Chapter 37 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Hongmeng Ziqi!It is a natural manifestation of the induction between heaven and earth. Just one swipe can make all spirits without any Taoism and practice infinite life, and have an immortal body. Given time, it may not be impossible to practice successfully, so it is also called For the foundation of the road.

But to prove the sanctification of the way of heaven, it is a waste of money!

If he hadn't done it deliberately, it also means that this person has reached the peak of refining the emptiness and combining the Tao at this time, and the three flowers and five qi have already achieved great success. As long as the three corpses are cut off and the Dao heart is enlightened, he can be detached All spirits achieve the fruit of heavenly immortality and become immortals of pure nature.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has obtained the Primordial Purple Qi, and you can choose."

"[-]. Immediately use the Primordial Purple Qi to prove the way, and you can become a saint of the way of heaven."

"Second, refine it, and use the primordial purple energy to promote it, and you can become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

finally come!

Two ways.

One is the path of practice in the way of heaven, and one can directly reach consummation by becoming a sage of the way of heaven!
The other is the Chaos Avenue, becoming the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian means stepping into the first threshold of the Dao Saint!
Zhao Lang did not hesitate.

He waited for billions of years!

It is for today, to pursue the Dao of Chaos, as long as he achieves Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his strength will not be weaker than ordinary heavenly saints, similar to Nuwa.

Although there is still a big gap between the Sanqing and the two saints of the Western religion, this is a good start!
At the same time, Hongjun, who was closed in Zixiao Palace, suddenly opened his eyes.

Two golden rays of light burst out from the eyes, piercing through the three realms.

"Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

Spiritual Mind immediately turned to Buzhou Mountain.

Where did he get it?
I had previously invited him to give him a chance to become a saint, but he refused.

Hongjun was very curious, why did he refuse to let his merits be sanctified at the beginning, but now he wants to prove the way by himself?
He thought that Zhao Lang wanted to prove the Tao and become a sage of heaven, but he was wrong.

The moment the Primordial Purple Qi was released, the four walls of the Primal Chaos Palace were instantly illuminated by it!
Zhao Lang immediately released his whole body of Taoism, entering a state of sudden enlightenment, and his body floated in midair.

In the dark, he felt a magical power entwining his soul.

It is like a little snake with two thoughts, one seems to want to devour Zhao Lang's primordial spirit, and the other wants to merge with it.

However, the former is significantly stronger.

The latter is the Chaos Avenue!
Also known as the Supreme Avenue!
Before the Great Desolation opened the sky, the chaos gave birth to three thousand supreme avenues, which turned into three thousand demon gods!
Each of the supreme avenues contains extremely terrifying power, even comparable to a saint!
Hongjun's good luck jade plate recorded three thousand supreme ways.

But what he got was fragments of the good luck jade plate, so he couldn't grasp all the Dao.

Zhao Lang began to inherit the Dao of Chaos, and when he started, the whole prehistoric world was moved by him!
Everyone felt the vision between heaven and earth.

Thunderclouds gathered suddenly, landslides!Tsunami!volcanic eruptions!
It feels like this is the end of the prehistoric world!
Countless creatures escaped one after another.

The mighty people in every corner displayed their supernatural powers one after another, or opened magic circles to protect their own sects.

A destructive aura instantly enveloped the prehistoric world!
The six saints paid attention.

They know it all too well!
Hongmeng Ziqi!Merit sanctifies!
Except for Tongtian's anticipation and Laozi's indifference, Qi and the saint were all dumbfounded.

Especially Yuanshi Tianzun.


He did not expect, he would never have imagined that Zhao Lang actually obtained the primordial purple energy. If he directly proves the Tao and becomes a saint of heaven, he will have the same status as himself, and his strength is likely to be even higher than himself!
He panicked!
This was the first time he had such a bad premonition since he was sanctified, it was extremely strong!

Vulture Mountain.

"What is he doing!" Zhunti gritted his teeth and said.

"I don't know..." Jieyin said, he was very similar to Lao Tzu, solemn and indifferent.

The Jade Emperor was equally surprised, but more excited.

"Senior is really going to become a saint?"

He is very glad that he made friends with Zhao Lang in advance.

Chaos Palace.

Zhao Lang frowned.

He tried his best to integrate that ray of spiritual energy with himself, so as not to be swallowed by it.

Hongmeng Ziqi seemed to be the opposite of him.

Fortunately, Zhao Lang, who practiced the Dao of Chaos, had a profound spiritual background.

After persisting for about an hour, Hongmeng Ziqi had the feeling of beginning to compromise.

In Pangu Immortal Cave, the pressure of the cultivators doubled.

Especially Chi You and Xing Tian, ​​who had low cultivation bases, they were lying on the ground under the pressure of Dao Dao's breath, unable to move!

Their faces are distorted, and they only feel their headaches are splitting!
Feeling that the primordial purple energy was being refined by his own spiritual power, Zhao Lang's confidence increased greatly, and then his magic power was exerted to the extreme!
It was night at this time, but because of his spiritual power, it was like day in the wilderness!

Suddenly, this spiritual power gathered towards the Pangu Immortal Cave of Buzhou Mountain at a speed visible to the naked eye, then condensed into a ball, and then suddenly exploded!

These spiritual powers are sprinkled on the ridge of Buzhou Mountain, making the barren mountain range instantly revive, and all things take root and sprout.

"Ding! The host has advanced into a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you can choose!"

"One, go out of the mountain immediately and show your strength to all living beings, and you can get one hundred innate spirit treasures."

"Second, continue to retreat, stabilize the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and you can obtain the power of ancestor witches, the origin of ice!"


Zhao Lang won't go out even after becoming Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his goal is to become a Daoist sage!
With the choice made, the origin of ice appeared in his body instantly.

The difference is that in the past, when Zhao Lang obtained the power of the witch clan, he needed to fuse it with his own spiritual power for a while before he could fully accept it.

And Zhao Lang, who became the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, directly mastered this source without refining it!
He slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, his pupils were like countless diamonds, shining with the colors of all things!

He succeeded!

Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun stood up abruptly.

"The Supreme Way?"

He suddenly realized that this guy was refining the primordial purple energy, and he thought that Zhao Lang wanted to become a saint through meritorious deeds!
Unexpectedly, this person is so persistent in pursuing the Dao?

Hongjun is too aware of how strong the Daoist Saint is.

If Zhao Lang succeeds, then all the sages of the Heavenly Dao combined will not be his opponents!
Because what he Hongjun practiced was also the Dao!
This is also the reason why Hongjun dared to accept so many disciples and supported him to prove the Tao.

He is not afraid of the saints' betrayal, he just wants the saints to help him control the prehistoric world, so that he can continue to comprehend and replace the way of heaven.

"I didn't expect that there are people like me in the world."

Hongjun frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

If it wasn't because he made an agreement with Zhao Lang, he would definitely be the first to kill him.

But now he is going to align with the way of heaven, replace the way of heaven, and cannot interfere.

Although there is an agreement, he still has concerns.


He was thinking about...

Sanqing, Nuwa, the Second Western Sage, and even the Jade Emperor all came to Zixiao Palace at this time.

They begged to see Hongjun, but Hongjun was in retreat and did not respond to them.

Nuwa raised an eyebrow: "Isn't Honghuang unable to prove the way with strength?"

Back then when Zixiao Palace preached, Hongjun mentioned that he would use his strength to prove the Dao of Chaos.

Only Pan Gu succeeded, and even if he succeeded, he died.

This is an impossible path!
"If you don't try, you won't give up."

The old man said lightly.

Yuanshi Tianzun calmed down, fortunately he did not choose to become a saint!

However, in the wilderness since ancient times, it has become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Extremely rare!
Since Pangu, there has been none.

After countless billions of years, another Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was born?
Many people don't know what level this strength is, because they have never been exposed to this!
Zhao Lang felt unprecedentedly powerful magic power, and his every move seemed to be stirring the spiritual power in the void.

With his success, the entire Great Desolation gradually calmed down, and the thundercloud that seemed to be falling apart also dissipated.

All sentient beings are relieved,

Fortunately, it was not a natural disaster!

years later.

The Jade Emperor came in person to visit Zhao Lang.

"It is detected that the Jade Emperor is coming to visit, and you can choose."

"One, refuse the Jade Emperor's request to see him, and place his Yahoo at the foot of Buzhou Mountain to obtain the Heart of the Heavenly Emperor."

"Second, meet the Jade Emperor and let the Jade Emperor worship you, you can get twenty pieces of innate spirit treasures."

And so much?

It seems that the Myriad Treasures Immortal Formation is promising!

But he was a little ashamed, why did the system always give him such choices?

He is such a bloodthirsty person?

Zhao Lang shook his head, and moved the Jade Emperor into the Chaos Palace.

Seeing the palace in the cave, the Jade Emperor was shocked and even a little envious.

However, Zhao Lang suddenly appeared in front of him, and he hurriedly saluted deeply.

"Congratulations, senior, for being promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! Enlightenment is just around the corner!" Jade Emperor said excitedly.

Zhao Lang asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"What about me?"

Jade Emperor smiled.

"The whole prehistoric world knows it's you!"

Zhao Lang was ashamed...

Didn't expect this movement to be so big?

Will it cause a lot of unnecessary trouble?
He thought in his heart, but remained silent on the surface.

"Senior, if the Heavenly Court is to be established, it must rely on your support in the future!"

The Jade Emperor laughed.

Probably the old man Hongjun again!
Zhao Lang smiled wryly and nodded.

"Are you going to go out next?"

Haotian looked forward to it.

"Get out of the mountain?"

Zhao Lang shook his head, "Come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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