My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 352 That daughter of the Su family is the beauty of imagination!

Chapter 352 That girl from the Su family is just a thought of beauty!
Zhao Lang raised his eyebrows, but he saw Fuxi.

Several Zhou Shanzong disciples followed behind with a little embarrassed expression.

"Master! We can't stop him, he insists on breaking in..."

Zhao Lang waved his hand to signal them to go down, and then looked at Fuxi.

"What's the matter? What happened so anxiously?"

Fu Xi sighed.

Helplessly said: "Hey! Senior Zhao, you don't know that Nuwa seems to be a different person recently, and King Zhou didn't know how to provoke her, and let her use the three demons to go to the human race to bewitch."

This is what Zhao Lang expected.

Although he has helped King Zhou remove the seal of Western religion, after all, Nuwa is destined to have a relationship with King Zhou, and sending three demons to confuse him is inevitable.

"I know that." Zhao Lang smiled and nodded.

Fuxi was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Zhao Lang.

"Isn't King Zhou the descendant of your disciple Cheng Tang, Senior Zhao?"

"in the case of……"

He paused at this point, as if he didn't know how to continue.

Zhao Lang probably guessed what he wanted to say.

If it is said that King Zhou fell into Nuwa's hands, wouldn't that be a disgrace to Zhou Shanzong?

In this way, how can he come to play chess with Senior Zhao in the future.

Zhao Lang saw what he was thinking and explained it right away.

"Don't worry, you won't be involved in the matter between Nuwa and me, and I won't target her too much. If Zishou has this difficulty, Shangtang Foundation is destined to be destroyed in the next catastrophe." , it is inevitable."

"And now that I have nothing to do with the human race in China, Hongjun Daozu has taken action to erase the human race's memory of Buzhou Mountain. How can they remember that there is me, the ancestor of Zhoushan?"

Speaking of which.

Fuxi probably understood what Zhao Lang meant.

"Then saint, won't you participate in this catastrophe?"

he asked respectfully.

Zhao Lang was silent for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"What does it matter if you enter the robbery or not? Now that the robbery is about to come to the prehistoric world, no one will be spared, unless you hide. Do you see that I have withdrawn all the dojos, as if I want to hide?"

Indeed, there is a thin layer of golden curtain missing from the outside of Mount Buzhou.

Everyone knew that it was Zhao Gongming's dojo.

Even Hongjun Daozu couldn't pass through the dojo barrier to enter Buzhou Mountain, but now Zhao Gongming has withdrawn it.

It can be seen that Zhao Gongming has already made sufficient preparations to deal with the catastrophe.

"The saint, what should I pay attention to in this catastrophe?"

Fu Xi hurriedly asked.

Zhao Lang laughed out loud and glanced at him.

"This catastrophe has nothing to do with you. You will not respond to the catastrophe, but the premise is that you can't interfere with Nuwa's affairs. Nuwa has already been contaminated by the catastrophe."

Fuxi was a little hesitant, after all, his relationship with Nuwa was unusual.

But he is more assured that the saint of heaven is immortal, even if he loses his face in the end, it's nothing, as long as he is safe and sound.

After all, Fuxi doesn't care about face like those heavenly saints.

He only cares about whether he can play chess with Zhao Lang.

Zhao Lang comforted him a few more words, and then sent him away.

But right now.

Outside the hall, another disciple delivered a report.

Zhao Lang felt a little helpless, he had just removed the protection of the secret realm of the Great Dao, why did so many people come to him?

In desperation, he swept out his divine sense and observed Buzhou Mountain, who was outside the mountain gate.

After a while, he frowned slightly.

It turned out to be the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit with Wen Zhong.

These two people are indispensable and important figures in the catastrophe. At this moment, Zhao Lang does not want to have too much involvement with them.

Without moving it into the Chaos Palace, Zhao Lang passed on the sound directly.

The voice echoed in front of the mountain gate.

"What are you looking for?"

Hearing Zhao Lang's voice came to his ears, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was first taken aback.

Why don't the saints meet and talk?
However, after a while, he reacted.

Respectfully, he gave a deep salute to the mountain gate, raised his head as if facing the air and replied: "Senior Zhao, I want to ask you, my disciple Wen Zhong is an important minister of King Zhou and the Shang Dynasty at this time. So being involved in the catastrophe?"

After speaking, he looked at Wen Zhong who was at the side.

The latter is also a little tangled, how long has he been practicing?
Daoxing is not as profound as other brothers in Jiejiao.

I am still very afraid of the catastrophe.

After a while, Zhao Lang's voice reached their ears.

"Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, even if you are robbed, it doesn't mean it is a bad thing."

Hearing this, the two were thoughtful, and after a while, they seemed to suddenly realize.

Kneeling down on the ground, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times towards the mountain gate, the Holy Mother of Jinling left with Wen Zhong.

This Wen Zhong can be said to be a fuse that caused the dispute between the two religions during the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods.

As for the end, Zhao Lang is of course very clear.

They can't see their own future.

But after all, there are some causes and effects between the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and him.

If there is a chance in the future, I will still find a way to help Wen Zhong.

Zhao Lang continued to close his eyes and cultivate his mind without mentioning it, but looked at Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain.

After negotiating with Zhao Gongming, Yuanshi Tianzun descended on the main hall of Yuxu Palace with a proud look on his face. The Twelve Golden Immortals and everyone in the gate were waiting in the hall. Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun's excited face, they asked .

"Master, Zhao Gongming agreed?"

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded, and said with a smile: "From now on, you can go to the flood, but remember not to break the precept of killing lightly, and find your own cave in the flood, so that when the catastrophe comes, you will be born to respond to the catastrophe, and teach those who are born to the catastrophe." Fill them all on the list of gods!"

Hearing all the disciples here, their expressions became more serious, because this must be good news, and Zhao Gongming must have agreed to Yuanshi Tianzun's request.

At this time, it is best to prepare for the disaster in the prehistoric world!

Everyone responded in unison and exited Yuxu Palace one after another.

It's just that Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao stayed behind.

The relationship between the two is pretty good at this time, mainly because Shen Gongbao is not a bad character.

Jiang Ziya has a good feeling for him.

But the rest of the disciples didn't think so, they only thought that Shen Gongbao was a trash with ugly face and low cultivation.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Shen Gongbao and Jiang Shang.

When his eyes swept over Shen Gongbao, he was obviously helpless.

"How is the progress of the two of you in recent days?"

he asked lightly.

Jiang Ziya answered first.

"Master! This disciple just broke through to the first stage of true immortality yesterday!"

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded when he heard this. Although Jiang Ziya's heels are not very good, his luck is still remarkable, and his cultivation is almost almost there!

After all, this was the only communication between him and Zhou Shanzong.

Looking at Shen Gongbao again, the latter bowed deeply respectfully and then said: "Master, this disciple has now entered the middle rank of Golden Immortal."

Hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun narrowed his eyes.

"Have you gotten any opportunities recently?"

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's question, Shen Gongbao naturally didn't dare to tell him about Zhao Lang's elixir.

"The disciple is just enlightening on his own, and has not encountered any opportunities."

But Yuanshi Tianzun didn't believe what Shen Gongbao said at all.

The latter has done nothing since entering Chanjiao, and even when Jiang Shang first went up the mountain a few years ago, Yuanshi Tianzun knew that there was such a number one person in Chanjiao.

At the beginning, Zhao Lang wanted Zhou Shanzong disciples to be safer in the outside world.

He also cut off the karma between Shen Gongbao and him.

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun could not see that Shen Gongbao was also a disciple of Zhou Shanzong.

In my mind, I only think that Jiang Shang is the descendant of the disciple's grandson on Wednesday, so I love Jiang Shang even more.

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun's indifference, Shen Gongbao slowly lowered his head, and said nothing, and stopped talking.

Yuanshi Tianzun continued.

"One of the two of you will lead the next calamity."

"At that time, this seat will hand over the list of gods and the whip to that person. As for who it is, it depends on the efforts of the two of you."

Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya responded one after another, and then left the main hall of Yuxu Palace under Yuanshi Tianzun's signal.

Coming under the mountain gate, Jiang Ziya sighed again and again.

Shen Gongbao looked at him.

"What's the matter, Ziya? Master must have handed over the Conferred God Master Tribulation to you. What's there to sigh about?"

Jiang Ziya smiled wryly, then turned his gaze to Shen Gongbao, and then said slowly.

"Master, why is he so harsh on Senior Brother Shen? Could it be that Senior Brother, did you do something that displeased Master?"

Where did Shen Gongbao do anything that displeased Yuanshi Tianzun?

It's not because of his extremely poor cultivation and ugly appearance.

It's the same reason that one's eyes are not right, and one's eyes are not right. In fact, he has done nothing wrong, and others will think that he is a guy full of evil.

And the Jinxian who explained the teachings is of course not Yushu Linfeng.

But each of them is at least dignified, and Yuanshi Tianzun would be a little bit repulsed by the sudden appearance of such an ugly disciple.

Shen Gongbao is also very clear.

The man he is now is no longer the man he used to be.

Looking at Jiang Shang, Shen Gongbao just smiled and didn't say anything.

"It's a good thing that Junior Brother Ziya can get the Lord's Conferred God. Don't worry, I won't snatch it from you."

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya nodded with gratitude in his eyes.

He said: "Senior Brother Shen has an extraordinary bearing. If I become a god in the future, I will definitely place Senior Brother Shen in the most appropriate position!"

Shen Gongbao didn't answer, just smiled, then turned and left, and went back to his dojo to practice.

The same is true of Jiang Ziya.

The two went back to the dojo to practice, not to mention it for the time being, but looking at the Chaos Palace, Zhao Lang suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had vaguely noticed something.

Sweeping out of Zhen Nian, he came to the top of Chaoge City through the vast wilderness and countless voids.

Look down.

He saw Prince Zhou Shou sitting in the side hall, as if he was discussing something with the two treacherous ministers Fei Zhong and You Qing.

I have some doubts in my heart, hasn't the seal on King Zhou's body been lifted by himself?
Why is it still like this?
Immediately, he pinched his fingers and patrolled the lines, using his spiritual power to detect cause and effect.

In the end, he saw that the attendants he met in Chaoge City were frightened by him. Those people thought Zhao Lang was a monster, so the news of monsters in Chaoge City spread in Chaoge City, and The more it spreads, the more evil it becomes.

King Zhou was restless.

I had no choice but to invite the Buddha of the Western religion to cast spells on him to drive away evil...

Unexpectedly, that person was Maitreya again.

Maitreya Buddha once again gave King Zhou a dharma seal. At this time, King Zhou's heart had changed drastically, and it was almost impossible to change.

Zhao Lang smiled helplessly.

"Some things are really destined!"

I have to say that this way of heaven is really mysterious, and what is destined cannot be reversed no matter what.

Frowning, he continued to look down, only to see Fei Zhong and You Hun slandering King Zhou repeatedly.

King Zhou looked very happy after hearing this.

"And other things?"

King Zhou Longyan was very happy, looking at Fei Zhong and You Hun beside him.

The two nodded again and again, full of flattery.

"I have heard for a long time that Su Da, the daughter of Hou Suhu of Jizhou, is as beautiful as a flower. If the king wants to take a concubine, he can invite Su Hu to come to Chaoge City to have an audience. He will give him an official salary and let him send his daughter here. .”

"It's rumored that Su Daji is the most beautiful at a glance. Your Majesty, she is as beautiful as you think she is. She deserves to be the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Hearing this, King Zhou, who had been blinded by magic, nodded repeatedly.

"Okay! Just as Aiqing said!"

"Send him Su Hu to come to court immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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