My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 50 The fairy cave disappears, and the treasure hall appears!

Chapter 50 The fairy cave disappears, and the treasure hall appears!
Zhao Lang looked at his trembling hands.

Daoist Yang Mei gave him a feeling he had never felt before, which was far stronger than the oppressive feeling Hongjun gave him.

That feeling is called...


Zhao Lang took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes.

He broke through, because he fused with Pan Gu's real body, and obtained a ray of Pan Gu's divine sense.

But he was not at all happy.

He stood up, calmed down.

After recovering, he felt that his physical body was full of strength, and the Pangu Soul Refining Method that he had been practicing had reached perfection at this time.

Probably because of that ray of divine sense.

Zhao Lang felt that he could split the earth in half with one palm!
"You are alive."

Hongjun's voice suddenly came from outside the Tianji Temple.

Zhao Lang hurried out of the Chaos Palace.


Pangu fairy cave... is gone?
But the secret realm of the Dao is still there, and it can be seen that a layer of pale golden spiritual power covers the thousand miles around the Chaos Palace.

"Looking at the prehistoric world, few people are your opponents, you can go out now."

Hongjun's voice echoed in the sky.

A choice followed in Zhao Lang's consciousness:

"Ding! It is detected that Daozu Hongjun persuaded the host to come out of the mountain, and you can choose."

"[-]. Immediately leave the customs, master the immeasurable catastrophe, compete for the luck of the world, and survive the catastrophe to get the jade plate of good fortune."

"Second, ignore Hongjun and continue to retreat. The target is a great saint, and you can get the refining treasure tripod."

Want to lure me out of the mountain?
Zhao Lang snorted coldly, Hongjun persuaded him to leave the customs because he felt that he could no longer control himself and was afraid of him.

This old bastard even plots against his own disciples, he is definitely not a good person!

"I won't leave the customs, Hongjun."

Zhao Lang called Daozu's name directly!

Of course, the existence of the Dao Secret Realm made Zhao Lang confident.

"Are you going to keep the agreement between us?"

Hongjun continued to ask.

Zhao Lang shook his head, "Let's compare and see whether I will be the Dao Sage first or you will be the Dao of Heaven first!"

As long as the Great Tribulation of Conferring the Gods does not pass, it is impossible for Hongjun to join forces.

Zhao Lang has absolute confidence!

He is now a middle-level Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and he is not afraid of Western teachings in front of him.

Hongjun didn't continue to respond, and the world returned to calm.

After Zhao Lang refused to go out, he continued to return to the Chaos Palace, and he wanted to sink into cultivation immediately.

On the other side, Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun passed a password to Liusheng.

"The catastrophe will start soon."

Tongtian was shocked, he didn't expect to come so fast.

Yuanshi Tianzun snickered, he knew what was going on.

Kunlun is so close to Buzhou Mountain, he naturally heard the conversation between Hongjun and Zhao Lang.

But he didn't know Hongjun's plan.

Only when the conferring of the gods is over and the karma of the world is cleared, can he be in harmony with the way of heaven.

Yuanshi Tianzun also has no time to go to Zhao Lang now, he has to discuss with the Second Sage of the Western Sect and others how to let the Intercepting Sect be robbed.

The Heavenly Court Jade Emperor naturally also received the news.

Haotian looked at Sanxiao.

For Zhao Lang's sake, he asked San Xiao to do idle work in the Heavenly Court, and it was enough to be in charge of being beautiful and beautiful on weekdays.

Today, they were chatting about Zhao Lang, talking and laughing.

Suddenly Hongjun's oral instructions reached Haotian's ears.

He frowned and looked at San Xiao.

San Xiao didn't have a slight brow at this time, but they didn't hear Hongjun's voice transmission.

They heard the voice of righteous brother Zhao Lang.

Zhao Lang expected that Hongjun would start the catastrophe ahead of time, so his own plan had to be implemented.

She asked Sanxiao to send a message to the Jade Emperor, saying that Kong Xuan is leading an army of ten thousand monsters and is attacking in a big way!
Haotian was shocked when he heard this!
Hurry up and dispatch the heavenly soldiers and generals, and even prepare to go out in person.

However, Sanxiao took over this responsibility to fight against demons on behalf of the emperor.

Everything went according to Zhao Lang's plan.

On the other side, Daoist Duobao also received a voice transmission from Zhao Lang.

Let him apostate immediately and go to Xixi Zhunti.

He also arranged for Zhang Tian, ​​Zhang Ling and others among the human race to spread the matter throughout the prehistoric world.

The power of the masses is powerful.

He wants to make this matter a big commotion, and everyone will know about it!

"I'm sorry, Tongtian."

Zhao Lang murmured.

At the same time, Yu Ding, Yang Jian and others also received a voice transmission from Zhao Lang.

"The Daoist who ignited the lamp came to Buzhou Mountain."

Since Hongjun was going to start the catastrophe ahead of time, Zhao Lang insisted on going against him.

Fengshen wanted to start with the Sanqing civil war, but he did not allow the conflict between the Sanqing to intensify, but caused Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun to develop extreme hatred for Western religion.

Everything is going to plan!

For the first time, Zhao Lang felt that his fate was in his hands!
Since the Chaos Palace was exposed, many creatures came to visit Zhao Lang.

There are monster races and there are races.

But because of the existence of the Great Dao Secret Realm, they could only bow down to the Chaos Palace from afar.

"Senior, what should we do next?"

Xuan Heihu looked at the dense crowd at the foot of Buzhou Mountain and asked Zhao Lang.

Zhao Lang sat cross-legged in the hall, slowly opened his eyes, and smiled confidently.

"I want to create chaos!"

"Ding! It is detected that Dao Duobao has defected from Jiejiao and defected to Western Cult, you can choose!"

"One, go out of the mountain immediately, bring Taoist Duobao back to Jiejiao, terminate the plan, and get the fragments of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree."

"Second, continue to retreat, proceed as planned, and you can get the alchemy code."

very good!Continue to retreat!
Zhao Lang immediately made a choice, and then a heavy ancient book appeared in his hands.

The system gave Zhao Lang a treasure refining tripod before, but Zhao Lang has never refined treasures before. With this book, he can learn how to refine magic weapons by himself!
If the speed of refining treasures can be increased, the Wanbao Immortal Formation is just around the corner!
But he is not in the mood to make treasures yet, he is waiting for someone.

"Quite mention!"

A roar spread throughout the world!

The corners of Zhao Lang's mouth raised slightly after hearing this.

"This seat is going to smash through your Lingshan! Destroy your entire sect!"

It seems that Taoist Duobao has gone to the west to teach, but why hasn't Taoist Randeng come yet?

This guy Yuding is not doing well.

He thought in his heart but could only wait quietly.

While practicing with his eyes closed, Yuanshi Tianzun returned to Kunlun, and he obviously heard the roar of Master Tongtian.

"What? Hahahaha! Duobao betrayed?"

Knowing this, he couldn't stop laughing.

After a while, Yuanshi Tianzun stopped and scanned the Yuxu Palace with a smile.

"Where is the lamp? I want to discuss with him about the disaster."

He asked about the boy next to him.

The boy shook his head: "The vice-headmaster Ran Deng seems to have gone to Mount Buzhou just now."

Not Zhoushan?
Why did he go to Buzhou Mountain?
Yuanshi Tianzun stood up suddenly, feeling a little bad for a moment.

Buzhou Mountain, the Palace of Chaos.

Zhao Lang had already come outside the hall, looking at the blue clouds in the sky, he felt refreshed.

After so many years of retreat, it is rare to take a good look at this prehistoric world like this time.

Suddenly, in the clouds, a wave of spiritual power came out.

"Ding! It is detected that Kong Xuan led the Wu Clan to fight against the Heavenly Court, and you can choose!"

"One, go out of the mountain immediately and stop Kong Xuan, you can get the gratitude of the Jade Emperor."

"Second, continue to retreat, proceed as planned, and obtain treasure refining materials."

No need to choose, it's sure to go according to plan!
Afterwards, Zhao Lang put the treasure refining materials in his sleeve, and his consciousness came out.

Seeing the scene at Nantianmen, he smiled again.

Kong Xuan and others are leading tens of thousands of big monsters, rushing towards Nantianmen like waves.

San Xiao led the heavenly soldiers and generals to stand outside the Nantian Gate.

The Jade Emperor was watching the battle in the Lingxiao Palace, quite nervous, pacing back and forth...

Kong Xuan's gaze meets San Xiao's inadvertently, and he understands it.

Let's make a fuss, let me make a big fuss first!
Zhao Lang nodded and withdrew his consciousness.

"Brother Dao."

Taoist Ran Deng appeared outside the secret realm of the avenue.

But he couldn't enter it, so he shouted at Zhao Lang.

"Ah! Daoist Burning Lamp is here, welcome from afar!"

Zhao Lang was all smiles, but he didn't let the former enter the secret realm of the Dao.

"I heard from Junior Brother Yuding that Brother Dao intends to submit to Chanjiao, so I should welcome him personally. Don't worry, Brother Dao will return to the mountain with me. Master will definitely let go of the past grievances and allow Brother Dao to have a place in Kunlun!"

Daoist Ran Deng floated in the air, standing with his hands behind his back, looking at Zhao Lang with a smile.

"Brother Dao, follow me out of the mountain immediately?"

"No hurry, just wait."

Zhao Lang responded with a smile.

What are you waiting for?
Ran Deng frowned slightly.

The real Yuding has been discussing Zhao Lang's leaving the mountain with the Twelve Golden Immortals for the past two days. He said that he heard from him that he went to explain and teach when he came out of the mountain, and went to Yuanshi Tianzun to work for him, and asked Yuanshi Tianzun to spare his life.

So, Ran Deng came to invite him in person.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun can let Zhao Lang off?
The latter would not believe it even if he was beaten to death. This matter was completely arranged by Zhao Lang.

The two were speechless for a while.

Taoist Ran Deng looked at Zhao Lang suspiciously, a little at a loss.

Just about to speak.

"Good, good, the benefactor has figured it out? Are you willing to take refuge in my Buddha and bless the common people together?"

Zhunti's voice came, and then appeared in midair.

He wanted to pass through the secret realm of the Great Dao and come to the Chaos Palace, but found that there was a barrier separating him from the outside and he could not break in.

Before he could speak again, his gaze fell on Taoist Ran Deng.


The eyes of the two met, and they were dumbfounded.

Zhao Lang smiled and looked at the two outside the secret road.

When he asked Taoist Duobao to defect to the Western religion, he gave Zhunti advice.

He said that he was willing to convert to Buddhism in the end because he listened to the advice of the sage Zhou Shan and believed that teaching the two sages in the West was a great good!
At the same time, it also implied that Zhao Lang intends to join the Western religion, but there are many conflicts before, so it is difficult to speak up in person.

Zhunti thought that the sage Zhoushan had suddenly enlightened this week?

For a while, two well-known figures in the prehistoric world wanted to join the Western religion, and they couldn't help being overjoyed.

Afterwards, he left Daoist Duobao to stay in Lingshan, and went to find Zhao Lang himself.

"Ran Deng? Why are you here?"

Looking at the former, Zhunti asked with a frown.

"I'm here to invite him to teach, why did my uncle come here?"

Ran Deng was also puzzled.

Zhunti's face darkened, "Invitation to explain the teachings? You will be a member of my Buddhist sect sooner or later, why did you drag him to you? Today, you will go back to Lingshan with me and convert to my Buddha!"


"Zhunti, what a two-faced three-handed!"

(End of this chapter)

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