Chapter 370
Although he thought so in his heart, on the surface he just smiled lightly.

Then he looked at the attendants behind him and asked them to bring the meatloaf.

He looked at Xi Bohou, and then explained.

"A few days ago, King Zhou went to hunt a siege and caught a deer. The meat of this deer was delicious, fat but not greasy. King Zhou thought you were a loyal minister. I was afraid that you would not eat well in Yuli, so he specially ordered me to come here to send you Venison and you."

Hearing this, Ji Chang was full of gratitude!
With tears streaming down his face, he cupped his fists and placed them above his head.

"Your Majesty's kindness! I swear to the death that I will never forget it!"

Even though he said so, Ji Chang already hated King Zhou to the core.

But Fei Zhong smiled faintly, and ordered his attendant to put the meatloaf on the desk in front of Xibohou.

Then, as if he remembered something, he spoke.

"Your Majesty has an order, I will watch you eat, and eat all of it!"

After finishing speaking, he and all the soldiers stood aside and looked at Xibo Hou Jichang.

"Lord Xibo? Please have a meal?"

After paying homage to King Zhou, Ji Chang respectfully kowtowed three more times on the ground.

Then, kneel and sit up.

Looking at the lunch box in front of him, he opened it, and what was placed inside were meat pies made by his own flesh and blood, Bo Yi Kao!
Even if there is every kind of unwillingness in my heart!
But if you want to survive at this time, there is only this way!

Looking at the meat pie, he only lost his mind for a moment, which was not easy to notice. The next moment, he was gearing up and immediately picked up a piece of meat pie!
His hand trembled for a moment, but he forcibly held it down!

On the surface, it seemed that he was admiring the meatloaf!

Looking left and right, Fei Zhong became a little impatient.

"Xibohou? What are you waiting for? Hurry up and eat?"

Hearing what Fei Zhong said, Xi Bohou raised his head.

"Thank you! King Zhou! Reward!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Chang began to eat in big mouthfuls!

It's delicious to eat!

I can't wait to stuff those two or three stuffed pies into my mouth in one gulp!

Grease flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he smacked his mouth!
Fei Zhong and the others, who watched from the side, felt a little greedy unconsciously...

After a while, Xi Bohou ate all these meatloaf.

"Ha ha!"

He wiped the oil from the corner of his mouth and looked at Fei Zhong.

"Any more?"

Fei Zhong snorted coldly, with disdain on his face.

"A generation of benevolent kings is nothing more than this! Hahahaha!" After speaking, he suddenly waved his sleeve robe and led everyone out of the cell.

I heard their footsteps gradually moving away until they disappeared.

Only then did Ji Chang's expression begin to change.

He suddenly fell to his knees, stretched out his fingers, and kept digging towards his mouth.

I want to spit out what I just ate.

But with grief in his heart and tears streaming down his face, how could he spit it out?

He eats the flesh of his son, he is heartbroken!

However, after the news of this matter reached King Zhou's ears, King Zhou made a decision and let him go.

Because judging from this matter, Ji Chang is indeed just a common man.

Not as good as rumored.

What kind of threat can this kind of person who eats his own son's meat so deliciously pose to the Shang Dynasty?
So, three days later.

Ji Chang was transferred to Chaoge City.

Up to face you.

Coming to the main hall, Ji Chang bowed three times and kowtowed nine times.

But King Zhou smiled triumphantly and said, "Ji Chang, is the meat from Bo Yi Kao still fat?"

At this time, even King Zhou confessed, so Ji Chang naturally had to show pain.

He was shocked and looked at King Zhou.

"Impossible...that can't be my son Bo Yikao! Impossible!"

At this time, he seemed to have gone crazy.

Vent all the emotions that I didn't vent the day before, just at this time.

Fei Zhongyou and Hun, beside King Zhou, took a look.

"This man is already crazy, Your Majesty should throw him out of the palace? Stay here and make noise, I'm afraid it will disturb your mother's rest."

It has to be said that Fei Zhongyou and Hun's speaking skills are really high.

Every sentence can be said in the heart of King Zhou!
King Zhou nodded after listening, and looked at Ji Chang in the palace who was lost in his mind.

"Ji Chang, I can see that you have no resentment! In order to compensate you and your son Bo Yikao, I will be promoted to the rank of a special official, and let you praise the official in Chaoge City for three days! Prestige and prestige!"

After he finished speaking, he lightly waved his hands and ordered the guards on the left and right to carry Ji Chang, who was crying bitterly, out of the hall.

Although Ji Chang was filled with hatred in his heart at this time, he wanted to rebel immediately.

But at this time, he was alone in Chaoge City.

Weak power.

So he concealed his sadness, and tried his best to appear unconscionable on the day of boasting, so as not to make King Zhou suspect.

However, just after noon that day when he was praising his official position, a person stood out from somewhere in the crowd.

Without saying a word, the man pulled Ji Chang's horse and left.

Ji Chang was taken aback, and wanted to rein in the horse, but found that the man was so strong that he couldn't control the horse's reins.

In the blink of an eye, he was taken to a corner.

When Ji Chang looked up, there was a carriage in front of him.

He naturally knew whose carriage it was, and it belonged to Huang Feihu, King Wucheng of the Zhen Kingdom.

Ji Chang and this Huang Feihu are old acquaintances.

Naturally, he was not suspicious, and he was invited to the Luanjia.

The two were in the carriage, and as soon as they met, they clasped their hands tightly.

"There are many eyes and ears on the street. Out of helplessness, I ordered my subordinates to bring you here forcibly."

Huang Feihu looked at Ji Chang, and said in a rather excited tone.

"Now King Zhou has let me go, and let me praise my official position in Chaoge City for three days. After three days, when I return to Xiqi, I will definitely go back to Chaoge!"

Ji Chang believed in Huang Feihu, so he directly said what was in his heart.

"Hey! Brother, you are stupid!"

After Huang Feihu heard it, he sighed again and again.

Ji Chang was taken aback.

"What does the prince say? Could it be that I have revealed something?"

"Brother, do you know where this is?"

Huang Feihu asked.

"what happened?"

Ji Chang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Huang Feihu who knew what to ask in confusion.

"A place of right and wrong, why are you praising an official? Since you let him go, why don't you hurry up and leave? If he changes his mind within three days, what should we do?"

"If the demon concubine Su Da regains her composure, she will frame you again! What... what should you do?"

Hearing this, Ji Chang looked at Huang Feihu as if suddenly enlightened.

"Ah, the words of the lord are really good words! But there is one thing, I have not arrived for three days, if I leave Chaoge without authorization, I am afraid that there will be some troubles along the way, and it is difficult for me to pass the five levels. !"

Hearing what he said, Huang Feihu immediately took off a token from his waist.

"I have a copper talisman commanding arrow here, which can ensure that your journey is unimpeded! The two of us will meet again in the future, and we will talk about countless things in the future! You leave Chaoge City immediately, the sooner the better!"

When he said this, he tapped the floor of the carriage sedan with his toe three times.

The carriage stopped.

When they came to one place, some people had prepared fast horses, and there were several trusted attendants of Huang Feihu.

Ji Chang was grateful.

He gave a deep salute when he got off the carriage.

"In the future, when I go up to the court song, I will save the prince and the water and fire first!"

Huang Feihu looked at Ji Chang.

He said hastily: "Oh, you and I reminisce about the past, any time is fine, you better run away quickly!"

Hearing this, Ji Chang didn't scribble any more, and got on his horse directly.

With the Bronze Talisman Command Arrow, the journey is much smoother.

However, just half a day after Ji Chang was let go, King Zhou repented!
He sent someone to summon Ji Chang to the palace to have an audience, but was told that Ji Chang had left Chaoge!

Immediately furious.

Is this all covered by him?
Maybe, he figured out the reason why he ate Bo Yi Kao's meat?

If this is the case, Ji Chang must be a serious trouble for the Shang Dynasty!
Had to remove!

Thinking of this, he immediately sent troops to arrest him.

King Zhou sent troops to hunt down Ji Chang.

The sergeants he dispatched were carefully selected and trained soldiers.

But although Ji Chang was capable of writing and martial arts, he was alone after all, and could not compare to the overnight pursuit of this large army.

Finally, on this day, he caught up with Ji Chang in a dangerous place!
Come together, at this time, Xibohou is like a bereaved dog!
The journey was full of wind and dust, people were not tired, and horses were also tired.

Ji Chang looked around and saw mountains on all sides.

Wings can't escape!
There was a burst of sand behind him.

King Zhou's army is about to come!

The attendants on the left and right were trembling with fear, and Ji Chang looked at them.

"You run away, don't worry about me, what they want to catch is me, it has nothing to do with you."

Everyone was grateful, and then drove away.

Marquis Xibo was on the top of the mountain, one man and one horse, looking at the approaching army not far away, he sighed in his heart.

"Hey! It's a pity that I couldn't avenge my son!"

However, just as he thought of this, a voice came from midair.


After the voice was heard, Ji Chang raised his eyes.

Instead, he saw a young man covered in blue, with two wings on his back and two wings holding a golden rod.

Ji Chang was shocked.

"What monster!"

However, he saw the man wave his wings and come in front of Ji Chang.

Prostrate directly to the ground.

"Father, I'm late!"

Ji Chang was taken aback, he looked at the man in front of him who called himself father.

Can't help but think of the baby he picked up back then, who was also blue. He looked at this child, "What's your name?"

The young man raised his head and said with a smile: "Father, my name is Lei Zhenzi. I have been practicing in the Buzhou Mountain of Master Zhao before. The ancestor said that you will be in trouble today, so I specially sent me to escort you back to Xiqi."

Ji Chang suddenly realized that this boy was the child he picked up when he went to Chaoge!

At first glance, this child is indeed not an ordinary person, he is indeed a son from heaven!

But even if he is powerful, behind him is King Zhou's tens of thousands of troops...

Ji Chang sighed.

"My son has such filial piety, I am very relieved, but the enemy army is tens of thousands, how can you and I stop it?"

But Lei Zhenzi grinned.

As soon as the wings fluttered, it jumped up from the flat ground, and came four to five feet high in mid-air!

"Father, don't worry! I have already learned the unique skills with Senior Zhao in Buzhou Mountain. Master Zhao said, my wings flash, and the wind and thunder come together. When I spread my wings, the wind and thunder move! It's easy to stop tens of thousands of soldiers in this area!"

Ji Chang looked at Lei Zhenzi suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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