My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 393 Tianzun is furious!Sacrificial Pan Ancient Banner!

Chapter 393 Tianzun is furious!Sacrificial Pan Ancient Banner!

This magic weapon is the first main attack of Honghuang.

If it is sacrificed, its power may only be comparable to the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

Usually Hongjun Daozu would not allow Yuanshi Tianzun to use it, but at this time, in order to avenge his Twelve Golden Immortals, Yuanshi Tianzun has been dazzled by hatred, and he doesn't care about it!
But I saw him under the display of spiritual power.

Pan Gu's flag skyrocketed again!
Immediately afterwards, the spiritual power in it raged, leading to many prehistoric visions such as thunder and fire!

The world here is like purgatory!
Zhao Lang sighed.

"It seems that you don't give up until you reach the Yellow River?"

The sound fell.

Yuanshi Tianzun sneered and said, "Zhao Gongming, you haven't shown up yet? You three righteous sisters are going to die here!"

Having said that, Yuanshi Tianzun directly threw the Pangu banner in his hand into the sky.

But in the next second, a spiritual power spread out from the blood-red sky!
In an instant, these spiritual powers turned into billions of sharp blades!
Like a "knife rain", falling from the sky!

These blades are ten feet long and five wide, and they are unparalleled in sharpness!
There are hundreds of millions of handles!
If it falls here.

It is tantamount to destroying the entire pass!
This is why the saint cannot make a move in the prehistoric.

Raise your hand casually, that is countless lives!

However, Yuanshi Tianzun did not realize this.

He has completely lost his mind.

I can't wait to avenge the Twelve Golden Immortals!

Looking at the blades all over the sky, Yuanshi Tianzun smiled triumphantly.

Then he threw out a spiritual force from the Pangu banner, and all the blades instantly ignited the real fire of samadhi!
If this falls, the mountains and rivers here may collapse in an instant!

The fire burns everything!
He looked at the gate below, aimed at San Xiao's position, and swung his hand down suddenly!
"Zhao Gongming! Look after you!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's voice just fell.

There was a loud bang that shook the sky above the sky!

dong dong dong dong dong...

It seemed to be an explosion from some kind of spiritual power.

From far to near...

In an instant, the Shenzhou Continent, which was supposed to be as bright as day, suddenly became extremely dark!

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't notice this.

He was staring wide-eyed, pouring down his mana excitedly and excitedly!

The three women did not show any panic.

Just stood there indifferently.

Because they believed that the eldest brother would never let them get hurt.

Just when everyone thought it would be bad for San Xiao to make a big deal happen.

At this moment, something that frightened all living things appeared!
But at this time, in this world, a very tense confrontation is being maintained.

Yuanshi Tianzun took the lead in attacking.

Swinging down the air with one hand, there are countless sharp knives among them!

It hits like a storm and a strong wind!
It is about to "submerge" this place, but the main thing is to go to the Sanxiao!

However, Sanxiao is Zhao Lang's adopted sister.

Zhao Lang already regarded them as family members.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to make any mistakes.

But at this time, he was in Buzhou Mountain with Tongtian and Luya.

Under the constant persuasion of the two, they didn't intend to make a move.

Just looking at the picture refracted by the mainland of China in front of him.

Countless sharp blades mixed with Samadhi real fire fell from the sky!
Each of these sharp blades mixed with fire can crush a mountain and river!
What's more, the number is hundreds of millions!
Overwhelming, dense!
"Zhao Gongming? Zhao Gongming! Why don't you make a move? What are you waiting for?"

Lu Ya looked at Zhao Lang and urged him anxiously.

Zhao Lang just smiled lightly and waved his hands.

"You look good..."

After speaking, he snapped his fingers.

However, a strange sound suddenly came from the mainland of China.

The sound seemed to come from thousands of miles away, and it seemed to be in everyone's ears.

I could vaguely hear it.

I couldn't understand what the source of the sound was.

Yet at this moment.

Between the heaven and the earth below the Yuanshi Tianzun.

Suddenly, something similar to a void black hole appeared in the sky.

Among them, the spiritual power is constantly shrinking!Increase!

As if it was about to explode!
Yuanshi Tianzun frowned, but he didn't stop the mana in his hand, but pressed down more violently.

However, in the void and black hole, there was a vague aura of chaos gathering, as if it was a sound of breathing.

It's more like some wild beast is about to rush out of it!
Yuanshi Tianzun felt a little bad in his heart.

He then pressed down with both palms, and the falling speed of the mana was ten times faster than before!
Overwhelming, like heavy rain, densely packed!

"Zhao Gongming, if you dare not do it yourself, then I advise you not to play tricks!"

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly in mid-air.

But this time, Zhao Lang didn't answer him at all.

Instead, he looked at the black hole between Yuanshi Tianzun and the earth in the picture, and there was some excitement in his eyes!
"Finally waited for this moment!"

Just as he finished speaking, he saw a black hole in the middle of the sky.


It spread from a radius of hundreds of miles to a radius of thousands of miles at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then shrank to the size of a thumb!

This operation cycled back and forth two or three times.

Until the end, with a bang that shattered the eardrums!
In the middle of the sky, several golden glows fell like golden rain.

But they were instantly frozen in midair.

Zhao Lang's eyes were full of anticipation at this time.

But Yuanshi Tianzun was dumbfounded.

He doesn't know what it is.

Could it be some magic circle?

Or is it Zhao Gongming's Myriad Treasures Formation?
It doesn't look like it.

Vaguely, there is still breath in it?

However, this cannot stop his determination to destroy everything!

At this time, the magic power has been released, and on the Pangu banner, all the killing power is displayed.

If these blades fell, San Xiao would definitely die!

The armies on both sides of Shang and Zhou had withdrawn as soon as they could, and fled as soon as they could.

They left here like crazy.

I am afraid that I will be injured by this overwhelming magic power!

Daoist Randeng used his spiritual power to run thousands of miles away with 12 people who had three flowers on the top and five spirits in their chests.

They watched from a distance.

However, that strange golden awn in mid-air.

But it always makes them unable to see through.

Everyone was wondering, but everything in front of them was instantly dark!

Black who can't see his fingers!

They even wondered if they were blind!
However, this darkness lasted for a few seconds.

However, in the darkness, there was a crack slowly opening.

It was as if the sky had been cut in half.

When it opened and closed, it turned out to be like a huge pupil.

In the pupils, there are streaks of blood color, which look very scary but orderly, and there is some truth in them!

This eyeball, like a universe, is very mysterious!
This eye blinks every time.

There is a thin golden mist sprinkled on the prehistoric land, and in a blink, the sky and the earth here are instantly restored to light, as bright as day!
One last touch!
That eye suddenly shrank!
It is shrinking rapidly at countless times.

It seems that it has just changed from a planet to the size of a normal eye at this time.

However, when he looked carefully, he saw that eye was the forehead of a person in mid-air!
The man was half naked, with sharp muscles and sharp edges!
It looks like a young man, with a handsome face, and behind him are three thousand black hair dancing wildly, stepping on the air like walking on the ground!

Holding a three-pointed two-edged knife in hand!

Above the eyebrows, there are three eyes, and the other two eyes are slightly closed, leaving only one eye to sweep the world!
for a while.

Everyone was amazed!
Their eyes focused on the man.

The latter is in the middle of the pass, below the Yuanshi Tianzun.

Above is densely packed mana blades that are about to fall!
The boy's eyes were closed tightly, only one eye on the forehead was scanning around.

The three-pointed, two-edged knife in his hand floated slowly, forming a natural ups and downs in mid-air along with his whole body.

All the beings present guessed one after another!

"Who is this!"

Because the aura on this person is extremely fierce!
Even speaking, he is infinitely stronger than Daluo Jinxian and Zhunsheng!
Lu Ya and Master Tongtian looked at Zhao Lang at the side at the same time.

They were dumbfounded and dumbfounded, while Zhao Lang had a proud expression on his face.

"This is Yang Jian?"

"This is Yang Jian!"

The two asked in unison

Zhao Lang nodded.

"That's right, this is Yang Jian!"

"This is, Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun!"

"Good guy!"

"You really surprise people again and again? Zhao Gongming!"

Both of them looked at Zhao Gongming with disbelief.

In that world, all the prehistoric and myriad creatures also looked at Yang Jian in midair with this expression.

The same is true for Yuanshi Tianzun.

He looked at that person, he was vaguely familiar, and then he looked clearly, it turned out to be his disciple Yang Jian?

At this moment, the Twelve Golden Immortals beside Daoist Ran Deng also slowly opened their eyes.

Although they lost their spiritual power, their lives were still there.

Master Yuding squinted his eyes and looked at the mid-air.

Seeing the figure below Yuanshi Tianzun, he was a little puzzled.

Looking at it again, I don't know whether to cry or laugh...

"It turned out to be Erlang! It turned out to be Erlang!"

Not only them.

All the saints who were watching at this time also noticed this.

Even the Heavenly Court, who was not going to pay attention to Honghuang, cast their eyes at this time.

Haotian's eyes scanned the scene below through the vast expanse.

Seeing Yang Jian in mid-air with that God of War attitude, he was slightly taken aback.

"Is this really Erlang? Why do you feel that he has been transformed from otherworldly?"

All living beings were shocked by Yang Jian's testimony.

However this time.

Zhao Lang smiled slightly.

Then he spoke slowly.

"Erlang, show them how powerful you are!"

Hearing this sentence, Yang Jian's ears moved slightly.

Then he opened his eyes under the eyes of the sky.

The light in the three eyes instantly gathered into a line!
Immediately cover its whole body.

On the body, some runes and scriptures appeared faintly.

The originally strong body seemed to be much stronger again at this time!

The three-pointed and two-edged gun in his hand was also tightly clenched, and he looked up at Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun was taken aback, although this person in front of him is his disciple, why did he listen to Zhao Gongming?

Could it be that...

He thought of a certain possibility, and this possibility made his anger even deeper!

"Good job, Zhao Gongming! Really good! Really good!"

He gritted his teeth.

He didn't withdraw his mana because of this, but immediately summoned Pangu Banner, ready to destroy everything in one fell swoop, he was completely crazy!

Erlang had a cold expression on his face.

He sent a voice to ask Zhao Lang: "Master, can you make a move?"

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"Teach him a lesson, let's remember it long!"

Hearing what he said, Master Tongtian and Lu Ya were all surprised.

Wasn't this Yang Jian a quasi-sage before?

No matter how strong he is, how strong can he be?
Could it be that he has been proved and sanctified?

The two looked at Zhao Lang, and the latter's smug smile quickly told them the answer.

That's right!

Yang Jian is not only sanctified.

And has all the spiritual power of the law of the eye.

Moreover, Zhao Lang also passed on to him some other laws and supernatural powers, which made him stronger than many heavenly saints in terms of body, divine sense, and chaotic spiritual power!
Yang Jian looked at the flying knives that were about to approach him in mid-air.

After letting out a sigh, he hadn't fought for a long time.

Zhao Lang helped him become a saint, and Yang Jian knew this in his heart.

Even in the face of the real master in name, Yuanshi Tianzun.

He will not disobey Zhao Lang just because of this.

But he saw him holding the three-pointed two-edged knife with one hand, and swung it suddenly!
Whoosh!Boom boom boom!
A silver light pierced the sky, cutting off most of the billions of flying knives in the midair in an instant!

All beings are shocked!

Is this still the same Yang Jian from before?

Everyone felt a chill down their spine at this moment.

Especially the Jade Emperor.

"Good guy, if Erlang comes to seek revenge on me again at this time...I'm afraid..."

However, at this time, Yang Jian below did not stop because of this, after he made that swing.

Then he opened his eyes again.

The Heavenly Eye at this time is far stronger than his previous Heavenly Eye.

Now he is the great sage of the law of the eye.

In the eyes of that day, there is one of the laws of chaos!

When the spiritual power of these laws was mobilized, there was a faint scarlet light flashing in the pupil.

A moment later, this ray of light burst out at an extremely fierce speed!

The wind will rise!

Wherever it goes, everything is irradiated into residue powder!
In the true sense, "When you look up, the opposite side is broken into slag"!
The light penetrated from Yang Jian's sky eyes.

After tens of meters away from the body, it has risen to a spacious situation of tens of feet!
It doesn't look very strong, but if it gets even the slightest bit, I'm afraid it will die immediately!
Because Yang Jian's cultivation base at this time is a great saint!

(End of this chapter)

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