Chapter 388 The Ten Absolute Formation Breaks, and the Flames of War Suspend

He was startled, and then turned around, only to find Zhao Gongming, the sage of Zhoushan.

Yao Tianjun hastily saluted deeply.

He admired Zhao Lang no less than Bai Li.

"Zhao Shengren, when did you come?"

"Hurry up and save us! My two younger brothers are below. Although they have profound magic power, there are still twelve golden immortals in Chanjiao!"

Zhao Lang waved his hand.

"This matter is your destiny. After you die, the primordial spirit will go to Buzhou Mountain to enshrine the gods. This is a catastrophe for you in this life, and you must overcome it."

"But after this catastrophe, the journey will be smooth and there will be no more disasters."

Hearing this, Yao Tianjun was overshadowed.

After all, the Ten Heavenly Lord of Jinao Island has become a thing of the past.

They can only go to Buzhou Mountain to enshrine the gods and wait for the canonization by the heavenly court.

Thinking of this, he sighed.

But Zhao Lang immediately took out something from his sleeve.

"This is the spirit recovery pill, which can help you recover your spiritual power after becoming a god. If you have the opportunity to reshape your physical body, maybe your spiritual power can return to the state it is today."

Hearing this, Yao Tianjun was very grateful.

He looked at Zhao Gongming.

He asked aloud: "Why did Saint Zhao help me like this? We clearly attacked your disciple before..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Lang waving his hand.

"The past, the past has passed. I am a saint. I am not a villain and I don't hold grudges. Go, go to Buzhou Mountain, and go with your senior brothers to become gods!"

Hearing this, Yao Tianjun burst into tears of gratitude!

He immediately gave a deep salute, and then floated to that Buzhou Mountain.

Although it is said that Zhao Lang helped Chi Jing Taoist surrender Yao Tingjun.

But this cause and effect is also because of him.

If it wasn't for him fleeing there, Chi Jing Taoist chased him there.

His yin and yang mirror will not be crushed by Kong Xuan.

If this person died, the karma would be far worse than that of Yao Tianjun's death.

In contrast, it is still necessary to give up the small and protect the big, and focus on the overall situation.

Anyway, he is not his disciple, so doing this is already doing the best of humanity!
Zhao Lang sighed.

Seeing Yao Tianjun leave, he then lowered his gaze.

At this time, Wang Tianjun and Zhang Tianjun had already displayed their formations.

The combination of the red water formation and the red sand formation is infinitely powerful!
He even arrested Cao Bao, a disciple who was in the middle of explaining the teaching, and put him into the formation.

In front of all the golden immortals, practice it into blood.

The teaching disciples gritted their teeth.

But at this moment, Qingxu Daodezhenjun came out with the five-fire and seven-bird fan in his hand.

"I'll break their formation. If the fan in my hand disappears, the red water and red sand will disperse like dust!"

Hearing this, the golden fairies nodded.

But judging from the scene where Taoist Chi Jing almost suffered a loss just now, they dare not let Da Luo Jinxian try the danger again.

At this moment, Daoist Ran Deng hesitated a little, he looked at Qing Xu Dao Zhenjun and said.

"But there are two people on the other side, so no matter how powerful the magic weapon in your hand can break one person, the other person will also take advantage of it. Aren't you in danger?"

Hearing this, Qingxu Daodezhenjun was also embarrassed.

Indeed, his French fan can only be swung once.

The next time I swing it out, I am afraid that among them, the one who is alive will probably kill him back.

Thinking of this, he pondered with a heavy head, not knowing whether to make a move or not.

Yet at this moment.

But I saw several auspicious signs descending in the camp of the Zhou army.

A moment later, the Nanji Xianweng came here with the teaching support disciples sent by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Seeing the Antarctic fairy, Taoist Ran Deng first smiled happily.

Now, among the teachings, Nanji Xianweng and Yun Zhongzi are the two most powerful.

Back when his coffin lamp was still alive.

Burning lamps can also be placed side by side with them.

But now, the cultivation level of Anji Xianweng is higher than him.

Seeing the latter coming, he hastened to meet him.

"Oh! Nanji, you're here, hurry! Come! Enter the battle with Qingxu Daodezhenjun and help him break through the opponent's formation."

Antarctic Fairy smiled.

He nodded and said, "I'm here to help Ji Fa break through the last two formations."

Qingxu Daodezhenjun came over.

"Brother Nanji, but this red water formation and red sand formation are extremely fierce, what magic weapon do you use to break them?"

Seeing the fireless seven bird fan in the hands of Qingxu Daodezhenjun, Nanji Xianweng smiled slightly.

"Guess what magic weapon I use?"

Qingxu Daodezhenjun was slightly taken aback when he heard Nanji Xianweng's words.

When did the senior brother become so joking?
"Brother, I don't know, can you please tell me?"

The Antarctic fairy waved his hand.

Immediately, he took out a magic weapon from his sleeve.

This magic weapon is exactly the same as the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan in the hands of Qingxu Daodezhen Monarch!
"What is this? Why is it so similar to my magic weapon?"

Qingxu Daodezhenjun was taken aback, looked at Nanji Xianweng and asked in disbelief.

The Antarctic fairy gently slapped the fan.

"This thing is called the Five Fires and Seven Feathers Fan. Although there is only one word difference, it is similar to your magic weapon."

"With this magic weapon, you and I each hold one, and we will be able to break through the red water formation and the red sand formation."

Hearing this, Qingxu Daodezhen Lord felt a little sad.

The Fan of Five Fires and Seven Birds was the first magic weapon given to him by Master Yuanshi Tianzun, and he has always regarded this magic weapon as his most precious treasure.

But now.

Unexpectedly, senior brother Nanji Xianweng also has a magic weapon that is almost exactly the same.

I can't help but feel a little awkward.

However, with the army at present, how can they think too much about this selfish desire?
Qingxu Daodezhenjun also nodded, he decided to focus on the overall situation.

So he flew out of the camp together with Nanji Xianweng, and came to the field to prepare to break through the last two formations of the ten unique formations!
This scene was clearly seen by Zhao Lang who was in mid-air.

He nodded.

"It's time, when the Ten Jue Formation is completely broken, it's time for the Shang army to retreat."

Thinking of this, he immediately sent a voice transmission to the Four Saints of Jiulong Island not far from Xiqi.

They have been lying in ambush around, secretly protecting Shen Gongbao.

Zhao Lang asked the Four Sages of Kowloon Island to flee here first with Shen Gongbao.

Run as far away as possible.

Avoid meeting with Chanjiao in recent days, causing unnecessary troubles.

Unless the Jiejiao side sends someone again.

Hearing Master's voice transmission, the Four Sages of Nine Dragons Island naturally did not dare to disobey.

The four of them responded one after another.

Unanimously, they came to the army of the Shang Dynasty. Shen Gongbao looked at the four of them, and he naturally knew them.

On the left hand side of Zhao Lang in Chaos Palace, he had seen these four before.

The identity of the other party is clear in the heart.

The four people came forward and whispered in their ears, Shen Gongbao knew the general meaning of their coming here.

Then the order went down.

The army of the Shang Dynasty withdrew six hundred miles back!

Seeing that the army was withdrawing, Wang Tianjun and Zhang Tianjun, who were already fighting with their backs, were even more at a loss.

In the battle with Qingxu Daodezhenjun and Nanji Xianweng, the result is also pale.

The two died, and their souls drifted to the Buzhou Mountain.

Zhao Lang nodded in satisfaction.

These ten unique formations were broken, but the most difficult time came next.

Next, according to the original history, it was Wen Zhong who went to Luofu Cave of Mount Emei to invite Zhao Gongming.

But now, there is only one Zhao Gongming, and he is still in Buzhou Mountain, and he is still a great sage, so who can Wen Zhong invite?

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang took a step forward with a smile and returned to the peach forest in Buzhou Mountain.

But in the peach forest.

Fuxi sat face to face with the Yuanshen of Xibo Hou Jichang, and the two were playing chess.

Fuxi persisted in dropping the white piece in his hand.

Laughed out loud after a moment.

"Xibohou, you are not good at chess? How did you overthrow my Fuxi gossip?"

Hearing this, Ji Chang didn't speak, but smiled wryly.

The person in front of him is Fuxi, how dare he talk back?
Zhao Lang walked over and looked at Fuxi who was looking proud.

"You can only bully people like him who haven't played chess for a few years. When you played chess, he was not born yet. Do you think he can beat you?"

Hearing Zhao Lang's voice, the two stood up one after another, and bowed deeply to the former.

Zhao Lang glanced at the gazebo.

But I didn't see Yuanfeng, so I was a little confused.

Afterwards, he sat in the gazebo.

Listening to Fu Xi bragging about how he defeated Ji Chang time and time again in recent days.

Listen, listen, right now.

Outside the Taolin, some disciples reported that.

"The souls of the Ten Heavenly Lords of Jin'ao Island kneel together outside the Primal Chaos Hall, wanting to see the master!"

Zhao Lang was taken aback for a moment, and then a system option popped up in his mind.

"Ding! It is detected that Lord Ten Heaven of Jinao Island wants to thank the host face to face, so you can choose."

"One, take immediate action to kill the Ten Heavenly Lord of Jinao Island, so that his disciple can fill the god's seat instead, and he doesn't have to experience death."

"Second, meet the Ten Heavenly Monarchs of Jinao Island and accept their gratitude to obtain a law of the Great Dao."

Without any doubt, Zhao Lang waved his hand lightly after making a choice.

Boundless magic power was released, and the primordial spirits of the ten people were brought into the peach forest in an instant.

They were puzzled and raised their heads, only to see Saint Zhao above the gazebo.

After seeing the latter, the expressions of the ten people showed a sense of gratitude in unison.

"Thank you, Saint Zhoushan!"

"Thank you, Saint Zhoushan!"

It's just this simple sentence, but it expresses all the people's heart.

They never thought that Zhao Gongming would let go of the previous grievances.

It never occurred to him that Zhao Gongming would actually help them seal the gods to keep their primordial spirits and let them stay in Buzhou Mountain.

This kind of kindness, even a person who has no conscience, will not repay his kindness with revenge.

Zhao Lang smiled, motioned for them to stand up, and then said lightly: "This matter is determined by the destiny, I just secretly protect a few of you, remember, after conferring the gods, you can't do anything willful, otherwise, you will be hit with the magic whip." This is no joke, your fate will be in the hands of Emperor Haotian, but you can also rest assured that as long as you are no longer the same as when you were cut off from teaching, you will not suffer any more in the future."

Hearing this, the Ten Heavenly Lords of Jinao Island were very grateful.

Some of them even had tears in their eyes, not knowing what to say.

"That's enough, that's all, you go to seal the gods, return to the way of heaven, and the rest has nothing to do with you."

Looking at it now, these people who died have benefited the most.

They have not experienced the Zhuxian Sword Formation, nor have they experienced the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

Just lost the physical body.

The primordial spirit is entrusted in the Dao of that day, and he can still observe everything that happens in the prehistoric world.

After the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods, they can wait for the canonization, which can be said to be very comfortable.

The ten people fell to their knees again, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times before leaving the Taolin.

At the same time, in the wild.

Interpret and teach to break through the ten unique formations of the Ten Heavenly Lords of Jinao Island!

This incident was widely circulated in the prehistoric times.

Everyone is amazed that the Jinxian is powerful!

On the other side, the Ten Heavenly Lord of Jinao Island, who will intercept the teaching, is very evil.

In fact, they didn't know what happened.

Only Zhao Gongming knew all this.

If it weren't for the destiny, it would be impossible to say who is good and who is evil.

After all the primordial spirits in this battle have entered the list of gods.

Buzhou Mountain is much quieter.

However, Zhao Lang suddenly discovered a problem.

"Lu Ya, why are you missing!"

At the beginning, I asked Lu Ya to go to Buzhou Mountain and waited for him in Buzhou Mountain, and I wanted to chat with him for a while.

Unexpectedly, after returning to Buzhou Mountain for many days, I did not see the former.

Even if the speed of Luya is slow, it will turn into a rainbow.

In those three days, should I come to Buzhou Mountain from Xiqi?

Why is it so long without a trace?
Could it be that you have encountered some difficulties?
Thinking of this, Zhao Lang frowned slightly, and immediately swept out his spiritual thoughts, looking for Lu Ya's breath in the wilderness.

It didn't take long before he discovered Lu Ya's location.

But the more surprising thing is.

Lu Ya was actually on the West Kunlun Mountains.

At this time, he was walking out of the mountain gate of explaining education with a dark face.

Zhao Lang directly used his spiritual power and moved him to the front.

Lu Ya shook his head and looked at Zhao Lang in front of him.


"I said that my return to the wilderness was not a good thing, but now you see, it has brought you disaster!"

Hearing this, Zhao Lang was a little puzzled.

"What's going on? Why did you go to Kunlun Mountain?"

Lu Ya shook his head, sighed, and then said: "I was just passing by Kunlun Mountain and was about to go to Buzhou Mountain, but Yuanshi Tianzun stopped me and stopped me from staying in Kunlun Mountain for a few days. "

Zhao Lang frowned when he heard this.

He hurriedly asked, "What did Yuanshi Tianzun call you to do?"

"He asked me, does Zhao Gongming have any weaknesses? I'm afraid it's because you are too strong now, so Yuanshi Tianzun is afraid of you."

Zhao Lang asked, "What do you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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