Chapter 43

Zhang Tian and others are on their way to the human race.

Suddenly a golden light shot from the direction of Buzhou Mountain and penetrated into Zhang Tian's forehead.

Yang Jian and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then they realized that it was Zhao Lang who temporarily placed a ray of cultivation on Zhang Tian's body.

When this ray of golden light came to Zhang Tian, ​​he could feel his strength suddenly skyrocketing. At this time, he should be around the beginning level of the quasi-sage, a little stronger than Yang Jian.

"Go on, I've already seen the person who stopped teaching, presumably the teaching is not far away."

Zhang Tian said lightly.

"What is an interception? Can it be killed?"

Zhang Ling tilted his head, as if eager to try.

Yang Jian pulled him back, and said nervously: "Don't make trouble again, the last time I was accepted by Kong Xuan, I don't have a long memory!"

She nodded reluctantly, and looked at Zhang Tian, ​​who ignored her and continued on.

Zhang Tian is Zhao Lang's avatar, although it is a completely different soul, he follows him.

But he belongs to Zhao Lang, in other words, half of him is Zhao Lang.

Zhao Lang began to retreat, but the avatar was also controlled by him, and he could feel everything he saw and heard.

The three of them came to a post house and rested for half a day.

"My master said, if you want to see the person who intercepts the teaching, just run away. How powerful is the interception?"

Yang Jian looked at Zhang Tian, ​​as if asking for advice.

The latter didn't speak, but shook his head.

"This time, the three eradicated Laozi, Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun both sent disciples to preach among the human race."

Yang Jian followed up.

Hearing this, Zhang Tian spoke slowly: "It's useless, they are fighting over and over again, and they are just recruiting talents for the Western Sect."

Zhang Ling didn't understand this, but Yang Jian was taken aback.

"The power of the Western religion is so weak now, even the underworld has to be divided in half with the heaven."

Indeed, Western religion seems to be quite low-key.

Especially Zhunti, he usually doesn't go out of the mountain, and he has been retreating all the time.

But there is one person who is inseparable from Zhunti.

It is Patriarch Bodhi.

Rumor has it that Patriarch Bodhi is Zhunti's clone.

Patriarch Bodhi has been preaching the Dharma all these years in the prehistoric world, but his behavior is very similar to that of Zhunti.

Western religions seem to be neither fighting nor grabbing, but when the Three Qings were fighting among themselves, they frantically recruited people from various sects.

Especially when the Interceptor was defeated in the end, he led a Qiankun bag to take away three thousand people from the world of mortals...

It can be seen that compared to Tongtian's straightforward nature and Yuanshi Tianzun's arrogance, the calculations of the two Westerners are more cunning.

"When the time comes, we will follow Reverend Yuding and not get too involved in the battles between their sects."

Zhang Tian closed his eyes and said lightly.

Zhang Ling smiled, his voice like a silver bell was extremely clear.

"Are you pretending to be a master?"

She didn't understand these things, but felt that Zhang Tian's recent actions were very similar to Zhao Lang.

After waving his hand, Zhang Tian ignored her, "If there is a chance, I will go to Taoist Duobao."

After discussing the next itinerary, the three of them practiced separately.

After staying in the chaos for a long time, Zhao Lang only felt that his head was groggy.

This is still the case for him, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, one can imagine how much pressure this chaos puts on the soul.


Zhao Lang murmured, withdrawing his consciousness from the mirror of Chaos Dao.

If you keep using your spiritual consciousness to explore inside like this, the speed is too slow, and it will do great damage to the spirit.

He has to go in himself.


What if I meet the Chaos Demon God again?
Zhao Lang hesitated, but suddenly noticed a strange noise outside the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, the Xuanhei Tiger has turned into its original form, a fierce tiger with golden eyes and golden patterns tens of meters long!

Hutong stared closely at the person in front of him. The person looked quite kind, but his moves were vicious and deadly.

"Ding! Patriarch Bodhi has been detected, you can choose."

"One, go out of the mountain immediately, kill him, and you can get Bodhi."

"Second, never go out of the mountain, but come forward to solve the problem and protect Xuanheihu, you can get the Dao Soul Fixing Needle."

Patriarch Bodhi?

Zhao Lang's mind instantly thought of that guy Zhunti.

Then his figure flashed out of the hole.

"Mysterious black tiger."

He said calmly, after the tiger heard it, it came behind him and turned into a human form.

"This guy wants to see you, and if I say no, I'll fight!"

Xuan Heihu looked at Patriarch Bodhi and said bitterly.

"This benefactor must be the sage of Zhoushan, I have been admiring him for a long time! I am the Patriarch Bodhi!"

Patriarch Bodhi came forward and saluted.

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Lang looked indifferent. Although this Bodhi Patriarch is stronger than Xuanheihu and is a mid-level quasi-sage, he is not to be feared by Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"Sage Zhoushan, now that the two religions are competing for the luck of the human race, why are you still so calm?"

Bodhi asked.

"I don't need these, let them fight."

Zhao Lang replied.

"Sure enough, you are powerful. Such a state of mind makes us feel ashamed. If you are so kind, if you go to Lingshan, the two saints in the west will definitely treat you as a Buddha!"

Sure enough, that's what he came for.

From this, it can be confirmed that this Bodhi Patriarch is Zhunti's clone. The latter has come to trouble Zhao Lang before, so if it is not good to come forward again, let him try it out.

Hmph, it's a pity, I've seen through you a long time ago, Zhunti.

Zhao Lang shook his head regretfully: "Oh! The two sages of Western religion are infinite! It's really ashamed that they think highly of me."

Bodhi smiled and said: "Don't worry about the great power. I have some relationship with Zhunti saint. I knew him before he was sanctified. You go with me, and I will recommend you. I believe that the two of you will be able to let go of your grievances! Let's work together! Good fortune!"

"Unfortunately, I promise Hongyuan that I will not participate in the disputes in the prehistoric world. Although the Western saints aim to save all living beings, they are in a catastrophe, and I am afraid of death. Thank you for your kindness!"

If you want to play, I will play with you!

Zhao Lang seemed to be very regretful, he didn't wait for Patriarch Bodhi to speak again, and immediately said: "My fellow Taoist, I think you have good aptitude, why don't you come here with me to practice in seclusion and stay away from worldly affairs, how about it?"


Bodhi was speechless for a moment.

Why did you start to win me over?
"Hey! It seems fellow daoists don't want to, and since that's the case, it's not easy to force them to stay. I still have to retreat, so I won't send them away."

Seemingly disappointed, Zhao Lang shook his head, then turned and entered the Pangu Immortal Cave.

Xuanheihu glanced at Bodhi, and continued to sit at the entrance of the cave.

For a moment, Patriarch Bodhi was embarrassed.

"This guy!"

Zhunti, who was watching secretly, scolded.

Then he had to let Patriarch Bodhi leave first.

He originally wanted the avatar to invite him as a Buddha, but he didn't expect Zhao Lang to still refuse, and he couldn't keep up with what he said.

"Since that's the case, Duo Baolai can only do it!"

Compared with Daoist Duobao, Zhunti originally planned to make him a Buddha, and even gave him a dharma name, which was called "Tathagata."

But the meaning of the introduction is that the catastrophe is approaching, and for the luck of the Western religion, it is more suitable for a more famous person to sit in this position.

Looking at it now, this person can't die on the mountain, so Duobao can only sit on it.

Back in the Immortal Cave, the system issued the Dao Dao Soul Needle to Zhao Lang.

"What's the use?"

Zhao Lang looked at the embroidery needle in his hand with a puzzled look on his face.

It won't be the same as Dinghaishenzhen!

He doesn't need such a big weapon.

Infused with mana, Zhao Lang recognized him as the master, and then a ray of information entered his mind.

"The Dao Dao Soul Needle, acting on oneself can make the consciousness stable, free from fluctuations in the spiritual power of the Dao of Chaos, acting on others, can seal the mana."

The system is really considerate!

Looking at the silver needle, Zhao Lang was worried that his spiritual consciousness would consume too much energy in the chaos, and with it, he could swim in the mirror of the chaotic road!
He stuck the silver needle on the acupuncture point between his eyebrows, and then turned his spiritual power to plunge his consciousness into the chaos.

Sure enough, he felt a lot more relaxed, and his mental strength was not gradually weakened.

After penetrating the divine sense, Zhao Lang is equivalent to directly entering it and can move around.

There is a feeling of being out of the body!
He gets excited.

Manipulate the divine sense to continue exploring.

The exploration time this time was longer than before, and because of the existence of the soul-fixing needle, he didn't feel any discomfort.

But this chaos is too huge, just like the Milky Way.

After searching for an unknown amount of time, Zhao Lang finally found a place.

This is a palace, hidden in the clouds and mist, looming.

After the divine sense slowly approached, he was taken aback.

Zixiao Palace!
Looking at the three large characters on the plaque outside the hall, Zhao Lang hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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