Chapter 401: The Four Saints Fight to the Heavens!

After finishing speaking, he swung a sword energy again, this sword energy was more fierce than before!
It was from the third sword, the Immortal Falling Sword!
Immediately afterwards, the second, third, fourth...

They headed for the positions of the four saints in mid-air respectively!

Seeing this, the four saints were all shocked!
Hurry to use spiritual power to protect the whole body, and then respond immediately.

But seeing Lao Dan, he directly sacrificed the Taiji diagram in his hand!

The appearance of yin and yang and eight trigrams in the Taiji diagram instantly caused the earth, fire, water, and wind in the Zhuxian sword formation to repeat themselves, transforming them into spiritual power that is beneficial to the other four saints.

In the formation, it is very important to find a position that is conducive to casting mana!
It is also one of the most important conditions for breaking the formation.

Seeing that Lao Dan finally made a move, the last thought in Master Tongtian's heart was instantly broken.

He waved his hands, and instantly summoned hundreds of millions of dense sword qi and gang wind!

In this world, it is like a violent storm!
Madly attacking the four heavenly saints in the midair!
However, at this time, the Four Saints finally found their suitable point of strength in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

One after another, they displayed their magical powers and mana.

Master Tongtian had a gloomy face.

At this time, he only had killing in his eyes.

Since the other party wants to stop killing with killing, then he will respond. In terms of killing, the Zhuxian Sword Formation ranks second in the prehistoric world, and I am afraid no one dares to be the first!

Sure enough, under the slashing, chopping, stabbing, and prodding of countless sword qi, the Four Saints soon became somewhat overwhelmed.

Zhao Lang was excited to see it in mid-air!
At this time, I was a little nervous and excited for Tongtian!
When he saw the embarrassment of the four saints in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he finally understood in a real sense what it means to fight against one of the four saints!
But it was just a war.

If the four saints don't show their respective housekeeping skills, I am afraid that the leader of Tongtian will dominate everything that happens in the Zhuxian Sword Formation!
Zhao Lang was even a little curious, if Tong Tian really won, he would send the other four Heavenly Dao Saints.

After defeat, what kind of mood will it be?
In the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which must be fought against by the four saints, the four saints fought together, and in the end, all the four saints were defeated miserably.

Then, in the future, will they have any face to show up in the wild?
This point was not only thought of by Zhao Lang.

The four of them also thought of this possibility in their hearts at this time.

After all, the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation in front of him is so terrifying that people have to think of the worst possibility.

But at this time, the hands of the leader of Tongtian were floating around his body.

Every time he swung it, one of the dharma swords inlaid in the prehistoric surroundings would burst out a powerful and powerful sword energy that could cut through the void!

If that spiritual power fell anywhere in the prehistoric world, it would be enough to split dozens of mountains and penetrate the bottom of the sea!

It is conceivable how much pressure the four saints are under at this time!
While the four saints were busy parrying each other's sword energy and mana, Zhunti still looked at Yuanshi Tianzun.

"You never said that Tongtian's current cultivation is so strong! Is this still Tongtian?"

Hearing his question, Yuanshi Tianzun was also a little at a loss.

"I don't know. I'm afraid he got some kind of opportunity in the chaos. You can see that every piece of magic power in his Zhuxian sword formation basically has the aura of chaos spirit power, but in the prehistoric world, except for Zhao Gongming, who else has the chaos spirit power?" force?"

Hearing what he said, Zhunti asked hurriedly.

"Have you forgotten your disciple Yang Jian?"

Hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun's face darkened, and he looked at Zhunti.

"Don't forget what we are doing now! Are you trying to provoke me to deal with you?"

Zhunti didn't want to, this time was the home field of the leader of Tongtian.

If the other two Three Qings suddenly turned against each other, they would face him and the two Western Sects.

Then they must be in bad luck.

Thinking of this, Zhunti stopped talking, but hastily dealt with one after another of mana coming like a storm!
This mana bombardment lasted for more than an hour.

The powerful fluctuation of spiritual power attracted the eyes of all the practitioners in the prehistoric world.

Even if they are separated by hundreds of millions of miles, they can still see the Zhuxian Sword standing in the distance like four pillars of the sky, forming a large formation, in which golden light and profound light are constantly flashing.

"Good guy! The saint actually made a fight?"

"Who is this against? Is it Sanqing against Western religion?"

"I don't know, but it's unprecedented to use the Zhuxian Sword Formation to such an extent! Master Tongtian must be very angry at this time!"...

All living beings talked about it one after another.

Even people with inexperienced skills can see how terrifying the Zhuxian Sword Formation of Master Tongtian is.

However, the Four Sages in the formation were even more uncomfortable.

Although Lao Dan summoned the Taiji Diagram and changed the earth, fire, water and wind, he has not displayed any magic weapon and supernatural power for the main attack.

It just reversed the spiritual power of all the saints in the dojo.

It is convenient for them to make a move.

But he himself has been hesitating.

Because the Tongtian in front of him is also his fellow apprentice after all.

The three of them came out of the same place, and they are all Pan Gu authentic, there is no doubt about it.

It is now in this state.

This scene was the last thing he wanted to see.

But that's it.

If you don't stop Tongtian, I'm afraid that the other disciples of the Saint Sect and even the creatures around thousands of miles away will suffer for it!
Finally, Lao Dan, the Taiqing sage, also took into account the surrounding creatures belatedly.

Immediately, he looked at the other three saints.

"Don't be alone, work together."

Hearing that Lao Dan had spoken, the other three saints nodded.

Immediately, they quickly gathered in one place.

The four saints quickly gathered together, and Tongtian's sharp sword energy only came towards this place at the same time. The four of them stood in a row and used their spiritual power to resist the crazy and terrifying mana sword energy of the leader of Tongtian.

"We must join hands, otherwise we will not be able to break through the Zhuxian Sword Formation."

Old Dan said in a deep voice, this was the last thing he was willing to say in person.

The other three saints nodded in unison.

At the same time, the three of them turned their holy prestige to the extreme!

However, in the middle of the sky, the bodies of the four saints were quickly covered with dazzling golden light!
This golden light was already shining very brightly, and the light gathered by the four together almost blinded the eyes of the surrounding creatures who were watching the creatures!

The disciples of Jiejiao were outside the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, looking at their master fighting against the four heavenly sages with their own strength, all of them felt a little nervous in their hearts.

"Master is really strong!"

"Master! We must not lose to them!"

"How is it possible? How could Master lose to them? What are you talking about?"

They talked a lot, but no one could really help.

At this time, Zhunti, Jieyin, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Laodan displayed their spiritual powers to protect their bodies.

The sword qi and strong wind that hit the surrounding madly.

There is no way to get close to his body.

Master Tongtian frowned, and then he adjusted his mana to a higher level.

The fierce sword energy instantly became several times more brutal!
But at this moment, in mid-air, Zhunti suddenly said loudly.

"Junior Brother Tongtian! Although the four of us are already in your formation, your Zhuxian sword formation still can't hurt us in the slightest. Why don't you just accept the sword formation and hand over the Zhuxian four swords!"

Hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly.

"Hand it over? Break it open before you talk!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly closed his palms together!
Whoosh whoosh!

But I saw that the Zhuxian sword formation suddenly shrank by a hundred feet!

The mana in it didn't stop because of this, but became more intensive!
However, among all the saints, apart from Master Tongtian, the one who knows the Zhuxian Sword Formation the most is actually Yuanshi Tianzun.

Ever since Tongtian helped Zhao Lang, the time he dealt with Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun secretly noted several shortcomings of Zhuxian Sword Formation.

And keep it in your heart, in order to wait for this day!
Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the other three saints and said in a deep voice.

"Now his Immortal Execution Sword Formation is too powerful, there is only one way to break this formation!"

When the three saints heard this, they all turned their heads to look at the latter.

"any solution?"

Yuanshi Tianzun raised his brows, looked around the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and said in a deep voice.

"If you want to break through the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, you can only have a chance if you break through the four methods, but you must break through the four methods at the same time!"

Hearing this, the three saints frowned slightly.

"What method is it? Tell me quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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