My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 380 Interpretation and Collision, Absolute Appearance!

Chapter 380 Interpreting and colliding, ten unique formations appear!
He looked at Zhao Lang, and vaguely felt that something was wrong with him.

"Are you... promoted again?"

Zhou Zhan looked at Zhao Lang and smiled thoughtfully.

Zhao Lang nodded, in order not to hit the former, he spoke.

"No, no, just improved a little."

"My spiritual power has now been transformed into a special spiritual energy, and it keeps flowing. Now you can feel at ease by my side, and I will definitely protect you!"

Hearing this, Zhou Zhan smiled.

"I'm a useless person now, and my strength is not as good as before. Oh yes! When are you going to return to the Chaos Realm?"

When Zhao Lang heard this, he looked into the distance.

He said slowly: "Soon! When the great calamity is over, I will personally find the Dao Dao Palace..."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Lang stepped forward.

The next moment, somewhere in the wilderness, Zhao Lang suddenly appeared, and he breathed the air in the wilderness.

Every plant, tree, mountain and sea around him, he can feel the trend of everything in it!

Yet at this moment.

He frowned, and found that the battlefield below seemed to be the battlefield of the two religions?
They are in the fighting stage.

At this time, the Ten Heavenly Lord of Jinao Island has come to the interception camp, and he is probably about to launch the Ten Absolute Formation!
The Golden Immortal of Explanation and Education seemed a little caught off guard.

Zhao Lang became interested, and immediately took a step forward, with a breath of fresh air under his feet.

The next moment he came to the sky where the battle was fought here.

Zhao Lang's eyes fell, and he saw the two sects of interpretation and interception, as well as the army of Xiqi and Shang Dynasty in front of the formation.

The armies of the Shang Dynasty and Ji Fa had already arrived on the battlefield, and the sky and the earth were filled with thick smoke, lightning and thunder!

The drums of the two sides also beat at the same time, circling back and forth over the huge battlefield.

At this time, most of the golden immortals who explained and taught have already appeared.

Nezha, Taiyi and others were on the left and right sides of Jiang Ziya.

On the Jiejiao side are Shi Tianjun and Shen Gongbao.

But Hong Jin didn't come, otherwise it would be another scene.

Ten Tianjun of Jinao Island stood in front of the thousands of soldiers and horses of Jiejiao, and looked at the several golden immortals in the opposite camp.

Especially when his eyes fell on the real Taiyi, he gritted his teeth even more!

But I saw the Ten Heavenly Lords flying out of the Jiejiao camp in unison.

Coming to the battlefield, they looked at the Xianjiao Immortals in the opposite camp.

"What's going on? Could it be that the disciples of Chanjiao are all mud tires and can't move? Hurry up and come out to fight."

Hearing this, Ji Fa, son of Marquis Xibo, looked behind Jiang Ziya.

"Taigong Wang, the other party is a Taoist disciple, we are just ordinary people, not their opponents, which of the golden immortals here can defeat the opposite party?"

Hearing what he said, Jiang Ziya was taken aback.

Where is he qualified to use these golden immortals who explain teaching?
I am nothing more than a three-generation disciple in the teaching.


Jiang Ziya turned to look at Nezha, who waved his hands again and again.

"What are you looking at me for? I just played a game, so I won't go!"

Then look at the twelve golden immortals.

"Brothers, what do you see?"

Speaking of this, after all, the Twelve Golden Immortals also have a mission.

They were ordered by Yuanshi Tianzun to help Jifa overthrow Shang Zhou. Facing Jiejiao, who is also a sage sect, the other party sided with King Zhou and opposed the destiny. Naturally, they responded to each other.

After all, explaining education is not easy to provoke.

But one of the Ten Heavenly Kings of Jinao Island stood up, he flew and moved lightly, came to the center of the battlefield, looked at the army in front of him, and shouted loudly.

"Who is coming to fight?"

After finishing speaking, he directly exerted his spiritual power and sacrificed the spirit in his sleeve.

Immediately afterwards, the first formation among the top ten formations!
Heaven's Absolute Formation is to be displayed!

This formation is mysterious and ingenious, with endless mysteries.

Heaven, earth, and people are upside down!
Golden immortals step on the road of no return; mortals enter the battle and turn into ashes!
The faces of Zhou Jun represented by Ji Chang naturally changed drastically. They are just ordinary people. How dare they get involved in this Da Luo Jinxian fight?

Zhao Lang watched the rise in mid-air.

There are infinite mysteries in this day's Juezhen, and the spiritual power is deeply hidden in it.

Every step may fall into the boundless abyss, it is worthy of being the number one formation among the top ten formations!

He stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the cloud.

The hands in the wide sleeves behind him vaguely calculated according to the trend of the formation.

Not long after, the corner of Zhao Lang's mouth twitched.

"It's not a difficult formation."

He has already figured out a way to break the formation, but it just depends on how Chanjiao responds.

Naturally, he would not make a move at this time.

Just when explaining and teaching all the golden immortals were a little bit troubled.

But seeing a voice coming from the Tianjue formation, Qin Tianjun laughed loudly from it.

"It's ridiculous that you teach the rats, and you dare to call yourself the Twelve Golden Immortals? You've already been scared out of your wits in the first battle of my ten-jue formation, so you should go back and forth quickly! Don't hurt Daogen. Dao Yun!"

Hearing what he said, there are naturally some bloody disciples among the disciples of Chanjiao, so I can't stand it anymore!
But after a while, one person couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, held Fang Tian's painted halberd, stepped out from among the golden fairy disciples, and came in front of Taoist Randeng.

"Teacher Ran Deng! Let the disciples learn about this guy's heavenly formation!"

Hearing this, Taoist Randeng nodded: "Yes, after all, he is the disciple of the Golden Immortal who explained my teachings! You really have the guts! Be careful!"

Looking at the person in front of him, he nodded and asked.

"What's your name?"

The man bowed deeply and looked at Taoist Ran Deng.

"Disciple Deng Hua! By the order of Master, I came down to help all senior brothers. You will come later! Wait for me to go back!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped up suddenly, and a cloud of auspicious clouds was erected under his feet, heading straight for the battle of the day!

Seeing that someone took the initiative to fight, Taoist Ran Deng was naturally very pleased.

Looking at Jiang Ziya again, the latter was looking tangled.

Each of the ten unique formations is extremely fierce, how can he set foot in it with his cultivation?
Although holding the main tribulation object, his existence seems insignificant at this time...

However, not long after Deng Hua flashed into the Heaven's Jue formation, he heard a heart-piercing scream...

Deng Hua's magic weapon, Fang Tian's painted halberd, was thrown out of the formation.

Then came Qin Tianjun's mocking voice.

"Do you dare to come here with this level of strength? Death is inevitable, will anyone on the other side dare to come? If not, open the city gate and let us enter!"

Seeing the disciples under the sect being swallowed by the heavenly formation, they died.

Taoist Ran Deng frowned.

"What arrogance! But there are Jinxians who are willing to fight and surrender to Qin Wan?"

There was silence.

Although all the Golden Immortals couldn't wait to make a move, but this day's battle was really weird and unpredictable, and they didn't want to risk themselves.

Still ready to observe more.

However, at this moment, the system options popped up in Zhao Lang's mind.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has met Qin Tianjun and set up a heavenly array, so he can make a choice."

"One, take action immediately to settle Qin Tianjun, and let Xiqi's army pass through, you can get the art of good fortune, breaking light."

"Second, help Jiejiao flatten and explain teaching, you can get the art of good fortune, Luoxia."

"Three, don't make a move, stay neutral, you can get the magical powers of good fortune, and protect the body from the holy light."

Looking at the options in front of him, Zhao Lang hasn't seen three options for a long time!

After his strength has been promoted to the realm of the ancient gods, even his supernatural powers have changed?
It seems that it's time to update my original set of supernatural powers?

Thinking of this, he shook his head and laughed.

Naturally, he chose the third one, because the other two rewards are all the art of good fortune, and the third one is the magic power of good fortune!
Two words, but there is a world of difference!
After making a choice, Zhao Lang looked down with interest.

The only way to break through this formation is Qingyun's body guard with white light and golden lamp.

However, among the teachings, the only person who has this supernatural power is Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun.

That is, Manjushri Bodhisattva in the future.

Zhao Lang looked down, Manjusri didn't seem to be ready to fight.

He just stood behind the Twelve Golden Immortals, watching from afar.

If things go on like this, the first battle of Jujiao will deter Chanjiao, so what kind of god does Jiang Ziya still hold?

Zhao Lang smiled slightly, and then spoke lightly.

A voice without a source penetrated into the prehistoric world.

It was passed into the ears of Taoist Burning Lamp.

He suddenly frowned.

"Qingyun white light golden lamp body protection?"

Hearing this word, he looked around in some surprise.

Did not find any spiritual power breath.

Who gave the hint?
He was a little puzzled.

However, this reminder also gave Daoist Ran Deng a chance.

He looked at the immortals beside him.

"Among you, is there anyone who protects the body with Qingyun's white light golden lamp?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun in unison.

The latter was dumbfounded.

"What are you looking at me for? Qingyun's body protection with white light and golden lamp is my supernatural power, what's wrong?"

"This formation is extremely weird, and only your supernatural powers can break it, why don't you hurry up and fight? Explain and teach me to save face?"

Hearing this, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun hesitated.

He was silent for a moment, and then, under the persuasion of his senior brothers, he stepped forward.

He had just entered the battlefield, but he was accepted into it that day.

Followed by.

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun's body reveals a cloud of celebration from the heavens!
The whole body is shrouded in Xiaguang!

Under the rays of the sun, a golden lamp in his sleeve could be vaguely seen.

The two beams of light shone together, completely dispelling the fog in the Tianjue Formation, the first town of the Ten Juezhen.

Everything is bright!
Heaven's Judgment Formation was broken just like that!

Seeing that the formation was broken, Qin Tianjun was also a little surprised.

"What's going on here? My Heaven's Judgment Formation was broken by Manjusri Guangfa so easily?"

However, after breaking the formation, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun also gained confidence in his heart.

"Could it be that I'm really this person's nemesis?"

Thinking of this, he shot immediately.

I saw a magic weapon summoned from his sleeve robe, it was the Dragon Escape Stake!

The Dunlong Stake fell from mid-air and hit Qin Tianjun head-on!

In the next moment, before the other party got out of the shock of his magic circle being broken, he was already dead and his soul was gone!

Seeing that the first formation of the Ten Absolute Formation was broken, the immortals of Jiejiao became a little nervous.

They looked at Shen Gongbao, who waved his hand.

"I have said a long time ago that Chanjiao is not an idle person. Fellow Daoists, is there anyone else who dares to fight?"

However, Zhao Tianjun, one of the remaining ten Heavenly Lords, stood up.

He glared angrily and looked across.

"Eldest brother misses, I will not spare you lightly! Everyone, wait for me to avenge this brother later!"

After finishing speaking, he rode a cloud to appear on the field, and immediately after that, he also displayed his spiritual power.

A moment later, the spiritual power around him instantly formed a powerful formation!

The second formation of the Ten Absolute Formation, the Earthly Fierce Formation!

In the formation, Zhao Tianjun stood at the eye of the formation riding a sika deer.

With a calm expression, he first recited a poem.

"Miaomiaomiaomiaozhongmiao, Xuanxuanxuan is even more mysterious..."

Then, he looked at the opposing camp and shouted loudly.

"Guangfa Tianzun, you have broken my elder brother's Tianjue formation, do you dare to try my fierce formation?"

As before, all the golden immortals are hesitating...

Daoist Ran Deng felt a little embarrassed on his face.

After all, they are also saint sects!
Why are all the golden immortals in my teaching so timid?
But I saw Zhao Tianjun laughing loudly in the fierce formation opposite.

"Haha! Is there no one left to explain the teaching!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Lang had a thorough understanding of this formation.

At this time, the method of breaking the formation has emerged in the mind.

If he wanted to break through the fierce formation, he had to pass through the extremely mysterious eye of the formation and defeat Zhao Tianjun on the sika deer in the formation.

If you can't, if you take a wrong step and step on the top of the spiritual power of the formation, you will soon be swallowed by the flames of the true fire of Samadhi that spew out from the earth!

Extremely brutal!

So it is very difficult for anyone to get close to Zhao Tianjun.

Not to mention breaking the formation.

However, Taoist Ran Deng gritted his teeth at the scene in front of him, and he looked at Jiang Ziya.

"You are the one who is in charge of this robbery, why haven't you spoken?"

Jiang Ziya cupped his hands helplessly.

He also wants to talk!

How could he get in the way?

His cultivation base is insignificant, and the magic whip in his hand doesn't work for some reason. At this moment, he just wants to find a crack in the ground and get in quickly...

Seeing that Jiang Ziya didn't speak, Daoist Ran Deng snorted coldly, and then looked behind him to teach Jinxian.

"Han Dulong, go and walk through the fierce formation here, be careful and don't act indiscriminately!"

Hearing this, Han Dulong also had a bitter face.

This fierce formation seems to be very dangerous, if one step is wrong, I'm afraid he will die, and his own skills are incomplete, and even his master didn't speak, so how could he be an opponent?

But facing the order of the deputy head teacher, he dared not disobey.

So he had no choice but to walk out of the Zhou army camp tremblingly, and came to the battlefield.

Looking at the fierce formation covering the ground in front of him, he immediately broke out in cold sweat.

"With such a cultivation level, you dare to come out and show your eyes?"

Zhao Tianjun sat on the sika deer, smiling calmly.

In the fierce formation, there is thunder from above, and fire from below. If one step is wrong, death and dao will inevitably disappear. Even the golden immortal cultivation base may not be able to survive the disaster!

At the same time, another systematic option appeared in front of Zhao Lang in midair.

(End of this chapter)

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