Chapter 348 Fair!bright!
Of course Nuwa knew that the person in front of her was the clone of Taoist Zhunti.

She raised her eyebrows, looked at the latter, and asked with some doubts.

"Yes, what can you do?"

Patriarch Bodhi smiled casually, and said, "Shang Tang's power is exhausted, we can choose one of the human races to take the position of King of Humans."

Hearing this, Nuwa laughed disapprovingly.

Although she was very angry at this moment, she would not be so stupid as to take action in person and participate in matters related to luck in the Great Desolate China Continent.

Because once the sage makes a move, it is not just the merit of heaven. If the sage interferes with the prehistoric world, he will be added by karma.

And what the sages of heaven fear most is karma.

Patriarch Bodhi continued to speak nonchalantly.

"What does that matter? Look at Yuanshi and Tongtian, the two of them, including their sects, are now fighting fiercely for the merits of heaven, why can't we wait to get involved in this matter?"

"Could it be possible to wait until the moment when the two sects share the merits of the Dao of Heaven equally, and then their strength will surpass you and me, and then regret it?"

Hearing what he said, Nuwa waved her hands in disbelief.

"The monster race is now on the verge of extinction, what can I use to compete with them for the merits of heaven?"

"But... even a little King Zhou dares to treat me so presumptuously! This is really unbearable!"

She was very angry.

Looking at the few lines of poetry in front of his stone statue, his expression became more and more gloomy.

Patriarch Bodhi smiled.

Looking at Nuwa, he said leisurely: "The sage doesn't have to do it himself. You arrange the three demons among the human race to do all kinds of evil, mess up the government, and let the people of the human race be involved. The suffering is unspeakable, the people are in dire straits, and everyone hates the emperor." Xin, isn’t this considered revenge?”

Hearing the word revenge, Nuwa's expression was a little unnatural.

Ye Mei frowned, and she looked at Patriarch Bodhi.

The latter hastily changed his words: "No! It is according to the destiny!"

Hearing this, Nuwa's expression eased a lot.

"Okay! Then...follow the destiny!"...

the other side.

Yang Jian's testimony is over, and he stays in the Chaos Realm to continue to consolidate.

Zhao Lang has already returned to Buzhou Mountain.

Coming to the Chaos Palace, he strode into the side hall with meteoric strides.

Some disciples gathered here, when they saw the master came back, they hurriedly stood up and bowed respectfully.

"Master, you are back!"

At the same time, Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao also came from the same place.

The second daughter is practicing in the Taoist room.

But he heard Zhao Lang's summons.

Confused, he brought Bi Xiao's body to the side hall.

After seeing Zhao Lang, the second daughter bowed down flutteringly and asked, "Brother, what are you looking for from us?"

Usually, Zhao Lang would not find anyone in Sanxiao through voice transmission.

But today, it was really worth it for him.

Zhao Lang smiled, and purposely put it off.


He took out a string of jade bottles in his hand.

These jade vases have strange appearances. Not only are there some incomprehensible talisman characters on them, but there are also many orbs blessed with spiritual power.

Among them, there is a faint surge of spiritual power, which is very mysterious.

Looking at the string of jade bottles filled with air balls, Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao shook their heads in doubt.

"What is this? Brother, don't play tricks!"

Qiong Xiao has a straightforward personality and likes to be straightforward.

"Brother, tell me, what exactly is this?"

The two girls asked together.

Seeing the urgency of the two girls, Zhao Lang said, "Bi Xiao's primordial spirit is among them!"

It is not difficult to hear from the tone that Zhao Lang is very happy.

Hearing this, Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao's expressions suddenly brightened!
His face was full of disbelief, but more of it was surprise.

They excitedly held Zhao Lang's left and right hands.

He widened his eyes and asked, "Really, brother? You really brought Bi Xiao's primordial spirit back!"

Zhao Lang nodded.

"Is that still fake?"

After finishing speaking, under the joyful eyes of the two girls, he took out the jade bottles in his hand one by one, and placed them in front of Bi Xiao's body.

After a while.

When the air mass in a small jade bottle approached the main body, it became visibly agitated.

This is probably Bi Xiao's primordial spirit!
Because there is resonance between the physical body and the primordial spirit of the body.

Therefore, Zhao Lang was sure that this was Bi Xiao's primordial spirit.

After confirmation.

Zhao Lang began to use his spiritual power to help Bixiao Yuanshen return to his position.

I saw him holding the mouth of the jade bottle with one hand, and resting his hand on the back of Bi Xiao's neck.

Carefully open the bottle.

Feed her primordial spirit into Bi Xiao's mouth like feeding a pill.

Immediately afterwards, he cast a spiritual force with one palm.

Bixiao's primordial spirit has returned to her original body, and she needs to help her stabilize her foundation at this time.

Not long after, Bi Xiao woke up dimly.

Opening her eyes at this moment, she was a little puzzled when she saw everything around her.

There was even a hint of worry in his eyes.

But when she looked at Zhao Lang.

At that moment, all kinds of emotions came to my heart.

There is excitement, joy, and complaints...

He grabbed Zhao Lang, this time the latter did not dodge.

There was a sudden tenderness in my heart that I had never felt before.

Zhao Lang couldn't help stretching out his hand to brush Bi Xiao's black hair on the sideburns, his eyes were full of love.

Of course there is also an apology.

Maybe his emotions will only be revealed in front of her!

But no matter what, Bi Xiao is back.

From now on, Zhao Lang has nothing to worry about.

After explaining clearly to Bi Xiao the relationship between him and Yuan Feng, she also said that she would not leave like before.

After all, the law of life, the Demon God Soul Abyss, is really terrifying.

So far, thinking of entering the Chaos Realm by mistake, she is afraid.

Don't want to do it again.

Zhao Lang asked Bi Xiao.

"How did you get to the Chaos Realm? And how did you get discovered by that Soul Abyss?"

Hearing Zhao Lang's question, Bi Xiao was also a little confused.

She tried hard to recall, but couldn't remember, so she finally had to say.

"I don't know, I just feel like stepping into the bottomless abyss. When I open my eyes again, the surroundings are pitch black, and there is only one huge palace. After I entered, I lost consciousness..."

Hearing this, Zhao Langdang even thought of the dark and gloomy palace of the Dao Palace.

But Bi Xiao actually went to the Chaos Realm without his knowledge.

This shows that in the wilderness, there are already a lot of chaotic sea eyes.

If you want to stay away from the Dao Palace, the best way is to postpone the catastrophe indefinitely.

But this method does not seem to work at present, because King Zhou has already ascended the throne.

Then, since the catastrophe cannot be avoided, we can only take the initiative to meet it.

When Zhao Lang thought of this, system options suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Ding! The host has become the strongest in the prehistoric world and can choose."

"One, go out of the mountain immediately, and take charge of the catastrophe, so that Hongjun can't succeed, and you can get the jade plate of fortune."

"Second, manipulating behind-the-scenes but not going out of the mountain in person unless it is absolutely necessary, can prevent the Dao Palace from being held accountable, and can obtain Hongmeng Zidian."

Looking at the choices in front of him, Zhao Lang still prefers to take a safer approach.

After all, those guys from Da Dao Palace are unfathomable, and it seems that they will not come to the prehistoric world at present, but it does not mean that they will not in the future.

If he personally disrupted the Heavenly Tribulation, and that "Honorable One" came to his door, I'm afraid the people around him would still be in danger.

thought here.

He made a choice, and then Zhao Lang set his sights outside Buzhou Mountain.

With a slight movement of a thought, he was standing on top of the Chaos Palace.

Zhao Lang stands on the top of the peak, with a vast fairy posture, overlooking thousands of creatures!

"It's time, Patriarch, I won't sit idly by anymore!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang waved his hand!
However, the faint golden curtain above Buzhou Mountain gradually receded.

The secret territory of the avenue was instantly exposed to floods.

However, at the moment when Zhao Lang took back the secret realm of the Great Dao.

Above the prehistoric sky, dense thunderclouds suddenly appeared!
In an instant, thousands of visions emerged one after another!

It was the first time that Buzhou Mountain was completely exposed to the prehistoric world, and the strong atmosphere of chaos attracted the thunder calamity of heaven's rejection of dissidents!

All living beings in Buzhou Mountain, as well as the disciples of Zhoushan Sect, their faces changed drastically at this moment, and they looked up at the sky in horror!

They worry that they will be swallowed by the thunder.

Those lightning strikes were enough to destroy the saint's body.

For disciples like them who don't have the body of a saint, that would be a disaster!
However, when they were all terrified, they saw Zhao Langyi standing on top of the mountain and waved his hand!
The hands under the wide sleeves immediately displayed a wave of spiritual power overwhelming!

This spiritual power surged up suddenly, just for a moment!
The dense dark clouds on the top of the sky disappeared in an instant!
Tianlei no longer exists!

All living beings are amazed!

"Is this Zhao Gongming's strength?"

"It can even disperse the sky thunder in the wild? This is too strong!"

"Zhao Gongming, the sage of Mount Zhou, has he left the mountain yet?"

"That's great, the sage Zhoushan came out of the mountain! The prehistoric people are saved!"...

Facing the voices coming from all directions.

Zhao Lang didn't panic, after he knocked the Heavenly Thunder Cloud away with his palm.

Smile lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the power of law burst out all over him!
The truth of hundreds of laws surrounds him, like ancient talismans!

Such a powerful chaotic spiritual power, so blatantly exposed to the flood, will inevitably arouse Tianlei's anger.

At this time, in the Zixiao Palace on the 33rd Heaven.

Ancestor Hongjun who was sitting on the futon suddenly opened his eyes.

"This guy is crazy! He actually displayed the power of chaos in the face of all living beings and all things? He also withdrew the magic power of the dojo? Isn't he afraid that the thunder of the sky will blast Buzhou Mountain into pieces?"

However, when he frowned and swept away his divine thoughts, he saw the scene in Buzhou Mountain at this moment.

He was taken aback!
"how is this possible!"

"Where's Tianlei?"

"Why doesn't Tianlei have the slightest feeling for this chaotic atmosphere? Doesn't do anything, why doesn't Tianlei strike him or Zhoushan?"

He is pondering here and will not mention it for the time being.

However, Zhao Lang below, after exerting such a powerful spiritual power of the law, temporarily withdrew his spiritual power, and at the same time he smiled triumphantly.

Tianlei no longer poses any threat to him.

Now, in prehistoric times.

He Zhao Gongming is the strongest person!
No one can stop him.

Rewriting fate is easy!

His figure soared into the sky, standing on the top, like a bright star in the vast sky, releasing dazzling light!

The prehistoric beings couldn't help being amazed when they saw this scene.

Zhao Lang felt this unprecedented freedom and ease.

He took a deep breath, nothing restraining him now.

The catastrophe is also within his grasp.

A flick of a finger can change the fate of many people.


Zhao Gongming's voice resounded throughout the prehistoric world!
"My ancestor Zhou Shan came out of the customs today. From then on, he will not sit back and ignore all things. If anyone does something that hurts the heavens and the law, he can ask Zhou Shanzong for help. My Zhao Gongming will definitely return one..."

"Fair and bright!"

(End of this chapter)

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