Chapter 45

"What Taoist Lu Ya?"

Great Immortal Tuntian disapproved and asked casually.

But the steps began to move slowly towards the two of them.

Zhang Tian stopped Zhang Ling and snorted coldly.

"Do you still remember the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?"

Hearing this, the Sky Swallowing Toad suddenly stopped in its tracks.

"What do you want to say?"

How could he not know, in the catastrophe of the Lich, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi finally faced the ancestor Wu Xuanming alone in order to save his life.

In his heart, the fact that Donghuang Taiyi saved his life became a knot in his heart.

Zhang Tian said with a smile: "Tai Yi has ten sons, one of them is still alive, do you know?"

"What did you say?"

Seeing Zhang Tian pacing slowly, Tun Tian's expression was full of surprise, but also full of disbelief.

"Are you?"


Zhang Tian shook his head, "I'm not, my master, Daoist Lu Ya is!"

The former who said this sentence had mixed feelings, kept thinking, fell silent for a moment, and glanced at Zhang Ling.

"You take me to see him, I'll let you go."

Shrugging his shoulders, Zhang Tian said: "Not now, we are ordered by the sage of Zhoushan to wait here."

"Sage Zhoushan? What are you waiting for?"

"The next catastrophe!"

Hearing this, Tuntian's expression was wonderful.

He has already experienced the catastrophe of the Lich, and the horror is still fresh in his memory, as if it was just yesterday.

"Damn Yuanshi Tianzun, you actually want to drag me into another catastrophe!"

He frowned and looked at Zhang Tian, ​​"Wait here and don't leave, if you dare to trick me, I will swallow you alive."

Then, he turned and left, looking at the direction of his departure, it seemed to be towards Kunlun Mountain...

Zhao Lang heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Zhang Tian had such a relationship with Taoist Lu Ya, otherwise today would be more ominous...

Biyou Palace.

Duobao no longer retreats, because he has been too irritable recently.

Zhunti kept giving him dreams and sound transmissions, so that he could come to the West to teach as soon as possible, otherwise the position of Buddha would be lost...

It made his mental state a little bad.

"What's wrong with you? Duobao?"

Master Tongtian saw that the former had something on his mind and asked.

Duobao dared to say: "I'm fine, Master, it's just that I haven't made any progress in my retreat recently, and I'm a little irritable."

"Haha, don't learn from him anymore, his aptitude is unheard of in ancient times, it's enough to just listen to my sermon here." Tong Tian laughed.

Taoist Duobao was silent for a while.

"Master, why are you not in a hurry at all to compete with you for luck in the prehistoric human race?"

Hearing the words, Tong Tian waved his hand disapprovingly, "He explained that those people's hearts are higher than the sky, and the human race will not be convinced. Instead, I went to find that Bu Zhoushan some time ago, and I have reached a consensus to help me get that item. The object of the Lord's robbery!"

He seemed confident, with a twinkle in his eye.

"Duobao, take Jin Ling and others down the mountain and find someone named Zhang Tian."

Duobao nodded, and bowed deeply, "I'm going right now, disciple."

Watching the former leave, Master Tongtian smiled strategically, as if everything was under his control, but he didn't know that he would be defeated in the end...

In the mountains.

Zhang Tian and the others did not leave, and stayed in the ruined temple.

"I'm mad at me too!"

The Great Immortal Swallowing Heaven walked into the temple angrily, Zhang Ling hurriedly stood up, releasing his spiritual power, but was pressed down by Zhang Tian.

"Senior, how are you?"

"You're right. Now Yuanshi Tianzun has sent the Twelve Golden Immortals down the mountain, ready to come looking for you."

Zhang Tian shook his head, he wasn't looking for me.

Looking at Zhang Ling, Zhang Tian smiled and said, "Senior, how about we make a deal?"

Immortal Tuntian frowned upon hearing this.

"I know you really want to see my master Lu Ya Taoist, and I will take you to see him, but before that, I want you to protect me, how about it?"

Zhang Tian continued.

Because of Zhao Lang's ray of cultivation, the strength of the avatar has also reached the elementary level of quasi-sage, but after all, it is not his main body's cultivation, and it is still a bit unfamiliar to use.

After hesitating for a while, the Great Immortal Swallowing Heaven nodded slowly, agreeing to Zhang Tian's conditions.

The three immediately left the ruined temple and headed towards the human race.

Zhao Lang just came back from the chaos, and practiced in it for ten thousand years.

"Ding! It is detected that Nuwa is outside the cave, and you can choose."

"One, go out of the mountain immediately, defeat Nuwa, prove that you are stronger than a saint, and you can get the five-color god stone."

"Second, continue to retreat and break through to the middle level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and you can get the Pangu Soul Refining Method, ten acquired treasures."

Looking at the second option, Zhao Lang's eyes lit up.

Two rewards in a row, the system is really generous!
"Sage Zhoushan, I am Nuwa, can I show up and see?"

Outside the cave, Nuwa spoke.

Looking at Xuanheihu, his brows are slightly crooked.

"I'm sorry, Saint Nuwa, I'm in retreat, so it's inconvenient to show up."

Zhao Lang's voice came from the cave.

"Well, let me say here, Saint Zhoushan, where did you take Kong Xuan?"

Nuwa asked, she couldn't help it in the end, she originally wanted Kong Xuan and Kunpeng to re-promote the monster race, but when Kong Xuan left, most of the monsters dispersed, and her plan fell through.

Zhao Lang said lightly: "Sage Nuwa, you should understand that the monster race is the past tense, and the human race is the next protagonist of the world."

Hearing this, Nuwa was silent for a moment.

"I heard that Zhang Tian's master is Taoist Lu Ya? And Taoist Lu Ya, is the ten sons of the Eastern Emperor?"

How does she know?

Zhao Lang was taken aback, these saints love to eavesdrop so much?

"I don't know about this, you can ask Lu Ya yourself."

Zhao Lang replied.

"What is the relationship between Zhang Tian and you?"

Nüwa then asked.

She has the merit of creating all living beings, and he is very familiar with creating life. Through Zhang Tian, ​​she can clearly feel that there is a ray of soul in it that does not belong to that physical body.

"Sure enough, no matter how weak you are, you are still a saint..."

Zhao Lang was very surprised, except for those who had been in Pangu Immortal Cave, no one else knew that Zhang Tian was his clone.

After a while, Zhao Lang's voice came out of the cave.

"What does Nuwa Saint mean?"

Nuwa said slowly: "I also know that the Yaozu can't go back to the past. I came to you to ask for something."

Sage Nuwa, have something to ask me?


"The catastrophe is approaching. As a saint, I can't make a move. I would like to ask you to protect the monster clan at that time."

As she said that, Nuwa's eyes swept over Xuanheihu.

"It's easy to say, although I won't go out of the mountain, I can also ask my disciple or Kong Xuan to help me." Zhao Lang replied.

"This is the banner for recruiting demons, so I will keep it with you first. Wan Yao is now under your orders, and I hope you will protect them well."

As she spoke, a gourd appeared in Nuwa's hand, and after she put it on the ground, she disappeared outside the Pangu fairy cave.

Recruiting demon flags?
Zhao Lang was a little surprised, if he had the demon banner in his hand, wouldn't it be impossible for Daji and other demons to go to cholera when King Zhou went to send incense to humiliate the saint?
Putting it into the cave, Zhao Lang looked at the gourd and ten acquired treasures on the ground, and then put it in his sleeve.

Immediately afterwards, the information of Pangu's Soul Refining Method flooded into his mind.

This is also a domineering technique for cultivating soul power!
Zhao Lang's physical body has reached its peak, but the Dao of Chaos Mirror can only be entered with his consciousness. If it weren't for the Dao Dao Soul Needle, he would not be able to stay in it for tens of thousands of years.

And Pan Gu's Soul Refining Method is another powerful method that can cultivate the soul and consciousness!

Overjoyed, Zhao Lang immediately put himself into practice.

Inside the Yuxu Palace on Kunlun Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned.

"This Sky Swallowing Toad is still a beast after all, how dare he disobey me!"

Daoist Ran Deng stood beside him, looking haggard.

Apparently, he should also have been held in dreams by Zhunti recently.

"Did the Twelve Golden Immortals go down the mountain?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

Ran Deng nodded: "Master, I went down the mountain yesterday, and I should be on my way to find the Lingzhu at this time."

After a pause, he said again, "Master, why didn't you let them go to the human race to preach?"

Yuan Shi snorted coldly, "Hmph! Those human races only know to believe in him, the sage of Zhoushan, and my disciples went to preach, but not many people came to listen!"

Indeed, in the prehistoric world at this time, because of the appearance of Zhang Tian and others, the monster race is obviously not so arrogant, and the human race thinks that the sage of Zhoushan is manifesting, so their belief in him has deepened again...

Recently, the monster race has completely disappeared, as if they lost interest in the human race in an instant.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't know that it was all because Nuwa gave Zhaoyao Banner to Zhao Lang.

Now all the big and small monsters in the world listen to Zhao Lang's command.

"Take back the spirit bead first, if you can't take it back..."

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Ran Deng.

"It ruined it..."

(End of this chapter)

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