Chapter 355 Little Nezha!
Zhao Lang called him into the hall, and asked lightly.

"what happened?"

That disciple seemed to be Zhang Ling's disciple and Zhao Lang's grandson.

He came from Chentang Pass this time.

Zhao Lang pinched his fingers and counted the lines, and the time was almost up.

Nezha should be about to be born at this time!
The disciple hurriedly said: "Master ordered this disciple to come and report to you, Master. Not long ago, Master Taiyi went to Chentang Pass, and he seemed to have brought a spirit bead with him."

Hearing this, Zhao Lang nodded.

"it is good."

After speaking, his figure disappeared from the Chaos Palace.

In the next second, it appeared at the gate of Chentang Pass.

At this moment, Daoist Taiyi has not left yet, and is waiting for Nezha to be born at Chentangguan, and prepares to accept him as a disciple.

And that Li Jing was pacing anxiously outside the mansion, as if Mrs. Yin was about to give birth.

Zhao Langlai was above Li's mansion, his eyes penetrated into it.

Vaguely, he saw another spirit bead in Mrs. Yin's belly.

At the same time, the choice of the system also appeared in his mind.

"Ding! It is detected that Nezha is about to be born, and the host can choose."

"One, take immediate action to obliterate Nezha, rewrite the Conferred God, let Zhang Ling confer the God, and you can get a great law."

"Second, those who let Zhang Ling tame Nezha and make Nezha the host can obtain two Dao Laws."

Looking at the options in front of him, Zhao Lang smiled faintly.

Can you still play like this?
After making his choice, he smiled lightly and continued to observe.

Yet at this moment.

Above the surrounding sky, thunderclouds suddenly covered!
In the blink of an eye, countless auspicious signs arose again!

A ray of golden light fell from the top of the sky into Li's residence.

In the next second, the cry of the baby resounded from below.

Nezha, was born.

In the beginning, when Nezha was young, Daoist Taiyi would naturally not appear.

Like him, Zhao Lang just paid attention silently.

Until this day, Nezha came to play along the East China Sea.

Zhao Lang looked at Zhang Ling who was on the side.


The latter couldn't help it long ago, this little doll is really cute, Zhang Ling belongs to the Yin Lingzhu, and has a lot of relationship with him.

Turning around and bowing deeply to Zhao Lang, Zhang Ling descended from the clouds to the shore.

"That little doll, look here!"

Zhang Ling's voice came out, although Nezha was young, he could understand everything.

Turning his head, Nezha raised his immature face.

"who are you?"

As he spoke, Nezha put on a posture.

The mortal servants hurriedly stopped him.

"The child is young and ignorant, so don't worry about it, girl."

"Whose girl should I call? My aunt!"

Zhang Lingqiao's face darkened, and then her hands fluctuated with spiritual power.

Zhao Lang, who saw it in the air, couldn't help but smile wryly.

This spirit really likes to play...

But when these words were spoken, those servants of the Li family were shocked.

"It turned out to be a monster, young master, hurry up! Young master, young master? Huh?"

They lowered their heads and wanted to drag Nezha away, but they saw that Nezha had long since disappeared, and when they looked up again, they all showed terrified expressions.

Nezha was only three or four feet tall. He rushed towards Zhang Ling with bare feet, his fists clenched tightly!

Zhang Ling was excited, "Don't say I bully children."

After finishing speaking, the treasure gun in her hand suddenly appeared!

This gun is a magic weapon made of chaotic sticky gold by God Killing Spear.

It not only erased its karma, but also raised its grade directly to a higher level.

Not to mention Nezha, even Daoist Taiyi would be defeated by this spear.

Sure enough, a moment later.

Little Nezha was shot flying like a kite with a broken string.

It hit the ground so hard that the two servants fainted from fright.

"Master, Master!"

However, after Nezha fell, he was not like ordinary children. Even adults would feel pain for a while after falling from such a height, but Nezha did not.

He sprang up directly, like a stubborn little lion, rushing towards Zhang Ling again and again.

Getting hit again and again...

In mid-air, Zhao Lang couldn't bear it.

However, to make this Nezha obedient, I'm afraid that's the only way to do it.

However, this Nezha was born in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, which surprised Zhao Lang a little. Although the potential has not been activated, it can be seen that Yuanshi Tianzun spent a lot of thought on him.

Nezha below was defeated by Zhang Ling time and time again, and he did not give up until he lost countless times.

Little Nezha got up again and again, but was knocked down by Zhang Ling again and again.

Zhang Ling didn't take it seriously either.

But looking at Nezha, she is usually very belligerent, but now she can't bear it.

"Have you taken it yet?"

Zhang Ling asked Nezha.

Little Nezha stood up, pinched his waist with both hands, and said childishly.

"Don't accept it! Come again, let's fight again!"

After speaking, he rushed forward again.

However, even though Nezha was born with the strength of the Great Luo Jinxian, after all, he lacks the ability to control this spiritual power.

It is not possible for a person as experienced as Zhang Ling to be proficient.

What's more, Zhang Ling's current cultivation base is a strong man at the pinnacle of quasi-sage.

Even if Nezha is not released, he is not the opponent of the latter.

So there is no doubt that this "battle" is carried out by Zhang Ling's unilateral abuse of Nezha.

at last.

I do not know how long it has been.

Nezha seemed tired.

He patted his head and looked at Zhang Ling.

"I won't fight you anymore, I'm going home for dinner!"

After finishing speaking, Nezha was about to leave in big strides.

Picking up the two unconscious servants, obviously two adults, they were held in the hands of little Nezha, as if they were like little chickens, and they were about to walk back.

But how could Zhang Ling let him leave so easily?

Looking at Zhao Lang in the air, Zhang Ling immediately waved a wave of spiritual power with one hand.

Mana was cast from her hands.

After a while, Nezha only felt that his hands and feet were bound and he couldn't move.

"What are you doing? Let me go, I'm going home for dinner!"

Nezha kept struggling, and turned to look at Zhang Ling.

"Let me go, I'll fight you for [-] rounds after I go home and have dinner!"

Zhang Ling smiled and said, "Little thing, I will let you live another 800 years, and you will not be my opponent."

Nezha believed in evil, and he tried hard to break free from the shackles of this spiritual power, but found that he couldn't do it anyway.

"Quickly let me go, I'm starving to death, I'm going home for dinner!"

Nezha finally gave in and begged bitterly.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Ling was really soft-hearted, and almost let him go, but remembering that her mission had not been completed, she smiled lightly and walked forward.

"Little guy, if you worship me as your teacher, I will let you go."

Nezha was taken aback.

"Really? After worshiping you as a teacher, you can let me go home for dinner?"

"Of course, can there be fakes?"

Zhang Ling said proudly.

But Nezha just let out a thud and fell to his knees.

His small figure, coupled with the gesture of bowing at this time, made people want to laugh.

"Master, please accept disciple..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly at this moment.

A voice came from the sky, the voice was very urgent.

"Wait! Wait!"

"My apprentice! Don't do this!"

As the voice fell, I saw Master Taiyi pressing down a cloud from the sky and descending here.

Coming to the front in two or three steps, he looked at Zhang Ling, and then at Nezha who was kneeling on the ground and kowtowing.

"Oh, how can you casually recognize someone else as your master, I am your master!"

Daoist Taiyi said hastily.

Afterwards, he cast mana to lift Nezha's mana restriction.

But he found that his cultivation level seemed not as high as that of the woman in front of him, and he couldn't break the spiritual power restriction of the latter.

That magic power seems to be untied only by the other party.

"Who are you? Don't you know that this is my disciple? Unlock the mana quickly!"

He said with some disdain.

However, Zhang Ling received a voice transmission from Zhao Lang.

She smiled confidently, and looked at Master Taiyi.

"Where did the fat man come from? Nezha is my disciple. He has already worshiped me just now. Do you understand that first come first come first?"

Daoist Taiyi was taken aback.

He looked at Nezha, who was kneeling on the ground with an innocent face.

The latter said pitifully: "If I don't worship him as a teacher, he will not let me go home for dinner..."

Hearing this, Master Taiyi was a little dumbfounded.

"Boy, did you beat you with just one meal?"

How will you be Jiang Ziya's vanguard in the future?

Although he thought so in his heart, he didn't say it out of his mouth.

Looking at Zhang Ling, he smiled politely.

"This...Taoist, is this son my disciple? Maybe he offended me today. The little boy is ignorant, so why don't you let him go?"

Zhang Ling frowned.

"He is my disciple, when did he become your disciple of teaching?"

Hearing this, Master Taiyi had an unnatural expression.

He had kept this Yang Lingzhu by his side for tens of thousands of years.

Not to mention having feelings, at least it has always been regarded as an inseparable part of oneself.

After all, there are lessons learned from the Yin Lingzhu, so he is very concerned about the Yang Lingzhu.

He claims that no one is more suitable to be Nezha's master than him.

But what he didn't know was that the woman in front of him was another Yin Lingzhu.

His face darkened, and his tone became much more serious.

"Although you are a cultivator in the quasi-sage realm, it is not in vain for me to teach the Twelve Golden Immortals. Do you humiliate my disciples like this and want to take them away by force? Could it be that you are the one who taught them? "

(End of this chapter)

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