Chapter 346 Meet Baoshan again!kill it!
After Zhao Lang finished speaking, spiritual power suddenly gushed out from his hands!
The three thousand blood needles all rushed towards Yang Jian in an instant.

The latter's expression was determined, and he didn't seem to have the slightest timidity.

For this disciple, Zhao Lang is still very satisfied.

Nodding his head, Zhao Lang directly output the power of law, and the three thousand blood needles suddenly pierced Yang Jian's body.


Yang Jian frowned, and at this moment, his body began to tremble.

Zhao Lang knew that the first time proving the Tao was a kind of torture for the cultivation itself, even if the flesh was fine and the body was golden, it would be very painful, and there was a feeling of burning the soul.

So he tried his best not to make his lover suffer too much.

Above the Pohuangyuan, the old man of the Fire Clan looked at the scene below and was shocked.

Good guy!
To testify?

This senior is really unfathomable, how many Dao laws are there in him?

However, when he was concentrating on looking down, he didn't notice a man in black robe suddenly appeared behind him.

The man held out his hand and placed it on his shoulder.

Suddenly, the old man of the fire clan was shocked.

His eyes widened, and when he saw the face of the man in black, he had already lost his breath and spiritual roots.

With a bang, the dead body fell to the ground!

Zhao Lang, who was below the Pohuang Yuan, instantly sensed this spiritual power.

Frowning, he looked at Yang Jian.

The latter is entering the critical moment of enlightenment at this time, and must not be interrupted, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!
At the same time, the system prompt in front of him also appeared.

"Ding! It is detected that Soul Yuan is paying attention to Yang Jian's testimony, and the host can choose."

"One, show up immediately, defeat Hunyuan, and you can get Bixiao's primordial spirit."

"Second, exchange Yang Jian's primordial spirit with him, and you can get Bixiao's primordial spirit."

Looking at the options in front of him, Zhao Lang was startled suddenly.

It turned out to be this guy!

Making a choice without the slightest hesitation, Zhao Lang waved his hand, and a spiritual force covered Yang Jian's whole body.

Immediately after the next moment, his figure flashed, and he took one step and came to the Pohuangyuan.

Seeing the elder of the Fire Clan who had lost the breath of life in front of him, the anger in his heart suddenly rose.

"Hunyuan, what are you doing?"

Looking at the man in black robe in front of him, Zhao Lang asked in a cold tone.

The latter smiled casually.

"It turns out that it is Your Majesty, why are you here? I see that there are many visions here. It must be someone who is preparing to prove the Tao? That person is not weak, and it would be great to call him into the Dao Palace for us to use."

Hun Yuan smiled, and with a light wave of his hand, a wave of lawful spiritual power burst out from his fingers, pushing away the corpse of the old man from the Fire Clan, and walked over, as if he was going to break through Huang Yuan.

However, at this moment, his expression suddenly froze, and his figure froze.

"What are you going to do?"

Squinting his eyes slightly, he looked at Zhao Lang and asked.

The latter was suspended in the air at this time, and the spiritual power was surging all over his body, and Zhao Lang stepped on the true meaning of the Dao, just like an ancient god!
Frowning tightly, Hun Yuan realized that Zhao Lang's eyes were obviously murderous!
"What do you want to do? Have you forgotten that her primordial spirit is still with me?"

Although Zhao Lang now has the token of that generation of venerables, Hunyuan is the demon god of the law of life after all, and he holds the seventh-ranked law body of Hongmeng Ten Laws in his hands. His strength may be stronger than that of the Bengtian Taoist Some.

Seeing that Zhao Lang had directly mobilized his spiritual power, Hun Yuan frowned.

"What are you going to do? Zhao Gongming, don't think that you can do whatever you want because you have the token of honoring your lord in your hand. I'm not afraid of you!"

"is it?"

Zhao Lang smiled disdainfully, and suddenly cast the spiritual power of the law!
Immediately, two poles of yin and yang appeared under his feet, and the spiritual power circulated, which was set off by the rest of the Dao law.

Hunyuan was a little surprised to see that Zhao Lang did not say a word, and immediately started to attack. Then he subconsciously reached his waist with his hand, but at this moment, Zhao Lang's majestic mana was like a river and sea, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth. !
The man looked at the corpse of the Fire Clan elder and smiled disdainfully.

"There are still remnants of the Fire Clan?"

"If I use this spiritual power to go to the Grand Dao Palace, the elders will definitely take me under their command and become one of them."

As he spoke, he slowly took off the hat on his head.

It was the treasure mountain of the Jin clan back then, before he narrowly escaped death under Zhao Lang's men.

It is still there now, looking for laws to intercept spiritual power everywhere.

Probably because he wanted to contribute to the Dao Palace, so as to achieve his lofty ambition of entering it and becoming the subordinate of the elders.


Just when Baoshan was about to dispose of the corpse of the fire elder.

Below Pohuangyuan, a powerful aura of law and spiritual power rushed out!

Baoshan was taken aback, and his divine sense probed into it, and found that someone was preaching here?

He smiled treacherously, this kind of lawful breath was something he had never seen before.

Compared with the ordinary elements, the laws of wind, fire, water, and earth, the realm is much higher!

He didn't know that the law of this item is to get rid of the ten laws of Hongmeng.

The power of law, ranked among the top thirteen, should not be underestimated.

The Chaos Demon God who once possessed this law has been eliminated by Zhao Lang.

No one has ever proclaimed this path and become a saint.

Therefore, there is only one law of eyes.

It is in the hands of Zhao Lang, but it will soon be passed to Yang Jian.

Such a good thing happened?
Baoshan looked at a ring on his hand.

It contains the power of many kinds of laws. After touching the ring a few times, he smiled.

Such a powerful power of law, let oneself discover unexpectedly.

And it is just when someone is preparing to use it to preach.

Isn't this delivered to your door?
He gave an evil laugh, and then kicked the corpse of the old man of the Fire clan aside.

Prepare to go down into the Huanghuang Abyss to find out.

You must know that no matter what level a practitioner is, he is the weakest when he advances.

Especially when preaching.

Many people, many cultivators don't have the Great Dao Jade Slip like Zhao Lang.

They can only prove one way in their whole life.

In the process of justifying the Dao.

Very difficult.

Their flesh and soul.

They are also in their weakest state.

So, this is actually a great opportunity for him to intercept Baoshan!

This is the time to make a move.

Even the strongest person will fall into his hands.

As for the power of that person's law.

It will also be included in the spiritual power ring in his hand, and he will take it as his own.

thought here.

Baoshan walked towards the huge crack in the valley of Pohuangyuan.

Of course, Zhao Lang was aware of his existence. Since the moment when the elder of the Fire Clan died, he had already discovered that someone had appeared on the Pohuangyuan. .

"Ding! It is detected that Baoshan has killed the old man of the fire clan, and is about to snatch the avenue of Yang Jian's law. The host can choose."

"One, make good friends with Baoshan, and take the initiative to hand over the law of the road, and you can gain Baoshan's respect."

"Second, take action immediately, kill Baoshan, avenge the old man of the Fire Clan, and get the Soul Gathering Ring."

Look at the system options in front of you.

Zhao Lang couldn't believe it.

He actually...

Kill the last old man of the Fire Clan!
Anger burst from the bottom of my heart instantly!
Zhao Lang's face suddenly darkened.

At this time, Yang Jian's progress in proving the Dao has reached a very critical moment.

Absolutely no disturbance is allowed.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang stretched out his hand, and a wave of spiritual power lingered at his fingertips.

He was then ejected.

It turned into a barrier, covering Yang Jian in it.

The next moment, Zhao Lang suddenly tiptoed.

The figure disappeared from the boundless lava at the bottom of the Pohuang Abyss.

In the next second, Zhao Lang appeared at the top of the valley.

He stood with his hands behind his back.

Looking at Baoshan with eyes full of anger.

The latter was also startled, and his figure burst back a few steps!

"It turned out to be... you!"

Zhao Lang narrowed his eyes, looking at Baoshan, he asked coldly.

"You killed him?"

As he said that, several powerful auras of law and spiritual power gushed out from all over his body, surging around, and the true meaning of law formed an endless river of time under his feet!

this moment.

Hype!The ground springs golden lotus!
Endless visions instantly occupied the top of the Pohuangyuan valley.

Baoshan was a little surprised.

He looked at Zhao Lang in front of him.

With an expression of disbelief, his voice trembled a little at this moment.

"How could it be you? Why are you here?"

Zhao Lang ignored him.

His eyes swept to the old man of the Fire clan who was lying on the ground, he was out of breath.

The spiritual power on his body also seemed to be deprived.

This method is just like those imprisoned in the cage of the Dao Palace.

No spiritual root, no spiritual power!
Just an empty shell!
Teacher Zhao's eyes were full of killing intent.

He looked at the treasure mountain, and said in an incomparably cold way.

"You have to pay with your life."

After speaking, he waved his hand!
Immediately set off the breath of infinite law!
The next moment, a dazzling green sword appeared in his hand!

Qinglian sword!
The magic sword was summoned, and the infinite spiritual power in the world here suddenly surged!

Surrounded by easy images.

It seems that the world is trembling for it, sending out bursts of miserable cries and roars!

But at this time, Baoshan's eyes only had the word panic!

He widened his eyes, trying to mobilize his spiritual energy.

But he found that he was being suppressed by an infinite holy power, unable to move.

I can only stand in place, and there is no place on my body that is at my command!

Immediately afterwards, he felt a powerful aura that could squeeze his soul to pieces!
He had seen that breath before.

Goodbye now, I'm afraid there will be no chance to escape!
"Da Neng! Da Neng! If you spare my life, I will give you everything!"

"Want... Do you want the spiritual power of the law? Fa... The spiritual power of the law, here it is! This ring is for you, I will give you everything, magic weapon! I will give you everything!"

As he spoke, he took off the ring on his hand.

This was probably the ring the system was talking about.

But Zhao Lang didn't take this thing seriously.

Although this contains several laws that he plundered.

But Zhao Lang has all these rules.

Even if he didn't, it is absolutely impossible to let Baoshan go today.

"There is no chance."

"I think your life is good, bring it!"

Zhao Lang's cold voice sounded.

After speaking, he waved his big hand again.

A giant hand that reached the sky fell from the sky like a pillar of the sky!


There is no way to escape, let alone Baoshan's body is imprisoned now?

"No! No!"

Despite Baoshan's hoarse shouts, Zhao Lang's killing intent has been decided.

This person touched his bottom line, and he should have been killed in the first place.

Accidentally let him go, and let him live for so many years to bring disaster to the people of the Chaos Realm.

This really made Zhao Lang regret it.

Otherwise, the old man of the fire clan would not have died today.

At this time in the sky.

That huge palm force crazily hit Baoshan!

In his terrified eyes, what struck at the same time was the Qinglian Sword shining with a dazzling green glow!
Yet at this moment.

A voice came out, which seemed to come from behind Zhao Lang.

"This man is pretty good, don't kill him?"

Hearing this voice, the expressions of Zhao Lang and Baoshan changed instantly!

Baoshan was surprised, and there were some surprises.

Zhao Lang was shocked!

What is he?why did he come here?

(End of this chapter)

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