoric land, it seemed that the sun and the moon were shining together, and this spiritual power was as huge as the scorching sun!
Zhao Lang looked at the people in front of him with difficulty. At this time, his anger reached its peak. He had never been so angry before. The mana aftermath of the blow just now slowly dissipated.

Although everyone withstood the blow, their faces were all pale. Zhang Lingxiu was the lowest, and his appearance was very miserable at this time. Blood was oozing from his snow-white skin, dripping down like light rain.

Zhao Lang raised his head, clenched his teeth tightly, a wave of anger almost washed away his reason just now.

"Good luck guys, let me see who will save you this time!"

Looking at the crowd with a sneer, a grim look appeared on Yuanshi Tianzun's face. With a wave of his palm, the huge magic power brought the oppressive wind howling in the sky, and the spiral of spiritual power like a silver moon smashed down again!

"As a saint, you have no shame in attacking a junior like this!" Just as the spiritual power was about to shoot towards Zhao Lang, the sneer of Master Tongtian finally resounded.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation!"

With the sound of drinking, Buzhou Mountain changed color instantly, and four swords with destructive spiritual power fell on every corner of Buzhou Mountain, and their volume soared ten thousand times, like four pillars of the sky!

As expected of the Master of Tongtian, Zhuxian Sword Formation!
The four sages are invincible, and Buzhou Mountain is the eye of the formation!

It is hundreds of millions of times stronger than the one Zhao Lang used back then!

The spiral ball of spiritual power formed by the Hunyuan Pearl was instantly chopped off by the countless sword winds that permeated the surrounding mountain ridge!

"Tongtian, don't meddle in your own business! Don't you listen to Daozu's words?"

Yuanshi Tianzun shouted angrily.

The Master Tongtian descended slowly, and came in front of Zhao Lang and the others.

"I'm in charge, so what can you do?"

There was arrogance in his tone.

Indeed, except for Hongjun and Lao Tzu, unless the Four Sages join forces, no one is a match for Zhu Xian Sword Formation!
As soon as the words fell, the spiritual power of the leader of Tongtian burst out from his whole body!

All creatures are in an uproar!

Two saints!

Let's fight for the sage Zhoushan!
For a moment, the coercion of two saints filled the whole prehistoric...

(End of this chapter)

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