Chapter 339

"I fell into Soul Valley."

Zhao Lang said calmly.

Hearing this sentence, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Sage, this is not a joke!"

The six friends of Meishan dissuaded them one after another.

"That's right, Yang Jian just fell into the Valley of Lost Souls, that's why he hasn't come back until now!"

Immortal Swallowing Heaven also persuaded.

Zhao Lang nodded: "Just take me there, you don't need to worry about the rest."

Speaking of this, the Meishan Six Friends and Tuntian Great Immortal will naturally not persuade them any more.

The saint has made up his mind, who can stop him?
Helpless, the crowd led Zhao Lang and Houtu towards Luohun Valley.

After a while, they came over the valley of falling souls.

Under the huge abyss canyon, the bursts of spiritual power and the bloody blush are very obvious.

It was even more conspicuous than when Yang Jian came here before.

Zhao Lang nodded.

Look to the back soil.


The latter's beautiful eyes swept down, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

The breath of spiritual power below was something she had never seen before.

There was uneasiness in her heart, but she decided to give it a go.

If you can really prove the Dao again, you can get rid of the shackles of the six realms!
Zhao Lang raised his hand, waved it suddenly, and the two of them turned into a breeze and escaped into it.

Only the six friends of Meishan and the Great Immortal Tuntian were left on it.

A moment later, a dazzling golden light came from below!
Light up the world!

But it was only for a moment, and the golden light dissipated again, as if it never existed.

The people above cautiously approached the edge of the abyss, looking down, everything was calm, and it seemed that there was not much change.

"Sage Zhao?"

Immortal Swallowing Heaven tried to transmit sound, but there was no response.

What is under there, no one knows.

But they know that if their cultivation base is not enough, they may be close to death!
Even quasi-sage powerhouses like them.

"Brother Xian, why don't we continue?"

Guo Shen looked down, shook his head and then looked at the Great Immortal Tuntian, and the rest of the Meishan brothers also looked at him in unison.

It hits it off.

Everyone continued to go back to drink, not to mention...

But look somewhere in the Chaos Realm.

The spiritual power of Zhao Lang's body is enough to protect Houtu from being melted by the powerful Chaos Sea Eye.

The two landed somewhere in the Chaos Realm.

The surroundings were peaceful, in stark contrast to the violent fluctuation of spiritual power in the eyes of Primal Chaos just now.

This is the other end of the Chaos Sea Eye, the Chaos Realm.

The tipping point where the two worlds connect.

Can't see or touch.

If Zhao Lang hadn't been familiar with this aura, it would have been difficult for him to notice that there was a chaotic force above their heads.

Throwing out a dharma sword casually, Zhao Lang threw it on the ground.

The dharma sword was mixed with strong spiritual power, piercing into the soil under their feet, leaving half of the hilt.

Zhao Lang stretched out two fingers and poured spiritual power into them.

In this way, no matter where they go in the Chaos Realm.

Zhao Lang was able to follow the breath of spiritual power, find this place and return to the wilderness.

Then he used some cover-ups to cover up the magic sword.

Zhao Lang smiled faintly, and looked at Houtu who was stunned.

"You will be sanctified here, don't worry."

Houtu froze in place.

"Where is this? Why do I feel that the spiritual power in my body is so repulsive to the surrounding environment?"

She didn't say that Zhao Lang still couldn't remember.

That's right, the ancestral witch queen soil was transformed by Pangu's essence and blood, and there is Pangu's blood in his body.

Chaos Realm naturally rejected her.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang exerted his spiritual power.

Under the cover of the law of yin and yang, the spiritual power in Hou Tu's body was reversed.

After a while, Houtu's expression became visibly relaxed, and the aura of Pangu's blood that attracted the hatred of the Chaos Demon God was no longer on his body.

"This is the realm of chaos, the place where I proved my way."

Looking at the endless mountains around, Zhao Lang said with emotion.

Where did Zhao Gongming testify?

Hou Tu's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Zhao Lang.

"Chaos Realm? Why have you never heard of it?"

Zhao Lang didn't bother to explain, so he made a slight move, and a spiritual power came out from his fingertips, flashing into the center of Houtu's eyebrows.

The huge amount of information made Houtu staggered and almost lost his footing.

Zhao Lang waved his hand lightly, and a stream of air lifted him up and stabilized him.

"Do you think the prehistoric world is the whole world? There is a sky beyond the sky, and there is a boundary outside the boundary!"

Zhao Lang said with a smile.

Then, he exerted his spiritual power.


After saying 'go', Houtu only felt a spiritual power lifted from his feet.

This spiritual power supported her, and she quickly moved towards one side.

The two came to the Chaos Sea Territory one after the other.

Zhao Lang exerted his spiritual power, and the aura of the law of water surged, breaking through a seabed waterway.

The two entered it from the front of the coastal boundary marker and escaped into the deep sea.

It was dark in the sea.

Houtu was not used to all the environments in the chaotic world, but Zhao Lang walked forward in the dark with ease.

Probably shuttled through the boundless ocean for half a day.

When he reacted again, the sound of gurgling water around him had disappeared.

Hou Tu turned his eyes to take a look, and his eyes suddenly opened up!
It is an underwater world!

She was very surprised that such a large tribe reminded her of the Wu tribe.

Scenes of the past emerged in front of my eyes, and I was immediately moved with infinite emotion.

Zhao Lang saw her thoughts, didn't speak, just smiled, and then walked towards the aquarium city.

Anyone in the tribe who saw Zhao Lang, no matter what they were doing, would put down what they were doing and salute Zhao Lang deeply.

It looked quite respectful.

Houtu was a little suspicious.

"Are they so afraid of you?"

Zhao Lang was startled, and smiled helplessly.

"Is this afraid?"

Until the two of them came to a square.

In the square, there is a huge stone statue.

After looking at it, isn't this stone statue Zhao Gongming?

Only then did I realize that those tribesmen were out of respect.

"It turns out that Zhao Gongming is not only famous in Honghuang, but also in other worlds?"

Houtu said thoughtfully.

Zhao Lang nodded in disbelief.

Aquarium guards stepped forward, dozens of practitioners of the Aquarium, half human and half fish, looked quite strange.

It is also because Houtu has been staying in the six realms and doesn't know much about the outside world.

Seeing those cultivators kneeling in front of Zhao Lang, standing up after three kowtows and nine obeisances, Hou Tu was startled.

"Their cultivation base..."

Hearing the surprise in her words, Zhao Lang explained.

"Quasi-sages are everywhere in the chaotic world. It is not uncommon for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and saints are found in every tribe. It is nothing surprising."

After finishing speaking, they came to the Aquarium Hall surrounded by soldiers and guards.

The soldiers retreated, and after a while, a person hurried out from the side hall.


Clan Chief Hong smiled all over his face, took two steps in three steps, changed his usual dignified and majestic posture, and came forward.

"Senior Zhao, are you here?"

He gave a deep salute and said respectfully.

Zhao Lang nodded and smiled faintly.

A wave of spiritual energy was lifted up, and Patriarch Hong straightened up.

"I'll let her practice with you for a period of time, is it feasible?"

Zhao Lang asked.

Hearing this, Patriarch Hong was taken aback.

"Of course! How dare I disobey Senior Zhao's arrangement. Since it is someone brought by Senior, the Shui Clan will naturally treat it as a distinguished guest!"

He said very respectfully.

Nodding in satisfaction, Zhao Lang seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Where's Ye Lilan?"

Zhao Lang asked.

However, upon hearing these words, patriarch Hong's expression changed.

Realizing that the former's state was wrong, Zhao Lang frowned slightly.

"what happened?"

he asked.

Patriarch Hong hesitated, as if he didn't know how to speak.

"After you left last time, Miss Ye also left not long after. I sent experts from the clan to look for her, but she has disappeared."


Hearing this, Zhao Lang sighed helplessly.

"As long as it's her own decision."

Hearing what Zhao Lang said, patriarch Hong felt relieved.

However, at this moment, the Yin-Yang jade tablet on his waist flickered faintly.

This is the call from the Grand Dao Palace.

Patriarch Hong looked at the jade plaque on Zhao Lang's waist in surprise, and his legs suddenly felt weak.

I didn't think of it!
Senior Zhao turned out to be from Dao Palace!
No wonder the strength is so strong and the cultivation base is so deep!

But Zhao Lang had no time to care about their eyes.

Because the system's choice is in front of him.

"Ding! It is detected that the Dao Palace summons the host, and you can choose."

"One, if you refuse to go, you can get a Dao law, but it will attract the siege of the other elders, and it will also put Bi Xiao Yuanshen in danger."

"Second, leave immediately, go to the Dao Palace to discuss matters, show your loyalty, and get two Dao Laws."

Sighing, Zhao Lang made a choice helplessly.

He certainly didn't want Bi Xiao's soul to be in any danger.

Afterwards, he placed Houtu in the aquarium to practice.

Zhao Lang left some pills for her to help her.

After everything was arranged, he left Chaos Ocean.

Go to the Avenue Palace.

Although Zhao Lang is now the elder of the Dao Palace, it also means that he is tied to the Dao Palace.

The main reason is that Bi Xiao's primordial spirit is in their hands.

But he may not be able to defeat Hun Yuan, the owner of the law of life, so he can only be driven by the Dao Palace.

Walking in the breeze all the way, it didn't take long for Zhao Lang to arrive outside the Dao Palace.

The difference from before was that this time there were no other demon gods of law, only a few elders standing outside the hall.

However, as soon as Zhao Lang arrived, Taoist Xiyun, the owner of the Five Elements Law, snorted coldly.

"Are you so late, could it be that you are dissatisfied with the summons from the Grand Dao Palace?"

Zhao Lang ignored him, but stood beside Taoist Bengtian, facing the huge stone gate.

"Okay, Taoist Xiyun, if there is any grievance, let's discuss it after the council is over."

Hun Yuan showed a treacherous smile and said lightly.

Hearing this, Taoist Xiyun snorted coldly, turned around and faced Shimen as well.

The stone door slowly moved away, causing a loud noise.

It is hard to imagine how this kind of gate, which is as thick as a city wall, can be opened.

Zhao Lang's mind was not on this, but he tried to keep calm and didn't speak.

Several people walked into it and sat on the stone chairs they sat on last time.

Almost in the same way as before, they took out their jade tokens and placed them in front of them, using their spiritual power to enter them, and the surroundings suddenly changed.

Come to a starry sky.

The voice like Hongmeng sounded again, and a phantom slowly floated out.

Everyone lowered their heads respectfully, but Zhao Lang felt that his eyes were cloudy as soon as he came here, as if he was blindfolded by something.

You can see the surrounding environment clearly, but you can't see the phantom clearly.

"Your honor!"

Everyone saluted respectfully in unison, as if they were addressing the phantom.

The latter did not answer, and slowly descended among the crowd.

However, what he did next surprised Zhao Lang!
(End of this chapter)

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