Chapter 48
"Is it because she is not a mortal thing?"

Zhao Lang murmured.

Manipulating Zhang Tian to look at the latter, her extremely clear eyes were scanning everyone curiously.

It seemed that she couldn't understand the catastrophe everyone was talking about.

When Hongjun preached, the Liches and Demons had already risen, but there was no quasi-sage at that time.

And by the time of the Lich Tribulation, there have been more than one top quasi-sages!
Zhao Lang came through retreat step by step.

He knows how difficult it is to continue to break through after the quasi-sage.

It turned out that it was the Dao of Heaven!

But the way of heaven is fair, why did you choose the robber?
Zhao Lang quickly figured it out.

Hongjun said that anyone who robs must have enjoyed the luck of heaven and earth. To put it simply, he has taken advantage of the heaven and earth.

Where there is gain, there is bound to be loss. The Dao of Heaven needs their help to eliminate the strong in the catastrophe, so that the prehistoric can return to the starting point, and the killing value can be minimized, thereby dissipating the prehistoric karma.

This is the same as the immunity of the human body. When the viruses and cells in the body are strong enough to threaten the human body, the human body will automatically eliminate them.

The saints are fighting for the luck of the heaven and the earth, and their disciples and grandchildren are naturally taking advantage of the heaven.

During the early robbery period of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, the dragon, phoenix, and kylin made the prehistoric killing karma heavy, so there was Rahu who created the demon ancestor, mastered the treasure of killing and slaying, and was selected by the Tao of Heaven as the robber to eliminate the dragon, phoenix, and kylin tribes.

The same is true for the Lich Tribulation.

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches are the authentic Pan Gu sect, they have always enjoyed the luck of heaven and earth, so they should be robbers.

Taiyi and Dijun unified the demon clan and had conflicts with the witch clan, causing floods of blood to flow into rivers. Of course, they were eliminated by the Dao of Heaven, which is why the saints did not help them.

After Zhao Lang figured it out, he thought about it carefully.

If calculated in this way, how many people around Zhao Lang can escape the catastrophe?

Reverend Yuding took a deep breath, he looked very nervous, and said: "The catastrophe is approaching, all the saints are fighting for the object of the master catastrophe, if my master gets it and masters the immeasurable catastrophe, I am afraid that the leader of the Tongtian sect will be furious... "

Taoist Duobao didn't speak and remained silent.

Everyone can understand the mood of Master Tongtian.

He is wholeheartedly in order to stop teaching, if he is allowed to get the object of the Lord's robbery, he will definitely not let his disciples into the robbery.

But if Yuanshi Tianzun is allowed to get it, then Jiejiao will be completely passive. With the character of the leader of Tongtian, it will definitely cause Jiejiao to target elucidation.

When the Sanqing officially entered the civil war, Hongjun's goal was achieved.

If he wants to represent the way of heaven, he must follow the destiny of heaven.

If the way of heaven wants to stop the decline of religion and the prosperity of Western religion, it must first turn the Sanqing against its enemies.

Zhang Tian shook his head, and said thoughtfully: "Hongjun will definitely not give it to Tongtian."

The crowd widened their eyes.

"I can't tell you if there are too many. You just need to take care of yourself and don't have to think about the saint. When the catastrophe comes, the saint will not be able to take care of himself. To them, your fate is nothing more than a battle of face."

Zhao Lang said to everyone through Zhang Tian's mouth.

Kong Xuan asked: "Why did I get robbed? They are because they belong to a sect, but I have been in the wild ocean recently, far away from saints?"

Shaking his head, Zhang Tian sighed: "You have been involved since Zhunti came looking for you."

What a Western religion, it's really vicious!
Kong Xuan gritted his teeth.

After listening to Zhang Tian's words, he fell into deep thought.

What should I do next?
Everyone is waiting for Zhao Lang to arrange.

But the avatar Zhang Tian didn't speak for a long time, and seemed to be very entangled.

"Why don't we call them back and hide in the Pangu fairy cave until the catastrophe passes?"

Zhao Lang immediately rejected this idea.

Such words are against the destiny. Even though hiding in the Pangu fairy cave can save everyone from disaster, Hongjun will not agree.

After he conforms to the way of heaven, he will act on behalf of the way of heaven.

If Hongjun really joins the Dao before Zhao Lang becomes a saint of the Dao, the secret realm of the Dao will no longer be able to stop him.

The more Zhao Lang thought about it, the more he frowned.

The only way now is to let everyone avoid the disaster, but at the same time interfere with the progress of Hongjun's union, and it is best to induce him to come out of the mountain.

If the sage started fighting right now, even if he was retreating, he would not be able to sit idly by...

In the end, he looked at Duobao and said seriously.

"Duobao, when you go to the West to teach, didn't Zhunti ask you to become a Buddha? You go to him immediately, don't worry about your reputation, the catastrophe is coming, and saving your life is the most important thing."

Daoist Duobao was very surprised. He considered that matter for a long time, but he still couldn't make a choice.

After all, the reputation of betraying the teacher is really bad, and the Master Tongtian regards him as a confidant...

But Daoist Duobao believed in Zhao Lang, thinking that the latter must have his own plans, so he nodded in response.

"Kong Xuan."

Zhang Tian then looked at him.

"I want you to lead the monster clan and fight against the heavens!"

Master is crazy!

"Master! Heaven?"

Kong Xuan looked at the clone Zhang Tian, ​​a little panicked.

Now he is no longer the demon king supported by Nuwa, and if he goes to heaven by himself, he might not even be able to break through the Nantian Gate.

"I will give you the demon banner, and you will be in charge of all the demons in the world, but remember..."

Zhang Tian paused for a moment, and then said: "It's a lie to ask you to fight against the Heavenly Court, and the main purpose is to create momentum. Then I will arrange for the Jade Emperor to send Sanxiao and the others to fight with you. You have to act like it."

Isn't the demon banner in Nuwa's hands?Kong Xuan was puzzled.

Zhang Tian threw the golden gourd from his sleeve and handed it to him. The latter hesitated for a while before agreeing.

"Yuding, when you go back to Kunlun, just say that I want to go out of the mountain, and I intend to go to Chanjiao, and it's best to be able to spread the word to Ran Deng's ears."

"Senior is about to leave the mountain!"


Everyone looked at Zhang Tian and asked about the main body Zhao Lang.

"What's going on? Just do as I tell you."

Zhang Tian frowned and said angrily.

Yuding Yang Jian nodded.

"Okay, you go, remember, don't let others guess the relationship between you and me."

Everyone agreed, and after a while, they all left and made preparations according to Zhao Lang's arrangement.

Chaos Palace.

Zhao Lang withdrew his consciousness from the chaos.

Practicing in that extremely harsh environment was indeed very helpful in improving the strength of his primordial spirit.

There is a flaw, however.

Unable to calm down completely, you have to be vigilant all the time.

After all, it is chaos, and there must be other chaos demon gods in it, countless!
In case of encountering those demon gods whose strength is comparable to that of a saint, Zhao Lang is definitely not their opponent.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Lang took off the Daohun needle on his forehead.

However, the process of cultivating the primordial spirit is extremely difficult.

Even with such a powerful method as the Pangu Soul Refining Method, without relying on the Soul-fixing Needle to enter the chaos, after a few hours, Zhao Lang would still feel a little unstable in his consciousness.

Putting away the Dinghun needle, Zhao Lang began to study the 24 Dinghaizhu.

At this time, all the powers of the ancestral witches were mastered by Zhao Lang. It is said that the twelve kinds of ancestral witches' powers gathered together to form a large formation of gods and evils, and at the same time, they could condense the true body of Pangu.

Suddenly, he wanted to give it a try.

Sacrifice the Dinghai Pearl into the air, and immediately pour his spiritual power into it.

For a moment, several rays of light shot out and irradiated the Chaos Palace, making the surroundings dazzled.

Reciting the formula in his heart, Zhao Lang mobilized the power of the ancestral witch.

The light in Dinghai Pearl began to condense in an indescribable state!
After a while, Zhao Lang's pupils suddenly shrank and enlarged!
The scene in front of him took him by surprise!
The 24 rays of light were divided into yin and yang, and twelve kinds of ancestral witch powers began to surround him.

Gradually, several beams of light actually weaved the outline of a human figure!

Pan Gu real body?

Seeing the gradual formation of the physical body, Zhao Lang's heart was shocked, and his hairs stood on end.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has successfully condensed Pan Gu's real body, and you can choose."

"One, leave the level immediately, use Pangu's real body to fight against the saint, and you can get the fragments of the sky-opening axe."

"Second, continue to retreat, die out of the mountain, merge with Pangu's real body, and get the stem of the chaotic green lotus."

Sky-opening ax fragments?

no!I can't die on the mountain...

What is a coriander stem?
Zhao Lang began to think back.

The chaotic green lotus was an accompaniment of Pan Gu, and it was also destroyed by the cracking of heaven and earth.

Its 24 petals of lotus were transformed into 24 good fortune jade cards, on which were recorded the three thousand ways of the Dao, and Hongjun obtained fragments of them later, and enlightened him by this.

The five leaves turned into ten innate treasures into the five-element flag, Qiankun tripod, twelve-grade lotus platform, mountain and river sheji map, river map and Luoshu, etc...

But, only the lotus stem is missing...

It turned out to be here in the system?

Following Zhao Lang's choice, a lotus stem like Haoyu appeared in his hand.

But it doesn't look like anything special.

Zhao Lang thought, do you need to inject your own spiritual power into it?
In order to obtain the magic weapon?

(End of this chapter)

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