Chapter 399
Seeing that Master Tongtian didn't intend to do anything at all, Yuanshi Tianzun became a little anxious.

With his own strength, it is indeed difficult to get Tongtian to attack directly.

He thought for a while, and then passed the voice to the others.

After a moment.

Here in the world, a ray of auspiciousness is removed from the clouds.

Several streaks of golden awn and golden rain fell.

Two pure white and flawless lotus pedestals, holding Zhunti and guiding them, come to the sky here.

There are no Western disciples, only Jieyin and Zhunti.

Zhunti had a sour face, and seemed a little dissatisfied.

After enlightening himself under the bodhi tree, he was invited out by Zhunti.

The latter looked at the Master Tongtian below with a smile on his face.

With a raised eyebrow, Zhunti said lightly: "Junior Brother Tongtian?"

"I brought an old friend of yours here, would you like to take a look?"

After finishing speaking, Zhunti flicked his fingers lightly, and immediately after that, a person came slowly from mid-air.

This person's ears are hanging down, and his face is always filled with a happy smile...

It was the long-eared Dingguang Immortal in that sect.

It's just that at this time, he is called Dingguang Huanxi Buddha in Western religion!

Zhao Lang couldn't bear it now, what does this mean?
This is obviously a direct provocation, right?
Stretch out your face, you can't beat it!

Call the former disciple of the other party to the front and let him see that now the disciple of the other party has betrayed the religion, but he lives very freely under his own hands.

This proves that the Western religion is more than a hundred times better than the cut-off religion.

However, Tongtian has specially cultivated his mind for a period of time.

He looked up at the Dingguang Huanxi Buddha whose face was brimming with happiness, and just sneered.

"If he thinks it's better to be a bald donkey, then no one can stop him, but you took my eldest disciple Duobao captive, and now he has returned to my sect? And he is loyal to me!"

"It can be seen from this that the way you treat people in the West is not very good!"

Hearing what he said, Zhunti's face sank, and he said angrily.

"Tongtian, don't talk nonsense, you are full of things in the sect, don't you know? People with fur and horns, people who have hatched from wet eggs, this kind of thing is also worthy of being a disciple of the Saint Sect ? We are all people born with Dao body, my servant, even if he is a wild dog who has practiced for thousands of years, then he is nothing more than a wild dog!"

Zhun mentioned that provoking Tongtian would not work, so he changed the topic and provoked the disciples of Jiejiao.

Sure enough, the Jiejiao disciples did not make any preparations for this, nor did they cultivate their xinxing.

After hearing these words, they all gritted their teeth and used their spiritual power one after another.

Some were eager to try and waited for Tongtian to give an order.

However, Tongtian is very calm, and it has to be said that Zhao Lang admires him a little.

He smiled casually.

"So what if you are a human race? Although you are born with a Taoist body, you have a human face and a beast heart. You are not even as good as a beast. How can such a person be qualified to become a disciple of the Saint Sect? What do you think, bald donkey?"

Hearing his immediate reply, Zhunti's face became even more gloomy.

He was about to take something out of his sleeve as soon as he changed hands, but he was held down by the guide on the side. Now if the leader of the Tongtian sect hadn't made the first move, none of them would have made the move directly, but in the current scene, It is obvious that several saints joined hands to force the leader of the Tongtian sect to take action.

In this way, they can join hands to defeat it openly and aboveboard.

Zhunti was guided and pressed, thought for a while, then let go of his hand, and smiled again.

"Tongtian, you three Qings should be one, but Lao Dan and Yuanshi Tianzun both abandoned you. Why? Could it be that only two of the three Qings are Pan Gu authentic? Is this Qing of yours? "

Hearing this sentence, Master Tongtian frowned slightly.

Dao Xin was a little unstable for a moment.

After all, it is well known that Sanqing Pangu is authentic, and now Zhunti really doubts his authenticity because of this?
This is a great humiliation to him!
On the side of Jujiao, all the disciples were already blushing with anger!

They couldn't wait to make a move!
However, looking at Tongtian, the latter is still swallowing his anger.

Ever since, some of them couldn't help talking.

"Master! I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore."

"They didn't bring any disciples, why not just today, and we will fill in all the other disciples who explain the teachings on the list of gods!"

"That's right! Master, you see them slandering you with such bloody words, I feel uncomfortable after hearing that!"

"That's right, Master! Let's do it!"

All the disciples dissuaded him one after another, but Tongtian's Dao heart really loosened a little at this time!
Unexpectedly, even the sage failed to persuade him, but in the end he made the disciple deceive his master.

Tong Tian snorted coldly, then looked at the three in midair.

"You guys are going to force me to take action today? Don't you?"

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned.

"Tongtian, what do you mean? We didn't say that. Could it be that you want to make a move?"

Zhunti also said immediately.

"Junior Brother Tongtian, you can't say that. When will I force you to act? I have always persuaded you with kind words. I persuade you to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

The voices of the two of them fell, but none of the people present continued to speak.

And Jieying just watched everything at the moment with a blank face.

However, at this moment, another voice came from midair.

"Tongtian... Stop it."

The voice fell, but I saw Lao Dan with his hands down, slowly descending to the world here.

By coincidence, he stood with Zhunti, Jieyin, and Yuanshi Tianzun, facing the leader of Tongtian.

"Close hand?"

Master Tongtian shook his head and laughed.

"This seat didn't even make a move."

"You just let me stop?"

"All along, you have oppressed me so much, I still can't figure it out, why?"

"Dayan fifty, Tianyan fourty-nine, leaving a line to compete with others, this line is the hope cut out, and this is also the original intention of this seat to establish the cut off teaching, in order to let those of you who think of yourself as noble, and Those who you once looked down upon will be treated as equals!"

The voice that reaches the sky resounds through the prehistoric world, and all creatures and spirits are heard in their ears.

"My Dao heart has always been so firm! You are the ones who are really messed up! Now, do you want to force me to take action?"

When the Master Tongtian said this, his face was already a little gloomy.

He looked at the four heavenly saints in mid-air.

Especially when Lao Dan descended, it was obvious that his Dao heart had loosened a bit.

Perhaps this was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"You want to force me to take action... that's good!"

Tong Tian sneered, and then waved his hand, signaling the disciples of Jiejiao to back off.

All the Jiejiao disciples felt aggrieved, but seeing that their master was finally ready to make a move.

They also all support the Master Tongtian in their hearts...

But among them.

There is no one who can really help Tongtian.

After all, this is a battle of saints.

The saints are all ants. It can be said that the participation of these ants can only add to the chaos and not help.

Therefore, the disciples of Jiejiao retreated for hundreds of miles very wisely.

Because they know that once the leader of Tongtian is angry, the sword formation of Zhuxian will be sacrificed, and the power will be unparalleled!

The Great Desolate No. [-] killing formation will cover everything within a hundred or even a thousand miles.

However, at this moment, Zhao Lang in mid-air sighed.

"After all, the defense is broken!"

As soon as his voice fell, Tong Tian slowly raised his hand.

The moment he raised his hand, the disciples of the two sects of Chanjue unconsciously felt a little panic in their hearts.

Back a thousand miles again!
"Good guy! The current spiritual power of Master Tongtian seems to be very majestic!"

"This kind of spiritual power seems to be somewhat stronger than that of Taiqing sage Lao Dan!"

There are also discussions in the cut-off teaching.

"When did Master's cultivation become so high?"

"The Immortal Execution Sword Formation has displayed its holy power to such an extent that it has not been sacrificed yet. No wonder the Four Saints cannot fight against one of them!"


They just thought of this, but saw Tongtian slowly raised his head.

"I didn't expect the righteousness of this seat to be regarded as a different kind by you. Could it be that the existence of different kinds is really not allowed in this world?"

"Could it be that in this world, only you so-called self-righteous people are allowed to exist, and other creatures have no chance of survival?"

"In this way, you, saints of the Dao of Heaven, did it for others to see, not for yourself!"

"You... are saints in vain!"

Speaking of this, his big hand clenched tightly!
(End of this chapter)

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